Next to fail
as i said before. report it to the GM , or get SS , but go like-i got told this i got told that- ,,it's useless cuz we can do that all day..anyhows i don't think that we needed those guilds to attack you,,incase you don't know our numbers in tw wasn't complete, besides you can get 80 members to each TW, so how come exactly did you gather 80 members for our tw?then took out 6 and 6 as you claimed for the other wars ?you could've just got the rest of the people online to go to the other wars.. oh and here .
and thanks alot for the fun"If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut."b:shutup
i know ! and i'm not whining about anything lol,,and i really envy them for the fun they had >_< i think i stated that before lol ,anyways ,,love your sig
8x Mage
LC server .0 -
What's there to envy? All it was was a mount race to HQ, and crystal punching for like 4 minutes (except SaintPain, which was done with a single party and took a few minutes longer). We even had mages with catapults for the hell of it. Most of these guilds wouldn't even leave spawn when they realized they were 1shots, and several didn't even set up their towers. They wouldn't even fight. Most disappointing 11 wars ever, well, except the extra 5m+ income (seeing as we've not lost any income yet, we've had 10 territories the whole time).
To think these highly unprepared guilds all attacked at once, giving their money to RQ like that without someone else involved coordinating or providing some incentive is a bit too optimistic imo. Just from a logical POV.
As for karma for PKing lowbies, I've never even heard of most of the guilds that attacked us, let alone PKed them, and fighting in these wars is the most I've ever "lowbie killed". No offense, but GZ is as guilty of that as anyone says we are. 8x PKing in the swamps. Enough said. I don't hate GZ, several are my friends, but that doesn't mean they're some kind of justice force out to purge the evils of PW like many of these lowbie guilds think, if you know what I mean./Haiku/ -- Cognitive atrophy at its finest.
No longer the mistress of being ohko PK'd.0 -
/haiku/ - Lost City wrote: »What's there to envy? All it was was a mount race to HQ, and crystal punching for like 4 minutes (except SaintPain, which was done with a single party and took a few minutes longer).
I didnt know a single party could have 8 people
And a guildmate told me there were some sitting in your own cristal, dunno if that's true tho.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
^^ Made by Saitada ^^
Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
Lessie: Proof?
Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day
b:cute0 -
11 wars.
10 wins. 1 loss.
Most fun weekend any guild has ever had on the server, and it goes to us. ;p[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.0 -
Hulk Mofuggin Hogan was here.0
b:victory Clickhere back with the scoop,
~At this point of the game "fails" have to be taken into a land holding term.
Seems like RQ downfall is gonna be rather quicker than expected, or maybe not? Whatever gonna happen is gonna happen, something that it's just too new for me to even dare to predict.
I was expecting RQ to run out of land for the taking after OUTLAW, and YingYang were out of the map, which would mean to lose 1 Land Weekly to GZ the next weeks. This pressuming BL wouldn't take land from RQ. After all guild on game attacking i wouldn't be surprised they'd attack after taking all lvl 2 land. But just a while ago GZ stopped KOS on BL, reasons are still not 100% known.
Some ppl say they stopped to lvl venomancers cuz of the WF pets being overpowered and rather cheap compared to the actually bought equipment form several member of the guild. Shinzoko itself with probably the best geared archer has been a victim of phoenix.
Some other ppl say they just negotiating a non-attack treaty with BL until they both divide up RQ's land. As for leveling concerns i believe they wouldn't worry as GZ + CQ zerg was easily being able to take out BL leveling spots.
At the end, only ranked players form GZ would say what's up, or maybe we'll have to wait until TW bidding time of this weeks closes.
PS: OMG exp week O_O is it just me or you lose sense of time waste ingame without the clock from exp scroll?Raven:"...Don't joke with my intelligence"b:laugh0 -
On a more official context,
It seems like Warmachine talked to Shinzoko about a cease fire. In exchange BL won't attack GZ nor RQ land. I guess BL finally ready to make a move on CQ. But to the main point, "next to fail" top guild still RQ, but at least we all know now a more realistic point. RQ can defend to small guilds if they keep divided, BL won't stab RQ/GZ(yet?), and as for CQ they too far to even have anything to do in the matter. It'll take quite a while before RQ shows signs of weakness so happy leveling to all.
