PWI PvP is junk



  • Zuuka - Sanctuary
    Zuuka - Sanctuary Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    **** reading this thread completely, it's another topic where venos try to defend themselves by skewing the reasoning system completely!
    As far as I know, no other class requires you to: use apoth pot/use genie skill/use healing pot/mash various buttons just to survive. Forget about "playing to the fullest potential," why should one class be able to press a key and force others to bend over backwards trying to not die?
    It's like saying guns aren't overpowered in a medieval battlefield because everyone should be carrying bulletproof vests.

    Don't think you you should be posting if you don't bother reading stuff.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Don't think you you should be posting if you don't bother reading stuff.

    Don't worry. 90% of us have learned to ignore him anyway. Because he's wrong. Alot. Especially involving the pots.

    Other classes use pots as well. Hear about the Wizards? They're squishy. From what I hear, their entire PvP experience consists of trying to cause as much damage as possible before they die. Which means, they carry around pots that give them Chi, so they can use their really powerful attacks. Now.... How would a smart heavy class counter such a powerful magic attack? That's right. Decent apoth pots. You know, like the ones that reduce Magic damage taken? If you aren't using pots in PvP, you should be. Saying you don't have to is saying that your opponents aren't powerful enough to need them, meaning they aren't a threat, meaning that you're just OP, etc. If you can fight a class without having to use your all, and still win, then there's something wrong with that. You shouldn't be able to casually PK someone. There should be some challenge there. I know that Nix Venos push it to the extreme. Nobody is really denying that it's cheap as hell. We're just trying to prove that it can be beaten until it gets fixed. That's all.

    Oh, and just FYI? I smash pots to survive. As do a lot of other caster classes. We sure aren't built for survival. We get a melee, or Archer after us, unless we're prepared completely, and utterly, we're pretty much screwed unless we have those pots.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    even with a phoenix and charm, i still carry around star protection, anti stun junk, anti bleed junk and event food whenever i decide to pvp. 2k pdef can only handle so many blows before i get flattened. i like my pots :P.
  • Psycosiz - Lost City
    Psycosiz - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Ah it's great to be back to all the QQing. If you dont like it GTFO the PVP server. Been like that for how long and hasnt changed? You all have been comming here QQing for how long? It's not gonna change so get over and move on.

    I really hate this kind of posts telling people not to play a pvp server.
    You know that a lot of people goes to a pvp server because they want the challenge/fun that represents being able to kill/be killed from starting at lvl 30... but here is the issue, when you decided to play on a pvp server you didnt know there was a 1 class cash shop item that can kill anyone just by pressing one button with no effort at all.

    So you are saying he should stop playing his 8X EA and change to a lvl 1 EA in pve server just because he didnt know/wanted to play a class with bugged pet/skill?
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I like how what me and Zuuka said about avitars was completely bypassed by everyone.

    Oh and Spoon by your join date It seems your fairly new Admin. You really shouldn't wast your time warning people. They don't really listen lol unless you threaten bannning. Ive seen quit a few time they just continue flameing. Then when a tread is move to the lower depts they just start another nix thread.
    I really hate this kind of posts telling people not to play a pvp server.
    You know that a lot of people goes to a pvp server because they want the challenge/fun that represents being able to kill/be killed from starting at lvl 30... but here is the issue, when you decided to play on a pvp server you didnt know there was a 1 class cash shop item that can kill anyone just by pressing one button with no effort at all.

    So you are saying he should stop playing his 8X EA and change to a lvl 1 EA in pve server just because he didnt know/wanted to play a class with bugged pet/skill?

    Seriously He would have known long b4 he reached lvl 30 that he was bonned when it come to the nix. I learned about the nix issue at lvl15. Thats all anyone ever talks about here and in game. Don't give me that he didn't know bs. I didn't know till lvl 15 cause i didn't visit the forums and only played like 15 minuts every few days after my closed beta character got wipped.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    **** reading this thread completely, it's another topic where venos try to defend themselves by skewing the reasoning system completely!
    As far as I know, no other class requires you to: use apoth pot/use genie skill/use healing pot/mash various buttons just to survive. Forget about "playing to the fullest potential," why should one class be able to press a key and force others to bend over backwards trying to not die?
    It's like saying guns aren't overpowered in a medieval battlefield because everyone should be carrying bulletproof vests.

    OMG....chipsing is still posting stupid. b:chuckle
  • Piliener - Lost City
    Piliener - Lost City Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Don't worry. 90% of us have learned to ignore him anyway. Because he's wrong. Alot. Especially involving the pots.

