The Goshiki Quest Chain Quest Guide

Pledge - Harshlands
Posts: 148 Arc User
Welcome to my Guide of the Legendary "Super Trout" (For those of you who didn't catch it... The first few patches for the Rising Tide expansion dubbed Goshiki and Dizzy's names incorrectly to "Super Trout" and "Aurosy" respectively, I personally think "Super Trout" is pretty cool
) Chain released on December 17, 2009, the same day that the Area of the Tideage City opened to us all as we all went to try on new characters (Remember how laggy it was in Dragonfang that day? Good times, huh?)
PERSONAL NOTE: I switched over from a Vista to a Mac (I know, I know... It helps me more :P), and finally managed to get PWI working through CrossOver Games, I am once again active - if I'm not working on homework from school - in Harshlands (the only server I play on) on my seeker or archer, that being said, I'm frequently checking past to this post to enhance it.
Version Info
Version 1.0: Started chain, progress meter added, up to the point of the seven coming-of-age.
Version 1.1: Started part two of chain, stopped at Blood Combat, progress meter updated from 40% to 70%
Version 1.2: Guide Finished, added afterwords and plotline, progress meter changed from 70% to DONE
Version 2.0: Various Localization fixes up until Coming-of-Age
Version 2.1: Progress Meter removed
Version 2.2: Added "System Message" to start of quest, fixed various localizations, added bug notes to System Message.
Version 2.3: Fixed Localization, changed errors, Lochmur Guardian Beast can now be done in a squad (Thanks to Venue)
Version 3.1: Changed introduction, added credits
Version 4.1: Moved guide to a new thread to change title, added another note to Blood Combat (thanks to pand0ra)
Version 4.2: Fixed one quest, updated ending of story (credits to Sangodoc), removed end credits.
Version 4.3: Fixed minor spelling errors, added another note to Blodd Combat (thanks to Jakarus), removed the "level 60 continuation" message from Heartbroken and onwards.
Version 4.4: Fixed Destiny Quest (thanks to FeralShadow)
Version 4.5: Fixed Visit Dizzy Quest (Thanks to jkkx7)
Version 4.6: Fixed the notorious System Message not popping up issue by adding the note.
Version 5.1: Made the chain much more up-to-date, made two notes in Part two of chain regarding common player-found bugs. (Remember, if everything else fails, ticket the GM or mail an angry letter to yourself, it helps)
Version 5.2: After re-experiencing the chain on my archer, this whole chain has improved a lot, with a lot of localization, changes, and mob changes made, thus, fixed localizations, mob names, added Coming-of-Age: MP
Version 5.3: After all the troubles (again, many apologies), fixed the Visit Dizzy quest.
Version 5.4: azurluen gave me directions on the Elder's Letter, added this quest in between Heartbroken and Visit Dizzy. Thanks!
Version 6.1: Discovered the TRUE cause why the guide is wrong after the Blood Combat: A step was omitted in Heartbroken!! (whew) After you speak to Dizzy, you must speak to the Elder! THEN you get the 5 mirages and the Refining Aids (so happy to finally figure that out), plus, many more localizations after Blood Combat.
Version 6.2: All bosses can now be killed in squad.
Version 6.3: Taken out "Elder's Letter" Quest by a comment.
Version 6.4: Added various quest level waypoints.
Version 7.1: Added a bestiary for organizational purposes, enhanced guide, updated some old quest locales and tips.
Thanks to ProGrinder for the Link to the Guide, it made my life easier.
This chain is first started at level 40.
Level 40
System Message
- Receive System Message
- Continue onto the quest "Strange Monument"
- Note: For some reason, the human elder can also start this chain for all Earthguards.
Strange Monument
- Talk to your race's elder (Tideborn, Untamed, Human, Elves)
- Obtain 1 Teleportation Scroll (Personal advice: save it... It may come in handy later)
- Find the Forbidden Pillar (669, 353)
Continued on to the quest "A Foreign Race"
A Foreign Race
- Talk to Goshiki (668, 352)
- Reward: Coins (10000), Exp (3300), Spirit (660)
Continue on to the quest "First Step - Traveling"
First Step - Traveling
- Talk to the Dreamweaver Port Elder (662, 375)
Continue on to the quest "Etherblade City"
Etherblade City
- Arrive at Etherblade Lake (Around 480, 893, YOU CAN BE BOTH IN THE SKY AND IN THE WATER TO TRIGGER THIS QUEST)
Continue on to the quest "Strange Weather"
Strange Weather
- Speak with Dizzy (491, 890) (PS: This part is pretty funny, you gotta admit :P)
Continue on to the quest "Travel City of the Lost"
Travel City of the Lost
- Set foot in City of the Lost (again, all you have to do is enter the city)
Continue on to the quest "City of the Lost"
City of the Lost
- Dismiss Pop-up Message
Continue on to the Quest "Travel City of the Plume"
Travel City of the Plume
- Set foot in City of the Plume (This time, move towards the elder and the quest triggers eventually)
Continue onto the quest "City of the Plume"
City of the Plume
- Dismiss Pop-Up Message
Continue on to the quest "Travel to Archosaur"
Travel to Archosaur
- Set foot in Archosaur (for convinience purposes, please tele to west archo)
Continue on to the quest "Archosaur"
- Dismiss Pop-up Message
Continue on to the quest "Tideborn elder's letter"
- Rewards: Coins (80000), EXP (50000), Spirit (10000)
Tideborn Elder's Letter
- Check the nearest mailbox under "Quest Related" (If you teled to West Archo, closest mailbox is at 530, 695)
- Rewards : Coins (40000), EXP (65000), Spirit (13000)
Continue on to the Quest "Looking for an Old Friend"
Looking for an Old Friend
- Speak with Boatman (580, 695)
Continue on to the quest "Ask the Fisherman"
Ask the Fisherman
- Speak with Fisherman (639, 802)
Continue on to the Quest "Investigate Angler's Village"
Investigate Angler's Village
- Speak with Ormin (644, 838)
- Rewards: Coins (50000), EXP (10000), Spirit (2000)
Continue on to the Quest "A Mysterious Race"
A Mysterious Race
- Speak with Ormin again (644, 838)
- Rewards: Coins (10000), EXP (5000), Spirit (1000)
Continue on to the Quest "Ceremony: Coming-of-Age"
Ceremony: Coming-of-Age
- Speak with Elder of City of Rising Tides (657, 143)
- Rewards: Coins (79200), EXP (30000), Spirit (3000)
Continue on to the Quests "Coming-of-Age: Strength; Wisdom; Will; Sacrifice; Loyalty (MP/SP); Courage; Growing-up-Ceremony: Dexterity"
Coming-of-Age: Strength
- Collect 5 Depleted Energy Crystals (Farmable materials, located around 639, 107, in the water. DEPLETED ENERGY CRYSTALS ARE SHORTER THAN ENERGY CRYSTALS, DO NOT FARM THE WRONG ONE)
- Report to the Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (10000), EXP (50000), Spirit (10000), Tideborn Honor Medal, Challenge Completed
Growing-up-Ceremony: Dexterity
- Kill 5 Staunch Worms (located in the sky around 644, 119) MOB INFORMATION: Level 100, HP 300, Elemental Immunity, Escape Type Mob
- Report to the Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (10000), EXP (100000), Spirit (20000), Tideborn Honor Medal, Challenge Completed, Mirage Celestones (5)
Coming-of-Age: Willpower
- Enter the Stone Maze (667,125) and DO NOT LEAVE THE SPOT NO MATTER WHAT.
- Preparing Pop-Up Triggered R=The Quest will start in 10 seconds when this is triggered
- Mystery Weapon Pop-Up Triggered. DON'T LISTEN TO DUKE, STAY THERE
- Treasure Case Pop-Up Triggered. DON'T LISTEN TO DUKE, STAY THERE
- Magical Animal Pop-Up Triggered. DON'T LISTEN TO DUKE, STAY THERE
- Reply to Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (10000), EXP (50000), Spirit (10000), Tideborn Honor Medal, Challenge Completed
Just Throwing this in... There has been bugs reported that the countdown timer gets stuck on the end of any one of the three temptations that Duke Blacke throws your way. If that happens, log off and come back, your timer will then continue
Coming-of-Age: Loyalty (SP)
- Kill 1 Tideborn Traitor (located around 657, 260)
MOB INFO: Level 60 Normal Mob, 80000 HP, Physical Attack, non-aggressive, respawn time 5 seconds
- Reward: Coins (10000), EXP (200000), Spirit (40000), Tideborn Honor Medal, Tideborn Girl's Remain.
Continue on to the Quest "Tideborn Girl's Tear"
Tideborn Girl's Tear
- Visit White Sand Beach (around 641, 123)
- Reward: Mirage Celestones (5), Tienkang Stones (5)
Coming-of-Age: Party (MP)
- Have a squad member level 80+ in squad.
- Do Coming-of-Age: (SP)
- Reward: Reduced the SP reward by half (I believe so)
Coming-of-Age: Sacrifice
- Choose the amount of flowers to collect (regardless of the amount, you still have to dig them all, I recommend the highest number, rumors say it gives more EXP)
- Farm Flowers (Farm-able materials, located around 662, 154)
- Report to the Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (10000), EXP (100000), Spirit (20000), Tideborn Honor Medal, Challenge Successful
Coming-of-Age: Wisdom
- Kill 10 Spiralshell Crabs (Located Around 638, 177)
MOB INFORMATION: Level 43 Normal Mob, 8370 HP, non-aggresive
- Reward: Coins (10000), EXP (100000), Spirit (20000), Tideborn Honor Medal, Challenge Successful, Mirage Celestones (5)
Coming-of-Age: Courage
- Kill 10 Senile Iblis (Located around 355, 770)
MOB INFO: Level 42 Normal Mob, Aggresive, HP 8072
- Report to the Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (10000), EXP (50000), Spirit (10000), Tideborn Honor Medal, Challenge Completed
Continue on to the LEVEL 51 Quest "Warrior's Proof", only unlockable when all seven Coming-of-Age are completed and you reach the required level.
Level 51
Warrior's Proof
- Make sure you have all seven Tideborn Honour Medal with you.
