Crisis vs Tempest SVS 08-27-2016



  • Posts: 850 Arc User
    So? I would get hit by Eclipse for 20-30ks occasionally back in the day too. But a 20-30k hit won't 100% kill you outright nowadays like it would back then.

    90k on a cata barb as an archer on the otherhand is **** nuts. That's the damage I expect out of a mage using spark combo.​​
  • Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    chary wrote: »
    So? I would get hit by Eclipse for 20-30ks occasionally back in the day too. But a 20-30k hit won't 100% kill you outright nowadays like it would back then.

    90k on a cata barb as an archer on the otherhand is **** nuts. That's the damage I expect out of a mage using spark combo.​​

    I'm not talking about occasionally, lol. 25k w/ undine would be 32500. Amped and dragoned, 81250. This is on an arcane with 50k+ mag def and 100+ def levels. Would probably hit 90k if I was purged. If he tripled sparked, 100k+ easily.

    The 90k was also probably while chaos was sparked, but idk what exactly was happening there.

    Barbs will very often take obscene damage against magic damage but that's their weakness due to them being heavy armor.

    Edit: I haven't actually tested it, but his 2k+ magic pen damage contribution should be roughly equivalent to taking off your chest armor + wrist armor's magic def, since it works off total magic resist (unlike undine which only works on base equipment magic resist). I might try to test if I can get nemki on board.
    Post edited by dregen543210 on
  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Just step you game up farm as hard as you can or pull extra shift for cashing ^^
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    blazerboy wrote: »
    Just step you game up farm as hard as you can or pull extra shift for cashing ^^

    I wouldn't do that even if I was gifted 10000 gold by pwi, honestly (10000 gold would only get me halfway there, so lets make it 20000). It eliminates all possibility of small squad combat like 6v6 or 10v10's, which is really where most of the fun in pk lies (like people leave nemki out for every single small-squad combat since his gear is so unbalancing in that situation).

    TW honestly is just a lag-fest and boring after the first hour or so.

    X-TW with nemki's level of gear might be fun though.

  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    The sad fact 10,000 gold really would get you about halfway there starting from scratch lmfao this game is expensive man
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 110 Arc User
    blazerboy wrote: »
    The sad fact 10,000 gold really would get you about halfway there starting from scratch lmfao this game is expensive man

    The upper limit is there, but reasonably you can cash and be endgame for maybe $2-$3k? Less if you farm/merch. Not saying that's cheap lol.

    That $30,000 option is there for people like nemki, just like 6 years ago when lunar gears were the standard but you could CS $30000 and get warsoul wep (which a few people did do back then as well).
  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Personally endgame with a tad bit of merchant cost me about 3-4kish never got into cashing the starchart more than 300 because at that point the game got pretty dry and boring but that's just me. But even then any fully upgraded character can be killed buffed or no buffs so long as you worked together effectively agianst it. Can't tell you how many times I've seen Nemki dead near instantly buffed because a group were on their A game. Which is why I believe chaos was more of a problem than Nemki ever will be NP vs not lvled A-B vs NP maybe half reborn vs AEU rb/2nd rb chars

    If you don't expect to CS hard/ merch like a pro/ or farm like nobodies business than sorry budd you're taking that 20-30k to the face. The fruits of your labor what you put in is what you get. That's just how I always saw it even back when chaos was an issue I saw it as he put in than me. Now are there ways of circumventing this yes, are they always easy no but hey sometimes you gotta work with what ya got right
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    blazerboy wrote: »
    Personally endgame with a tad bit of merchant cost me about 3-4kish never got into cashing the starchart more than 300 because at that point the game got pretty dry and boring but that's just me. But even then any fully upgraded character can be killed buffed or no buffs so long as you worked together effectively agianst it. Can't tell you how many times I've seen Nemki dead near instantly buffed because a group were on their A game. Which is why I believe chaos was more of a problem than Nemki ever will be NP vs not lvled A-B vs NP maybe half reborn vs AEU rb/2nd rb chars

