Squading Assassin
Ephemerai - Sanctuary wrote: »So much assassin/general tideborn hate... why? b:cry
Just because we're the new fish in the sea doesn't mean you shouldn't give us a chance b:surrender
To hell with this thread. Assassin is fun. End of discussion for me =D
Anyways, assassins can be useful or they can mean party wipe... same thing with ANY class, traditional or otherwise. It's not the character, but the player that makes the difference. And give it time.. it takes time to learn how to use your skills to your (and your party's) best advantage.
As mentioned on another thread, we do not need psy or sins. Good to have at TIMES, but can do without most of the times.
sins are pvp based, so go gank someone...0 -
wtf are u guys bitchin about? me and known of the sins i know have trouble getting into squads. most ppl are happy to help or happy to receive help. the guys not inviting u to there squads are pure *******s. simple as that. u should know how to deal with *******s in MMOs by now.
also sins out DPS wizards and archers and fist BMs. i thought we went over this in the DPS thread in the sin forum? pretty sure its pretty much confirmed that a lvl 100 sin is the best DPSer and there fore best DDer in game once they get demon spark and 5atk/sec...0 -
Ballistixz - Heavens Tear wrote: »wtf are u guys bitchin about? me and known of the sins i know have trouble getting into squads. most ppl are happy to help or happy to receive help. the guys not inviting u to there squads are pure *******s. simple as that. u should know how to deal with *******s in MMOs by now.
also sins out DPS wizards and archers and fist BMs. i thought we went over this in the DPS thread in the sin forum? pretty sure its pretty much confirmed that a lvl 100 sin is the best DPSer and there fore best DDer in game once they get demon spark and 5atk/sec...
That's pretty big claim you have there. But the fact is, you do not out-dps an archer. What you have on crits & speed, we can match it with range and and crits too.
5atk per sec? good lord... we archers can do that too. Have you been on another planet or something? There are demon archers that have been there and done that.
Try youtube. Best DPSer? Wait till you show us on video on what you have claimed and we will believe you. b:victory0 -
Giodia - Heavens Tear wrote: »That's pretty big claim you have there. But the fact is, you do not out-dps an archer. What you have on crits & speed, we can match it with range and and crits too.
5atk per sec? good lord... we archers can do that too. Have you been on another planet or something? There are demon archers that have been there and done that.
Try youtube. Best DPSer? Wait till you show us on video on what you have claimed and we will believe you. b:victory
not talking about a archer using fist that are not full str and actually doing half dmg fist BMs are doing but are allowing ur crit rate to keep up with the dps of a fist bm... sins WILL out dmg that very very easily. its just simple common sense... u have almost no str when u use fist as an ARCHER and a sin goes full dex and full dmg. a archer just cant possibly catch up to that simply using fist... they lack the str first off all. 2nd of all they are lacking the 60% fist melee buff.
so no, even if u can get 5atk/sec with FIST u will NEVER out DPS a sin. and yes this is a VERY big claim im making because it is the simple truth. even if the archer goes the same build fist BMs use (rofl if they do) they wont out DPS a sin of the same atk speed. just not possible.
so pls, do not say "oh a archer can get 5atk/sec to" because it doesnt matter lol... they have to use FIST in order to get 5atk/sec... sure it increases a archers DPS considerably, but it WILL NOT stack up to a sins DPS of 5atk/sec.
do the math and you will see exactly why.
so now that we got fist archers (lol) out of the way u will see why a sin out DPS a bow archer aswell. they have same crit rate but they do not have the same DPS as a sin. if u can get 5atk/sec with bows then talk something.
