The Goshiki Quest Chain Quest Guide



  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Nothing is ever impossible, I may be hyping it a bit here, Blood Combat is not all that scary, the only hard part is the Officers and the Time Limit, honest, with a decent charm(s), a great bow, and a LOT of ammo to kill, I see no reason for you to not get done, but being honest though, it is hard, not scary, but hard. Brace yourself if you wanna go in, charm yourself, archers have low HP and even lower regeneration rate, take caution.

    SIGH. Im so nooby. Lvl 60 did blood combat twice. died 2nd part, pulled aggro the 2nd time on accident.
  • Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    SIGH. Im so nooby. Lvl 60 did blood combat twice. died 2nd part, pulled aggro the 2nd time on accident.

    still have an alive charm? :P
    I'm a male... Humanoid... Thing... Well, I'm full of something.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    how do u get the commin of age quest on my char i am lvl 52 and i spoke to the elder and it only says do the comming of age but how do i start it?
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Heya^^ everyone

    I finished Goshiki chain a week ago and now I am so happy :)

    But I noticed that bosses like Tideborn Traitor lvl 60 and Tideborn Traitor lvl 150 you don't have to do solo.

    My sister had to kill first boss like a day ago and she chose single player quest. She was in squad with two clerics (lvl 38 and lvl 81). The problem is that she hit only once and lvl 81 cleric did all rest damage and she finished the quest.

    I had to kill Second Tideborn Traitor and i got 78 cleric to help me. We hit both and first time I didn't get it. Next time i hit first ,she healed me and also hit and I got it. You said it's like an oracle?

    Oh, yea a notice to Pledge: When you get Chrono core and bring it to Dizzy you don't get charm. You have to get another quest from her and then she will give you charm.

    Hope I helped.

    b:bye b:bye b:bye
  • Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    how do u get the commin of age quest on my char i am lvl 52 and i spoke to the elder and it only says do the comming of age but how do i start it?

    Start the chain at your elder. :)

    Heya^^ everyone

    I finished Goshiki chain a week ago and now I am so happy :)

    But I noticed that bosses like Tideborn Traitor lvl 60 and Tideborn Traitor lvl 150 you don't have to do solo.

    My sister had to kill first boss like a day ago and she chose single player quest. She was in squad with two clerics (lvl 38 and lvl 81). The problem is that she hit only once and lvl 81 cleric did all rest damage and she finished the quest.

    I had to kill Second Tideborn Traitor and i got 78 cleric to help me. We hit both and first time I didn't get it. Next time i hit first ,she healed me and also hit and I got it. You said it's like an oracle?

    Oh, yea a notice to Pledge: When you get Chrono core and bring it to Dizzy you don't get charm. You have to get another quest from her and then she will give you charm.

    Hope I helped.

    b:bye b:bye b:bye

    okay... So you can squad for everything now :P

    Thanks for the note, I'll fix that... Eventually :) b:thanks
    I'm a male... Humanoid... Thing... Well, I'm full of something.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Yeah, my archer had such a tough time too, I did blood combat on archer at level 60, with Deadly Shot at 4, Winged Shell (it saves you, HP charms or not) at 7, with transcendance skill learned (though only wings of grace, the other two you don't need here), I had equipped Supply Stash 55 MP charm (90k), and Treasure Hunt III HP Charm (30k), each mob I start with Take Aim, Stunning, Deadly Shot, Knockback, Thunder Shock, Thunder Strike, then use normal arrows, when these cooldowns are done, repeat again.

    The Officers have a lot of defense, ones that rival the Tideborn Traitor and Lochmur Guardian Beast, when I can, I blast them with metal-attributed skills (blazing arrow would work too), I probably used Eagleon once or twice, and use Thunderous Blast when I'm sure the AoE would touch other mobs. This is certainly a very tough quest, when I got out, my HP charm was downed from 30k to 3k, and MP charm downed from 90k to 72k... And I was level 60 with Mold Armour, Boots, flawless shards... The whole things.

    I don't think you can make it at level 52, level up a bit, good luck b:laugh

    U mean lvl 55 supply stash HP charm?
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Whatever you did at Kun Kun, you do to the worms, however, I do acknowledge the fact that Worms are ten times more painful than Kun Kun, being in the air, having more HP and all. The simplest way is to go to the city, buy a bow and 300 ammo, and shoot the worms.

    Good Luck.

    It doesn't work.
    I`m a 76 mage and with the bow and arrow (both lvl 1..) am doing like 2, 3 damage (Critical Hit). So I need like 150 shots to get 1 worm down. I tried and at half of the worms life he disappeared and so did 10 minutes of shooting. I tried after with my weapon (lvl 59 glaive,don't ask why,I dropped the game for 1 year it's the best i could find) and I did like 10 damage,but happened the same as with the bow. At half of the life or at 3/4 of the worms life it disappeared...
    If anyone knows any other method,I`m all ears !
    Another day, another idiot
  • Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    It doesn't work.
    I`m a 76 mage and with the bow and arrow (both lvl 1..) am doing like 2, 3 damage (Critical Hit). So I need like 150 shots to get 1 worm down. I tried and at half of the worms life he disappeared and so did 10 minutes of shooting. I tried after with my weapon (lvl 59 glaive,don't ask why,I dropped the game for 1 year it's the best i could find) and I did like 10 damage,but happened the same as with the bow. At half of the life or at 3/4 of the worms life it disappeared...
    If anyone knows any other method,I`m all ears !

