Money making : How to do it.



  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Its very simple, just do quest's . Dont kill monsters when u wont make money!! b:thanks
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    people spend money on too many pots at once. you can just take a break and meditate for a bit, its normally not long, especially if you have a cleric put their celestial guardians seal on you... or something like that. and plus, you can make your own things to heal mp and hp, so don't buy your potions in bulk, just a few at a time until you run out. and just befriend a wizard or cleric... they can heal you up pretty quick...
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    thnx, i think i really should start more runing and less teleportin...( i was wondering where the money was doing...).
    but i also have a question... i'm not sure if it suits here... but i've selled most of the stff i get but i've saved things that have marked dregonqest... is taht smart or should i just make money out of them? and what r the nr behind the dragonquest name? lvl?

    Well if u want my opinion (76 barb) u just go and sell the DQ points, because its really hard to get copper/silver/gold dragon scrolls (take A LOT of dq items)
    So u are probably better off selling them, keeping the money and collecting DQ points on ur account.
    Just in case u didnt know it, u can trade 50.000 DQ points for 50 ZEN-$ stuff, wich means u can give urself a 50Gold to spend in the Boutique!!!
    Since ur lvl 100+ u would have NO problem at all getting that many DQ points
    (DQ points are a total of ALL ur characters in ALL the servers u play PWI in)
    I hope i helped u enough, if not, look for the Dragon Quest Director ingame, he can tell you where u need all the DQ mats for.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Superb article but some additions i would like to make:

    Crafting: you can make a load of money crafting the special two star items required for the various crafting quests. The best way to accomplish this is to
    1) get to know all the two star items required for leveling crafting/blacksmith/tailor quests at level 3 to get to level 4 and at level 5 to get to level 6.
    2) Keep an eye out for these items in catshops and recognize that sometimes people sell these way too cheaply. If you find them well under the Auction house asking price, you may be able to re-sell it in AH for more. Thus you wont even have to craft it yourself.
    3)Gather materials, visit catshops to know what good prices for materials are.
    4) Gamble a bit to make the special two star items. 1 of 5 attempts is usually considered to be a good percentage.
    5) Price your special item beforehand to see what the going price of the item is in the Auction house. Ask just a little less than your competitors to ensure a quick sale.
    6) Craft special potions such as speed or potions that remove debuffs. The potions that sell fastest i have found are the HP and Mana Regen potions. Even better are the ones that regenerate both HP and Mana. You can get some nice coins for those in catshops.
    7) Now that the DQ points system is in place you can look around and sell off the high DQ point items for nearly double the shop value if you're not so concerned about gaining DQ points yourself.
    8) Twilight Temple Catshopping and AH Reselling. Keep an eye on some of the more common TT items in Auction House, then compare to what people are buying in the forge in archosaur. There are times when you can literally buy cheap on Auction house and run to the Forge and make double your money selling to a catshop.
    9) Herb sales - Easy to do, time consuming but easy. Gather herbs, goto west archosaur and sell to catshops. Best common herbs under lvl 89 are Tulips, Fleece Flower, Green Berry and Nectar (yes Nectar) I've seen it being bought as high as 800 coins each on occasion.
    10) Gather mats for ultimate subs and make ultimate subs in the forge. Sell for about 36,000 to 38,000 coins each. It's a fair price for your efforts.
    11) Gather mats for Wines and Make Wines. This is very time consuming but still it makes money every time. You can even go on your own run and charge a wine split to make back money from your efforts while still getting your Bounty Hunter Quest done.
    12) Make low level items and decompose to make yuyuan stones, then sell the stones.
    I do this all the time, one Iron Ore,+ 1 sand stone + 2 red jade = 1 lowest level axe and when it's a 2* item you get 150 stones on the decompose. multiply that times a minimum of 50 coins per stone and you're making coins above your own cost.