also not to mention we have a amp skill to increase our dmg even more so and PD which increases our crit rate by 40% and wolf emblem which increases rage damage by 30%. combine that with demon spark and 5atk/sec and see what u get. bow archers nor fish archers can keep up with that.0 -
tha kyoshi make me laught, he says so many crapb:laugh but ... even that mob in fb 51 u just have to follow wall and u won't agro the other mobs. Just play with good player and there won't be squad whype like that.... and u also can tell your squad before u go stealth and pass mob, if they can read they won't die either xd
and btw sin are less squishy than archer with bloodpaint focused mindand deadlen nerves (that was a reallly stupid comment when u said u just need one more arrow...), and even to run boss away got two speed skill that can help your genie speed skill, dunno wich boss u usualy run but they go faster than u if u don't use speed skillb:surrender
and just for the damage, sin do more dps than lot of class and for sure more than an archerb:bye0 -
Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear wrote: »1. If the guardian is surrounded by other mobs there is no point of letting the sin go kill it... your a idoit in light armor. If the guardian isn't surrounded by other mobs... whats the point of having a sin?
2. As stated before... your an idoit in light armor... what make you think you can live long enough for the others to get away? And if you stealth... the boss will just pick the next aggro target... unless the entire party is FAR enough. Which goes back to the previous sentence... what make you think you can live long enough for the party to get away.
3. Arch and wiz both have immobilzation skills... if they are running it mean they are at their end. And you want them to sit there for waiting for you to paralyze? Any half assed sin should already have long paralyzed the mob before the arch/wiz even taken a hit.
Just wanted to point out that this was a civil discussion until this guy started calling OP an idiot...
I believe Black's purpose in posting this was to simply share his experiences with the Sin class and tell people about some things Sin's are useful for in certain bh's and squadding in general.
If you see where an OP is mistaken and you want to reply to "set him straight", why not just leave out the animosity and "omniscient" facade please.
Think for yourself - Question authority
Lolz, this thread is amusing so i just had to make a couple of comments:
1 - Although sin's final position in the overall dps ranking is yet to be confirmed (79/sage/demon skills), I would honestly expect sin's to come out at the top of the list for dps at endgame. Attack speed & buffs & crit = overall higher dps.
2 - There are some arrogant sin's out there....but then again there are arrogant Barbs, BM's, Wizzies, Clerics, Archers and Veno's. There are also a sh1tload of killcrazy squishies that try their hardest to out-dps the tank and aggro ***** on every boss they come across - this isn't just limited to sins (lolz, running BH seat with BM, cleric, 2 wiz, 2 archers yesterday was fun....the BM didn't get to tank a single thing b:laugh)
3 - There are some noob sin's out there that have no idea how to play their class (probably more than most other classes right now, as most psych/sin are still working out how best to play their class), but there are also some highly skilled sin players out there - it all depends on the player and how much effort they put into learning / using their class.
OP may not have put things across in the best way, but the way i read this is that he/she is at least trying to start discussion and/or raise awareness of how sins can help a party. Granted, it's perhaps not written in the best way and some of the info is debatable but imho it's far better to start a discussion than a flame war.
Oh, and for those of you that brag about taking sin's down oh so easily - there is a lvl 92 sin on sanc that turned PK at around lvl 4x and has been bloodred ever since, mostly by going up against people far higher than he is....yeah sin's can be squishy but for those people that can play them well they are lethal (and will only get better as their skills come in)0 -
Ballistixz - Heavens Tear wrote: »not talking about a archer using fist that are not full str and actually doing half dmg fist BMs are doing but are allowing ur crit rate to keep up with the dps of a fist bm... sins WILL out dmg that very very easily. its just simple common sense... u have almost no str when u use fist as an ARCHER and a sin goes full dex and full dmg. a archer just cant possibly catch up to that simply using fist... they lack the str first off all. 2nd of all they are lacking the 60% fist melee buff.
so no, even if u can get 5atk/sec with FIST u will NEVER out DPS a sin. and yes this is a VERY big claim im making because it is the simple truth. even if the archer goes the same build fist BMs use (rofl if they do) they wont out DPS a sin of the same atk speed. just not possible.
so pls, do not say "oh a archer can get 5atk/sec to" because it doesnt matter lol... they have to use FIST in order to get 5atk/sec... sure it increases a archers DPS considerably, but it WILL NOT stack up to a sins DPS of 5atk/sec.
do the math and you will see exactly why.
so now that we got fist archers (lol) out of the way u will see why a sin out DPS a bow archer aswell. they have same crit rate but they do not have the same DPS as a sin. if u can get 5atk/sec with bows then talk something.
also not to mention we have a amp skill to increase our dmg even more so and PD which increases our crit rate by 40% and wolf emblem which increases rage damage by 30%. combine that with demon spark and 5atk/sec and see what u get. bow archers nor fish archers can keep up with that.
