PWI PvP is junk



  • Miatemaro - Heavens Tear
    Miatemaro - Heavens Tear Posts: 700 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Not really. Venos withs other pets are easy to kill. I ignore foxs,flyes and elysiums but then again like 5% of venos over 60 have then...

    This folks here said it best
    Theres your problem dumbass,you're looking for an easy kill,you don't have the smarts to use pots/tactics in pvp,you're just another cry baby.
    This. Right here. Is the point, and the problem. Read this very, very carefully.

    "Venos with other pets are easy to kill."

    So, the OP has absolutely no problem killing anything without a Nix, but anything with a Nix, he QQs about. You just consolidated my belief that you, sir, are nothing more than a whining idiot. The only thing that poses any threat to you, and you go off and make a whining forum post about. As has been said earlier.... "You fail at PWI." Thank you for wasting our time. Really. It's been fun. I've been waiting for you to make this statement since the first post. I think this pretty much ends the thread. "I can kill EVERY VENO!!!! except Nix Venos... So I'm going to whine about it.


    Yeah, its always funny when venos with a pet that deals higher dps than BMs and dps equal to archers complain about not beeing able to kill someone without a bugged skill...

    Please do show us all the posts about the complaints ecspecially mine that you are claiming made. You cant.

    Lmao.. So the pro PvE venos told me to:

    -Buy ugly **** aerogear that was intruduced 2 days ago;
    -Use apo pots and regular pots.. wait WTF ARE POTS AGAIN? I forgot..
    And u forget that venos can also use all that right? I know. i know killing mobs 24/7 in PvE requires no pots and Kiting in pvp same thingb:bye

    Fighting a veno is fighting a lamme wizard with **** and a pet with dmg like eas and hp of a noob-fist bm
    @Osiris in HL a few people came PW-MY, when they got hit by nix here they where like WTFb:shocked

    Maybe because we are the Pros and your just the Q_Q PvP bear. Maybe if you spent more time in PvE you might actually learn how to play the game.
    working it Q_Q
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Aurian you gotta realize something dillweed. Most of us pve venos also have pvp venos. get yer head out of your **** and realize just because I use the 1st character I ever made on here dont mean thats the only character or server I play on. I have a veno on every damn server PVE and PVP
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • Aurian - Harshlands
    Aurian - Harshlands Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Because A. PvP Venos would just kill you for being stupid, and B. And this might come as a surprise to you, but some of us DO PvP *gasp, and are good at it.

    Seems to me like you lose to the dumbest of Venos... A good Veno wouldn't just send a QQbird at you.

    Try fighting a veno same lvl that u with a pet without pvp reduction. She fuels aways while pet stuns you and bleeds you to death. You are unable to catch since u stunned and when u can move u have to counter the bleed.

    If u like that imagine no pvp reduction to all. Damn i would love to deals 30k to everything toob:victory
  • Osiris - Dreamweaver
    Osiris - Dreamweaver Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Seems to me like you lose to the dumbest of Venos... A good Veno wouldn't just send a QQbird at you.

    This statement is the standart phrase of zoe and misses completly the point, because what people are complaining about is that the phoenix (a pet!) is able to kill kill players without the veno, and not the fact that some venos are actually taking advantage of this unfair mechanism.

    Not really. Venos withs other pets are easy to kill. I ignore foxs,flyes and elysiums but then again like 5% of venos over 60 have then...

    This is not true. As i already said, i'm reading the ms-forums for a while (ms doesn't have battle pets) and no veno there complains about not being able to pk. Still some fix-the-bleed-threads but compared to PWI they are really rare. Most venos on PWI just got used to one-click-to-imbaness-luxus and can't imagine their life without it, and therefore complain about all the 'qq'ers' and 'crybabies' that don't know hot to play their class. I don't think they are usually bad at pvp, but completly lazy...
  • Zuuka - Sanctuary
    Zuuka - Sanctuary Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Nix's with bleed fixed will not be able to kill people same lvl. That would require the veno to do something. By doing something they can be hitted by eas, mgs, wrs or any other class.

    So you're saying that everyone other class > Veno with nix with bleed fixed. You got alot of balls saying that, I'm sure you haven't PVPed much by making that assumption.
    Every class is easy to kill if u know how to do it -.-
    Robe venos wih a nix kill me and i kill then is BS, but then again like 2% goes with arcane. Most are LA and some even Heavy.

