Official Coffee Talk: Halloween Event



  • Celia_black - Sanctuary
    Celia_black - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    PvP battles should be much quicker this week.
    WTF is that so basically i can spend 100k on some cake or pills my class cant even use.
    infact all i saw around the NPC was people dropping pills and gems on the floor....i just had this mentle pic of ppl dropping pills n gems on floors,when i read this 'chuckle' also i find it amusing , not sure which game was made first, but this one has replicated the warlock mount from warcraft, heh only i think one on WoW looked better....ohhh and saitada even u probably do play this one much if u like im on sanctuary, im a lv 11 veno we could quest or grind toghether of if u jsut want to add me to friends- im still new on a lot of things but learning long the way. if u do whisper Celia_Black, saying ur saitada, just if u want tho, ur cleric might be a little high now, tho i might guess = )
  • Celia_black - Sanctuary
    Celia_black - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    sorry that quote wasnt sposed to be, i clicked it by accident, thought i cleared before posting
  • Twilyte - Heavens Tear
    Twilyte - Heavens Tear Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Soo in pvp, if both parties have the 30 rating, doesnt that mean there is no bonus? So why are ppl so upset about this "ruining" TW.

    People get upset because they react before they think things through completely. Welcome to the wonderful world of PvP "Poster versus Poster" b:laugh

    And I totally agree with you about the damage bonus being awesome. Tonight I ate one of those random buff candies. It gave me a BIG Magic Atk bonus (more than my 60% current level Cleric buff!). Then it allowed me to stack my Cleric buff. Add that to the 30% from the charm and whoa Nelly!! I was a happy lil attack Cleric for a few minutes!

    Another time I got a 2.0 speed bonus on top of my regular speed (which as a Cleric I get passed by old people with walkers!) and I was running at a swift clip of 6.8!

    I love these random candies! A shame they don't stack, but since the boxes do, I can live with that.
  • ach4n29
    ach4n29 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    people are constantly getting the mount midnight..

    i cant even find a single guradian's angel b:cry

    lol congrats to tose who found it tho!!
  • Celia_black - Sanctuary
    Celia_black - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    just want to add in a preivous about the duke and reference to john wayne, i got it right away xD
  • toshiya
    toshiya Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    arylkia wrote: »
    a good suggestion for those strapped for cash unable to get into the halloween fun. perhaps offer quests to earn things. this way players have something else to do and work at as well allowing them to participate in halloween or even future holiday events. It would be a good idea to balance it out for those that want it quick can purchase while others have an option to do quests and gain stuff.

    this is quite a good idea but there are also some parts to it like for example hunting some monster, obviously alot of people will want the item at the end of the quest so they hunt same mob and so there will be ALOT of players ksing each other causing more people to whine to complain like they do now (notice that some people just loves to whine and complain..sad really need attention much?) but still not bad of an idea i somewhat agree with this idea b:pleased
  • Wrathx - Heavens Tear
    Wrathx - Heavens Tear Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'd like to know why some of the halloween costumes have a level 30 requirement on them? I mean isn't it suppose to be a decorative thing for everyone to wear for halloween? I just grabbed mine on my level 15 cleric and I can't wear any of the 3 pieces because they all require level 30. That doesn't seem right to me.

    I haven't read all the posts in this thread and maybe this has been repeated before but why are things like the pumpkinhead pills being one of the possible things you can get from the 100k/guardian angel "gift" thing? I mean I bought an angel off of someone, and ended up getting 10 pumpkinhead pills on my veno which first of all are useless and also unusable by my veno. That's pretty ridiculous. At least have everything that's in there usable.
  • Azazuul - Sanctuary
    Azazuul - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Has anyone else noticed this guy, uh, I think his name is Duke, joking.
    Love the tension and distraction a game can cause.
    Level requirements for fashion is silly if they do nothing but make you look awl purty. Unless they do something that makes everyone lower level than you go, " OOOOOOOOOOH!!".
    I'm not doing the halloween promo, I say shananigans to it. If they let me quest, grind, fight, raid and work for it, it will be worth far more to me than going out and buying it. Besides I just started playing, no need to go butt wild with my wallet and pull major spouse aggro for a pixelated pony of pitch. Well, not yet anyway ;)
    I will continue to quest and dig up mats while all you folks pine and fret over black horsies and bighead candies.
    I'll hang where all the folks are throwing all the candies out and turn your trash into my treasure via the npcs. 20 coins from somthing you toss out is 20 coins I didn't have.
    Haha, my highest toon is a scant 14, ( think I actually leveled one time just pulling mats) and I'm pulling mats from that landside like it was going out of style. Next event or cash shop extravaganza I'll have some money. Maybe I'll blow it on a chance to win the Santa Raptor or maybe I'll just laugh and continue questing, digging and picking up all those drops you call ****.
  • Antimodes - Sanctuary
    Antimodes - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I just sold mine off for a quick 3k. Also if you want to gte a guardian, theirs always people yelling in world chat that are selling them off. One guy on my server was selling em for 50k undercutting the other people who were selling them for 60 and 65k.

    I had enough grand total but, you know id just be to pissed if the duke gave me something stupid like candy.
  • Fallenangelx - Heavens Tear
    Fallenangelx - Heavens Tear Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    in the heaven's tear server, i see people sellin the angels for 35k-60k, harder to find 35k ones but there are people selling it that cheap. i spent a fortune on the stupid angels though and got candy and treats, nothing else.b:cry guess i'll use those for the tws this weekend.
  • d1no
    d1no Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Is there a level requirement for winning midnight??
  • Bobncut - Sanctuary
    Bobncut - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    d1no wrote: »
    Is there a level requirement for winning midnight??

    Yes. You have to be the level that lets you go back in time to before the event ended. I think that is rumored for the next expansion.b:laugh