Ok... you are seriously nub... try visiting archer forums who soloed a dungeon.. I forgot what's the name of it. There should be a link to the youtube in one of those fist archer threads.
But he did it and he sparked all the time. He basically did 5 digit damage each hit while in spark mode.
Yeah..amped skills, we have blazing arrows damage that we can cast while using bow and changed to fist and demon sparks.
But seriously, I bet you will use your bow at any boss with AOEs, with a shorter range and looking lame using it.
b:victory0 -
Giodia - Heavens Tear wrote: »Ok... you are seriously nub... try visiting archer forums who soloed a dungeon.. I forgot what's the name of it. There should be a link to the youtube in one of those fist archer threads.
But he did it and he sparked all the time. He basically did 5 digit damage each hit while in spark mode.
Yeah..amped skills, we have blazing arrows damage that we can cast while using bow and changed to fist and demon sparks.
But seriously, I bet you will use your bow at any boss with AOEs, with a shorter range and looking lame using it.
who cares? soloing a dungeon seriously? ok...
there u go. and that sin has no where near the endgame DPS a sin can potentially get. theres 5 digit dmg poping up there and he is no where near getting the 5atk/sec DPS a sin is capable of and is not lvl 100 yet. he also DOES NOT have demon spark yet but he is still able to reach 5 digit dmg that u speak of with ur archer without the demon spark. yet even tho he has no where near endgame DPS a sin can get and no demon/sage skills and no demon spark he is still able to "solo a dungeon"
next argument?
also what you are failing to realize is that fist are based are based on str, daggers are based on dex. most fist archers dont restat to a BM fist build and stick with there archer build while only adding JUST ENOUGHT str to wear tt100 fists. this severly cuts there dmg down. because they have so much dex and so little str to power fist. the ONLY thing thats keeping fists usefull for archers is there crit rate. there naturall crit rate over BMs will alow them to crit alot more often and keep up in dmg with other fist BMs if not surpass them.
but sins on the other hand dont have that problem. daggers are based on dex and therefore they get damage AND crit rate for a full dex build. they dont have to sacrifice anything at all. full dex and full power and full criticals, NOTHING is cut or lacking. they are at there optimal and prime dmg.
look at this video for an example.
if u pause it at 1:02 u can see the archers char menue. he has 164 str and 418 dex. 11k atk rate from from demon spark and such. now just imagine that being a sin. probaly a bit more dex cuz he wont have to put so much into wearing fist and ALOOOOOOOOT more physical dmg because all the dmg comes from dex not str.
but since that is a FIST archer all of his physical atk is coming from demon spark and his 164 str. thats all he has to work with to power his fists compared to a sins daggers that gets full power from the 418 dex.
also here is that very same a rcher soloing nirvana but as u can see from the screens he is doing significantly less dmg then the lvl 93 sin in the vid i posted above.
http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=5852610 -
If you want to be "useful to a squad" roll a different class like a cleric or barb and you'll get plenty of squads.
Sins are designed as PvP machines. Insane DPS, stuns/sleep/debuffs, easy chi gain, stealth and the means to get close to an opponent fast makes them extremely formidable in the hands of a skilled player.
Yes, sins aren't as useful in a squad or certain PvE, every class has their role and some are more useful than others. But if you want a PvE class that everyone loves to have around, and you aren't content with being a PvP powerhouse, then it's best you re-roll and try something else imo.0 -
_DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary wrote: »If you want to be "useful to a squad" roll a different class like a cleric or barb and you'll get plenty of squads.