    Also there is a genie skill that freezes both you and the target. Most venos use this so u are freezed away from her and getting hit by a hax bird. PRO

    Plus all nix venos run like **** when they see someone. Send bird and GTFO of range. Other class's when they run they dont kill any way. Plus with regular pets they are forced to attacked to kill someone not just use the petb:bye

    Why only venos from PvE are QQing about my QQing?
    I'am able to kill barbs with 12k hp and charm and i can't kill a stupid ****. Makes perfect sense.

    It shows how "Pro" you are using a skill that actually HELPS the person you're trying to PVP.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Ye.. i don't usually add the starting 5. Sorry kind sir.
    Do u even have a PvP character or ever fight anyone without fueling away and let ur pet do all?

    Why would I fuel away? If I want to pvp why would I run? And no, not everyone uses phoenix, I have a sawfly.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    This statement is the standart phrase of zoe and misses completly the point, because what people are complaining about is that the phoenix (a pet!) is able to kill kill players without the veno, and not the fact that some venos are actually taking advantage of this unfair mechanism.

    Oh, I know the point. It is a broken skill. I know that. And it's going to be taken advantage of in the name of "Fairness". I was just pointing out, that if he's whining that much about the simpletons of the Veno community, how much would he rage if he ever faced a real one?
  • Aurian - Harshlands
    Aurian - Harshlands Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    PRO venos tell how to fight this then:

    - Lvl 80 veno with lvl 80 nix, uses genie skill to freeze both u and her.
    -LVL 80 ea uses invul pot or sparks.
    -When pot runs off, or sparks ea gets stunned and bleed.
    -If ea used spark he can use anti-bleed pot.
    -Veno fuels away from the place and leave only pet atacking.
    -Pet is fast, reachs you and stuns back. Bleeds. You use event pot.
    -Some more chasing.
    -Nix gets you again stuns and bleeds. All pots are in cooldown. Venos is out of reach.

    You are dead.b:shocked
  • Aurian - Harshlands
    Aurian - Harshlands Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    It shows how "Pro" you are using a skill that actually HELPS the person you're trying to PVP.

    Venos use that u idiot.. Learn to readb:sad
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You forgot the most Important one. Pray you get far enough away from veno to where the system recalls pet.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • Zuuka - Sanctuary
    Zuuka - Sanctuary Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I think you need to add: Genies are ruining PVP too then?
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    PRO venos tell how to fight this then:

    - Lvl 80 veno with lvl 80 nix, uses genie skill to freeze both u and her.
    -LVL 80 ea uses invul pot or sparks.
    -When pot runs off, or sparks ea gets stunned and bleed.
    -If ea used spark he can use anti-bleed pot.
    -Veno fuels away from the place and leave only pet atacking.

    **** the Veno. Use Genie skill "Fortify" to make yourself immune to Nix's Stun, kill the Nix. Making the next 3 events useless, because the next step is "Kill Veno."

    -Pet is fast, reachs you and stuns back. Bleeds. You use event pot.
    -Some more chasing.
    -Nix gets you again stuns and bleeds. All pots are in cooldown. Venos is out of reach.

    You are dead.b:shocked

    See above.
  • Aurian - Harshlands
    Aurian - Harshlands Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    See above.

    You hit nix once and drop her HP to 40% (prob 60% -.-), veno see's ur move and helas pet (fast channeling right here), nix bleeds.

    You are dead anyway.
    I think you need to add: Genies are ruining PVP too then?

    Nothing u said so far made any sense. Genies are just stupid and u look **** with a little fairy around you. The Dragon's+thunderstorm combo is nice in TW but i still use genies for other things.
    They made PvP a little more exciting nothing more
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You hit nix once and drop her HP to 40% (prob 60% -.-), veno see's ur move and helas pet (fast channeling right here), nix bleeds.

    You are dead anyway.

    No. You're not, because of where I placed my step, you have not used your event pot yet. And we were talking about a fail Veno just running. Now that the Veno has turned around, and is coming back, you can pincushion her. And Event Pot the bleed. /Veno.
  • Aurian - Harshlands
    Aurian - Harshlands Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    No. You're not, because of where I placed my step, you have not used your event pot yet. And we were talking about a fail Veno just running. Now that the Veno has turned around, and is coming back, you can pincushion her. And Event Pot the bleed. /Veno.