- Speak with the Elder of the Tideage City (657, 143)
- Speak with Dizzy (Aurosy) (Located at 491, 890)
- Reward: Coins (15000), EXP (5000), Spirit (1000)
- Dizzy will take all seven of your Tideborn Honour Medals
- Continue onto the quest "Homesickness"
- Speak with Dizzy (491, 890)
- Speak with Goshiki (Located on the shores of Dreamweaver Port at 668, 352)
- Rewards: Coins (15000), EXP (5000), Spirit (1000)
- Continue onto the Quest "Farewell"
- Speak with Goshiki (668, 352)
- Speak with the Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (5900), EXP (53534), Spirit (10707)
(Now that's giving away like no tomorrow)
- Continue onto the Quest "Trouble"
- Speak with the Elder (657, 143)
- Kill 15 Taurox Snipers (Surrounds the City of Abominations around 435, 543)
Taurox Snipers Mob Information: Metal Type Normal Mob, HP: 12018, long range bow attack
- Report to Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (10000), EXP (30000), Spirit (6000)
- Continue onto the Quest "Tideborn's Secret"
Tideborn's Secret
- Speak with the Elder (657, 143)
- Farm 6 Tideborn Power Crystals (Farmable Material, Located Around 632, 113 in the water)
- Report to the Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (3400), EXP (40000), Spirit (8000)
- Continue onto the Quest "Great Secret"
Great Secret
- Continue Speaking with the Elder (657, 143)
- Bring the Crystals to Craftsman Betep (660, 121) (If you lost your crystals, buy 6 from him for 10k)
- Reward: Coins (20000), EXP (4554), Spirit (911)
- 6 Energy Crystals Disappeared
- Continue onto the Quest "Magic Item"
Magic Item
- Talk to Craftsman Betep (660, 121)
- Wait for 3 minutes (in-game time)
- Obtain 6 Energy Crystals
- Reward: Coins (20000), EXP (15000), Spirit (3000)
- Continue onto the Quest "Unexpected Result"
Unexpected Result
- Find 6 Energy Devices (the clever thing to do is to farm one energy device 6 times and it still counts)
- Energy Devices: Farmable Material, you may farm the same one 6 times, locations are: 658, 116; 668, 113; 678, 124; 660, 153; 650, 140; 658, 117, RESPAWN TIME FOR DEVICE: 30 SECONDS
- Report to the Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (3400), EXP (40000), Spirit (8000)
- Continue onto the Quest "Solution"
- Talk to the Elder (657, 143)
- Speak to the Ladywraith in Orchid Temple (581, 769)
- Go to the Scene of Battle (Triggered at 560, 979, yes, it works even at 78 altitude)
- Kill 20 Undead Army (Mob Information: Level 55 WEAK BOSS, 15000 HP, Weak Ice attack and Physical Attack
- Rescue the Tideborn Captain (568, 970)
- Obtained 1 Bloodstained Bag
- Kill General Feng (Located at 552, 679)
BOSS INFO: Level 54 Fire Type BOSS, Physical AoE attack, Physical Meele Attack, Physical Resistance Debuff, 600000 HP
- Report to the Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (47700), EXP (106013), Spirit (26503), Mirage Celestones (5)
- Continue onto the quest "Destiny"
- Speak with Elder (657, 143)
- 1 Bloodstained Bag Disappered
- Speak with Goshiki (668, 352)
- Gather 10 Golden Herbs (Located around all six power devices, no specific coords avaliable)
- Report to Goshiki (668, 352)
- Speak with Elder (657, 143)
- Go tell Dizzy (491, 890)
- Rewards: Coins (48600), EXP (112833), Spirit (28208)
- Continue onto the Quest "Blood Combat"
Thanks to FeralShadow for fixing "Destiny"
Blood Combat
- Speak with Dizzy (491, 890)
- you are teleported inside the Palace of Nirvana
- Speak with Goshiki (coords unavaliable in instance)
- Kill 15 Undead Soldiers (NOT OFFICERS)
Mob Information: Undead Soldier, Non Element Elite, 22000 HP, Physical Attack, Ice Long-Range Attack
- Go back to Goshiki
- Kill 15 Undead Officers to rescue Goshiki (NOT SOLDIERS)
Mob Information: Undead Officer, Non Element Elite, 27000 HP, Physical Attack, Ice Long-Range Attack
- Speak to Goshiki
- Obtain 1 Lochmur Doll
- Rewards: Coins (49500), EXP (120120), Spirit (30030), Mirage Celestones (10)
- Continue onto the Quest "Heartbroken"
A Special Note in Lime: To all of you level 55~ out there, don't try to be a hero, unless you did Coming-of-Age: Loyalty (MP), you must do this outside a squad and you cannot have a squad inside either. During that one minute that Goshiki charges in the battlefield, like all flesh and blood NPCs, Goshiki have limited HP, =SPOILER=Goshiki is Doomed to Die=SPOILER=, so if you see his HP go low, don't try to go in and save him, it's a burn on your HP and MP, you have a way bigger fight after that one-minute dialogue, use this time to meditate. Also, don't be foolish and do AoE, in fact, if you are not at the spiritual phase transcendent (ie. level 59 or above), don't even bother to attempt this (except venos, and maybe mystics, but you'll have a really hard time).
Yet another friendly note in Lime: A bug has occured (thanks to pand0ra) that shows that when your timer fails, it goes in negative time, you cannot trash the quest! Here's a heads up, don't bother trashing it, relogging will help, if it does not, if you are still in the vampire's domain, die and sacrifice some exp, a quest will trigger and it reads "For What?" This pop up will bring you back to the entrance of Nirvana and override the timer, should you be outside nirvana and cannot enter back in, relog, if it doesn't work, wait it out.
A third friendly note in Lime: Jakarus pointed out that the Blood Combat can be done before 59 for wizards, since the undead SOLDIERS use a water attack and undead OFFICERS use a fire attack, wizards can alternate pyroshell and glacial embrace to have an easier time.
- Speak with Dizzy about Goshiki's Death (491, 890)
- Speak with Elder of Tideage to Attempt to Calm down Dizzy (657, 143)
- Report to Dizzy (491, 890)
- Speak with Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Tisha Stones (5), Mirage Celestones (5)
- Continue onto the level 56 quest "Elder's Letter"
Level 56
Elder's Letter
- Speak with the Elder (657, 143)
- Speak with Dizzy to stop her suicide attempt (Sorta...) (492, 891)
- Continue onto the Quest "Visit Dizzy"
Visit Dizzy
- Speak with Ormin for Advice (644, 838)
- Reward: Coins (10440), EXP (24899), Spirit (6225)
- Continue onto the Level 57 Quest "Ormin's Task"
Level 57
Ormin's Task
- Speak with Ormin (644, 838)
- Ask the Aged Deity (417, 645)
- Reward: Coins (10440), EXP (24899), Spirit (6225)
- Continue onto the Quest "Heart of Thorns"
Heart of Thorns
- Speak with the Aged Deity (417, 645)
- Collect 15 Heart Thorns (Drops from Hexecelot Deadeyes (Surrounds the Fortress of the Talon)
Mob Information: Hexecelot Deadeyes, Level 54 Earth Type Mob, Long Range Earth Rock Throw, Attack Rate Increase Self-Buff
1. With the Attack Rate Increase, the attack speed of deadeyes become randomly faster, it can go from a slight bit faster to about three rocks a second, to all level 70- Arcane Armors, if you got like six rocks hurled at you before ironheart or morning dew could even take effect, it really hurts.
2. Deadeyes are aggresive! And they have a 80% chance of respawning right behind you (or it may be Karma, completely a personal opinion on this one
), regardless of where you are around that area, the best thing to do to avoid ending up fighting two or more deadeyes at once is to try and not kite them, clerics should use more ironhearts to make a stand to fight, and venos just stay still while arcane wiz pack up on some HP pots. (Again, maybe I just have bad Karma and keep getting more than one ganging on me due to close respawns)
- Report to Aged Deity (417, 645)
- Reward: Coins (20880), EXP (49798), Spirit (12450)
- Continue onto the Quest "Lethe Flower"
Lethe Flower
- Speak with Aged Deity (417, 645)
- Collect 5 Lethe Flowers (Located at the Foot of Heaven's Stairway at 408, 498, on the foot of the part of the hills where Kimsa the Claw King is)
- Report to Aged Deity (417, 645)
- Reward: Coins (20880), EXP (49798), Spirit (12450)
- Continue onto the Quest "Lethe Potion"
Lethe Potion
- Speak with Aged Deity (417, 645)
- Wait for 5 minutes (in-game time)
- Return to Aged Deity (417, 645)
- Rewards: Coins (20880), EXP (49798), Spirit (12450)
- Continue onto the Quest "Give Potion"
Give Potion
- Speak with Aged Deity (417, 645)
- Give the Lethe Potion to Ormin (644, 838)
- Rewards: Coins (10440), EXP (24899), Spirit (6225)
- Continue onto the Level 58 Quest "Ask for the Potion"
Level 58
Ask for the Potion
- Speak with Dizzy (491, 890)
- Speak with Ormin (644, 838)
- Rewards: Coins (10440), EXP (24899), Spirit (6225)
Return to Tideage City
- Speak with Ormin (644, 838)
- Speak with the Elder of Tideage City (657, 143)
- Rewards: Coins (13050), EXP (31124), Spirit (7781)
- Continue onto the Quest "Lost Crystal"
Just a question out of interest: Are you rich yet? :P
Lost Crystal
- Speak with the Elder (657, 143)
- Kill the Tideborn Traitor for the Raw Crystal (Located at the Same Place of the Spiralshell crabs around 638, 177),
BOSS INFORMATION: Tideborn Traitor, Unknown Level ([?]), 100000 HP, Metal Long Range Magic Attack, Physical Attack
- Report to the Elder (657, 143)
- Rewards: Coins (31320), EXP (74698), Spirit (18675)
- Continue onto the Level 59 Hidden Quest "Sorrow Shore"
Level 59
Sorrow Shore
- Speak with Emerald Moon (648, 111)
- Find the Memory Bottle (Pop-up location at 628, 123)
You may need to wait a while to get this, the bottle is between the NPC and White Sand Beach, if you cannot find it, then close up on the Lochmur Indy or near the beach.
- Continue onto the Quest "Lost Beauty"
Lost Beauty
- Report to Emerald Moon (648, 111)
- Rewards: Coins (26100), EXP (62249), Spirit (15562)
- Continue on to the Quest "Emerald Moon's Ill"
Emerald Moon's Ill
- Speak with Emerald Moon (648, 111)
- Consult the Elder (657, 143)
- Rewards: Coins (10440), EXP (24899), Spirit (6225)
- Continue onto the Quest "Goddess's Tear"
Goddess's Tear
- Speak with Elder (657, 143)
- Speak with Dizzy to borrow her Goddess's Tear (491, 890)
- Rewards: Coins (15660), EXP (37349), Spirit (9337)
- Continue onto the Quest "Curing Emerald Moon"
Curing Emerald Moon
- Speak with Dizzy (491, 890)
- Cure Emerald Moon (648, 110)
- Rewards: Coins (10440), EXP (24899), Spirit (6225)
- Continue onto the Level 60 Quest "Place of Dreams"
Level 60
Place of Dreams
- Speak with Emerald Moon (648, 110)
- Kill the Lochmur Guardian Beast (Coordinates Provided in the Quest Log) for the Chrono Core
FINAL BOSS Information: Lochmur Guardian Beast, Level Unknown (so... Level 150?), 1320000 HP, Water Type mob, IN THE WATER, Long range Whirlpool water magic attack, Close-Range Physical Attack, High Defense and Attack
A note: This joker have a phobia against venos, get a good enough water pet and any veno that got this far can easily slug him to death. :P
- Give the Chrono Core to Dizzy (491, 890)
- Wait for 60 seconds (in-game time)
- Speak to Dizzy once again (491, 890)
- Rewards: Coins (39150), EXP (93373), Spirit (23343), Mirage Celestones (15).
- Continue onto the Quest "Terminal of Happiness"
Terminal of Happiness
- Speak with Dizzy (491, 890)
- Rewards: Tidal Protection (Equivalence with a Platinumb HP Charm, 1400000 HP stored, heals user to full HP after 50%, unable to unequip when equipped, can be replaced when a new HP charm is equipped, charm will disappear once the charge reaches 0)
Warning - I have been informed that this quest is bugged and you will not receive the charm, please ticket the GM and ask for it if you did not receive it. You should get it.
THE END OF THE LEGENDARY GOSHIKI QUEST CHAIN, CONGRATULATIONS (You know... If you didn't bump into any bugs.)
Men, take a long sigh, your long haul is finally over and you are free to go do your own thing, I can tell you that you will find yourself being a super-powered freak from this quest chain, though through all the good things you've done, there is 0 rep in this quest chain but it's all worth it, you'll get a lot of levels in short time, you'll find your total coins to be near the million, your spirit enough to learn nearly all the skills, and near 70 mirages, 10 refining aids, and a Platinum HP Charm to top it all off. It is a overall enjoyable quest chain, Dizzy is holding the Chrono Core in her arms and remembering her most treasured memories with her heroic lover Goshiki, Emerald Moon was free to live her life remembering Ormin but not to see him, Ormin is a widely known friend to all Tideborns, especially the Elder... And the Elder is happy to have you finishing the Coming-of-Age and you becoming his most trusted warrior and friend.