Sins are designed as PvP machines. Insane DPS, stuns/sleep/debuffs, easy chi gain, stealth and the means to get close to an opponent fast makes them extremely formidable in the hands of a skilled player.
Yes, sins aren't as useful in a squad or certain PvE, every class has their role and some are more useful than others. But if you want a PvE class that everyone loves to have around, and you aren't content with being a PvP powerhouse, then it's best you re-roll and try something else imo.
i said this once before in a different thread but a class is only as useful as the person controlling that char. a BM can be useless a barb can be useless ALL of the classes can be useless if the person controlling that class is useless and doesnt know what he is doing.
so a class is only useless if u make them out to be useless. however if the person behind the char is competent and knows what he is doing then its impossible for any class to be useless in a squad.0 -
Ballistixz - Heavens Tear wrote: »
At endgame with demon spark Sins "might" have the best DPS in the game, but not here to argue that point.
That video though ... Was pretty dissapointed with the crit rate, its not much more than what my BM gets and less than when I use Dragon Bane.
Thats not a arguement against sins, I have one myself and TBH I was expecting more in the crit stakes by that level b:sad0 -
i dont know that persons build but a sin pretty much have the same crit rate as archers + the PD bonus of 40% extra crit rate when needed. so in if a sin can get 36% crit rate as that archer has in the 2nd vid them PD will make that crit rate 76% for 8 seconds. it is honestly a godly skill to have imo for a class that is capable of it 5atk/sec.
so if you do feel as if crit rate is low for w/e reason u can always pop up a PD every now and then.0 -
Ballistixz - Heavens Tear wrote: »i said this once before in a different thread but a class is only as useful as the person controlling that char. a BM can be useless a barb can be useless ALL of the classes can be useless if the person controlling that class is useless and doesnt know what he is doing.
so a class is only useless if u make them out to be useless. however if the person behind the char is competent and knows what he is doing then its impossible for any class to be useless in a squad.
You missed Seph's point. Entirely.
A failure barb, cleric, BM or anything else has not learned to play their class and in turn that makes that particular barb/BM/clerc/whatever useless and not the entire class. Emphasis there so it's clear to you exactly what's being said.
On a very general note, DarkSeph is exactly right. The new fishes are extremely PvP orientated - especially sins. Remember than this is on a PW global, general note, your class in a BH or FB or anything else practically PvE squad can be considered useless - there's nothing you can do that any other class can't. At all. How do you think this game was being played before you came along? Oh, that's right... everybody adjusted to the classes and found out what they could and couldn't do.
Right now, with 80% if not more of the TB population being oracle noobs, many of which being arrogant "I pwnz you watch me go stealthz" little pieces of **** who reckon they rule the world, your class also has a bad name for itself. Which is a shame, because the potential ability of a sin and psychic hasn't even be realised yet.
But it can be safely said, for now and on a general note, that between the oracle noobs that make your class look bad, the fact you're a new class and you still don't have your full potential yet whatsoever, and the fact you're designed for PvP is what makes you unneeded in a squad.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
The only real use of a Sin in a BH squad is for BH 79 linus>stygean>brigand chain (and here i mean that only sin can do it, no other classes can) . Why? coz it will save u from double wining the FB or keep killing mobs up to the 1st door. How? the damn sin can check over and over again what is the opening of the fb with just the cost of 1 mana pot/ check. I have a sin lvl 77 never been rejected by bh squad because im a sin, i can very well take the spot of a bm or archer for bh or any other DD...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
lol Giodia...i ask u the same question...did u ever play a sin? or can u do math? we sure are capable of out DPSing a fist bm or a or an archer...we aren't complete yet so we can'T come close to that goal but in the end its a fact that we are the highest dps class. i won't argue anymore cause it seems pointless to try. u won't believe it either. yes sins are pvp based but they might have some use if squaded. again i emphasize IF squaded....i never said they are better than bms or other classes....so drop that point. and finally i will apologize AGAIN(seems like no ones is bothering to read here) that i made 2 mistakes in the first pages regarding psys and highest dmg of a sin...and i apologize for not writing in a better way. i was in the middle of a bh and that problem occured again...so i tried to write some suggestions how to react with a sin in squad.0
BIackTyphoon - Heavens Tear wrote: »lol Giodia...i ask u the same question...did u ever play a sin? or can u do math? we sure are capable of out DPSing a fist bm or a or an archer...we aren't complete yet so we can'T come close to that goal but in the end its a fact that we are the highest dps class. i won't argue anymore cause it seems pointless to try. u won't believe it either. yes sins are pvp based but they might have some use if squaded. again i emphasize IF squaded....i never said they are better than bms or other classes....so drop that point. and finally i will apologize AGAIN(seems like no ones is bothering to read here) that i made 2 mistakes in the first pages regarding psys and highest dmg of a sin...and i apologize for not writing in a better way. i was in the middle of a bh and that problem occured again...so i tried to write some suggestions how to react with a sin in squad.