P.S: This means i don't have to post in a long while as well b:thanksRaven:"...Don't joke with my intelligence"b:laugh0 -
Clickhere - Lost City wrote: »On a more official context,
It seems like Warmachine talked to Shinzoko about a cease fire. In exchange BL won't attack GZ nor RQ land. I guess BL finally ready to make a move on CQ. But to the main point, "next to fail" top guild still RQ, but at least we all know now a more realistic point. RQ can defend to small guilds if they keep divided, BL won't stab RQ/GZ(yet?), and as for CQ they too far to even have anything to do in the matter. It'll take quite a while before RQ shows signs of weakness so happy leveling to all.
P.S: This means i don't have to post in a long while as well b:thanks
Here is more interesting stuff to talk about:
You are a 1 shot. Stop using alter defenses against archers and when you see me spark, run away. But what is more interesting is that on my silly little pk sprees in a undying hope to take rank 1 on the pk listings I've been wandering around maps looking for preys.
A few guys who I pk'ed last week were from ComplainQuick, But yesterday (I don't know if it was my Dr. Pepper or...) I saw those same players under Guarb:cryZ tag. So what is this...? ComplainQuick sending their smaller forces into Guarb:cryZ to set up a multiple attack on Bloodlust?
And of course I also heard this on a private vent channel, Guarb:cryZ is going to bid on etherblade next week at the last minute before the bidding ends while ComplainQuick bids on another major Bloodlust land?I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.
since you hear alot,,hey i heard some stuff too
i heard conq and bl are secretly allied b:laugh
i heard it rained flowers yesterday o.O
i heard that there is a mummy in my basement b:surrender
i heard that CQ are going to jump over BL land and going to magically attack RQ using some sort of a hax o.O
i heard i heard i heard,,we all hear lots of ****anyways, want to bet on what you just said?xD
8x Mage
LC server .0 -
Holy Molley! Did i just get flamered by someone i don't even know? In top o f that he says he can 1 shot me? In top of that he says warriors SHOULD NOT USE magic sutra againts archer? LOL I guess this is selfexplanatory.
As for CQ sending people to GZ that is a BIG FAT LIE. As for TW bid, do you realize that it would be pointless for GZ to even think of attack BL? Do you realize thaat CQ is the only guild able to attack Plume City? LOL come back when you actually have something to say for all of us instead of just flamming cuz i may have killed you ingame.
P.S: I still don't know who are you ingame. And plz. If you say you can 1 shot me, let me pull a Deity move on you. Let's do it in public where everyone can see this claim.b:byeRaven:"...Don't joke with my intelligence"b:laugh0 -
Pandora - Lost City wrote: »11 wars.
10 wins. 1 loss.
Most fun weekend any guild has ever had on the server, and it goes to us. ;p
... Can't look at your avatar and not go wtf. Thinking of changing it back to ? anytime soon? >_>
To bad I didn't bet any money. I predicted 10 win 1 loss.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
@Lessie, all RQs except that party were forbidden to enter the SaintPain war. Two or three went in, ran around a bit, and I think one stood on the crystal in SP HQ for a while? Keeping in mind how much HP an HQ crystal has, that was an embarrassingly fast loss for SP.. especially with a mage pulling a catapult? The other two guilds had at least 20 people pounding the crystal with all 4 catapults; that was why they ended so much faster. As for standing on RQ's crystal, that's not gonna do anything considering you need catapults to kill that in a reasonable amount of time. That aside, I highly doubt it's true in the first place seeing as I and several others entered and exited back and forth waiting for it to end, and saw no one except each other.
@Clickhere you don't know jack about RQ, and it shows.
@Wrathy, I can finally agree with you on something. :P/Haiku/ -- Cognitive atrophy at its finest.
No longer the mistress of being ohko PK'd.0 -
/haiku/ - Lost City wrote: »@Lessie, all RQs except that party were forbidden to enter the SaintPain war. Two or three went in, ran around a bit, and I think one stood on the crystal in SP HQ for a while? Keeping in mind how much HP an HQ crystal has, that was an embarrassingly fast loss for SP.. especially with a mage pulling a catapult? The other two guilds had at least 20 people pounding the crystal with all 4 catapults; that was why they ended so much faster. As for standing on RQ's crystal, that's not gonna do anything considering you need catapults to kill that in a reasonable amount of time. That aside, I highly doubt it's true in the first place seeing as I and several others entered and exited back and forth waiting for it to end, and saw no one except each other.