    Getin a squad with a cleric and let him do the killin.
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Getin a squad with a cleric and let him do the killin.

    That's one way to do it.
    The other is to get a party with any other class than wizard. Good luck !
    Another day, another idiot
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    this is interesting
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    awesome thx
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I need sever help.

    I dont know what quest i left on while doing this chain.Ive been searching but can't find the NPC that gives me next quest. All i know is that I hav already killed general feng.
    b:cry i really want to finish this chain.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    You can try looking in the quest window under current quests to see where you are at.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I think this quest bugged for me. I did the blood combat thing around lvl 53, then I ran around talking with the npcs , I got the Tisha Stones and that was it, no more goshiki-related quests.
    So according to this guide here, I'm supposed to wait till 60 to recieve the next part. Well thing is, im 62 and still I dont have "Elder's Letter" or any quest that asks me to speak with the elder in my "find quests" thingie. I have tried going over to raging tide and talking to him, still nothing. Dizzy doesn't have anything to say either. And I am pretty sure I've finished the "Heartbroken" part 'cause I got the stones in my inventory right now.
    So what am i supposed to do ?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    A friend has a problem, we killed General Feng, she talked to elder, but when he accepted the mission of Feng, the quest didn't continue. Is it a bug?
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    Lulz this quest cracked me up when I did it.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Ok so I've gotten the dexterity Quest and I've killed three of those worms and it didn't register that I caught them. Can I not use a pet? b:cry
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Only thing i can think of is making sure you have inventory space, because they put an item in your inven when you kill them. also sorry this is like 2days late response lol, you probably already figured that out, just thought i'd reply anyway ;P
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I can beat you at staring >.> b:pleased
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Wasn't too late at all. I had actually turned to do other quests cause I had gotten frustrated with it.
    I feel Kinda silly with it being such a simple answer and I couldn't figure it out b:cute b:chuckle
    Thanks Bunches b:victory b:pleased
  • Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I has a question, can the TB chain be out lvl'd? > >

    On my new char I started, I stopped doing the quest a bit because it was a bit costly to tele from Dizzy to the Elder, and then to Aged Deity to Ormin. When I finally finished the last bit from Ormin, I went questing and afterwards (after I got to lvl67) the elder no longer had a quest for me. I thought maybe I just needed to kill the Traitor, I did, nothing happened. Visited Ormin again, nothing. Went to Emerald Moon, nothing.

    So.. Is lvl67 the level that the quest disappears? If so you might wanna post that somewhere.
    x.X Because I cannot for the love of me continue on to the last portion of the quest.

    And the GMs don't help, I've sent in a ticket before asking why I didn't get a quest from my Elder to begin the quest and all they told me was they don't know about the quest and they can't help guide me through a specific in-game quest. So it's pointless to ask them about this.

    Thanks in advance for any replies b:cute

    Edit: Nevermind! Dizzy had my quest! Even though I had already delivered a potion to Ormin she wants me to find one for him (again) I suppose b:sweat
  • Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Apologies to everyone, but since High School just started on me, my old computer with PWI and all the stuff on it disappeared with my parents, there is no way I can go to PWI anymore. If any, this will probably be my last status update on here - I won't be here anymore, I can, however, check back every 1 or 2 months or so.

    (So two new pages of reply since my last visit :P Scared me a bit :P)
    I'm a male... Humanoid... Thing... Well, I'm full of something.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    What can I say?
    the MOST usefull post [guide] i`ve seen in my LIFE. i mean,any game, any forum, any thread, any post, this is the best one.
    It truly is, my friend.
    kind thanks for the effort, props to everybody who contributed.
  • Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I guess I am stuck near the beginning? I am at the part where we have to visit the 3 cities near the start of it, but no matter what I do in/at City of the Plume, the next part will not activate. "Take Goshiki to City of the Plume".....arrgh.
    Cortimis - 101 Demon Barbarian. 100% legit, no goonzs/no APS

    Cortimi - 9X Demon Seeker. Total garbage and I will kill you with it anyways.
  • Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I guess I am stuck near the beginning? I am at the part where we have to visit the 3 cities near the start of it, but no matter what I do in/at City of the Plume, the next part will not activate. "Take Goshiki to City of the Plume".....arrgh.

    Did u teleport or walk/fly there?
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    hi EIGHTINCHTOY here ( main is KINGALUE ), i hope i didnt misunderstand what Jakarus was saying when speaking of wizards can do Bloodcombat befor lvl 59. not sure if he meant only they can or that they too can do befor lvl 59! im a lvl57 barb now just reached 57 so, was lvl 56 when i completed the Bloodcombat portion of this chain.Seriously there was nothing to keep me from completing it. what was the fuss ?b:laugh
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Sorry to bother you all but i need to ask something. How come I did not get a hp charm when I finished all the TB quests? b:sad
  • Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    i did blood combat at lvl 54 >:D and no idea why you didint get charm b:shocked

    a sniping CAT! b:shocked
    Run for your lives!
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Ok. I solved my doubt sorry.
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Just did this again with an alt, found another thing.

    You may move the 'Level 60' mark on the chain. I could did the quests until 'Curing Emerald Moon' at level 59. After that, couldn't do the 'Place of Dreams' one, saying that I needed to be more powerful. So maybe here is the place to put the Level 60 mark.
    [insert sig here]
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I had finished the quest but I still have energy crystals. Is there anyway I can get rid of them because they just take up space.


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