You may choose to make your weapon into a super-powered destruction machine if you wish, but what can I say? I've never seen the Cube of Fate LAG before...
I give a special thanks to everyone who supported me in this quest chain, espeically ProGrinder, he led me to finish this early and helped me finish almost everything after the Quest "Blood Combat", another thanks to all my pals in Harshlands who have been by my side and supported me and helped me through this, there are a lot that I could list but it takes literally a long space ^_^
So in the end, a special congratulations to all of you for finishing the longest (excluding the super-long boss chains in Heaven's Tear, if it takes that long to get help, even with begging), richest, most romantic quest chain ever!
Pledge of the Harshlands
Part One: The Coming-of-Age Ceremony
Meet yourself, a random class journeying from place to places, suddenly a flash appears and you hit level 40, the Elder of your race informs you that a strange stele has appeared in Dreamweaver Port and you are to go and investigate.
At the stele, the voice of our main NPC, Goshiki interrupts you, he tells you that this stele is a Tideborn property, the Tideborns have shattered the barriers in between realms, and finally revealed themselves to the Perfect World after thousands of years. You and Goshiki soon become good friends, and you agree to take Goshiki on a tour throughout Perfect World, which is also an attempt to distract him from taking the stele to the Tideborn lands, since you need it.
At Etherblade, Goshiki feels dry already and wishes to go take a bath (yes, in the lake), on top of the Etherblade Lake many humans witnessed his transformation into a fish and dived into the water, including our second character, a human girl (supposedly BM, even though her armour says otherwise) was dazzled at the sight of Goshiki's transformation into a fish, and forgot to ride her sword and fell off of the sky onto the Etherblade shore.
You go check if the girl is okay, but the girl named Dizzy was really angry and said that you must pay her back with a level 16 weapon (I hope not...), coins, or a wraith officer badge. You say that you don't have any of those, Dizzy scoffed at the response, and instead offered to join your party to "keep an eye of both of you".
Bringing Goshiki and Dizzy you traveled to Lost City and the City of the Plume, finally at the Capital Archosaur, it was there that a mail arrived for you.
At the nearest postbox, you found out that it was from the Elder of the legendary Tideage City (City of the Raging Tides), the Elder tells you that a friend, Ormin, was lost. You set out to find Ormin, and succeeded to find him all the way in Angler's Village.
Ormin tells you that Goshiki should be able to partake in the ceremony for all Tideborns, known as the Coming-of-Age ceremony, you then bring Goshiki and Dizzy to Tideage City, the Elder assigned you seven tasks for the Coming-of-Age ceremony, and left you to do them all.
Part Two: The Blood Combat
After finishing all Seven Coming-of-Age ceremonies, the Elder congratulates you, and then sends you off to celebrate with your old friend Dizzy, who have returned to the Etherblade Shore, the place where she first fell off. Dizzy says that she had failed Coming-of-Age: Willpower and felt really bad, she wishes to have all seven of your medals, to encourage her to become a hero.
Soon Dizzy blurts out to you that she misses her hometown, and you reply that Goshiki is just as homesick as her. Remembering Goshiki, Dizzy realized that she really likes him, and wants you to go tell him just that.
Goshiki, after reaching his Coming-of-Age, has went back to the Mysterious Stele to prepare to go back to the Tideage City, you go and tell him that Dizzy loves him, Goshiki replied warmly and tells you to go tell the Elder of Tideage City that Goshiki will be late coming home, since he wants to escort Dizzy back home and let those two spend some time together. Goshiki went off to find Dizzy and started bonding with each other, while you went to tell the Elder.
You soon realize that the Elder have something in mind since the moment you finished all Seven Coming-of-Age quests, he tells you that he wants to send you off for some errands, including saving the City of Abominations and go dig up some Power Crystals in the White Sand Beach.
The Elder explains to you that the Power Crystals are vital to keep the Tideage City running, he sends you off to put the crystals in some power devices to see its power, and sure enough, you powered up the Tideage City, you return to the Elder in awe of the Crystal's power, it was then that the Elder revealed to you the thing that have been troubling him - The crystals are diminishing.
He tells you that the shipment for crystals have not yet arrived, and sends you off to try and find them.
Our old friend, the Ladywraith in Orchid Temple tells you that she have last seen some Tideborns traveling north, and something about fighting undeads, worried for the army, you quickly arrive at the scene of battle, and finds the explorers outnumbered, you attempt to save the Vice Admiral, but he died anyway, out of fury, you avenged him by killing the General of the undead army: General Feng.
It was a tough fight, but in the end you reported to the Elder all about it, the Elder thinks that this is an emergency, the undeads are attacking the Tideborns and it is not a good sign, he sends you off to tell Goshiki that.
The wildly in love Goshiki heard this news and was instantly snapped back to Earth, he tells you in great anger he wishes to avenge the fallen Tideborn warriors, you helped him prepare.
Prior to his leave to the Battlefield, he tells you to report to the Elder about this act, and he repeated in great caution to not tell Dizzy about it, since he knows that Dizzy will worry about him and won't let him go.
You tell the Elder about this attack, however, you feel that despite what Goshiki said, letting Dizzy know is what you must do.
Dizzy heard this and got worried sick within two seconds, and tells you to go forth and protect Goshiki with your life.
On the battlefield, Goshiki was enraged at the battle and led an army to charge, he was soon surrounded and killed, despite the efforts you put in to try and rescue him, with his last breath, he tells you to give his final gift to Dizzy, and left his Final Words to tell Dizzy and he loves her.
You were reluctant to tell Dizzy about it, but since you were teleported out right next to her, you appear to have no choice. Dizzy was immediately heartbroken, and cried every last teardrop out, you handed her Goshiki's final gift - A Lochmur doll with her face crafted on the head of the doll, Dizzy became greatly emotional at his Final Gift and ordered you to leave her alone.
You have no idea what to do, so you went back to the Elder for some advice. The Elder of Tideage tells you that he grieves for Goshiki's Death, however he have a grave matter happening, he saw Dizzy crying so much that he saw Dizzy attempting suicide to apparently join Goshiki in the afterlife, you quickly go to snap her back, but she was content to commit suicide, unwilling to let the last of your two new friends die as well, you inform the Elder about it, he tells you that the good old friend Ormin may have the power to console Dizzy and make her feel better.
You realize that Dizzy had gone through a change through your old Tideborn friend, from that demanding lady to a warm, caring, and rational girl whom just had her heart shattered into pieces with the death of her true love, both out of sympathy for her and regret that you did not protect Goshiki well enough (blame PWE for this, not me), you became determined to save her no matter what the cost is.
Willing to do anything to save Dizzy, you go to find Ormin, Ormin gave Dizzy the Goddess's Tear to help her feel better, and tells you that he wants a favor from you, the Lethe Potion, it is said to cure heartbreaks, and the Aged Deity in Wellspring, his old friend, may know what to do.
The Deity tells you that she can make such a potion, she sends you off to gather two ingredients: Hexecelot Deadeye's Eyes, and the Lethe Flowers, when the potion was completed, you gave it to Ormin, thinking that he will use it to cure Dizzy, however, he drank it for himself and thanked you.
This act did not escape Dizzy, she tells you that Ormin have troubles with his life as well, that's why he wanted the potion, but now she wants one too and sends you off to find Ormin and get a potion.
Ormin, upon hearing Dizzy's request, merely laughed and said that this Lethe Potion is not for Dizzy's to drink, the Lethe Potion, if drank by someone with a heart, will cause great heartaches and will lead to death, he then confesses to you that he is a wretch... A heartless wretch.
Puzzled, you go ask the Elder of Tideage City about Ormin. The Elder seem reluctant to tell you about this, he only tells you that he is surprised that Ormin actually lived this long, to save the Elder's friend Ormin, he tells you that the Tideborn Traitor have stolen a raw crystal and you went to get it back.
Part Three: Lost and Sealed Memories
Meet Emerald Moon, she is a mermaid that lost her memory, after the return of the Raw Crystal you saw her and went to meet her without the Elder telling you, and she tells you that she will reward you, if you can find her memory.
You found her Memory buried somewhere around the Lochmur Indy, the instant she recovered her memory, she fell extremely sick, worried, you went to the Elder for Advice, he then finally tells you that Ormin was a traveler of the Tideborn, the story happened 10 years ago, when Ormin shipwrecked upon Tideborn shores, he was saved by a girl, who happened to be Emerald Moon, Ormin secretly loved Emerald Moon, but never told her about this.
Soon after, war happened in the mainlands...
Emerald Moon was possessed by a demon, and being possessed, she ravaged throughout Tideage City, destroying everything in her path. Suddenly, Ormin stood in front of her, while dodging her attacks, he screamed to Emerald Moon, hoping to snap her back from the demon's influence.
Emerald Moon did, snap back from her demonic influence, for a split second, she asked Ormin to kill her, which he did reluctantly and slew the mermaid he loved.
After that, Ormin was just like Dizzy, sad, emotional, contemplating suicide to join his love in the next life, until the Elder told him he can resurrect Emerald Moon, but she'd lose all her memories with Ormin, and Ormin will lose his heart, also, should the two meet again, Emerald Moon would die on the spot.
After the Elder explained all this to you, he claims that there is an alternative, and it involves Dizzy.
Dizzy now have Possession of the Goddess's Tear, it can cure any memories' corruption, you traveled to Etherblade without delay and told Dizzy about Ormin and Emerald Moon.
Dizzy was deeply touched from this story, she then realized that Goshiki wouldn't want her to cry all day, Goshiki wants the best for her. She then picked herself up and happily gave you the Tear.
Emerald Moon soon recovered, and with great thankfulness, she tells you that she wishes to repay Dizzy kindly. There is a legendary item called the Chrono Core, it is said to seal a happy memory, Emerald Moon wishes to give this to Dizzy, so that she will always remember Goshiki and her happy time together, and so will Emerald Moon remember her happy time with Ormin.
To make this story a happy ending, you went to fight off the Lochmur Guardian Beast, it was an extremely tough fight. However, in the end you have managed to Triumph, and you kindly offered the Chrono Core to Dizzy.
Dizzy thanked you deeply, and gladly offered you a really high-amounted HP Charm as reward.
I find this section to be... Somewhat... Useful, this chain is mostly flying around and running errands for random people, in my opinion, fighting anything in this chain is quite uncommon - despite there being a lot of bosses, so I think it's a good resource to refer to here, a list of all the monsters and bosses you have to fight, listed in chronological order, of course.
Staunch Worm
Kun Kun got beefed... And was given wings... It's level 100, 300HP (compared to Kun Kun's 100), and is an escape type mob, it stops after flying for a short while, but goes again... Before a meele character can catch up to it, I may add (I had 2.50 kite for my seeker), it helps if you can range it. Like Kun Kun, it has elemental immunity, so I feel sorry for the wizzies.
Senile Iblis
The standard bom we all fight in swiftwind, unless you don't quest, that is. Level 42 Wood Type mob, 8072 HP, located all around Swiftwind and Tradewind camps. It is aggressive, has a pretty annoying kicking attack and a slow debuff.
Spiralshell Crab (Real)
The real spiralshell crab takes 1/10th of the damage you normally deal (to a fake crab, anyway), and deals only half the damage of a normal crab. It is easy to detect them, if you whack something and deals 30 damage when you should be dealing 300, fly right away and force reset, just don't fight it.
