Corrupt the Wish



  • XXKimikoXx - Heavens Tear
    XXKimikoXx - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,569 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Granted but they kick you anyways

    I wish for a giant foot................b:shocked
    Thanks for the siggy Dorset
    Once upon a time I had a dirty little secret but then I took it to the dry cleanersb:laugh

    -Currently residing in the real world-
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wish granted but now you trip everywhere because of your big foot and people honk their cars at you and people raise their walking canes at you for tripping so many people b:chuckle

    I wish to be tall b:surrender
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • XXKimikoXx - Heavens Tear
    XXKimikoXx - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,569 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Granted but now you can fit into anything because your 7.8 ft

    I wish for a sexy cosplay outfit.
    Thanks for the siggy Dorset
    Once upon a time I had a dirty little secret but then I took it to the dry cleanersb:laugh

    -Currently residing in the real world-
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wish granted but the outfit is soooooo crazy that it makes you look ridiculous instead of good b:chuckle

    I wish for a good night sleep... b:surrender I haven't been able to sleep recently since I've been so stressed out and stuff.
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wish granted. You have the best night's sleep ever...and the best day's...and the next night as well...your sleep is so deep that you can't seem to wake up from it. Despite all the attempts of your friends, family, and the medical community, you refuse to wake up from the best sleep of your life. You are finally left on a feeding tube in a hospital for the rest of your life, because of that good night's sleep.

    I wish that I have no classes Friday as well (I've already had two days off because of snow b:chuckle)
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • Adalynne - Sanctuary
    Adalynne - Sanctuary Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Granted. As you stated before, classes were cancelled due to the snow, and so it shall be on Friday as well. In fact, the snow keeps coming and coming, guaranteeing snowdays for the following week as well. However, as the inches turn into feet, the governor declares a state of emergency. Soon even the snow vehicles are unable to make it out onto the roads. Your city is eventually buried under fifteen feet of snow, and supplies soon run short. When the National Guard finally manages to dig your town out from it's snowy grave a month later, they are shocked to find that the surviving citizens have resorted to cannibalism and have lost most of their humanity. But at least you got your snowday :D

    I wish for a warm, fuzzy blanket.

    If you will practice being fictional for a while, you will understand that fictional characters are sometimes more real than people with bodies and heartbeats.
  • DeathBanana - Heavens Tear
    DeathBanana - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,674 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Granted! Made of 100% lice-infested old russian men's hair!
    Then a bear mauls you. And makes it into a tupee.

    I wish my dad would get off my case for staying up too late.

    9x Demon Cleric
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Granted! Made of 100% lice-infested old russian men's hair!
    Then a bear mauls you. And makes it into a tupee.

    I wish my dad would get off my case for staying up too late.

    Wish Granted. Your Dad goes to work but on the way he loses control of his vehicle and crashes into an oncoming tractor trailer causing a massive pile up and killing 38 people, including himself. Your mother gets sued and you are forced to sell everything you own and live on the streets where you catch a nasty disease and grow a third arm from your forehead.

    I wish I could go fishing tonight.
  • Ignation - Lost City
    Ignation - Lost City Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Granted! you will drown and you will be eaten by all teh fishies >.<

    I wish i can flyb:dirty
    "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
  • XXKimikoXx - Heavens Tear
    XXKimikoXx - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,569 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Granted but you fly into a wall

    I wish I could attend cosplay conventions
    Thanks for the siggy Dorset
    Once upon a time I had a dirty little secret but then I took it to the dry cleanersb:laugh

    -Currently residing in the real world-
  • Technotic - Sanctuary
    Technotic - Sanctuary Posts: 591 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    granted, but you will be bananaman!!.jpg

    i wish i can do back flips!
    Say my name 3 times, I dare you.

  • XXKimikoXx - Heavens Tear
    XXKimikoXx - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,569 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Granted but you break your back

    I wish I could wear this outfit to a cosplay convention
    Thanks for the siggy Dorset
    Once upon a time I had a dirty little secret but then I took it to the dry cleanersb:laugh

    -Currently residing in the real world-
  • Ignation - Lost City
    Ignation - Lost City Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Granted, but this outfit will be glued to your skin, and you will try to rip it off you but take off all your skin with a moment of insanity and die as fast as i can snap my fingers. b:laugh

    I wish my cigs never run out >.<
    "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
  • XXKimikoXx - Heavens Tear
    XXKimikoXx - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,569 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Granted but you cant smoke them

    I wish I could wear this outfit for halloween
    Thanks for the siggy Dorset
    Once upon a time I had a dirty little secret but then I took it to the dry cleanersb:laugh

    -Currently residing in the real world-
  • Barbariankev - Heavens Tear
    Barbariankev - Heavens Tear Posts: 831 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    granted but you order it but due to a delay its delivered 1 day after halloween

    i wish to be able to create and control fire so i dont have to be cold while not burning myself
    its impossible to always do the right thing we all make mistakes i am not different from that
    just try to be a good person

    english isn't my native language so there might be a few spelling/grammatical errors in my posts
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    granted but you order it but due to a delay its delivered 1 day after halloween

    i wish to be able to create and control fire so i dont have to be cold while not burning myself

    Granted but the cost to your body is extreme and within a week of developing this ability, you suffer a massive coronary and die.