Sins do not have the best DPS in the game. Sins might have the best DPS in the game in the future, but I doubt it. Prove me wrong. I will only believe you when you show a real proof of it. Like a video or something. If it can't be proved right it doesn't exist. First check the facts before making any decisions. b:bye100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011.
pwcalc.com/e7016929e7b204ae "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.0 -
Sins do not have the best DPS in the game. Sins might have the best DPS in the game in the future, but I doubt it. Prove me wrong. I will only believe you when you show a real proof of it.
statistically its possible cause we have the second fastest normal attack after bms, we have a full dex based dmg and we can reach(at least statistically) the 5dps mark...ofc we have no demon spark nor have anyone shown yet the 5dps but we can....just need some time...what do u expect...we were just recently released(ofc our special crit rate and crit dmg buffs can be included aswell).. so in the end ur right we don't have the highest DPS now but we can have it, geared properly0 -
well in my opinion sins are quite useful in bhs and in pvp..
just let a sin gather all mobs and run a bit after him.. not close tho.. when he's at boss he just uses stealth and mobs reset.. no wines needed verything is clear..
as for pvp yea they own and if they manage to get atk speed eqs they will own more.. i just dont get it how come fists got atk speed and no daggers at all dont? i mean even soulspheres got casting time and what do daggers have? chance to get 10% hpo wow.. **** -.-
edit/off topic: rofl the game cuts out my name xD it should be \HB/ xD0 -
Ballistixz - Heavens Tear wrote: »also here is that very same a rcher soloing nirvana but as u can see from the screens he is doing significantly less dmg then the lvl 93 sin in the vid i posted above.
Never been to an elite dungeon before have you? Soloing a Nirvana boss to soloing a BH boss tens of levels below you makes a world of difference. Actually, comparing Nirvana solo run to a BH solo run in itself is full of fail.
I could solo dungeons up to BH59, does that prove I'm on the same level as Chezedude? Not really.0 -
HB/ - Lost City wrote: »well in my opinion sins are quite useful in bhs and in pvp..
just let a sin gather all mobs and run a bit after him.. not close tho.. when he's at boss he just uses stealth and mobs reset.. no wines needed verything is clear..
This sounds like as good an idea as rushing in TT...
which I absolutely hate. I've seen it done badly too many times, resulting in deaths (usually of the cleric(s)), and too many times had squad wipes... and a cleric can't rush the mobs on his/her own, at least not an arcane one.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
thejapanesepage.com/ebooks/yuki_no_monogatari_manga0 -
he's saying sins can reach 5 attacks per seconds after
-0.1s interval on daggers of some sort (prolly nirvana)
-0.1s interval from 8jun chest
-0.05s interval from tome
-0.05s interval from cape
-0.05s interval from lionheart bonus (2 orns)
-0.05s interval from ashura bonus (wrist + something else)
-0.1s interval from ashura wrist
and there you have it. a total of -0.5s interval from gear to put you at 3.33 attacks/s, thus making 5 attacks/s possible with demon spark.
frankly, gloat all you want, but uh...good luck and have fun big spender0 -
Never been to an elite dungeon before have you? Soloing a Nirvana boss to soloing a BH boss tens of levels below you makes a world of difference. Actually, comparing Nirvana solo run to a BH solo run in itself is full of fail.