    What happens if she drops to ground btw?
    And u are also forgeting that u can't one shoot a veno every single time. Since most are LA users with charm. Still takes a while.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    What happens if she drops to ground btw?

    Can't heal her pet while she's landing. Giving you time to pwn the pet. Any other questions?
  • Zuuka - Sanctuary
    Zuuka - Sanctuary Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You hit nix once and drop her HP to 40% (prob 60% -.-), veno see's ur move and helas pet (fast channeling right here), nix bleeds.

    You are dead anyway.

    Nothing u said so far made any sense. Genies are just stupid and u look **** with a little fairy around you. The Dragon's+thunderstorm combo is nice in TW but i still use genies for other things.
    They made PvP a little more exciting nothing more

    Like I said before, even if bleed gets fixed, you will still complain about its flying speed.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    PRO venos tell how to fight this then:

    - Lvl 80 veno with lvl 80 nix, uses genie skill to freeze both u and her.
    -LVL 80 ea uses invul pot or sparks.
    -When pot runs off, or sparks ea gets stunned and bleed.
    -If ea used spark he can use anti-bleed pot.
    -Veno fuels away from the place and leave only pet atacking.
    -Pet is fast, reachs you and stuns back. Bleeds. You use event pot.
    -Some more chasing.
    -Nix gets you again stuns and bleeds. All pots are in cooldown. Venos is out of reach.

    You are dead.b:shocked

    Need more information. What class would you be playing? Is this a duel, open pvp or TW? Who got the jump on who (if not a duel)? Are there other people fighting or is this a 1 vs 1?

    Here is one of the possibilities:
    Axe BM got the jump on the veno
    BM Stuns veno
    Veno uses genie skill (it may or may not stop stun)
    Bm stuns locks veno
    Veno dead
    BM has 100% health
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Need more information. What class would you be playing? Is this a duel, open pvp or TW? Who got the jump on who (if not a duel)? Are there other people fighting or is this a 1 vs 1?

    Here is one of the possibilities:
    Axe BM got the jump on the veno
    BM Stuns veno
    Veno uses genie skill (it may or may not stop stun)
    Bm stuns locks veno
    Veno dead
    BM has 100% health

    He's an EA, or Elven Archer, and we're assuming the first move was the genie seal from Veno.
  • LloydAsplund - Sanctuary
    LloydAsplund - Sanctuary Posts: 3,899 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Why not use the situation as the archer sneaks up on the veno and does a triple sparked deadly shot.
    I was early taught to work as well as play,
    My life has been one long, happy holiday;
    Full of work and full of play-
    I dropped the worry on the way-
    And God was good to me everyday.
  • Osiris - Dreamweaver
    Osiris - Dreamweaver Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    See above.

    A nix in melee range is nearly impossible to kill for an archer. I wouldn't complain about the attackspeed and damage of a phoenix if they would have a weakness in defence but they don't.

    ~4.5k HP buffed is decent but not that high, yeah
    ~8952 physical defense
    ~10742 magic defense

    Why does the venos attack pet still needs such insane armor stats? 8952 grants how much reduction? 70%?

    The highest attack from an archer with 2 Rings of the Heavenly Lord, a +8 Binding Radiance, +75 dmg arrows, 2 g8 shards, +120 dmg charms with a deadly shot crit would - given that blinding radiance's max damage triggers, would deal about 2592 damage (half in melee range which is more realistic) and thats just a joke.
    Oh, and don't tell me i just have to knockback the phoenix and freeze it. Aim low has 2.1 seconds casting/channeling time. The phoenix is on my **** in half the time again...
  • Aurian - Harshlands
    Aurian - Harshlands Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Can't heal her pet while she's landing. Giving you time to pwn the pet. Any other questions?

    After u killed pet you drop. When u get down she is rezing him or left the zone.
    Like I said before, even if bleed gets fixed, you will still complain about its flying speed.

    No. Nix deals like 200 dmg with bleed. Its easy just to pot and fight veno 1 vs 1.