You lie or we all need an eye check, I'll go with the first option.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
^^ Made by Saitada ^^
Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
Lessie: Proof?
Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day
b:cute0 -
Dude, before you can attack a city, you must have 3 or more lands. Come on, know the basics before start flaming.0
PSH! what do you all know?!! ! he "heard" it
even if it's against every logic but it must happen !!
8x Mage
LC server .0 -
Wait for Pandora's video of it Lessie. (:
Lmao @ Wrathy, so true./Haiku/ -- Cognitive atrophy at its finest.
No longer the mistress of being ohko PK'd.0 -
since you hear alot,,hey i heard some stuff too
i heard conq and bl are secretly allied b:laugh
i heard it rained flowers yesterday o.O
i heard that there is a mummy in my basement b:surrender
i heard that CQ are going to jump over BL land and going to magically attack RQ using some sort of a hax o.O
i heard i heard i heard,,we all hear lots of ****anyways, want to bet on what you just said?xD
Lmao lilly u r crazy b:laugh b:laugh
I lol'd on this postSkominaMI
Lost City
GuardianZ0 -
You guys didn't know? Of course BL and CQ are allies! Proof: Ever since CQ failed vs BL long ago, they never atked each other. OMG TW ALLIES!!!!!0
i heard in a private version of vent on a private server of vent in a private room of vent in a private convo in vent that torin DID NOT CHANGE HIS UNDIES FOR YEARS b:laugh , proof?: hey,, i "heard" it b:chuckleWrathy
8x Mage
LC server .0 -
I want to believe...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
RageQuit Inc.0 -
Son, your news flashes suck. You talk a lot of **** and bore us useless RQ news and stuff blah blah blah. If you want updated news on RQ they're on a onslaught pking all their TW invaders now.
Here is more interesting stuff to talk about:
You are a 1 shot. Stop using alter defenses against archers and when you see me spark, run away. But what is more interesting is that on my silly little pk sprees in a undying hope to take rank 1 on the pk listings I've been wandering around maps looking for preys.
A few guys who I pk'ed last week were from ComplainQuick, But yesterday (I don't know if it was my Dr. Pepper or...) I saw those same players under Guarb:cryZ tag. So what is this...? ComplainQuick sending their smaller forces into Guarb:cryZ to set up a multiple attack on Bloodlust?
And of course I also heard this on a private vent channel, Guarb:cryZ is going to bid on etherblade next week at the last minute before the bidding ends while ComplainQuick bids on another major Bloodlust land?
Nah, you're just re-tarded. Wear it off. kthx0 -
i heard in a private version of vent on a private server of vent in a private room of vent in a private convo in vent that torin DID NOT CHANGE HIS UNDIES FOR YEARS b:laugh , proof?: hey,, i "heard" it b:chuckle
If you heard it, it must be true. Why else would people say random stuff? I also heard something about a group getting 2 Golden Spirits dropping at the same time, even though they have 1% chance....I also heard that GZ is now allied with RQ and they plan to take over the outside world. Scary stuff.0 -
I also heard something about a group getting 2 Golden Spirits dropping at the same time, even though they have 1% chance
Actually, isn't that really true?0 -
Torinchibi - Lost City wrote: »If you heard it, it must be true. Why else would people say random stuff? I also heard something about a group getting 2 Golden Spirits dropping at the same time, even though they have 1% chance....I also heard that GZ is now allied with RQ and they plan to take over the outside world. Scary stuff.
Really? I heard Pandora and Deity are going to get married and we'll be a RQ/CQ Family.Originally Posted by Pandora - Lost City:
Please understand that as full int, all an archer has to do is target you and roll his face on the keyboard and you are dead.
Words of Wisdom.0 -
Melodia - Lost City wrote: »Really? I heard Pandora and Deity are going to get married and we'll be a RQ/CQ Family.
Nah that one's true.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.0 -
Melodia - Lost City wrote: »Really? I heard Pandora and Diego are going to get married and we'll be a RQ/CQ Family.
Diego's got that grade school crush thing goin for Pandora. He runs up, hits lightly to get her attention, then runs away when she turns around so she has to chase him.
Its kinda cuteb:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Pandora - Lost City wrote: »Nah that one's true.
bish you cheatin on me?b:cute
Sinnerz Lost City PvP.0 -
Pandora - Lost City wrote: »Kinda.
Oh NO she didn't.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
RageQuit Inc.0
This discussion has been closed.
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