I could solo dungeons up to BH59, does that prove I'm on the same level as Chezedude? Not really.
so what ur saying is a sin cant do that even tho he can get the exact same HP rates and exact same equips an archer can get right? incluing Bloodpaint which heals loads of HP at higher lvls and especially with 5atk/sec (calcualted at 1k HP every one second if a sin can reach 5atk/sec) and deaden nevers and focus mind/tidal protection?
gtfo with that ****... the point was that a sin can basically solo anything an archer can solo but with better DPS.
the whole point of the video i posted was to show that a sin can solo dungeons and how they are capable of doing it. nirvana and TT will be no diffrent. archers and sins run the same build and have the same armor. they c an solo anything a archer can solo. the only diffrence is sins will have better DPS and better survivability with blood paint, focus mind/tidal protection, and deaden neves.
that being said a sin is better at soloing dungeons where it be elite instances like nirvana and TT or fbs/BHs then a archer is.
its honestly not about being arrogant, simply do the math. its already been proven a sin can get 5atk/sec and are able to be the best DPSers in this game. atm fist BMs are the highest DPSers but a sin can surpass them once they get 5atk/sec.
actually you dont even NEED the math. just use common ****ing sense. ppl seem to think if they accept the fact that sins are better DPSers then fist BMs and archers then it would mean they will become useless. no that is far from the truth. even if a sin out DPSes archers and fist BMs they will NEVER replace the usefullness of archers and fist BMs.
people just seem to have a hard time accepting the fact that a class is better then them in certain areas.0 -
Mayfly - Dreamweaver wrote: »This sounds like as good an idea as rushing in TT...
which I absolutely hate. I've seen it done badly too many times, resulting in deaths (usually of the cleric(s)), and too many times had squad wipes... and a cleric can't rush the mobs on his/her own, at least not an arcane one.
Everyone rushes TT its not hard even lvl 70 cleric can do it - plume shield + holy path. You must go with terrible parties >.<
Dont know anyone with half a brain that wastes times killing mobs in TT unless you have to for 3-X quest.
Also why people complain here - If assassins wanna **** their hp charm agro and rush all mobs so party gets of the wine fee, be happy and say thanks.0 -
lmao this thread still alive? b:shocked[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Ballistixz - Heavens Tear wrote: »/facepalm....
so what ur saying is a sin cant do that even tho he can get the exact same HP rates and exact same equips an archer can get right? incluing Bloodpaint which heals loads of HP at higher lvls and especially with 5atk/sec (calcualted at 1k HP every one second if a sin can reach 5atk/sec) and deaden nevers and focus mind/tidal protection?
gtfo with that ****... the point was that a sin can basically solo anything an archer can solo but with better DPS.
the whole point of the video i posted was to show that a sin can solo dungeons and how they are capable of doing it. nirvana and TT will be no diffrent. archers and sins run the same build and have the same armor. they c an solo anything a archer can solo. the only diffrence is sins will have better DPS and better survivability with blood paint, focus mind/tidal protection, and deaden neves.
that being said a sin is better at soloing dungeons where it be elite instances like nirvana and TT or fbs/BHs then a archer is.
its honestly not about being arrogant, simply do the math. its already been proven a sin can get 5atk/sec and are able to be the best DPSers in this game. atm fist BMs are the highest DPSers but a sin can surpass them once they get 5atk/sec.
actually you dont even NEED the math. just use common ****ing sense. ppl seem to think if they accept the fact that sins are better DPSers then fist BMs and archers then it would mean they will become useless. no that is far from the truth. even if a sin out DPSes archers and fist BMs they will NEVER replace the usefullness of archers and fist BMs.
people just seem to have a hard time accepting the fact that a class is better then them in certain areas.