Spiralshell Crab (Fake)
This is the one you need, Level 43 Normal Mob, 8370 HP, non-aggressive (which helps...), you will deal the normal damage to it, expect the same attack from it back. It parallels any normal level 40 - 45 mob.
Tideborn Traitor (Girl)
She's not really tough, despite her speed (which is rather fast) and strong attack (if you're 4x), any ranged class with pots can kite her to death, venos and mystics can spam heal - a level 43 veno with a shaodu cub can solo her pretty easily. Melee classes in 4x may choose to cater some help, my seeker killed her with help, but I keep wondering if I would have won without the help, since seekers do have that stalagstrike / parchedblade stun combo, voidstep (which actually helps a bit), and some ranged attack skills that can kite her when things get ugly. Do note that she's like a boss, although she's not marked as one for a strange reason - and throws down 4 dialogues, 1 at the start, 1 after a while, 1 almost dying, and 1 when dying.
Taurox Sniper
If you did the City of Abomination chain anytime before this, you will realize how annoying it is - especially for arcane classes, 15 is the longest drag ever, these snipers... Are actually not really accurate, I've had one miss on me three times in a row, but once you attack - especially if you're a magic user, you will trigger hordes of 3 to 4 piling on you at once, venos can consider pulling, and zeal genies work wonder here. Note for melee classes, never try to go in and take on all 4 at once, they're ranged, and will pull a long distance from you after the initial attack, you will take too many hits from too far to have proper AoEs. Metal Type, level 52, 12018 HP.
Undead Army
No, it's not an army, it's just a mob that looks exactly like a hexocelot (Fugma), it's marked at Level 55 at 15000 HP with those cool dragon emblems sticking out of its name and HP bar, telling us it's a boss. But is it really? Its attacks are quite weak - very weak, in fact, it's physical attack pales as well, it's just as powerful as a normal level 55 mob, but it is marked as a... Boss, it does have a good level of defense, your attacks may not be as effective as it has always been due to its defense, slug it out, no one should have problems with this. If you AoE here, please turn your PvP lock on if you're in a PvP server, if you accidentally hit an explorer, he will attack you.
General Feng (Boss)
Much like the same guy in TT, this... Thing, identity exactly like the Myriadtail Wyvern, attacks just like it as well, the curse that makes you take much more damage, a physical bite (which hurts), and that nasty AoE that Farren and Wyvern both have. It is marked as a boss at a level 54 Fire type with 600000 HP, magic classes joining this party should stay back, the AoE has the same range as Farren and Wyvern... Heck, fight this guy like Wyvern.
Undead Soldiers / Officers (Elites)
Well, they're both cramped together, they look exactly the same, attacks with the exact same types of attacks and deals... Well one's tougher, but the point is still there. Undead Soldiers are level 52 (I believe) with 22000 HP and marked as an elite, Officers are level 55 (I believe) sitting at 27000 and an elite, they have a physical attack, and an ice attack - although it's a fire channel animation - their defense is pretty solid, but still not to an intimidating degree, the only thing keeping you from victory in Blood Combat is correct time strategy, no matter which class, you should always have the charms ready - you are given a free one at level 29 treasure hunt, another free one at level 39 treasure hunt, your supply stash 55 and 60 contains free charms as well, and they have more than enough stored in them to last you that thirty minutes. And again, resist the urge to AoE, they are clumped up together pretty lightly, you'll end up fighting an overpowering force, even though soldiers and officers are not aggressive, tips for every class below:
BM - Keep the Aura buff on, it's nice if you can receive buffs from a friend before you go in, once you get in, take as minimal damage as possible - unless you're charmed, since every second counts, try not to start with Drake Ray or any ranged attack, it will force the mob to channel a magic attack - take as minimal magic as possible, and DON'T USE LION ROAR to stun, it will draw way more mobs than you want - unless you pulled the mob out, which takes more time than you want.
Wizards - Keep your Pyroshell buff on during soldiers and Glacial Embrace during Officers, equip your MP charm from treasure hunt 39 and go crazy! Drop as many skills as you possibly can on a mob, don't use Blizzard or any AoE that may endanger your well-being, Morning Dew is a great friend, if your charm is taking too much stress and is threatening to crash on you.
Barbarians - Get a cleric to buff you, it's not necessary but helps, keep Tiger Form up for the HP boost, keep the Bleed up, the DoT will really pay off. During the last stage, transform back to a barb to deal optimum damage. You're a tank, do something tank-y. If you have the HP charm, it should be no problem.
Venomancers - Quite self-explanatory, in fact, you can do this without charms, get your pet to do all the work - a Glacial Walker at your equivalent level can handle it nicely.
Clerics - Buff yourself - it's also the 30-minute timer. You only buff yourself once, if you have to re-buff, you're probably losing. Clerics can handle this with mass plume shot and whirlwind alone, start with thunder helps too, Ironheart = best friend in this case.
Archers - You have Winged Shell, even if it's only 20 seconds, it soaks in a LOT of damage, Stunning shot is the best friend here, able to stun the mobs to reduce damage taken. Aim Low is also a good supplement - since you most likely outranges the mob with maxed range passive. If it gets desperate, start at max range with aim low and start pummelling. (Yes, I know it's one spark)
Psychics - Your elemental skills are overpoweringly powerful, Bubble when you are low on HP, charm yourself, and start hurling magic attacks.
Assassins - Even if it's insignificant, use Bloodpaint, Throatcut may help, unless you put it off, you won't have Headhunt, but Assassins have an insane damage potential, charm yourself and let loose.
Mystics - Really, let your summon do the work, throw down a healing herb if it's desperate, poisonous stingers help too.
Seekers - We have a lot of AoEs, don't use them unless it's safe, keep in mind the range is wider than safe, we're not totally bombed if we are stripped of our AoEs. Heartseeker and Eye of Northern Sky / Staggering Strike combo are there, Battousai and Cleave also helps.
Tideborn Traitor (Guy... Thing... Dude...?)
Ranked at level 150, 100000 HP, his defense and attack is scary... Well, maybe not attack, but if you have your charm leftover from Blood Combat, throw it here, it's a one-on-one with no time limit, survival is the only challenge, throw everything against him.
Lochmur Guardian Beast (Final Boss)
Quite worthy of the title, ranked at level 150, 1320000 HP, water whirlpool attack and a physical attack. What can I say? He's the last boss, a veno can solo it, maybe mystics (since I don't have a mystic, I don't know if their summons can go underwater or not), get a good enough party and fight it like any other boss, except it takes longer... MUCH longer.

PERSONAL NOTE: I switched over from a Vista to a Mac (I know, I know... It helps me more :P), and finally managed to get PWI working through CrossOver Games, I am once again active - if I'm not working on homework from school - in Harshlands (the only server I play on) on my seeker or archer, that being said, I'm frequently checking past to this post to enhance it.
Version Info
Version 1.0: Started chain, progress meter added, up to the point of the seven coming-of-age.
Version 1.1: Started part two of chain, stopped at Blood Combat, progress meter updated from 40% to 70%
Version 1.2: Guide Finished, added afterwords and plotline, progress meter changed from 70% to DONE
Version 2.0: Various Localization fixes up until Coming-of-Age
Version 2.1: Progress Meter removed
Version 2.2: Added "System Message" to start of quest, fixed various localizations, added bug notes to System Message.
Version 2.3: Fixed Localization, changed errors, Lochmur Guardian Beast can now be done in a squad (Thanks to Venue)
Version 3.1: Changed introduction, added credits
Version 4.1: Moved guide to a new thread to change title, added another note to Blood Combat (thanks to pand0ra)
Version 4.2: Fixed one quest, updated ending of story (credits to Sangodoc), removed end credits.
Version 4.3: Fixed minor spelling errors, added another note to Blodd Combat (thanks to Jakarus), removed the "level 60 continuation" message from Heartbroken and onwards.
Version 4.4: Fixed Destiny Quest (thanks to FeralShadow)
Version 4.5: Fixed Visit Dizzy Quest (Thanks to jkkx7)
Version 4.6: Fixed the notorious System Message not popping up issue by adding the note.
Version 5.1: Made the chain much more up-to-date, made two notes in Part two of chain regarding common player-found bugs. (Remember, if everything else fails, ticket the GM or mail an angry letter to yourself, it helps)
Version 5.2: After re-experiencing the chain on my archer, this whole chain has improved a lot, with a lot of localization, changes, and mob changes made, thus, fixed localizations, mob names, added Coming-of-Age: MP
Version 5.3: After all the troubles (again, many apologies), fixed the Visit Dizzy quest.
Version 5.4: azurluen gave me directions on the Elder's Letter, added this quest in between Heartbroken and Visit Dizzy. Thanks!
Version 6.1: Discovered the TRUE cause why the guide is wrong after the Blood Combat: A step was omitted in Heartbroken!! (whew) After you speak to Dizzy, you must speak to the Elder! THEN you get the 5 mirages and the Refining Aids (so happy to finally figure that out), plus, many more localizations after Blood Combat.
Version 6.2: All bosses can now be killed in squad.
Version 6.3: Taken out "Elder's Letter" Quest by a comment.
Version 6.4: Added various quest level waypoints.
Version 7.1: Added a bestiary for organizational purposes, enhanced guide, updated some old quest locales and tips.
Thanks to ProGrinder for the Link to the Guide, it made my life easier.
This chain is first started at level 40.
Level 40
System Message
- Receive System Message
- Continue onto the quest "Strange Monument"
- Note: For some reason, the human elder can also start this chain for all Earthguards.
Strange Monument
- Talk to your race's elder (Tideborn, Untamed, Human, Elves)
- Obtain 1 Teleportation Scroll (Personal advice: save it... It may come in handy later)
- Find the Forbidden Pillar (669, 353)
Continued on to the quest "A Foreign Race"
A Foreign Race
- Talk to Goshiki (668, 352)
- Reward: Coins (10000), Exp (3300), Spirit (660)
Continue on to the quest "First Step - Traveling"
First Step - Traveling
- Talk to the Dreamweaver Port Elder (662, 375)
Continue on to the quest "Etherblade City"
Etherblade City
- Arrive at Etherblade Lake (Around 480, 893, YOU CAN BE BOTH IN THE SKY AND IN THE WATER TO TRIGGER THIS QUEST)
Continue on to the quest "Strange Weather"
Strange Weather
- Speak with Dizzy (491, 890) (PS: This part is pretty funny, you gotta admit :P)
Continue on to the quest "Travel City of the Lost"
Travel City of the Lost
- Set foot in City of the Lost (again, all you have to do is enter the city)
Continue on to the quest "City of the Lost"
City of the Lost
- Dismiss Pop-up Message
Continue on to the Quest "Travel City of the Plume"
Travel City of the Plume
- Set foot in City of the Plume (This time, move towards the elder and the quest triggers eventually)
Continue onto the quest "City of the Plume"
City of the Plume
- Dismiss Pop-Up Message
Continue on to the quest "Travel to Archosaur"
Travel to Archosaur
- Set foot in Archosaur (for convinience purposes, please tele to west archo)
Continue on to the quest "Archosaur"
- Dismiss Pop-up Message
Continue on to the quest "Tideborn elder's letter"
- Rewards: Coins (80000), EXP (50000), Spirit (10000)
Tideborn Elder's Letter
- Check the nearest mailbox under "Quest Related" (If you teled to West Archo, closest mailbox is at 530, 695)
- Rewards : Coins (40000), EXP (65000), Spirit (13000)
Continue on to the Quest "Looking for an Old Friend"
Looking for an Old Friend
- Speak with Boatman (580, 695)
Continue on to the quest "Ask the Fisherman"
Ask the Fisherman
- Speak with Fisherman (639, 802)
Continue on to the Quest "Investigate Angler's Village"
Investigate Angler's Village
- Speak with Ormin (644, 838)
- Rewards: Coins (50000), EXP (10000), Spirit (2000)
Continue on to the Quest "A Mysterious Race"
A Mysterious Race
- Speak with Ormin again (644, 838)
- Rewards: Coins (10000), EXP (5000), Spirit (1000)
Continue on to the Quest "Ceremony: Coming-of-Age"
Ceremony: Coming-of-Age
- Speak with Elder of City of Rising Tides (657, 143)
- Rewards: Coins (79200), EXP (30000), Spirit (3000)
Continue on to the Quests "Coming-of-Age: Strength; Wisdom; Will; Sacrifice; Loyalty (MP/SP); Courage; Growing-up-Ceremony: Dexterity"
Coming-of-Age: Strength
- Collect 5 Depleted Energy Crystals (Farmable materials, located around 639, 107, in the water. DEPLETED ENERGY CRYSTALS ARE SHORTER THAN ENERGY CRYSTALS, DO NOT FARM THE WRONG ONE)
- Report to the Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (10000), EXP (50000), Spirit (10000), Tideborn Honor Medal, Challenge Completed
Growing-up-Ceremony: Dexterity
- Kill 5 Staunch Worms (located in the sky around 644, 119) MOB INFORMATION: Level 100, HP 300, Elemental Immunity, Escape Type Mob
- Report to the Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (10000), EXP (100000), Spirit (20000), Tideborn Honor Medal, Challenge Completed, Mirage Celestones (5)
Coming-of-Age: Willpower
- Enter the Stone Maze (667,125) and DO NOT LEAVE THE SPOT NO MATTER WHAT.