    If you don't expect to CS hard/ merch like a pro/ or farm like nobodies business than sorry budd you're taking that 20-30k to the face. The fruits of your labor what you put in is what you get. That's just how I always saw it even back when chaos was an issue I saw it as he put in than me. Now are there ways of circumventing this yes, are they always easy no but hey sometimes you gotta work with what ya got right

    That was exactly my point in this vit vs mag debate. Base defense is really such a small part of your actual survivability. I've seen 70k hp barbs being killed in just a few seconds. You can't control those situations, and vit is not going to help you there.

    I was a 100 vit build a couple years ago before all the changes because it actually made sense then. But the more magic attack and base HP you have, the higher of a tradeoff you make. The tradeoff now is almost 2:1 in favor of healing power. For situations that matter, where a cleric's heals+buffs will actually make a difference, that extra 5k hp per ironheart is going to do way more than that 3k max hp will ever do. I've seen it myself. I can't count the number of times I've been nearly dead at 15% hp, get a huge, full mag falling petals tick, then get a purify proc, and now I'm back to 100%.

    The times where I've been charm bypassed because I had only 24k hp instead of 27k, I can count on one hand.

    The other thing is that I think people are really discounting the massive value of purify procs for a healing/kiting class. Yes para is good. But no, most DB's can't even chain para's correctly even when they know the enemy has free-movement buff. I have a defense level weapon. I've used it. What ends up happening is that it just gives sins/DB's/barbs/etc a failproof way to stunlock you forever till death. Para doesn't stack with itself and thus requires perfect timing, but if you have a def level weapon and more than one melee class on you, you might as well go afk.

    20 def levels isn't going to save you against a Sin + Barb + BM + Sin train. Neither is 3k extra hp. Purify proc scales massively with numbers. Def lvl weapon is something you use in very small scale or 1v1 duels, and it's extremely effective there.

    I will say though that Crisis must be doing something right, if they're able to chain-paralyze infa clerics so much that they completely forgo the use of purify procs. It's hard to keep a perfect para lock in the chaos/lag of mass pk, and I'm personally impressed since my experience is that I almost always have half a second to 1 second between paras to either kite, pot, or heal myself in TW/PK/etc.

  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    In mass pvp I can't really make a fully informed opinion from the clerics view because I don't like playing that role and dealing with some of the abuse clerics deal with those of who don't mind well you have my respect I'm not getting yelled at the jerk who QQ "you let 2 ppl gank me and killed me without healing" like really son what was healing ganna do unless you're tanky to begin with xD I've seen this over the psy near 8yrs I've played this game lol.

    More on topic my only argument was a vit build/hybrid cleric was far harder to kill rather than the latter full mag esp if we talking both had jsod. Best thing about that vit is it raises your base defenses which added onto the jades, which is like hitting a brick wall takes time but you can knock it down but you better work for it. But it also depends on your skill and playstyle. I think we all can agree there's some people with extremely good gear and still completely get face roll without any clear effort so my response to this huge debate is I don't feel either is superior at all depends on your playstyle and if it works for you. I know one FULL VIT cleric who had just enough mag for her gears with pretty subpar gems if I recall they were garnet gems and though her heals weren't much to speak of compared to others I've survived much longer and felt safer with her than I did with some endgame full mag or hybrids just depends on you and how you play. If it does great keep it up and make little improvements if it doesn't work very well and you're grown up enough to take the criticism try a different approach.

    Therefore I feel there's truth in both sides of the spectrum :smiley:
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    blazerboy wrote: »
    In mass pvp I can't really make a fully informed opinion from the clerics view because I don't like playing that role and dealing with some of the abuse clerics deal with those of who don't mind well you have my respect I'm not getting yelled at the jerk who QQ "you let 2 ppl gank me and killed me without healing" like really son what was healing ganna do unless you're tanky to begin with xD I've seen this over the psy near 8yrs I've played this game lol.