    Other classes use pots as well. Hear about the Wizards? They're squishy. From what I hear, their entire PvP experience consists of trying to cause as much damage as possible before they die. Which means, they carry around pots that give them Chi, so they can use their really powerful attacks. Now.... How would a smart heavy class counter such a powerful magic attack? That's right. Decent apoth pots. You know, like the ones that reduce Magic damage taken? If you aren't using pots in PvP, you should be. Saying you don't have to is saying that your opponents aren't powerful enough to need them, meaning they aren't a threat, meaning that you're just OP, etc. If you can fight a class without having to use your all, and still win, then there's something wrong with that. You shouldn't be able to casually PK someone. There should be some challenge there. I know that Nix Venos push it to the extreme. Nobody is really denying that it's cheap as hell. We're just trying to prove that it can be beaten until it gets fixed. That's all.

    Oh, and just FYI? I smash pots to survive. As do a lot of other caster classes. We sure aren't built for survival. We get a melee, or Archer after us, unless we're prepared completely, and utterly, we're pretty much screwed unless we have those pots.

    You got it right on the head. While I can't take on a nix atm now I do look forward to doing so in the near future. Right now I'm stuck to ganking tactics and mass potting. b:surrender Soon though the ganking will only get...well better from my perspective b:chuckle. Also genies have done wonders with the survivability of the squishies.
    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
  • Mythsoul - Heavens Tear
    Mythsoul - Heavens Tear Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    PWI PvP is flawed, alot of people will move to Aeon.
    All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring.
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    PWI PvP is flawed, alot of people will move to Aeon.

    YAY The sooner the better. Then we wont have to see them whine.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    why would people pay a p2p game >.>?
  • Waterboy - Lost City
    Waterboy - Lost City Posts: 405 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    lol GMs dont respond to these QQ threads because, y get rid of a bug when they make $$ from it?

    regardless of how they get feathers, some1 buys gold to get it
  • blindeyesniper
    blindeyesniper Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    PWI PvP is flawed, alot of people will move to Aeon.

    less lag for me b:dirty
  • chipsing1234
    chipsing1234 Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Don't worry. 90% of us have learned to ignore him anyway. Because he's wrong. Alot. Especially involving the pots.

    Other classes use pots as well. Hear about the Wizards? They're squishy. From what I hear, their entire PvP experience consists of trying to cause as much damage as possible before they die. Which means, they carry around pots that give them Chi, so they can use their really powerful attacks. Now.... How would a smart heavy class counter such a powerful magic attack? That's right. Decent apoth pots. You know, like the ones that reduce Magic damage taken? If you aren't using pots in PvP, you should be. Saying you don't have to is saying that your opponents aren't powerful enough to need them, meaning they aren't a threat, meaning that you're just OP, etc. If you can fight a class without having to use your all, and still win, then there's something wrong with that. You shouldn't be able to casually PK someone. There should be some challenge there. I know that Nix Venos push it to the extreme. Nobody is really denying that it's cheap as hell. We're just trying to prove that it can be beaten until it gets fixed. That's all.

    Oh, and just FYI? I smash pots to survive. As do a lot of other caster classes. We sure aren't built for survival. We get a melee, or Archer after us, unless we're prepared completely, and utterly, we're pretty much screwed unless we have those pots.

    Never said apoth pots shouldn't be used in PvP. But all the venos can come up with to counter "nix QQing" (which, if there is a bug, isn't really QQing) is to use a specific genie skill/apoth pot/whatever. Is it really that way with other classes? Sure pots help, but wizzies beat clerics, clerics beat wizzies, bms beat archers, archers beat bms, etc and all of those are possible without pots. I'm just pointing out how pots/meds/skills are required to even stand a chance vs nix venos, when it's not so with other matchups (even with barbs you can at least run away/fly). And the venos seem to take that for granted. By the way, what did they say before genies came out?
    "Nobody is really denying it's cheap as hell." Really? That's all I needed to hear. But unfortunately all I see are venos branding everyone who says one line about it as "QQers."
  • Dianocus - Sanctuary
    Dianocus - Sanctuary Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    OMG enough with the phoenix rant. OMG the phoenix is op, omg the phoenix killed me in one shot, OMG just stop. It will be fixed when the Dev's deem it so. Until then there is nothing you can do about it. If you hate pvp then go to a pve server. At least there you have a option to go pk mode.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    there is no bug!
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    lol GMs dont respond to these QQ threads because, y get rid of a bug when they make $$ from it?

    regardless of how they get feathers, some1 buys gold to get it

    *sigh* The GMs do not determine whether something is or is not a bug, and they do not determine whether or not something will be changed in the game. The only thing they can do is talk to the devs in China. Further, the GMs do not make $$ from Flesh Ream, or from anything that is actually sold in the cash shop. PWE makes $$ from Zen sales, of which the majority is probably not used to purchase Battle Pet Packs, but everything else, for the most part. It wouldn't surprise me if Battle Pet Packs actually only comprised a small percentage of sales in the Cash Shop when compared to everything else.

