Next to fail



  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Talking like an imbecile = a style now? news to me...

    Want a monkey? Look at ur dad with his $20 gf
    okay that is definitely BR. b:shocked
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    n0ob wrote: »
    okay that is definitely BR. b:shocked

    ^ that is definitely a redneck trailer trash rq....
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    ^ that is definitely a redneck trailer trash rq....
    b:laugh You provide me with free entertainment, I don't know why I pay for cable.
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    n0ob wrote: »
    b:laugh You provide me with free entertainment, I don't know why I pay for cable.

    aren't you larry the cable guy's **** buddy? don't u get free cable anyways...

    PS: off to bed. more entertainment tmrw pl0x
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    aren't you larry the cable guy's **** buddy? don't u get free cable anyways...

    PS: off to bed. more entertainment tmrw pl0x
    Nah, I posted my photo on this forum and I also stated my occupation on it. You obviously haven't been paying attention. You just want to troll for trolls sake. no wonder you fail a lot Sir.
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • dekciw
    dekciw Posts: 954 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Maybe the ceasefire warmachine pleaded for will be in vain after all....

    hahaha go and ask them yourself if you think I asked for it. It was a mutual agreement they don't like being your meat shields while you do your oh so awesome PVE.

  • Transcend - Lost City
    Transcend - Lost City Posts: 448 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    lol, that ss irks me a bit. It's kinda funny to see/hear news of your own guild's motive from people *outside* your guild, even if it's weeks later.

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  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    dekciw wrote: »
    hahaha go and ask them yourself if you think I asked for it. It was a mutual agreement they don't like being your meat shields while you do your oh so awesome PVE.


    LMAO at Gstorm in that SS. Yep, he definitely wanted ceasefire according to that picture.
  • dekciw
    dekciw Posts: 954 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    LMAO at Gstorm in that SS. Yep, he definitely wanted ceasefire according to that picture.

    GstormT is one person, there is a lot of people from Unlimited that didn't want to fight us Wrathy and WarBeast is among them but yeah looking @ this SS

    makes it sound like he doesn't want much of you either.

    PS - Thanks Lineage II for teaching me to SS everything people tell me, it's really handful in the long run.
  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    All I see on that SS is how Grim tried to act like Warlord then got rolled so bad he had to ask you for a ceasefire.
  • dekciw
    dekciw Posts: 954 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    All I see on that SS is how Grim tried to act like Warlord then got rolled so bad he had to ask you for a ceasefire.

    Are you a Guardianz officer? Nope then I'm not sure why you speak as if you knew any details about the end of the KOS go and ask WarBeast if i asked for it. Keep being the hypocrite you are by pulling out irrelevant false facts from your greatly enlarged ****.
  • xeron66
    xeron66 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    n0ob wrote: »
    I also have to be careful because I need those TW salaries to work on my main's equips. Unlike you, I don't waste money on stuff except charms and fashion. Did I mention I get 3 TW salaries every week?

    wow u must not get out too much since u have at least 2 80+ chars.
    stfu and quit trying to impress ppl, after all u r just a noname "noob" that hasnt accomplished anything in this game.
    Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot...
  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    dekciw wrote: »
    GstormT is one person, there is a lot of people from Unlimited that didn't want to fight us Wrathy and WarBeast is among them but yeah looking @ this SS

    makes it sound like he doesn't want much of you either.

    PS - Thanks Lineage II for teaching me to SS everything people tell me, it's really handful in the long run.

    "Fraps or it never happened." We love, you, L2.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    dekciw wrote: »
    Are you a Guardianz officer? Nope then I'm not sure why you speak as if you knew any details about the end of the KOS go and ask WarBeast if i asked for it. Keep being the hypocrite you are by pulling out irrelevant false facts from your greatly enlarged ****.

    Maybe because you showed me an SS in which Gstorm pointed out how much of an **** Grim is? Own yourself more pl0x.
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    You guys got this flame war going over 3 threads. I'd recommend condensing it to 1 for easy reading.
  • Soda - Lost City
    Soda - Lost City Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Not surprisingly, defense is easier, gz isn't going anywhere until you can take their land.

    Why don't you post on your char main? Or you talk to much **** to do that?
  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Why don't you post on your char main? Or you talk to much **** to do that?

    same can be said for n0ob
  • Starang - Lost City
    Starang - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    If they just focused on defending, there's no way you can get in their base. Look at the level differences.
    The whole time it was sneaking in catas while they attack.
    It was their fault on not organizing their attacks.

    You sneaked in a win while they had full attack in their mind, while you will not get inside their castle if they had full defense in their mind.