    More on topic my only argument was a vit build/hybrid cleric was far harder to kill rather than the latter full mag esp if we talking both had jsod. Best thing about that vit is it raises your base defenses which added onto the jades, which is like hitting a brick wall takes time but you can knock it down but you better work for it. But it also depends on your skill and playstyle. I think we all can agree there's some people with extremely good gear and still completely get face roll without any clear effort so my response to this huge debate is I don't feel either is superior at all depends on your playstyle and if it works for you. I know one FULL VIT cleric who had just enough mag for her gears with pretty subpar gems if I recall they were garnet gems and though her heals weren't much to speak of compared to others I've survived much longer and felt safer with her than I did with some endgame full mag or hybrids just depends on you and how you play. If it does great keep it up and make little improvements if it doesn't work very well and you're grown up enough to take the criticism try a different approach.

    Therefore I feel there's truth in both sides of the spectrum :smiley:

    Well one thing I will say is that many of the full mag clerics tend to lean more towards metal mages. I'm not going to comment on skills on an individual basis, but metal mages in general tend to be of lower skill than the clerics who actually rolled cleric to support. I know a lot of support clerics who feel bad about dying and not being able to support their friends, and then they add more vit thinking it will save them when the real reason they died was because they were simply outgeared or outnumbered.

    I've long since accepted that mystics play a support role in mass pk. My job is to insta-heal that cleric, give him falling petals/shield, bramble push/thicket/aoe sleep the melee train, then draw as much attention onto me as possible with my aoe seals/freezes and heals.

    My petals currently heals 7520hp/tick, with vit build it would be 6120hp/tick. That's a 23% decrease, and I have level 1 destroyer/battle cards and no AEU so my magic attack blows. If I live for more than 2 ticks (or 6 seconds), that magic has already more than paid for itself over the vit.

    IH heals more and lasts longer, and is also stackable. I really wish I had it.

    Anyway I'll agree full vit builds still have merit in very specific situations. The p. def from vit is nice, but honestly the real value in p. def is being able to buff it by 235% or more, and vit p. def isn't affected by that.

  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Vit does go directly into BASE p.def if I'm not mistaken which directly scales with other factors such as buffs gems elect so I'm confused what you meant by your last statement. If I'm wrong please explain what you meant
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    blazerboy wrote: »
    Vit does go directly into BASE p.def if I'm not mistaken which directly scales with other factors such as buffs gems elect so I'm confused what you meant by your last statement. If I'm wrong please explain what you meant

    Click on Eoria's calc. She has 24389 p def. Take off 175 vit. She now has 22725.

    Now give her cleric p. def buff + bm buff and add 175 vit. She has 38275 p. def. Take off 175 vit. She now has 36611.

    24389 - 22725 = 1664 p. def.

    38275 - 36611 = 1664 p.def.

    ~38k vs ~36k p. def.

    P. def from vit does not change with buffs. Same for m. def.

  • Posts: 190 Arc User
    The other thing is that I think people are really discounting the massive value of purify procs for a healing/kiting class. Yes para is good. But no, most DB's can't even chain para's correctly even when they know the enemy has free-movement buff. I have a defense level weapon. I've used it. What ends up happening is that it just gives sins/DB's/barbs/etc a failproof way to stunlock you forever till death. Para doesn't stack with itself and thus requires perfect timing, but if you have a def level weapon and more than one melee class on you, you might as well go afk.

    20 def levels isn't going to save you against a Sin + Barb + BM + Sin train. Neither is 3k extra hp. Purify proc scales massively with numbers. Def lvl weapon is something you use in very small scale or 1v1 duels, and it's extremely effective there.