    I'd bet that GMs don't respond to these types of threads because they are trite, rehashed complaints that are neither new, interesting, or useful.

    Edit :: OMG 2k! ++me b:pleased
  • Miatemaro - Heavens Tear
    Miatemaro - Heavens Tear Posts: 700 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    If this thread descends into one line troll responses I will be forced to move it to the Lower Depths. Just FYI

    working it Q_Q
  • Piliener - Lost City
    Piliener - Lost City Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    *sigh* The GMs do not determine whether something is or is not a bug, and they do not determine whether or not something will be changed in the game. The only thing they can do is talk to the devs in China. Further, the GMs do not make $$ from Flesh Ream, or from anything that is actually sold in the cash shop. PWE makes $$ from Zen sales, of which the majority is probably not used to purchase Battle Pet Packs, but everything else, for the most part. It wouldn't surprise me if Battle Pet Packs actually only comprised a small percentage of sales in the Cash Shop when compared to everything else.

    I'd bet that GMs don't respond to these types of threads because they are trite, rehashed complaints that are neither new, interesting, or useful.

    Edit :: OMG 2k! ++me b:pleased

    Please check your facts before you throw a wall of text up. We are not on the MY servers anymore and this is a whole diff company than it used to be. It is in CA not China. You are correct that the BPP's prob only make a small %, but how this company makes money is not strictly from zhen sales not even close. So please do your homework before you QQ about the QQers.

    P.S. ADR FTW...Go figure out what it is and b:shutup
    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
  • MentalEdge - Heavens Tear
    MentalEdge - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Please check your facts before you throw a wall of text up. We are not on the MY servers anymore and this is a whole diff company than it used to be. It is in CA not China. You are correct that the BPP's prob only make a small %, but how this company makes money is not strictly from zhen sales not even close. So please do your homework before you QQ about the QQers.

    P.S. ADR FTW...Go figure out what it is and b:shutup

    Fact remains on the development side PWI are at the mercy of the devs in China,so aye qq'ers shaddafugup
    Quit 100%...and surprised my forum account wasn't banned...yet
  • Cholla - Harshlands
    Cholla - Harshlands Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    A nix in melee range is nearly impossible to kill for an archer. I wouldn't complain about the attackspeed and damage of a phoenix if they would have a weakness in defence but they don't.

    But I thought archer genies could use Seal?

    Edit: people twice my level are overpowered.

  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Reading pages and pages of bull, you peeps only complain about the nix in PvP???

    How about a PvP system that runs on cash shop items aka charms making it unbalanced to say at least.
    Want to replace charms with Appo stuff, good luck spending hours and hours for few pots. Even genies suck, try feeding them with chi stones all the time.

    In my opinion nix is the last thing that bugs me in PvP.
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Let's face it.
    If phoenixs were un-bugged and worked properly, do you really think there would be topics on "Nix sucks, make bleed take uber damage!!". And if there were, do you think it'd ever happen in a million years?

    Also, lets face it. Say (an example) BM's had an uber guaranteed-oneshot skill. Obviously there would be a bunch of complaining threads. But I can guarantee this... anyone complaining about it would be shot down with ......"Uber-Overpowered-Strike isn't op, stp QQ nub, I beet a BM hoo had tat skil yestrday, u jus stun or kil tem 1st, u suck at pw n00b!!!eleventyone1!

    If you can't assess whether something is unbalanced or not, you look like a nub yourself. -.- Half the players want to look "impressive" or "pro" being apparently unfazed by a powerful skill, the other half use said skill frequently and would have a tough time without it.

    Also, I don't see why pwi would bother fixing it with everyone flaming and disrespecting them. "they wont fix it cause they want moar $$$" is basically saying "pwi could not care less about their players, they're just greedy money hoarders". In my opinion, pwi is one of the best, if not THE best F2P mmo out there, and the developers and GM's far better and customer friendly than most other games. So have a little faith in them.
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    What faith, DarkSeph?
    It takes one simple answer:
    Is Flesh Ream bugged?