But you're being arrogant. Poster above is right, prove it. You're basically nothing but a spoiled brat claiming his toy is better than what anyone else could ever have. IF you're right about your claims, then chances are your class will be nerfed before you ever get your precious 5 atk/sec interval... It's all theory up until now. Yes, theoretically sins are a pvp powerhouse but then all of the established classes hold a lot of tricks up their sleeves for endgame pvp. As good as sins can become, fact is you dont know if sins won't end up becoming a cowardly crowd that uses stealth to get close, tries to get a couple of hits in and then forces stealth to escape. You could end up becoming nothing but an annoyance to everyone with a charm, and a threat to only weakened or absent minded players...
You're not the only class with survival skills.
There is such a thing as genies in the field.
Someone might yet figure out an easy way to neutralize sins.
Other classes may find new ways to use currently undervalued skills.
An MMO is usually an evolving landscape, today's OP class may be owned by everyone tomorrow. And a top tier of players will never be easy to take down (regardless of class) because they continue to study the game. You're just like fail venos that get excited about their survival skills and figure all they need is a nix to pwn everyone else. It's easy to make claims but it's far different to back them up. Perhaps uber dps will face so many aggro issues that in PvE you'll become an unwanted class and able to function no better than any other class would at 10-20 levels lower. Perhaps the balance originally intended by developers will impose itself and a non-HA melee prove to be nothing but a joke in PvP. If you want to discuss what sins are capable of doing, fine, that is the very purpose of a forum. But if you just want to brag about how someday you'll own everyone don't be shocked if some of us ponder about what such fail attitude says about you.
Biggest dps in game is a big claim, it can't be argued, only proven.0 -
Ballistixz - Heavens Tear wrote: »/facepalm....
so what ur saying is a sin cant do that even tho he can get the exact same HP rates and exact same equips an archer can get right? incluing Bloodpaint which heals loads of HP at higher lvls and especially with 5atk/sec (calcualted at 1k HP every one second if a sin can reach 5atk/sec) and deaden nevers and focus mind/tidal protection?
gtfo with that ****... the point was that a sin can basically solo anything an archer can solo but with better DPS.
the whole point of the video i posted was to show that a sin can solo dungeons and how they are capable of doing it. nirvana and TT will be no diffrent. archers and sins run the same build and have the same armor. they c an solo anything a archer can solo. the only diffrence is sins will have better DPS and better survivability with blood paint, focus mind/tidal protection, and deaden neves.
that being said a sin is better at soloing dungeons where it be elite instances like nirvana and TT or fbs/BHs then a archer is.
its honestly not about being arrogant, simply do the math. its already been proven a sin can get 5atk/sec and are able to be the best DPSers in this game. atm fist BMs are the highest DPSers but a sin can surpass them once they get 5atk/sec.
actually you dont even NEED the math. just use common ****ing sense. ppl seem to think if they accept the fact that sins are better DPSers then fist BMs and archers then it would mean they will become useless. no that is far from the truth. even if a sin out DPSes archers and fist BMs they will NEVER replace the usefullness of archers and fist BMs.
people just seem to have a hard time accepting the fact that a class is better then them in certain areas.
In theory, Wizards were the highest damage dealers. This was proven false.
In theory, Archers could not act as tanks. This was proven false.
In theory, Barbs could not act as potent DD's. This was proven false.
In theory, Blademasters could not reach the maximum attack speed. This was proven false.
People have tested, played, and theories were proven right or wrong. You can come up with any theory you want but at the end of the day, theories don't prove anything. Players do.
As of right now all you are doing is simple addition and subtraction. You have not taken in account unknown valuables and you have not considered external factors (which is always present in elite dungeons). Until it actually gets achieved, why don't you take a breather and accept that people will have generalized opinion on Sins and wait for someone to prove that they are capable like ALL OF THE CLASSES had to do. No class is special, and Sins are no exception. Stating a theory as concrete fact is ridiculously childish.0 -
In theory, Wizards were the highest damage dealers. This was proven false.
In theory, Archers could not act as tanks. This was proven false.