    I will say though that Crisis must be doing something right, if they're able to chain-paralyze infa clerics so much that they completely forgo the use of purify procs. It's hard to keep a perfect para lock in the chaos/lag of mass pk, and I'm personally impressed since my experience is that I almost always have half a second to 1 second between paras to either kite, pot, or heal myself in TW/PK/etc.

    Paralyse overwrites itself, overgeared nub. :D This shows your massive lack of experience in this game :)

    1 db/bm can more or less perma-lock a target if they don't get controlled. Now a group of them can constantly para a target and force high cost genie skills to get out. Purify proc only use in that situation is to remove amps.

    Nothing impressive there.
    Stupidity at its finest :
    "Deity sin vs Josd Dusk -> Dusk wins.
    Josd sin vs deity dusk -> Sin wins by far."
    Special Kid Joe 2016
  • Posts: 110 Arc User

    Paralyse overwrites itself, overgeared nub. :D This shows your massive lack of experience in this game :)

    1 db/bm can more or less perma-lock a target if they don't get controlled. Now a group of them can constantly para a target and force high cost genie skills to get out. Purify proc only use in that situation is to remove amps.

    Nothing impressive there.

    Lol...that's fine, if that's true, then my bad. It really must be a skill problem with Karma and infa DB's since that's never been an issue for me.

    You really need to tone down your agressiveness, you attack pretty much everyone with blanket statements like that and it says a lot about your personality in real life.
  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Yes you are correct but what I meant was the overall p.def from vit helps I guess I didn't convey my thoughts clearly when I reread my mistake haha
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Lol...that's fine, if that's true, then my bad. It really must be a skill problem with Karma and infa DB's since that's never been an issue for me.

    You really need to tone down your agressiveness, you attack pretty much everyone with blanket statements like that and it says a lot about your personality in real life.

    I'm only agressive towards those that are agressive, like you.
    2.5 years after the introduction of primal mighty swing / dragon rising, you don't even know that paralyse overwrites itself. And then you talk as if you know everything :D

    But can I really blame you ? Maybe you just came back to the game a few weeks ago and "David / hellsarcher" was playing your account before ? :):):)
    Stupidity at its finest :
    "Deity sin vs Josd Dusk -> Dusk wins.
    Josd sin vs deity dusk -> Sin wins by far."
    Special Kid Joe 2016
  • Posts: 110 Arc User
    blazerboy wrote: »
    Yes you are correct but what I meant was the overall p.def from vit helps I guess I didn't convey my thoughts clearly when I reread my mistake haha

    Well I don't think I've said anything different, p. def from vit is separate from p. def from gears when it comes to things like cleric/BM/wiz buffs.

    I suppose one advantage to that is that it's also unaffected by things like undine strike. It's most useful for when you're purged.
  • This content has been removed.
  • Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    I'm only agressive towards those that are agressive, like you.
    2.5 years after the introduction of primal mighty swing / dragon rising, you don't even know that paralyse overwrites itself. And then you talk as if you know everything :D

    But can I really blame you ? Maybe you just came back to the game a few weeks ago and "David / hellsarcher" was playing your account before ? :):):)

    Sigh...can you just go back to lurking? I used to think you were funny but now I'm starting to think your life is sad enough that you literally do spend most of your life browsing forums looking for people to hate.

    Thanks for correcting me on the paralyze matter, that really makes me sad since part of the difficulty in playing a good BM in the past has always been timing stuns perfectly.

    LOL @ your repeat attempts to bring my account into question. Really sad, since I know most of the shared acc's on my server and I've never cared, nor has anyone else.

    Listen, I have a job to go to monday-friday, so lets keep fighting next weekend, I just feel like chilling for the rest of tonight.