    Sorry to inform you, that you are so wrong. I was in the main "sneaking" group and we faced all their high levels everytime and we still pushed through with our catapults, destroyed the towers outside the base, destroyed the towers inside the base and then we attacked the crystal. Sure it took many tries but we still did it.
  • Georgebush - Lost City
    Georgebush - Lost City Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    They wanna attack you, so of course their main forces are trying to get in your base.
    Numbers dont lie, just sticking those high numbers in the castle will be hard to breaking into.
  • Starang - Lost City
    Starang - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    They wanna attack you, so of course their main forces are trying to get in your base.
    Numbers dont lie, just sticking those high numbers in the castle will be hard to breaking into.

    Dude, what part of my post do you not understand? The first time they realized we were attacking their towers outside their base, they brought everyone there and stopped their attack. We came back and they were already waiting infront of the base and we still pushed through with our wb+catas and destroyed their towers inside. Last 3 pushes was too much for them and we broke their crystal.
  • Fiery - Lost City
    Fiery - Lost City Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Nice win RQ btw, didnt expect it but kudos to your win.
  • Mt - Lost City
    Mt - Lost City Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Dude, what part of my post do you not understand? The first time they realized we were attacking their towers outside their base, they brought everyone there and stopped their attack. We came back and they were already waiting infront of the base and we still pushed through with our wb+catas and destroyed their towers inside. Last 3 pushes was too much for them and we broke their crystal.

    You guys don't need to explain how did you win that.. It does not matter. All that matters that you guys did it and won anyways so anyone here that says that you guys won by sneaking bleh bleh bleh.. Let them keep making stupid excuses. Great job RQ b:victory
    . . . . . .
  • Clickhere - Lost City
    Clickhere - Lost City Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Gotta agree with that. I'd normally take time to type more about this but exam week. b:surrender I didn't see this coming which is always fun. It wouldn't be so much of a bit deal if GZ would have tied (running out of time) but RQ actually managed to take down their crystal. Only thing left to see is what happens this week. Nothing have changed much from last week.

    P.S: OMG 2 out of 6 exams passed so far b:victory Passing a semester w/o studying a damn thing until last week > all PK done thus far. b:pleased
    Raven:"...Don't joke with my intelligence"b:laugh
  • Soda - Lost City
    Soda - Lost City Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Gotta agree with that. I'd normally take time to type more about this but exam week. b:surrender I didn't see this coming which is always fun. It wouldn't be so much of a bit deal if GZ would have tied (running out of time) but RQ actually managed to take down their crystal. Only thing left to see is what happens this week. Nothing have changed much from last week.

    P.S: OMG 2 out of 6 exams passed so far b:victory Passing a semester w/o studying a damn thing until last week > all PK done thus far. b:pleased

    GRATS! CLICK :D you can do it! I already did all mine.

    We will see what happen next week it will be fun.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    xeron66 wrote: »
    wow u must not get out too much since u have at least 2 80+ chars.
    stfu and quit trying to impress ppl, after all u r just a noname "noob" that hasnt accomplished anything in this game.
    If I wanted to impress people I would be posting on my "character" not on a forum title that says "n0ob".
    You Sir just trolled yourself to failure.
    same can be said for n0ob
    I believe I took the liberty of using a teleacoustic to World shout "you couldn't 1 shot a n0ob". I guess you are a super R-T dumbo.
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • julio69
    julio69 Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    You guys don't need to explain how did you win that.. It does not matter. All that matters that you guys did it and won anyways so anyone here that says that you guys won by sneaking bleh bleh bleh.. Let them keep making stupid excuses. Great job RQ b:victory

    Lol I remeber you, 84 huh? Gratz =P

    I remember this 8x, 9x **** all when they were 3x =P even Grim.

    Shame that I don't play anymore, after a year of PW you kinda get sick of it.
    RageQuit Inc.
  • Kusaku - Lost City
    Kusaku - Lost City Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I would guess with saints pain they are gaining a bad name for themselves and other guilds are starting to pick frights with them

    this is espechially bad for them seeing there on lost city and there guild members r quite low compared with there competion

    still just a guess ^^

    i can assure u i wont be leaving my guild any time soon though ^^
    So for my bad spelling ^^
    Dieing with style and skill since 1989

    Frav Qoute :
    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
  • cryucry
    cryucry Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    In a real world analogy, SaintPain are like 15 year olds with machetes thinking they're hardcore messing up common folks. They're in a world of hurt when the gangsters with guns decide to notice them.
  • Soda - Lost City
    Soda - Lost City Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    SaintPain sounds like some newb guild i have never seen in my life of playing PW.
  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well, GZ's chances this week are heavily bolstered by the COMPLETELY **** tw times.

    RQ is attacking one guild and being attacked by 3.

    Our attack is friday night.

    ALL THREE of our defenses are at the same time saturday night.

    Really ****ing fishy. That's shady as hell. We have a day with no war at all, and all 3 of our defense wars at once...
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
This discussion has been closed.