In theory, Barbs could not act as potent DD's. This was proven false.
In theory, Blademasters could not reach the maximum attack speed. This was proven false.
People have tested, played, and theories were proven right or wrong. You can come up with any theory you want but at the end of the day, theories don't prove anything. Players do.
As of right now all you are doing is simple addition and subtraction. You have not taken in account unknown valuables and you have not considered external factors (which is always present in elite dungeons). Until it actually gets achieved, why don't you take a breather and accept that people will have generalized opinion on Sins and wait for someone to prove that they are capable like ALL OF THE CLASSES had to do. No class is special, and Sins are no exception. Stating a theory as concrete fact is ridiculously childish.
here is another theory for u then which was started in this very same thread then.
in theory, assassins are useless in squads
in theory, an archer is better then a assassin
in theory, a fist BM is better then assassins
in theory, a assassin is not needed and is just a useless class to have
this has been an extremely biased and hypocritical thread. so many people have bashed sins as being a useless and unneeded class in this thread with no proof to back up there claims for a sin being useless. but you tell me to show proof on the usefullness of a sin? (even tho i gave proof and others have showed you the math on how a sin is a good DPSers)
what i am doing is proving all of the biased and hypocritical people wrong. where is YOUR proof that a sin is useless in a squad? where is YOUR proof that they cant achieve the DPS i have talked about? i showed you how it is possible, now show me how it isnt possible? id really love for you to show me how its not possible for a sin to get 5atk/sec and not out DPS a fist archer and a fist BM even tho me and many others have already proven it is possible.
so since you want me to prove that you are wrong (which i already have) i want you and all the others that agree that sins are useless/cant out DPS archers to prove me wrong. i still have yet to see anything backing up the claim that a sin is a useless class. ive already even shown you a lvl 93 sin largely out dmging a lvl 100 fist archer and that lvl 93 sin has no where near the gear the archer has. and in that very same vid it was shown how a sin can solo instances.
its just amazing how people ignore facts that are put right in front of there face....0 -
Ballistixz - Heavens Tear wrote: »here is another theory for u then which was started in this very same thread then.
in theory, assassins are useless in squads
in theory, an archer is better then a assassin
in theory, a fist BM is better then assassins
in theory, a assassin is not needed and is just a useless class to have
this has been an extremely biased and hypocritical thread. so many people have bashed sins as being a useless and unneeded class in this thread with no proof to back up there claims for a sin being useless. but you tell me to show proof on the usefullness of a sin? (even tho i gave proof and others have showed you the math on how a sin is a good DPSers)
what i am doing is proving all of the biased and hypocritical people wrong. where is YOUR proof that a sin is useless in a squad? where is YOUR proof that they cant achieve the DPS i have talked about? i showed you how it is possible, now show me how it isnt possible?
Getting all defensive again.
If you can't physically prove that you can get the highest DPS in the game right now just shut the **** up and wait until you can rather than yelling at everybody else who wants you to show them figures and numbers and real in game stats rather than theories and numbers you THINK might be right. Why?
Because as has been said theories can be proven wrong. Rather than screaming at everybody who reminds you of this fact and claiming they're all being biased, maybe take off your blinkers, open your very closed mind and realise they are not calling you useless they are wanting you to prove that you are not and to defend and back up your claims with evidence which actually proves something.
I added the emphasis there so you might understand what's actually being said.
Stop victimising yourself. We aren't telling you you're useless, we're telling you you're making very bold claims with no evidence to prove you're right. You then make yourself look like a complete **** and an arrogant fool when you scream at them claiming they're saying one thing when in fact, they aren't.
Get with the programme please, you're making this thread painful.
-ninja edit- The words you post on the forum are not proof. They are not detailed stats, they are not well explained, they are simply words.
Go get us real proof, like screenshots. If you want somebody to eat their words you'd better damn well do it properly or you can well bet we will argue the toss with you and your arrogant "OMG YOU'RE ALL PICKIN' ON ME HOW COULD YOU CALL ME USELESS QQ" nature.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
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