- Preparing Pop-Up Triggered R=The Quest will start in 10 seconds when this is triggered
- Mystery Weapon Pop-Up Triggered. DON'T LISTEN TO DUKE, STAY THERE
- Treasure Case Pop-Up Triggered. DON'T LISTEN TO DUKE, STAY THERE
- Magical Animal Pop-Up Triggered. DON'T LISTEN TO DUKE, STAY THERE
- Reply to Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (10000), EXP (50000), Spirit (10000), Tideborn Honor Medal, Challenge Completed
Just Throwing this in... There has been bugs reported that the countdown timer gets stuck on the end of any one of the three temptations that Duke Blacke throws your way. If that happens, log off and come back, your timer will then continue
Coming-of-Age: Loyalty (SP)
- Kill 1 Tideborn Traitor (located around 657, 260)
MOB INFO: Level 60 Normal Mob, 80000 HP, Physical Attack, non-aggressive, respawn time 5 seconds
- Reward: Coins (10000), EXP (200000), Spirit (40000), Tideborn Honor Medal, Tideborn Girl's Remain.
Continue on to the Quest "Tideborn Girl's Tear"
Tideborn Girl's Tear
- Visit White Sand Beach (around 641, 123)
- Reward: Mirage Celestones (5), Tienkang Stones (5)
Coming-of-Age: Party (MP)
- Have a squad member level 80+ in squad.
- Do Coming-of-Age: (SP)
- Reward: Reduced the SP reward by half (I believe so)
Coming-of-Age: Sacrifice
- Choose the amount of flowers to collect (regardless of the amount, you still have to dig them all, I recommend the highest number, rumors say it gives more EXP)
- Farm Flowers (Farm-able materials, located around 662, 154)
- Report to the Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (10000), EXP (100000), Spirit (20000), Tideborn Honor Medal, Challenge Successful
Coming-of-Age: Wisdom
- Kill 10 Spiralshell Crabs (Located Around 638, 177)
MOB INFORMATION: Level 43 Normal Mob, 8370 HP, non-aggresive
- Reward: Coins (10000), EXP (100000), Spirit (20000), Tideborn Honor Medal, Challenge Successful, Mirage Celestones (5)
Coming-of-Age: Courage
- Kill 10 Senile Iblis (Located around 355, 770)
MOB INFO: Level 42 Normal Mob, Aggresive, HP 8072
- Report to the Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (10000), EXP (50000), Spirit (10000), Tideborn Honor Medal, Challenge Completed
Continue on to the LEVEL 51 Quest "Warrior's Proof", only unlockable when all seven Coming-of-Age are completed and you reach the required level.
Level 51
Warrior's Proof
- Make sure you have all seven Tideborn Honour Medal with you.
- Speak with the Elder of the Tideage City (657, 143)
- Speak with Dizzy (Aurosy) (Located at 491, 890)
- Reward: Coins (15000), EXP (5000), Spirit (1000)
- Dizzy will take all seven of your Tideborn Honour Medals
- Continue onto the quest "Homesickness"
- Speak with Dizzy (491, 890)
- Speak with Goshiki (Located on the shores of Dreamweaver Port at 668, 352)
- Rewards: Coins (15000), EXP (5000), Spirit (1000)
- Continue onto the Quest "Farewell"
- Speak with Goshiki (668, 352)
- Speak with the Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (5900), EXP (53534), Spirit (10707)
(Now that's giving away like no tomorrow)
- Continue onto the Quest "Trouble"
- Speak with the Elder (657, 143)
- Kill 15 Taurox Snipers (Surrounds the City of Abominations around 435, 543)
Taurox Snipers Mob Information: Metal Type Normal Mob, HP: 12018, long range bow attack
- Report to Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (10000), EXP (30000), Spirit (6000)
- Continue onto the Quest "Tideborn's Secret"
Tideborn's Secret
- Speak with the Elder (657, 143)
- Farm 6 Tideborn Power Crystals (Farmable Material, Located Around 632, 113 in the water)
- Report to the Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (3400), EXP (40000), Spirit (8000)
- Continue onto the Quest "Great Secret"
Great Secret
- Continue Speaking with the Elder (657, 143)
- Bring the Crystals to Craftsman Betep (660, 121) (If you lost your crystals, buy 6 from him for 10k)
- Reward: Coins (20000), EXP (4554), Spirit (911)
- 6 Energy Crystals Disappeared
- Continue onto the Quest "Magic Item"
Magic Item
- Talk to Craftsman Betep (660, 121)
- Wait for 3 minutes (in-game time)
- Obtain 6 Energy Crystals
- Reward: Coins (20000), EXP (15000), Spirit (3000)
- Continue onto the Quest "Unexpected Result"
Unexpected Result
- Find 6 Energy Devices (the clever thing to do is to farm one energy device 6 times and it still counts)
- Energy Devices: Farmable Material, you may farm the same one 6 times, locations are: 658, 116; 668, 113; 678, 124; 660, 153; 650, 140; 658, 117, RESPAWN TIME FOR DEVICE: 30 SECONDS
- Report to the Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (3400), EXP (40000), Spirit (8000)
- Continue onto the Quest "Solution"
- Talk to the Elder (657, 143)
- Speak to the Ladywraith in Orchid Temple (581, 769)
- Go to the Scene of Battle (Triggered at 560, 979, yes, it works even at 78 altitude)
- Kill 20 Undead Army (Mob Information: Level 55 WEAK BOSS, 15000 HP, Weak Ice attack and Physical Attack
- Rescue the Tideborn Captain (568, 970)
- Obtained 1 Bloodstained Bag
- Kill General Feng (Located at 552, 679)
BOSS INFO: Level 54 Fire Type BOSS, Physical AoE attack, Physical Meele Attack, Physical Resistance Debuff, 600000 HP
- Report to the Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Coins (47700), EXP (106013), Spirit (26503), Mirage Celestones (5)
- Continue onto the quest "Destiny"
- Speak with Elder (657, 143)
- 1 Bloodstained Bag Disappered
- Speak with Goshiki (668, 352)
- Gather 10 Golden Herbs (Located around all six power devices, no specific coords avaliable)
- Report to Goshiki (668, 352)
- Speak with Elder (657, 143)
- Go tell Dizzy (491, 890)
- Rewards: Coins (48600), EXP (112833), Spirit (28208)
- Continue onto the Quest "Blood Combat"
Thanks to FeralShadow for fixing "Destiny"
Blood Combat
- Speak with Dizzy (491, 890)
- you are teleported inside the Palace of Nirvana
- Speak with Goshiki (coords unavaliable in instance)
- Kill 15 Undead Soldiers (NOT OFFICERS)
Mob Information: Undead Soldier, Non Element Elite, 22000 HP, Physical Attack, Ice Long-Range Attack
- Go back to Goshiki
- Kill 15 Undead Officers to rescue Goshiki (NOT SOLDIERS)
Mob Information: Undead Officer, Non Element Elite, 27000 HP, Physical Attack, Ice Long-Range Attack
- Speak to Goshiki
- Obtain 1 Lochmur Doll
- Rewards: Coins (49500), EXP (120120), Spirit (30030), Mirage Celestones (10)
- Continue onto the Quest "Heartbroken"
A Special Note in Lime: To all of you level 55~ out there, don't try to be a hero, unless you did Coming-of-Age: Loyalty (MP), you must do this outside a squad and you cannot have a squad inside either. During that one minute that Goshiki charges in the battlefield, like all flesh and blood NPCs, Goshiki have limited HP, =SPOILER=Goshiki is Doomed to Die=SPOILER=, so if you see his HP go low, don't try to go in and save him, it's a burn on your HP and MP, you have a way bigger fight after that one-minute dialogue, use this time to meditate. Also, don't be foolish and do AoE, in fact, if you are not at the spiritual phase transcendent (ie. level 59 or above), don't even bother to attempt this (except venos, and maybe mystics, but you'll have a really hard time).
Yet another friendly note in Lime: A bug has occured (thanks to pand0ra) that shows that when your timer fails, it goes in negative time, you cannot trash the quest! Here's a heads up, don't bother trashing it, relogging will help, if it does not, if you are still in the vampire's domain, die and sacrifice some exp, a quest will trigger and it reads "For What?" This pop up will bring you back to the entrance of Nirvana and override the timer, should you be outside nirvana and cannot enter back in, relog, if it doesn't work, wait it out.
A third friendly note in Lime: Jakarus pointed out that the Blood Combat can be done before 59 for wizards, since the undead SOLDIERS use a water attack and undead OFFICERS use a fire attack, wizards can alternate pyroshell and glacial embrace to have an easier time.
- Speak with Dizzy about Goshiki's Death (491, 890)
- Speak with Elder of Tideage to Attempt to Calm down Dizzy (657, 143)
- Report to Dizzy (491, 890)
- Speak with Elder (657, 143)
- Reward: Tisha Stones (5), Mirage Celestones (5)
- Continue onto the level 56 quest "Elder's Letter"
Level 56
Elder's Letter
- Speak with the Elder (657, 143)
- Speak with Dizzy to stop her suicide attempt (Sorta...) (492, 891)
- Continue onto the Quest "Visit Dizzy"
Visit Dizzy
- Speak with Ormin for Advice (644, 838)
- Reward: Coins (10440), EXP (24899), Spirit (6225)
- Continue onto the Level 57 Quest "Ormin's Task"
Level 57
Ormin's Task
- Speak with Ormin (644, 838)
- Ask the Aged Deity (417, 645)
- Reward: Coins (10440), EXP (24899), Spirit (6225)
- Continue onto the Quest "Heart of Thorns"
Heart of Thorns
- Speak with the Aged Deity (417, 645)
- Collect 15 Heart Thorns (Drops from Hexecelot Deadeyes (Surrounds the Fortress of the Talon)
Mob Information: Hexecelot Deadeyes, Level 54 Earth Type Mob, Long Range Earth Rock Throw, Attack Rate Increase Self-Buff
1. With the Attack Rate Increase, the attack speed of deadeyes become randomly faster, it can go from a slight bit faster to about three rocks a second, to all level 70- Arcane Armors, if you got like six rocks hurled at you before ironheart or morning dew could even take effect, it really hurts.