  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    I'm confused why people even question accounts like seriously. If Pwi started banning everyone who account shares darn near 60% of the community would be gone then you're ganna complain the games dead. So which is it are you going to be more upset people account share or a dead game and you can't have fun beyond pve I truly never understood. I can understand someone logging your friends account and using it to track you or talk trash from your friends account but in general people attack people for simply logging another account which is rediculous

    @superfedee comment well it's not even a question if they are factors it's you don't want a extra vortex bot and buffer roaming around right xD but at the same time that's no reason to say y'all are useless or don't know what you're doing wolo
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 633 Arc User
    blazerboy wrote: »
    I'm confused why people even question accounts like seriously. If Pwi started banning everyone who account shares darn near 60% of the community would be gone then you're ganna complain the games dead. So which is it are you going to be more upset people account share or a dead game and you can't have fun beyond pve I truly never understood. I can understand someone logging your friends account and using it to track you or talk trash from your friends account but in general people attack people for simply logging another account which is rediculous
    Apparently their hate is directed to the ones they dislike, while they are pretty indulgent or indifferent to all the rest

  • Posts: 190 Arc User
    Sigh...can you just go back to lurking? I used to think you were funny but now I'm starting to think your life is sad enough that you literally do spend most of your life browsing forums looking for people to hate.

    Thanks for correcting me on the paralyze matter, that really makes me sad since part of the difficulty in playing a good BM in the past has always been timing stuns perfectly.

    LOL @ your repeat attempts to bring my account into question. Really sad, since I know most of the shared acc's on my server and I've never cared, nor has anyone else.

    Listen, I have a job to go to monday-friday, so lets keep fighting next weekend, I just feel like chilling for the rest of tonight.

    I don't spend much time browing forums. There are only a few threads that are active and you post more than I do.

    The fact that paralyse overwrites itself doesn't make it easier or harder to play a BM since they only have 1 para skill. The other main control is stun+disarm. It's the fact that para can be used on top of stun that made BM lock easier to do after Primal, not para overwrite.
    You prove once again you know nothing. :D

    @blazerboy @shade13 I didn't inquire or anything to figure out he was sharing his account. I just posted a vid of his mystic playing badly and he was so embarassed that he admitted in this thread it was someone else playing his account. :D He shoot himself in the foot because of his ego. :D
    Stupidity at its finest :
    "Deity sin vs Josd Dusk -> Dusk wins.
    Josd sin vs deity dusk -> Sin wins by far."
    Special Kid Joe 2016
  • Posts: 713 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    I don't spend much time browing forums. There are only a few threads that are active and you post more than I do.

    The fact that paralyse overwrites itself doesn't make it easier or harder to play a BM since they only have 1 para skill. The other main control is stun+disarm. It's the fact that para can be used on top of stun that made BM lock easier to do after Primal, not para overwrite.
    You prove once again you know nothing. :D

    @blazerboy @shade13 I didn't inquire or anything to figure out he was sharing his account. I just posted a vid of his mystic playing badly and he was so embarassed that he admitted in this thread it was someone else playing his account. :D He shoot himself in the foot because of his ego. :D

    LOL. The self titled crusader of the forums is still here.

    Really sad you don't have anything else to do. You do realize BM's had to watch for stuns in the past right? Now they don't have to watch for other paralyzes or stuns and can just use it whenever. If you don't think that makes a difference then you don't know jack about BM.

    Or wait, is it only because you waste your life poring over every single sentence trying to find an argument? I really do feel sorry for you as a human being - your conversations have gotten stale and pretty much become a broken record. You have no personality. You just live off inciting other people on forums.

    That's a pathetic way to live, my friend.

    Seriously, stop being so obsessed with my account. No. One. Cares. Every post above mine is pretty much asking you to drop the account matter because they're just tired of your nonstop prattle.

  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    blazerboy wrote: »
    Well one thing I will say is that many of the full mag clerics tend to lean more towards metal mages. I'm not going to comment on skills on an individual basis, but metal mages in general tend to be of lower skill than the clerics who actually rolled cleric to support. I know a lot of support clerics who feel bad about dying and not being able to support their friends, and then they add more vit thinking it will save them when the real reason they died was because they were simply outgeared or outnumbered.
    Not really, from what I've seen, metal mages are usually experienced pkers and well geared. On the contrary, most of the support clerics are either lesser geared or lack experiences.