    There you have it, some additional ways to make some coin to pay for your enhanced gaming experience without spending real $$$
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    nice guide very accurate
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I find this guide seems to apply to just about EVERY MMORPG I've played, when it comes to making in-game currency. In Runes of Magic, for example, which I've been playing for almost 1&1/2 years now, certain mobs drop Daily Quest mats that can be sold through the AH for decent coin, assuming your competitors in selling that mat aren't all selling lower than is profitable for you to sell at. Warnorken Guard Bloodied Badges, for example, sell for 10k-25k per stack of 10, depending on demand, so the same rules for selling DQ mats should apply in this game as well, depending on player-base demand.
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Thanks for the insight. But kinda makes me feel odd, I bought a set of armor from the npc's cuase the one I got from questing was kinda weakling... anyways, thanks again. Will keep all this in mind, if I can.
  • Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Is it me or grinding dq points harder now. Not just dq items but ever since expasion, i am hardly getting drops. Has it nerfed a little or i just ran out of luck XD. And secondary if i am hardly getting dq items xD is selling to npc now pointless? Should i just cat shop my dq items and sell them or to player stores.b:cryb:cry
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I agree excellent guide :)
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    thanks i found this very helpfull
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    guys pls help i dont know what griding mean b:cry
  • Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Think the OP needs to add that with the current in game economy, this method of "money making" will take you 8 hours a day for 5 years to afford the cheapest decent piece of gear.
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Think the OP needs to add that with the current in game economy, this method of "money making" will take you 8 hours a day for 5 years to afford the cheapest decent piece of gear.

    +10 to this.
    Nowadays, if you follow the OP's tips, you'll end up being underlvled, undergeared and totally broke.
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Wow you guys scare me, i'll never start on dreamweaver... Looking for a server to start fresh hahaha
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    thanks bro, it realy helped! since i read it i made about 300k in a day...idk if thats alot but it is to me seeing as im only level 11...THANKSb:victory
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    hahahaha,veteran of over 2 years and im that almost dead breed BARB,never asked for anything or accept pay for help,or put money into game.but helped enough ppl to fill a country lol but no one has ever given me the tip help ppl ? ? ? only payment u will receive is thanks.unless your 1 them BARBS everyone slates for accepting coin to help the BARBS that do accept .........i wont judge you ........repairs costs me 3 mill a month and spend the time im not helping ppl just trying to cover tip to make money is mat hunt either farm herbs or wine mats,the odd TT,keep eyes open for great cheap mat bargain and re sell.u will make just enough as a barb that way to survive.when u played this long u find other ways,u have theres 2 good tips,1 making cash and the other is what class not to pick...........unless u like the lifestyle.....good luck
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    DQ items can be used to make gear IE weapon brace armour,takes forever.unfortunatly have to tele a lot as part the game,a small help is steer clear of the 8.000 coin teleport places if u can as they add up.use ur free fly mount or if u bought a beter 1 or land mount for getting to places that arnt too far,try to do say all quests u have and able to solo in same area rather than hand in after each quest,as lot quests ur lvl will be in same area.DQ items also ppl buy so check cat shops to get better price than npc or save up the DQ items for couple of weeks abd do your own cat shop
  • Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    b:victorythis is really that i think about it I might have had a couple mil to spare from teleing e'rywhere
    b:surrenderwish i had seen this soonerb:cry
    but great post tho really like it
  • Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    DQ items can be used to make gear IE weapon brace armour,takes forever.unfortunatly have to tele a lot as part the game,a small help is steer clear of the 8.000 coin teleport places if u can as they add up.use ur free fly mount or if u bought a beter 1 or land mount for getting to places that arnt too far,try to do say all quests u have and able to solo in same area rather than hand in after each quest,as lot quests ur lvl will be in same area.DQ items also ppl buy so check cat shops to get better price than npc or save up the DQ items for couple of weeks abd do your own cat shop

    not only that
    if u check ur account wen u sell DQ items to NPCs u get reward points for it and those points come in really handy say......anytime....especially at 101 if u decide to work ur butt off for a year or 2 trying to get R9 and also u gotta farm lots
    R9 is priced a few billion btw
    so depends on wat u want to do with the DQ drops really cuz u may sell it for a little bit more than NPC to other players...but there is also a reason they are buying them too
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    yep waht a nice guid ! i already do all thatthings but still :D congratz !
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    thnx, i think i really should start more runing and less teleportin...( i was wondering where the money was doing...).
    but i also have a question... i'm not sure if it suits here... but i've selled most of the stff i get but i've saved things that have marked dregonqest... is taht smart or should i just make money out of them? and what r the nr behind the dragonquest name? lvl?