2. Deadeyes are aggresive! And they have a 80% chance of respawning right behind you (or it may be Karma, completely a personal opinion on this one

- Report to Aged Deity (417, 645)
- Reward: Coins (20880), EXP (49798), Spirit (12450)
- Continue onto the Quest "Lethe Flower"
Lethe Flower
- Speak with Aged Deity (417, 645)
- Collect 5 Lethe Flowers (Located at the Foot of Heaven's Stairway at 408, 498, on the foot of the part of the hills where Kimsa the Claw King is)
- Report to Aged Deity (417, 645)
- Reward: Coins (20880), EXP (49798), Spirit (12450)
- Continue onto the Quest "Lethe Potion"
Lethe Potion
- Speak with Aged Deity (417, 645)
- Wait for 5 minutes (in-game time)
- Return to Aged Deity (417, 645)
- Rewards: Coins (20880), EXP (49798), Spirit (12450)
- Continue onto the Quest "Give Potion"
Give Potion
- Speak with Aged Deity (417, 645)
- Give the Lethe Potion to Ormin (644, 838)
- Rewards: Coins (10440), EXP (24899), Spirit (6225)
- Continue onto the Level 58 Quest "Ask for the Potion"
Level 58
Ask for the Potion
- Speak with Dizzy (491, 890)
- Speak with Ormin (644, 838)
- Rewards: Coins (10440), EXP (24899), Spirit (6225)
Return to Tideage City
- Speak with Ormin (644, 838)
- Speak with the Elder of Tideage City (657, 143)
- Rewards: Coins (13050), EXP (31124), Spirit (7781)
- Continue onto the Quest "Lost Crystal"
Just a question out of interest: Are you rich yet? :P
Lost Crystal
- Speak with the Elder (657, 143)
- Kill the Tideborn Traitor for the Raw Crystal (Located at the Same Place of the Spiralshell crabs around 638, 177),
BOSS INFORMATION: Tideborn Traitor, Unknown Level ([?]), 100000 HP, Metal Long Range Magic Attack, Physical Attack
- Report to the Elder (657, 143)
- Rewards: Coins (31320), EXP (74698), Spirit (18675)
- Continue onto the Level 59 Hidden Quest "Sorrow Shore"
Level 59
Sorrow Shore
- Speak with Emerald Moon (648, 111)
- Find the Memory Bottle (Pop-up location at 628, 123)
You may need to wait a while to get this, the bottle is between the NPC and White Sand Beach, if you cannot find it, then close up on the Lochmur Indy or near the beach.
- Continue onto the Quest "Lost Beauty"
Lost Beauty
- Report to Emerald Moon (648, 111)
- Rewards: Coins (26100), EXP (62249), Spirit (15562)
- Continue on to the Quest "Emerald Moon's Ill"
Emerald Moon's Ill
- Speak with Emerald Moon (648, 111)
- Consult the Elder (657, 143)
- Rewards: Coins (10440), EXP (24899), Spirit (6225)
- Continue onto the Quest "Goddess's Tear"
Goddess's Tear
- Speak with Elder (657, 143)
- Speak with Dizzy to borrow her Goddess's Tear (491, 890)
- Rewards: Coins (15660), EXP (37349), Spirit (9337)
- Continue onto the Quest "Curing Emerald Moon"
Curing Emerald Moon
- Speak with Dizzy (491, 890)
- Cure Emerald Moon (648, 110)
- Rewards: Coins (10440), EXP (24899), Spirit (6225)
- Continue onto the Level 60 Quest "Place of Dreams"
Level 60
Place of Dreams
- Speak with Emerald Moon (648, 110)
- Kill the Lochmur Guardian Beast (Coordinates Provided in the Quest Log) for the Chrono Core
FINAL BOSS Information: Lochmur Guardian Beast, Level Unknown (so... Level 150?), 1320000 HP, Water Type mob, IN THE WATER, Long range Whirlpool water magic attack, Close-Range Physical Attack, High Defense and Attack
A note: This joker have a phobia against venos, get a good enough water pet and any veno that got this far can easily slug him to death. :P
- Give the Chrono Core to Dizzy (491, 890)
- Wait for 60 seconds (in-game time)
- Speak to Dizzy once again (491, 890)
- Rewards: Coins (39150), EXP (93373), Spirit (23343), Mirage Celestones (15).
- Continue onto the Quest "Terminal of Happiness"
Terminal of Happiness
- Speak with Dizzy (491, 890)
- Rewards: Tidal Protection (Equivalence with a Platinumb HP Charm, 1400000 HP stored, heals user to full HP after 50%, unable to unequip when equipped, can be replaced when a new HP charm is equipped, charm will disappear once the charge reaches 0)
Warning - I have been informed that this quest is bugged and you will not receive the charm, please ticket the GM and ask for it if you did not receive it. You should get it.
THE END OF THE LEGENDARY GOSHIKI QUEST CHAIN, CONGRATULATIONS (You know... If you didn't bump into any bugs.)
Men, take a long sigh, your long haul is finally over and you are free to go do your own thing, I can tell you that you will find yourself being a super-powered freak from this quest chain, though through all the good things you've done, there is 0 rep in this quest chain but it's all worth it, you'll get a lot of levels in short time, you'll find your total coins to be near the million, your spirit enough to learn nearly all the skills, and near 70 mirages, 10 refining aids, and a Platinum HP Charm to top it all off. It is a overall enjoyable quest chain, Dizzy is holding the Chrono Core in her arms and remembering her most treasured memories with her heroic lover Goshiki, Emerald Moon was free to live her life remembering Ormin but not to see him, Ormin is a widely known friend to all Tideborns, especially the Elder... And the Elder is happy to have you finishing the Coming-of-Age and you becoming his most trusted warrior and friend.
You may choose to make your weapon into a super-powered destruction machine if you wish, but what can I say? I've never seen the Cube of Fate LAG before...
I give a special thanks to everyone who supported me in this quest chain, espeically ProGrinder, he led me to finish this early and helped me finish almost everything after the Quest "Blood Combat", another thanks to all my pals in Harshlands who have been by my side and supported me and helped me through this, there are a lot that I could list but it takes literally a long space ^_^
So in the end, a special congratulations to all of you for finishing the longest (excluding the super-long boss chains in Heaven's Tear, if it takes that long to get help, even with begging), richest, most romantic quest chain ever!
Pledge of the Harshlands
Part One: The Coming-of-Age Ceremony
Meet yourself, a random class journeying from place to places, suddenly a flash appears and you hit level 40, the Elder of your race informs you that a strange stele has appeared in Dreamweaver Port and you are to go and investigate.
At the stele, the voice of our main NPC, Goshiki interrupts you, he tells you that this stele is a Tideborn property, the Tideborns have shattered the barriers in between realms, and finally revealed themselves to the Perfect World after thousands of years. You and Goshiki soon become good friends, and you agree to take Goshiki on a tour throughout Perfect World, which is also an attempt to distract him from taking the stele to the Tideborn lands, since you need it.
At Etherblade, Goshiki feels dry already and wishes to go take a bath (yes, in the lake), on top of the Etherblade Lake many humans witnessed his transformation into a fish and dived into the water, including our second character, a human girl (supposedly BM, even though her armour says otherwise) was dazzled at the sight of Goshiki's transformation into a fish, and forgot to ride her sword and fell off of the sky onto the Etherblade shore.
You go check if the girl is okay, but the girl named Dizzy was really angry and said that you must pay her back with a level 16 weapon (I hope not...), coins, or a wraith officer badge. You say that you don't have any of those, Dizzy scoffed at the response, and instead offered to join your party to "keep an eye of both of you".
Bringing Goshiki and Dizzy you traveled to Lost City and the City of the Plume, finally at the Capital Archosaur, it was there that a mail arrived for you.
At the nearest postbox, you found out that it was from the Elder of the legendary Tideage City (City of the Raging Tides), the Elder tells you that a friend, Ormin, was lost. You set out to find Ormin, and succeeded to find him all the way in Angler's Village.
Ormin tells you that Goshiki should be able to partake in the ceremony for all Tideborns, known as the Coming-of-Age ceremony, you then bring Goshiki and Dizzy to Tideage City, the Elder assigned you seven tasks for the Coming-of-Age ceremony, and left you to do them all.
Part Two: The Blood Combat
After finishing all Seven Coming-of-Age ceremonies, the Elder congratulates you, and then sends you off to celebrate with your old friend Dizzy, who have returned to the Etherblade Shore, the place where she first fell off. Dizzy says that she had failed Coming-of-Age: Willpower and felt really bad, she wishes to have all seven of your medals, to encourage her to become a hero.
Soon Dizzy blurts out to you that she misses her hometown, and you reply that Goshiki is just as homesick as her. Remembering Goshiki, Dizzy realized that she really likes him, and wants you to go tell him just that.
Goshiki, after reaching his Coming-of-Age, has went back to the Mysterious Stele to prepare to go back to the Tideage City, you go and tell him that Dizzy loves him, Goshiki replied warmly and tells you to go tell the Elder of Tideage City that Goshiki will be late coming home, since he wants to escort Dizzy back home and let those two spend some time together. Goshiki went off to find Dizzy and started bonding with each other, while you went to tell the Elder.
You soon realize that the Elder have something in mind since the moment you finished all Seven Coming-of-Age quests, he tells you that he wants to send you off for some errands, including saving the City of Abominations and go dig up some Power Crystals in the White Sand Beach.
The Elder explains to you that the Power Crystals are vital to keep the Tideage City running, he sends you off to put the crystals in some power devices to see its power, and sure enough, you powered up the Tideage City, you return to the Elder in awe of the Crystal's power, it was then that the Elder revealed to you the thing that have been troubling him - The crystals are diminishing.
He tells you that the shipment for crystals have not yet arrived, and sends you off to try and find them.
Our old friend, the Ladywraith in Orchid Temple tells you that she have last seen some Tideborns traveling north, and something about fighting undeads, worried for the army, you quickly arrive at the scene of battle, and finds the explorers outnumbered, you attempt to save the Vice Admiral, but he died anyway, out of fury, you avenged him by killing the General of the undead army: General Feng.
It was a tough fight, but in the end you reported to the Elder all about it, the Elder thinks that this is an emergency, the undeads are attacking the Tideborns and it is not a good sign, he sends you off to tell Goshiki that.
The wildly in love Goshiki heard this news and was instantly snapped back to Earth, he tells you in great anger he wishes to avenge the fallen Tideborn warriors, you helped him prepare.
Prior to his leave to the Battlefield, he tells you to report to the Elder about this act, and he repeated in great caution to not tell Dizzy about it, since he knows that Dizzy will worry about him and won't let him go.
You tell the Elder about this attack, however, you feel that despite what Goshiki said, letting Dizzy know is what you must do.
Dizzy heard this and got worried sick within two seconds, and tells you to go forth and protect Goshiki with your life.
On the battlefield, Goshiki was enraged at the battle and led an army to charge, he was soon surrounded and killed, despite the efforts you put in to try and rescue him, with his last breath, he tells you to give his final gift to Dizzy, and left his Final Words to tell Dizzy and he loves her.
You were reluctant to tell Dizzy about it, but since you were teleported out right next to her, you appear to have no choice. Dizzy was immediately heartbroken, and cried every last teardrop out, you handed her Goshiki's final gift - A Lochmur doll with her face crafted on the head of the doll, Dizzy became greatly emotional at his Final Gift and ordered you to leave her alone.