  • Posts: 713 Arc User
    sspringgzz wrote: »
    Not really, from what I've seen, metal mages are usually experienced pkers and well geared. On the contrary, most of the support clerics are either lesser geared or lack experiences.

    That's weird. It says blazerboy said that but it was my quote. The quote system on this forum is a bit clunky - it tends to include a little too much when all we really want is the actual post we're quoting. :p
  • Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    oh wow! This thread is still going strong I see.

    Lets rather talk about Crisis' fight againdt vindi last sat. literally squadsfull of Storms and Duskblades and how many more players that originated from Hoorah. What a massive disappointment.

    Just you guys wait. Next time Crisis fights Tempest you gonna see what difference certain players can make. (or rather what awesome difference it makes when you discard boundless BS-Arcane weapons and go back to a decent proc cause I dont think I would've died more than 2 times if it wasnt for 2-3 DBs on me all the time...and even then they took so long to kill me..ah well nvm. That most DBs are a massive disappointment isnt really news so I shoild let go if it)

    This thread is pretty exhausted. so keep moving on to the next topic. Nothing to see here.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    > @blazerboy said:
    > In mass pvp I can't really make a fully informed opinion from the clerics view because I don't like playing that role and dealing with some of the abuse clerics deal with those of who don't mind well you have my respect I'm not getting yelled at the jerk who QQ "you let 2 ppl gank me and killed me without healing" like really son what was healing ganna do unless you're tanky to begin with xD I've seen this over the psy near 8yrs I've played this game lol.
    > More on topic my only argument was a vit build/hybrid cleric was far harder to kill rather than the latter full mag esp if we talking both had jsod. Best thing about that vit is it raises your base defenses which added onto the jades, which is like hitting a brick wall takes time but you can knock it down but you better work for it. But it also depends on your skill and playstyle. I think we all can agree there's some people with extremely good gear and still completely get face roll without any clear effort so my response to this huge debate is I don't feel either is superior at all depends on your playstyle and if it works for you. I know one FULL VIT cleric who had just enough mag for her gears with pretty subpar gems if I recall they were garnet gems and though her heals weren't much to speak of compared to others I've survived much longer and felt safer with her than I did with some endgame full mag or hybrids just depends on you and how you play. If it does great keep it up and make little improvements if it doesn't work very well and you're grown up enough to take the criticism try a different approach.
    > Therefore I feel there's truth in both sides of the spectrum :smiley:
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    if you move 500 point for life on cleric = 5000 pv. a cleric 11 full magic about 20k with 25k therefore vita. and increased physical defense is low.
    I think the one tank the better now that are useless cleric (those who treat any people but only) because the others look after their team so much more vulnerable.
    Knowing that the full deity sin are able to easily put the 40k and mages too.
    Your points will serve strictly nothing. looool
    Sorry bad english
  • Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    dregenfox wrote: »
    LOL. The self titled crusader of the forums is still here.

    Really sad you don't have anything else to do. You do realize BM's had to watch for stuns in the past right? Now they don't have to watch for other paralyzes or stuns and can just use it whenever. If you don't think that makes a difference then you don't know jack about BM.

    Or wait, is it only because you waste your life poring over every single sentence trying to find an argument? I really do feel sorry for you as a human being - your conversations have gotten stale and pretty much become a broken record. You have no personality. You just live off inciting other people on forums.

    That's a pathetic way to live, my friend.

    Seriously, stop being so obsessed with my account. No. One. Cares. Every post above mine is pretty much asking you to drop the account matter because they're just tired of your nonstop prattle.

    You clear know nothing about paralyse or BMs.