    that are Dragon points how more Dragon Quest items you sell how more points you gain to get free items, check Game Info and then Dragon points.
  • Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    One question? Does this guide still work today? or its out of date?b:questionb:questionb:question
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    hey thanks for that
    now ill save more lol
  • Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Well if u want my opinion (76 barb) u just go and sell the DQ points, because its really hard to get copper/silver/gold dragon scrolls (take A LOT of dq items)
    So u are probably better off selling them, keeping the money and collecting DQ points on ur account.
    Just in case u didnt know it, u can trade 50.000 DQ points for 50 ZEN-$ stuff, wich means u can give urself a 50Gold to spend in the Boutique!!!
    Since ur lvl 100+ u would have NO problem at all getting that many DQ points
    (DQ points are a total of ALL ur characters in ALL the servers u play PWI in)
    I hope i helped u enough, if not, look for the Dragon Quest Director ingame, he can tell you where u need all the DQ mats for.
    Tell me more about that... :s
    Trolling since September 2008b:victory

    Don't worry. I might stop trolling and say something useful... One day....
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Money making??It's easy.
    All you have to do is quit PWI and join private servers better drop rate + exp and spirit
  • Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Money making all you guyts need to do 1 thing to get money "Get a Job" b:laugh
    Or make a hi lvl 100+ farm only with friends nirvana that won't scam you get coins easyly and
    the farm you damn aps gears
    Long ago in a distant land,I Aku the shape shifting master of gods
    unleashed an unspeakable evil, but a foolish samurai warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me.Before the final blow was stroked I do opened a portal in time and send him into the future were my evil is grown.Now the fool seems to return to the past and undo the future that is Aku.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Ur Just Great. Im a lvl 50 but very short on money always.
  • Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    One question? Does this guide still work today? or its out of date?b:questionb:questionb:question

    it basically still works; most of its advice is stuff i do myself.

    it's no longer the fastest way to make money --- that would be successful merchanting --- but then, i doubt if it ever was.

    some of its advice is debatable because it's situational; teleporting is worth the coin IF you use the time saved to grind, or otherwise make money, for instance. if you set your char on fly and walk away AFK to do other stuff, well, there'd be no point teleporting just to stand there at the destination while real-life you is off doing non-game things. nobody tries to level using FBs anymore, but loads of people level using BHs, which is basically the same thing --- and which STILL makes no money. in fact, BH quests are money drains, for me. so's crazy stone, of course. either way might be worth the money it costs, if leveling up is what you want and/or need to do at the time --- but never think you're not paying coin for XP, because you are.

    follow this guide and you can fairly easily collect a million or two between levels 1-50. mind you, you'll spend much more time on those levels than the modern day powerlevelling alt-FC-hyper player, but then again, you'll actually be playing the game instead of trying to avoid it just to level faster. AND you'll be saving up some coin.

    your next question will be, "what do i DO with this million or two i've got lying around?". because coin sitting in your bank (or inventory) doing nothing is next to useless, after all. well, be creative...
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    hey nice guide. I did that all EXACTLY as you wrote here in the forum. And i agree with you, that farming is a best thing,cause u can sell DQ materials and all, blue or 2 socket items sell on auction house. I got by that 600k and i was 35-37 lvl dont remember (cleric). I think this guide will help newbies in game b:victory
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I just hit 40, on my seeker.

    How do I make money?
    I am down to 2k



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