    All we want from them is a simple yes, or not.
    This will shut both sides up.

    They can't even provide us with that.
  • taz860
    taz860 Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    nix is storng but veno without nix is not really good at pvp.
    sure sawfly with bleed is not bad but its not the same as nix.

    and if u spend 35mil/200$ (harshland server) for a damn pet it need to hit hard.
    spend 35mil on ur armors and it wont hit so hard anymore
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Please check your facts before you throw a wall of text up. We are not on the MY servers anymore and this is a whole diff company than it used to be. It is in CA not China. You are correct that the BPP's prob only make a small %, but how this company makes money is not strictly from zhen sales not even close. So please do your homework before you QQ about the QQers.

    P.S. ADR FTW...Go figure out what it is and b:shutup

    Fact: The devs work for PW-Bejing.

    Fact: GMs work for PWE, they do not run PWE.

    Fact: GMs are paid by PWE, and do not make anything off of Zen sales.

    Fact: You fail at reading comprehension.
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    taz860 wrote: »
    nix is storng but veno without nix is not really good at pvp.
    sure sawfly with bleed is not bad but its not the same as nix.

    and if u spend 35mil/200$ (harshland server) for a damn pet it need to hit hard.
    spend 35mil on ur armors and it wont hit so hard anymore

    Lousy argument since venos are allowed to wear armor as well and other classes don't have overpowered $200 items in the cash shop that are available at level 1. I would easily buy a $200 archer-only blessing that let's me ignore PVP damage reduction. Don't like the 15k crits from my auto-attack? You shouldn't QQ since I paid money.
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
    Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
    Socket Calculator -
  • taz860
    taz860 Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Lousy argument since venos are allowed to wear armor as well and other classes don't have overpowered $200 items in the cash shop that are available at level 1. I would easily buy a $200 archer-only blessing that let's me ignore PVP damage reduction. Don't like the 15k crits from my auto-attack? You shouldn't QQ since I paid money.

    where u see mee QQ, idk.
    must player say at lvl 90+ nix dont hurt much anymore if u have decent gear idk if its true.
    and i still think if u spend 200$ on ur armos u doing fine and can win against nix
  • Uiztrollin - Harshlands
    Uiztrollin - Harshlands Posts: 358 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    taz860 wrote: »
    where u see mee QQ, idk.
    must player say at lvl 90+ nix dont hurt much anymore if u have decent gear idk if its true.
    and i still think if u spend 200$ on ur armos u doing fine and can win against nix

    This is hoping the veno is running around on npc gear right?
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    $200 in gears is not equal to a phoenix. the $200 phoenix is equilivant to well over $1000 usd on a normal character, level 90+.

    friend has light hh90 +11 top and bottom, +9 hat, boots, sleeves. +5 patk rings, +10 pdef accessories, +11 hh90 xbow.

    he does less dps than a level 94 phoenix and still dies in seconds to 1.
  • Gasoline - Lost City
    Gasoline - Lost City Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    taz860 wrote: »
    nix is storng but veno without nix is not really good at pvp.
    sure sawfly with bleed is not bad but its not the same as nix.

    and if u spend 35mil/200$ (harshland server) for a damn pet it need to hit hard.
    spend 35mil on ur armors and it wont hit so hard anymore

    This argument is stupid.
    First of all 25-35 mil (depending on server) for a nix its not alot of money. Nix is like 200 mil on other servers like PW-CN since its a endgame pet. Here they dumped the price so its basically free, just to earn fast cash for PWI. And spending 35 mil on gear wont help u at all against nix before lvl 90. Lvl 100 and spend 200 mil on gear yeah than nix dont hit so hard.

    The point is only ONE CLASS here can get an endgame item at lvl 1 for the cheap price 25-35 mil. No other class can, thats why its so extremely inbalanced at low lvls. Its like if archers or wiz would get grade 12 weapon +10 at lvl 1 for 35 mil. Or a blessing with +30 attack lvl from cs. They would be insanely OP to and everyone would complain.

    PWI really cant just give one class the opportunity to get endgame items at lvl 1 and dont offer the same for the other classes. It makes no sense at all and screws up the game pvp-wise. Just my pet alone can kill 90+ arcane users while i like eat cookies and watch a movie. Thats just plain stupid <.<

    Genies made it more balanced tho, if u have good gear 90+ and know how to use them properly a nix with bleed is beatable.
This discussion has been closed.