You have no idea what to do, so you went back to the Elder for some advice. The Elder of Tideage tells you that he grieves for Goshiki's Death, however he have a grave matter happening, he saw Dizzy crying so much that he saw Dizzy attempting suicide to apparently join Goshiki in the afterlife, you quickly go to snap her back, but she was content to commit suicide, unwilling to let the last of your two new friends die as well, you inform the Elder about it, he tells you that the good old friend Ormin may have the power to console Dizzy and make her feel better.
You realize that Dizzy had gone through a change through your old Tideborn friend, from that demanding lady to a warm, caring, and rational girl whom just had her heart shattered into pieces with the death of her true love, both out of sympathy for her and regret that you did not protect Goshiki well enough (blame PWE for this, not me), you became determined to save her no matter what the cost is.
Willing to do anything to save Dizzy, you go to find Ormin, Ormin gave Dizzy the Goddess's Tear to help her feel better, and tells you that he wants a favor from you, the Lethe Potion, it is said to cure heartbreaks, and the Aged Deity in Wellspring, his old friend, may know what to do.
The Deity tells you that she can make such a potion, she sends you off to gather two ingredients: Hexecelot Deadeye's Eyes, and the Lethe Flowers, when the potion was completed, you gave it to Ormin, thinking that he will use it to cure Dizzy, however, he drank it for himself and thanked you.
This act did not escape Dizzy, she tells you that Ormin have troubles with his life as well, that's why he wanted the potion, but now she wants one too and sends you off to find Ormin and get a potion.
Ormin, upon hearing Dizzy's request, merely laughed and said that this Lethe Potion is not for Dizzy's to drink, the Lethe Potion, if drank by someone with a heart, will cause great heartaches and will lead to death, he then confesses to you that he is a wretch... A heartless wretch.
Puzzled, you go ask the Elder of Tideage City about Ormin. The Elder seem reluctant to tell you about this, he only tells you that he is surprised that Ormin actually lived this long, to save the Elder's friend Ormin, he tells you that the Tideborn Traitor have stolen a raw crystal and you went to get it back.
Part Three: Lost and Sealed Memories
Meet Emerald Moon, she is a mermaid that lost her memory, after the return of the Raw Crystal you saw her and went to meet her without the Elder telling you, and she tells you that she will reward you, if you can find her memory.
You found her Memory buried somewhere around the Lochmur Indy, the instant she recovered her memory, she fell extremely sick, worried, you went to the Elder for Advice, he then finally tells you that Ormin was a traveler of the Tideborn, the story happened 10 years ago, when Ormin shipwrecked upon Tideborn shores, he was saved by a girl, who happened to be Emerald Moon, Ormin secretly loved Emerald Moon, but never told her about this.
Soon after, war happened in the mainlands...
Emerald Moon was possessed by a demon, and being possessed, she ravaged throughout Tideage City, destroying everything in her path. Suddenly, Ormin stood in front of her, while dodging her attacks, he screamed to Emerald Moon, hoping to snap her back from the demon's influence.
Emerald Moon did, snap back from her demonic influence, for a split second, she asked Ormin to kill her, which he did reluctantly and slew the mermaid he loved.
After that, Ormin was just like Dizzy, sad, emotional, contemplating suicide to join his love in the next life, until the Elder told him he can resurrect Emerald Moon, but she'd lose all her memories with Ormin, and Ormin will lose his heart, also, should the two meet again, Emerald Moon would die on the spot.
After the Elder explained all this to you, he claims that there is an alternative, and it involves Dizzy.
Dizzy now have Possession of the Goddess's Tear, it can cure any memories' corruption, you traveled to Etherblade without delay and told Dizzy about Ormin and Emerald Moon.
Dizzy was deeply touched from this story, she then realized that Goshiki wouldn't want her to cry all day, Goshiki wants the best for her. She then picked herself up and happily gave you the Tear.
Emerald Moon soon recovered, and with great thankfulness, she tells you that she wishes to repay Dizzy kindly. There is a legendary item called the Chrono Core, it is said to seal a happy memory, Emerald Moon wishes to give this to Dizzy, so that she will always remember Goshiki and her happy time together, and so will Emerald Moon remember her happy time with Ormin.
To make this story a happy ending, you went to fight off the Lochmur Guardian Beast, it was an extremely tough fight. However, in the end you have managed to Triumph, and you kindly offered the Chrono Core to Dizzy.
Dizzy thanked you deeply, and gladly offered you a really high-amounted HP Charm as reward.
I find this section to be... Somewhat... Useful, this chain is mostly flying around and running errands for random people, in my opinion, fighting anything in this chain is quite uncommon - despite there being a lot of bosses, so I think it's a good resource to refer to here, a list of all the monsters and bosses you have to fight, listed in chronological order, of course.
Staunch Worm
Kun Kun got beefed... And was given wings... It's level 100, 300HP (compared to Kun Kun's 100), and is an escape type mob, it stops after flying for a short while, but goes again... Before a meele character can catch up to it, I may add (I had 2.50 kite for my seeker), it helps if you can range it. Like Kun Kun, it has elemental immunity, so I feel sorry for the wizzies.

Senile Iblis
The standard bom we all fight in swiftwind, unless you don't quest, that is. Level 42 Wood Type mob, 8072 HP, located all around Swiftwind and Tradewind camps. It is aggressive, has a pretty annoying kicking attack and a slow debuff.
Spiralshell Crab (Real)
The real spiralshell crab takes 1/10th of the damage you normally deal (to a fake crab, anyway), and deals only half the damage of a normal crab. It is easy to detect them, if you whack something and deals 30 damage when you should be dealing 300, fly right away and force reset, just don't fight it.
Spiralshell Crab (Fake)
This is the one you need, Level 43 Normal Mob, 8370 HP, non-aggressive (which helps...), you will deal the normal damage to it, expect the same attack from it back. It parallels any normal level 40 - 45 mob.
Tideborn Traitor (Girl)
She's not really tough, despite her speed (which is rather fast) and strong attack (if you're 4x), any ranged class with pots can kite her to death, venos and mystics can spam heal - a level 43 veno with a shaodu cub can solo her pretty easily. Melee classes in 4x may choose to cater some help, my seeker killed her with help, but I keep wondering if I would have won without the help, since seekers do have that stalagstrike / parchedblade stun combo, voidstep (which actually helps a bit), and some ranged attack skills that can kite her when things get ugly. Do note that she's like a boss, although she's not marked as one for a strange reason - and throws down 4 dialogues, 1 at the start, 1 after a while, 1 almost dying, and 1 when dying.
Taurox Sniper
If you did the City of Abomination chain anytime before this, you will realize how annoying it is - especially for arcane classes, 15 is the longest drag ever, these snipers... Are actually not really accurate, I've had one miss on me three times in a row, but once you attack - especially if you're a magic user, you will trigger hordes of 3 to 4 piling on you at once, venos can consider pulling, and zeal genies work wonder here. Note for melee classes, never try to go in and take on all 4 at once, they're ranged, and will pull a long distance from you after the initial attack, you will take too many hits from too far to have proper AoEs. Metal Type, level 52, 12018 HP.
Undead Army
No, it's not an army, it's just a mob that looks exactly like a hexocelot (Fugma), it's marked at Level 55 at 15000 HP with those cool dragon emblems sticking out of its name and HP bar, telling us it's a boss. But is it really? Its attacks are quite weak - very weak, in fact, it's physical attack pales as well, it's just as powerful as a normal level 55 mob, but it is marked as a... Boss, it does have a good level of defense, your attacks may not be as effective as it has always been due to its defense, slug it out, no one should have problems with this. If you AoE here, please turn your PvP lock on if you're in a PvP server, if you accidentally hit an explorer, he will attack you.
General Feng (Boss)
Much like the same guy in TT, this... Thing, identity exactly like the Myriadtail Wyvern, attacks just like it as well, the curse that makes you take much more damage, a physical bite (which hurts), and that nasty AoE that Farren and Wyvern both have. It is marked as a boss at a level 54 Fire type with 600000 HP, magic classes joining this party should stay back, the AoE has the same range as Farren and Wyvern... Heck, fight this guy like Wyvern.
Undead Soldiers / Officers (Elites)
Well, they're both cramped together, they look exactly the same, attacks with the exact same types of attacks and deals... Well one's tougher, but the point is still there. Undead Soldiers are level 52 (I believe) with 22000 HP and marked as an elite, Officers are level 55 (I believe) sitting at 27000 and an elite, they have a physical attack, and an ice attack - although it's a fire channel animation - their defense is pretty solid, but still not to an intimidating degree, the only thing keeping you from victory in Blood Combat is correct time strategy, no matter which class, you should always have the charms ready - you are given a free one at level 29 treasure hunt, another free one at level 39 treasure hunt, your supply stash 55 and 60 contains free charms as well, and they have more than enough stored in them to last you that thirty minutes. And again, resist the urge to AoE, they are clumped up together pretty lightly, you'll end up fighting an overpowering force, even though soldiers and officers are not aggressive, tips for every class below:
BM - Keep the Aura buff on, it's nice if you can receive buffs from a friend before you go in, once you get in, take as minimal damage as possible - unless you're charmed, since every second counts, try not to start with Drake Ray or any ranged attack, it will force the mob to channel a magic attack - take as minimal magic as possible, and DON'T USE LION ROAR to stun, it will draw way more mobs than you want - unless you pulled the mob out, which takes more time than you want.
Wizards - Keep your Pyroshell buff on during soldiers and Glacial Embrace during Officers, equip your MP charm from treasure hunt 39 and go crazy! Drop as many skills as you possibly can on a mob, don't use Blizzard or any AoE that may endanger your well-being, Morning Dew is a great friend, if your charm is taking too much stress and is threatening to crash on you.
Barbarians - Get a cleric to buff you, it's not necessary but helps, keep Tiger Form up for the HP boost, keep the Bleed up, the DoT will really pay off. During the last stage, transform back to a barb to deal optimum damage. You're a tank, do something tank-y. If you have the HP charm, it should be no problem.
Venomancers - Quite self-explanatory, in fact, you can do this without charms, get your pet to do all the work - a Glacial Walker at your equivalent level can handle it nicely.
Clerics - Buff yourself - it's also the 30-minute timer. You only buff yourself once, if you have to re-buff, you're probably losing. Clerics can handle this with mass plume shot and whirlwind alone, start with thunder helps too, Ironheart = best friend in this case.
Archers - You have Winged Shell, even if it's only 20 seconds, it soaks in a LOT of damage, Stunning shot is the best friend here, able to stun the mobs to reduce damage taken. Aim Low is also a good supplement - since you most likely outranges the mob with maxed range passive. If it gets desperate, start at max range with aim low and start pummelling. (Yes, I know it's one spark)
Psychics - Your elemental skills are overpoweringly powerful, Bubble when you are low on HP, charm yourself, and start hurling magic attacks.
Assassins - Even if it's insignificant, use Bloodpaint, Throatcut may help, unless you put it off, you won't have Headhunt, but Assassins have an insane damage potential, charm yourself and let loose.
Mystics - Really, let your summon do the work, throw down a healing herb if it's desperate, poisonous stingers help too.
Seekers - We have a lot of AoEs, don't use them unless it's safe, keep in mind the range is wider than safe, we're not totally bombed if we are stripped of our AoEs. Heartseeker and Eye of Northern Sky / Staggering Strike combo are there, Battousai and Cleave also helps.
Tideborn Traitor (Guy... Thing... Dude...?)
Ranked at level 150, 100000 HP, his defense and attack is scary... Well, maybe not attack, but if you have your charm leftover from Blood Combat, throw it here, it's a one-on-one with no time limit, survival is the only challenge, throw everything against him.