    Plus you guys don't get 1 thing, venos are a good class like all others and it doesnt all come to pet. I know a lvl 78 veno with sawfly. She kills people by purging, amp, stunning etc. Pet is junk. All i mean is you have to fight a class that with such a pet looks like 3 veno, ea dmg and bms stunning.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    After u killed pet you drop. When u get down she is rezing him or left the zone.

    What's the problem here? If she's ressing the pet, you've got a wide open opportunity to poke a hole in her. Because, not only does she have to res it, she has to summon it, and then heal it, or you'll just kill the pet again. And if she's left, so what? She's gone, you've chased her away, still a victory for you.

    EDIT: Also, Osiris? Although I didn't specifically say it, the same Genie that can learn Fortify can also learn Extreme poison, which will let you destroy the Nix easier. And the two energy costs don't add up to that much. Granted, I'm basing it on how I play, but... It's still a viable alternative.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    So he is asking how to beat a veno what had first move while he was asleep at the switch?

    How about the Archer gets first move? The veno would be very dead.....

    As Devoted said: learn2wingsofgrace/wingbarrier/triplespark/genieskill
    If you not 89+ Double spark and pray you got your timing right for the immunity to be up when you get hit....

    (guess it helps if I read the ea part as elven archer and not as the shorthand for each.. lol)
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Zuuka - Sanctuary
    Zuuka - Sanctuary Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    After u killed pet you drop. When u get down she is rezing him or left the zone.

    No. Nix deals like 200 dmg with bleed. Its easy just to pot and fight veno 1 vs 1.

    Plus you guys don't get 1 thing, venos are a good class like all others and it doesnt all come to pet. I know a lvl 78 veno with sawfly. She kills people by purging, amp, stunning etc. Pet is junk. All i mean is you have to fight a class that with such a pet looks like 3 veno, ea dmg and bms stunning.

    You know petite sawfly has high attack and I would think she would have put flesh ream on it too.
  • Aurian - Harshlands
    Aurian - Harshlands Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    What's the problem here? If she's ressing the pet, you've got a wide open opportunity to poke a hole in her. Because, not only does she have to res it, she has to summon it, and then heal it, or you'll just kill the pet again. And if she's left, so what? She's gone, you've chased her away, still a victory for you.

    Stun, fox form, amp, human form, wood atacks. If she doesnt kill she goes fox and GTFO.

    Its like fighting 2 on 1 again. Or she can be weird and summon a herc or golem when she drops and stun you. If this happens you have to fly away to avod pet and runs the other way.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Why does the venos attack pet still needs such insane armor stats? 8952 grants how much reduction? 70%?
    phoenixs arent BMs or barbs, which get a butt load more def, besides if youre aiming for the bird youre doing something wrong. deadly shot the venomancer.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Stun, fox form, amp, human form, wood atacks. If she doesnt kill she goes fox and GTFO.

    Its like fighting 2 on 1 again. Or she can be weird and summon a herc or golem when she drops and stun you. If this happens you have to fly away to avod pet and runs the other way.

    I thought you said no other pet was a threat? Stop contradicting yourself. And a Veno can't use skills while reviving a pet. Unless she wants to stop reviving, in which situation, you stun her first...
  • Aurian - Harshlands
    Aurian - Harshlands Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You know petite sawfly has high attack and I would think she would have put flesh ream on it too.

    Flesh realm in sawflys deals like 60 dmg -.-
    phoenixs arent BMs or barbs, which get a butt load more def, besides if youre aiming for the bird youre doing something wrong. deadly shot the venomancer.

    Deadlly shoot takes way to long to cast. When u shoot you are dead and the veno is prob LA so didnt get 1 shooted.
  • Osiris - Dreamweaver
    Osiris - Dreamweaver Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    As Devoted said: learn2wingsofgrace/wingbarrier/triplespark/genieskill
    If you not 89+ Double spark and pray you got your timing right for the immunity to be up when you get hit....

    The problem is, that this tactic would require 145 chi for winged shell and wings of grace + x spark for the eruption just to conter a stupid pet that neither costs the veno any mana nor chi.
    phoenixs arent BMs or barbs, which get a butt load more def, besides if youre aiming for the bird youre doing something wrong. deadly shot the venomancer.

    I know, it was just an argument against the people that suggested to kill the nix before the veno (X)
This discussion has been closed.