    I wish I could go fishing tonight XD.
  • Ignation - Lost City
    Ignation - Lost City Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Granted, but a large swordfish will stab you and your body will be fed to teh sharks b:shocked b:laugh

    I wish i can generate food o.O
    "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Granted, but a large swordfish will stab you and your body will be fed to teh sharks b:shocked b:laugh

    I wish i can generate food o.O

    Granted, you are walking through the Jungle when a tribe of cannibals find you, and eat you. You have now generated food.

    I wish I could get some restful sleep tonight.
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Granted, but during the night, a thief comes into your house. Since you are having such a peaceful, deep sleep, you don't hear him. When you wake you, you find just about everything of value has been taken from you.

    I wish for a computer with unlimited memory storage, and a USB drive to match.
    Be nice to people
  • Davitiel - Heavens Tear
    Davitiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Granted, but now they're both unusable since they have all the computer viruses that are flying around in the web.

    I wish I had a healthier sleeping pattern.
    And now faith, hope, and charity remain; but the greatest of these is charity.
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wish granted. But now you don't have time to hang out with your friends because you have to stay on with your sleep schedule and you miss out on several important meetings and parties b:chuckle

    I wish my parents would approve of me dyeing my hair before I dye it behind their backs.... <__<
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • AngryMom - Dreamweaver
    AngryMom - Dreamweaver Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dyeing your hair makes you look like a 5 dollar holla :P

    I wish PW wasnt so addicting :,(

    (stares at the screen for a few seconds and starts banging his head on the desk)

    This must be the will of the Mods!

    "I am a Blademaster
    I fight For the squad, though I am not needed in the squad
    I die for the squad, so no one else does
    I defend myself, while others are occupied
    I am the heart of combat
    I live to die so you dont have to

    Please Dont thank me, I do not need it" BIaze_
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wish granted. But now your not interested in PWI anymore and now your new interest is.... Making rocking chairs and knitting o.o...

    I wish that people would not think dyeing hair makes you look weird >.< Rofl, if you have the same hair for years you'd understand D:
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wish granted. It is now acceptable to dye your hair any color desired. Soon, everyone has bright, colorful hair in a rainbow of colors. The new demand for hair dye leads the companies that produce the stuff to step into overtime to meet demand. This causes them to get a bit sloppy in some of their product. When a few of these defective hair colorants are used, the people who use them soon contract a new and unknown (and therefore incurable) poison. It doesn't take long for people to realize what causes this, and soon all hair dye is illegal.

    I wish I could be fluent in any language, both written and spoken.
    Be nice to people
  • DeathBanana - Heavens Tear
    DeathBanana - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,674 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Granted! You can understand any language in existence! Even the mythical Kurt Cobain! You start to realize make sense of his lyrics (wait, what?!), and its meaning drives you crazy, though no one knows why as no one understands Cobainish. You end up in a mental asylum. Bunking with a bear. Who has trets.

    I wish I remembered to see the olympic torch yesterday >.<

    9x Demon Cleric
  • Barbariankev - Heavens Tear
    Barbariankev - Heavens Tear Posts: 831 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    granted you remembered it and in fact even watched it however you thought it sucked so bad you wanted to suicide however you went in an endless therapy since you would'nt get the idea off suicide out off your mind

    i wish to have fur
    its impossible to always do the right thing we all make mistakes i am not different from that
    just try to be a good person

    english isn't my native language so there might be a few spelling/grammatical errors in my posts
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wish granted. You now have a full coat of fur. But it doesn't take long for people to confuse you for Bigfoot, looking like you do. You are soon captured and put in a zoo, your cries for help being ignored by spectators and zoo-keepers alike.

    I wish I had skillz.
    Be nice to people
  • Meeplk - Harshlands
    Meeplk - Harshlands Posts: 461 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    granted but the skills go out of controll and you die.

    me wish lairian would get hit by the meteor with green spots from mva(monsters vs aliens) D: what number for the millaitairy

    magic mmmb:dirty
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    granted but the skills go out of controll and you die.

    me wish lairian would get hit by the meteor with green spots from mva(monsters vs aliens) D: what number for the millaitairy


    Wish granted. I get hit with the meteor, but come back to haunt you as a vengeful ghost. b:angry

    I wish to be able to teleport.
    Be nice to people
  • Meeplk - Harshlands
    Meeplk - Harshlands Posts: 461 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    you wernt sposed to die D: anyways

    wish granted you can now teleport but you teleport to a bear and get eaten >:(

    me wish for......... cookies?

    magic mmmb:dirty