Lochmur Guardian Beast (Final Boss)
Quite worthy of the title, ranked at level 150, 1320000 HP, water whirlpool attack and a physical attack. What can I say? He's the last boss, a veno can solo it, maybe mystics (since I don't have a mystic, I don't know if their summons can go underwater or not), get a good enough party and fight it like any other boss, except it takes longer... MUCH longer.
I'm a male... Humanoid... Thing... Well, I'm full of something.
Post edited by Pledge - Harshlands on
Nicely done! super easy to follow and set out nicely.
Just a question but are you sure the Lochmur Guardian Beast can be done in a squad? i did it with a faction mate(cleric) and we were in a squad, however he never attacked just healed me constantly but i never got the drop however when we did it again we weren't in a squad he did the same thing just constantly healing and we had two nice ladies(not in a squad) come and DD once the boss had reached less then 50% and i got the item o.O0 -
Contradicted - Sanctuary wrote: »Nicely done! super easy to follow and set out nicely.
Just a question but are you sure the Lochmur Guardian Beast can be done in a squad? i did it with a faction mate(cleric) and we were in a squad, however he never attacked just healed me constantly but i never got the drop however when we did it again we weren't in a squad he did the same thing just constantly healing and we had two nice ladies(not in a squad) come and DD once the boss had reached less then 50% and i got the item o.O
uh... I don't even WANT to test that boss anymore to see if the drop is 100%, but you can now do it in a squad. Gratz on getting it, and have fun and just be lucky you got itI'm a male... Humanoid... Thing... Well, I'm full of something.0 -
Eh, for magic classes the coming of age loyalty quest can be quite easy. On my level 4x psychic i soloed her as well as on this wiz when i first did it. So the note about needing a high level is sorta false0
I thought Goshiki was Yoshiki's alt
T_TBambooHugger-7x Arcane Barbarian- ImSoFail-Tarded0 -
BambooHugger - Lost City wrote: »I thought Goshiki was Yoshiki's alt
heh... ... ... b:laughI'm a male... Humanoid... Thing... Well, I'm full of something.0 -
nice guide but look here
genesis (r.i.p.) ===> conqueror (r.i.p.) ===> zen (r.i.p.) ===> iam (r.i.p.) ===> guardianz (r.i.p.) ===> spectral ===> essence
starting to be a nice guild hoppers b:surrender
go on my website it contains lots useful informations about PWI
[noparse][/noparse]0 -
Ohh, i really like the story behind this quest. It's sweet.
I was almost inspired to draw it all XD But I don't have time for that at the moment. Anyway, Excellent guide! I'm doing the quest now and it's the first quest that i've stopped and read all of the dialogue in. ^^
0 -
PequetteV - Lost City wrote: »nice guide but look here
that's a page of Dull Claw O_O :PI'm a male... Humanoid... Thing... Well, I'm full of something.0 -
Correction, the pick up for the memory bottle isn't right under the NPC. It works if you are over south of him just between him and the water.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk0 -
Divine_Death - Dreamweaver wrote: »Correction, the pick up for the memory bottle isn't right under the NPC. It works if you are over south of him just between him and the water.
I'll correct it. Thanks~I'm a male... Humanoid... Thing... Well, I'm full of something.0 -
Pledge - Harshlands wrote: »I'll correct it. Thanks~
NP. Great guide tho. Thank you for your hard work.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk0 -
i foudn the blood combat hard so im ditching it for a higher lvl0
Pledge - Harshlands wrote: »that's a page of Dull Claw O_O :P
Minor note: at the end of the story it says, "the monster will only willingly give up the Core if he is defeated alone." I guess the " alone" part can be removed now.
Anyways, nice post and thanks for the info. :-)0 -
Sangodoc - Dreamweaver wrote: »Perhaps they meant to post that link in the "Dull Claws-Dragon quest" or "Mr. Yeh?" threads?
Minor note: at the end of the story it says, "the monster will only willingly give up the Core if he is defeated alone." I guess the " alone" part can be removed now.
Anyways, nice post and thanks for the info. :-)
Oh whoops...I'm a male... Humanoid... Thing... Well, I'm full of something.0 -
sorry didnt realise thread had moved,
heres the my old post
Ive got a serious problem - i stupidly got rid of the bloodied bag thinking i had already set the quest and it was a glitch it still in my inventory - but i hadnt. Ive gone to all the npc's involved at that stage and no quest is available. Is there anyway to get another bloodied bag or redo part of the chain? ive submitted a ticket to a GM - i really dont want to miss out on this xp. b:cry0 -
Just as an FYI, your new thread is now linked.
Happy gaming b:pleased[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Xsi - Raging Tide wrote: »sorry didnt realise thread had moved,
heres the my old post
Ive got a serious problem - i stupidly got rid of the bloodied bag thinking i had already set the quest and it was a glitch it still in my inventory - but i hadnt. Ive gone to all the npc's involved at that stage and no quest is available. Is there anyway to get another bloodied bag or redo part of the chain? ive submitted a ticket to a GM - i really dont want to miss out on this xp. b:cry
If you have continued the quest, and the bag is still there, I'm afraid only the GM can take it out.I'm a male... Humanoid... Thing... Well, I'm full of something.0 -
Edit: Found the answer.Jyre for Hire!
*Out To Lunch* sign.
Well, ... sometimes. b:quiet0 -
haha... Just took a short trip back on my old post, a lot of questions were there...
Maybe I should just delete that old post, it's not really good keeping up two posts at once.I'm a male... Humanoid... Thing... Well, I'm full of something.0 -
I just finished the chain up 'give potion' on my level 57 wiz so the visit dizzy doesn't have a level 60 requirement, the quest 'ask about the potion' does. So you should change it in your guide.
Btw for a wiz it's possible to the bloody battle quest before 59 as well due to your elemental armor. I also need to add that the soldiers indeed do water damage, but the officers do fire damage. I died quite fast after getting my water res very high but leaving the fire res low on the officers. After I changed to fire element armor the damage was much lower. So if you want beat this as a low level get one set of water resist and one set as fire resist and switch after finishing the soldiers.0 -
So, the part in red in the first post about not getting the pop up... not true. I didn't get the pop up for my cleric, but I was still able to go to her elder and get the quest even though it wasn't in the find quest list.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Evict is a sexy chalupa.
retired, etc0 -
I got to 58 today and I saw in my log that I could continue the questchain so I went to Dizzy, I just did the tideborn traitor as well and a short note I kited him to the city doing about 40% of his hp in damage and when I got there I think 2 guards oneshot him but I still got the quest due to them each doing only 30% of his hp.
Also just got to emerald moon and still to low to continue I ll keep you informed on the level I can.0 -
I just finished the chain up 'give potion' on my level 57 wiz so the visit dizzy doesn't have a level 60 requirement, the quest 'ask about the potion' does. So you should change it in your guide.
Btw for a wiz it's possible to the bloody battle quest before 59 as well due to your elemental armor. I also need to add that the soldiers indeed do water damage, but the officers do fire damage. I died quite fast after getting my water res very high but leaving the fire res low on the officers. After I changed to fire element armor the damage was much lower. So if you want beat this as a low level get one set of water resist and one set as fire resist and switch after finishing the soldiers.
I'll see to it gets added and changed, thanks for the information! Out of all 8 classes, only the barb and the wiz are the ones that I'm not good in :PDyskrasia - Heavens Tear wrote: »So, the part in red in the first post about not getting the pop up... not true. I didn't get the pop up for my cleric, but I was still able to go to her elder and get the quest even though it wasn't in the find quest list.
Ok... I'll see where that leads to, I got a low level going to 40, I'll see from there.
Thanks for the note.I got to 58 today and I saw in my log that I could continue the questchain so I went to Dizzy, I just did the tideborn traitor as well and a short note I kited him to the city doing about 40% of his hp in damage and when I got there I think 2 guards oneshot him but I still got the quest due to them each doing only 30% of his hp.
Also just got to emerald moon and still to low to continue I ll keep you informed on the level I can.
Then perhaps the 60 cap is removed? I do not know, recently it seems there's been more patches than we wanted.I'm a male... Humanoid... Thing... Well, I'm full of something.0 -
GM's/Mods who ever stickys threads. plz do it for this one
best guide ever ive completed it on my cleric/veno almost with my psy. doing the quests after goshikis deathb:sad but plz sticky this its a pain to find sometimes. but anyway great guide pledge u rock b:cute
Avatars: Name-Class-Lvl-Server-Guild-Activeness
AngelOfLies-Cleric-90 Sage-no guild-Not currently Active
_CatGirl_-Veno-80-No Guild-Not Currently Acitve
BlindingEdge-Seeker-6x-No Guild-Main
DrawtheWaves-Sin-5x-No Guild-Active Alt0 -
in "Destiny" you report to the elder before you talk to Dizzy. It should be like this ....
- Speak with Elder (657, 143)
- 1 Bloodstained Bag Disappered
- Speak with Goshiki (668, 352)
- Gather 10 Golden Herbs (Located around all six power devices, no specific coords avaliable)
- Report to Goshiki (668, 352)
- Speak with Elder (657, 143)
- Go tell Dizzy (491, 890)
- Rewards: Coins (48600), EXP (112833), Spirit (28208)
- Continue onto the Quest "Blood Combat"
Just trying to help, not being snappish at all0 -
lvl45 now and i still haven't gotten the popup msg..
should i be worried?b:sadb:sad
is there absolutely no required quest you have to do before this?
thanks in adavance0 -
As a matter of completeness for the guide, does anyone have the info on Loyalty (MP)? How much is the xp reduced? The girl is not so much the problem but I may be interested in bringing a party to blood combat. That's the trade-off, right: less xp now and the chance to bring a squad later? Is there a level/people requirement for the squad you bring there?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0
FeralShadow - Sanctuary wrote: »in "Destiny" you report to the elder before you talk to Dizzy. It should be like this ....
- Speak with Elder (657, 143)
- 1 Bloodstained Bag Disappered
- Speak with Goshiki (668, 352)
- Gather 10 Golden Herbs (Located around all six power devices, no specific coords avaliable)
- Report to Goshiki (668, 352)
- Speak with Elder (657, 143)
- Go tell Dizzy (491, 890)
- Rewards: Coins (48600), EXP (112833), Spirit (28208)
- Continue onto the Quest "Blood Combat"
Just trying to help, not being snappish at all
Wow thanks for the help, I'll correct it at once. b:pleasedGennousuke - Lost City wrote: »lvl45 now and i still haven't gotten the popup msg..
should i be worried?b:sadb:sad
is there absolutely no required quest you have to do before this?
thanks in adavance
no quest before this... But be patient... The pop-up comes up on its own.
But level 45 is a bit late... Start panicking just a bit lol :PIhazacute - Sanctuary wrote: »As a matter of completeness for the guide, does anyone have the info on Loyalty (MP)? How much is the xp reduced? The girl is not so much the problem but I may be interested in bringing a party to blood combat. That's the trade-off, right: less xp now and the chance to bring a squad later? Is there a level/people requirement for the squad you bring there?
In my opinion, don't even do MP, I don't have avaliable help to it since it's a pain trying to find that high leveled one. But bringing a squad to blood combat - really not needed... In my opinion - you can ignore this if you wish, but fighting alone alongside Goshiki and his troops of General Summer Supermen is the most fulfilling part you'll ever experience. b:laughI'm a male... Humanoid... Thing... Well, I'm full of something.0 -
Like I said before, don't wait for the pop up. You don't need it to start the quest chain. Just go to the elder of your starter city and they will have it for you.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Evict is a sexy chalupa.
retired, etc0 -
i'm still stuck on the bloody battle. maybe i will be able to do it in a few lvls-retired-
now playing megaten and...Forsaken World0
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