    If a barb use primal mighty swing on a target, you can chain dragon rising to overwrite it and benefit for the full length of dragon rising. The old drake bash wouldn't stun on top of the old mighty swing stun and you would waste the chi/cd. In that case, para overwrite is beneficial.
    But that also means if you use dragon rising and a barb use the primal mighty swing right after you finish channeling, the long paralyse from dragon rising will get erased by the short paralyse of mighty swing. Drake bash stun wouldn't get erased by the old mighty swing. In that case, para overwrite doesn't benefit the bm.

    As I said before :
    The fact that paralyse overwrites itself doesn't make it easier or harder to play a BM since they only have 1 para skill. The other main control is stun+disarm. It's the fact that para can be used on top of stun that made BM lock easier to do after Primal, not para overwrite.
    You prove once again you know nothing. :D

    It only takes a few minutes to read a post and type a reply. I don't waste much life energy. And you post as much as me. I guess you consider your way to live as pathetic too. :)

    Sure they don't want to talk about your account sharing because they share themselves or know people who share, so they don't want the rules to be enforced. I never had the intention to report you because you're insignificant in xtw. I just find it funny that you shoot yourself in the foot after being embarassed so much. :D

    Congratulations on your victory. Without your pvp expertise, Crisis wouldn't win anything. Too bad you don't have any video of this xTW on your channel to show that you would have died only 2 times if it wasn't for 2-3 DBs :( I only believe in the saint recordings of Joe.
    Maybe Crisis can stop no-showing Karma now that their pvp expert is back ? :)
    Stupidity at its finest :
    "Deity sin vs Josd Dusk -> Dusk wins.
    Josd sin vs deity dusk -> Sin wins by far."
    Special Kid Joe 2016
  • Posts: 713 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    Sure they don't want to talk about your account sharing because they share themselves or know people who share, so they don't want the rules to be enforced. I never had the intention to report you because you're insignificant in xtw. I just find it funny that you shoot yourself in the foot after being embarassed so much. :D

    Sigh. I think this needs to be said about you, @notanyfox#3644.

    I despise people like you.

    You spend your entire time on a forum looking for the smallest argument or the slighest variation in % just so you can get them to acknowledge you. The only people who do this are the ones whose existence is meaningless aside from what little attention they can garner on a forum.

    You don't take risks.
    You don't state your beliefs or opinions.
    You don't have any personality.
    Your entire faction ignores you because they don't actually want to associate themselves with someone like you.

    You don't actually want a discussion on forums. You just want to provoke people into arguments because your own ideas and beliefs are meaningless and the only way you can get people to acknowledge you is to slander them with whatever you can think of.

    That, to me, is one of the most pathetic types of people on this planet.

    And you are one of them.

    You go on and on about hypocrisy, and yet you can't even live up to your own standards. You don't make an effort to back up your own arguments and numbers, you pass that off to other people. That's fine to me, I don't care when people make mistakes or have differing opinions, as long as they are willing to learn or give their own point of view. But you don't do this.

    All you do is try to look for some way around an argument so you can continue provoking and flaming people. You've done this on multiple occasions now, and you are the sole cause of many forum threads going off-topic or threads erupting into pointless, unrelated arguments.

    What I WANT to do is discuss the merits and disadvantages of vit builds vs mag builds with all the changes made after 8 years. What YOU want to do is provoke people into unrelated arguments so that they can pay some little attention to you. That's just sad. That's what I was doing just fine with blazer/scaletta, and we offered different opinions/facts on this. That's how a normal forum discussion is supposed to flow.

    You contribute nothing to this forum except making this place a more unpleasant forum to read. I would kindly ask you to disengage from this behavior, but I truly don't believe anymore that you have the ability, or even the social skills, to actually correct this.

    Honestly, people like you exist on almost every major video game forum. I wish it wasn't this way, I wish your life didn't turn out this way, and I'm sorry I had to say this about you. In the future, I hope you can try to mellow out and actually enjoy the game with your friends, and hopefully contribute something positive instead of only living to make conflict and being negative.


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