Warning Re: Safety Lock Function



  • Thray_walsh - Sanctuary
    Thray_walsh - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    As per my knowledge of what I have been told, it is not going to be changed for PWI.

    It is a feature not just used in gaming cafes, but at homes on family computers, friends houses, and dorms, etc; and other community PC use like setups where it helps users keep their accounts safe. Keyloggers are everywhere.

    So it does help players at home, and anywhere that they play.

    May I ask why did you put the safety lock on in the first place?

    Did you read what it does?

    Why did you enter a time?

    Why did you confirm it twice?

    With this system, it may be fine for gaming cafes, especially in Asia, but what works in gaming cafes doesn't necessarily translate into a anti-hacking system elsewhere... I'd rather have a security system like the one used for Ragnarok Online or Phantasy Star Universe than the frustrating system used here.

    I did follow the instructions clearly and I entered a time because I thought that was what I was supposed to do.

    As for putting on the lock, I thought it was to be a temporary thing and I didn't know that it would reset if I got disconnected... Why you guys don't make it more clear that the timer resets if your game gets disconnected, I don't know.

    I wouldn't be too surprised the game gets more and more people leaving by the day due to this draconian security system.

    I can understand where you're coming from, seeing as you're the distributor's main representative online, but if the distributors of the game aren't willing to listen to the people who buy the game as well as buy the extra add-ons then I don't see a future for this game at all outside Asia... [I'm just stating my forthright honest opinion, BTW]
  • lightningshiled
    lightningshiled Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    well nobody saying Protection or security is bad.

    all we saying is this is bad way of protection

    you just can made this much better than this way

    for exam you can put lock +password
    or email confirmation

    not 72H waste of time!
    I'm so frustrate to cash some of my Quests
    I let my pc all day long to that damn lock off

    But my luck ran out and weekly maintenance kick my character butt out !

    Any way as you said I set to 1 min hope after more 48H it's back to normal

    Oh and please someone improve built in help it un imaginably poor made many things off like this matter.

    Except Gm always OFFLINE/NUT Button( Safty lock)/poor made help

    Rest of game is amazing.
  • Aryannaveno - Sanctuary
    Aryannaveno - Sanctuary Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    With this system, it may be fine for gaming cafes, especially in Asia, but what works in gaming cafes doesn't necessarily translate into a anti-hacking system elsewhere... I'd rather have a security system like the one used for Ragnarok Online or Phantasy Star Universe than the frustrating system used here.

    I did follow the instructions clearly and I entered a time because I thought that was what I was supposed to do.

    As for putting on the lock, I thought it was to be a temporary thing and I didn't know that it would reset if I got disconnected... Why you guys don't make it more clear that the timer resets if your game gets disconnected, I don't know.

    I wouldn't be too surprised the game gets more and more people leaving by the day due to this draconian security system.

    I can understand where you're coming from, seeing as you're the distributor's main representative online, but if the distributors of the game aren't willing to listen to the people who buy the game as well as buy the extra add-ons then I don't see a future for this game at all outside Asia... [I'm just stating my forthright honest opinion, BTW]

    PW is a free to play game... It does have an added cash shop but you do not have to buy anything you can though.
  • zhimian
    zhimian Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I had accidently key in the safety key lock to 24hrs... and it's like terrible... is there a way GM could help me set back to the default 1 mins? Help will be greatly appreciated.
  • Aryannaveno - Sanctuary
    Aryannaveno - Sanctuary Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    zhimian wrote: »
    I had accidently key in the safety key lock to 24hrs... and it's like terrible... is there a way GM could help me set back to the default 1 mins? Help will be greatly appreciated.

    Just set it back to one minute then leave the safety lock alone. It takes 72 hours to reset itself to 1 minute so do not touch it afterwards. You can relog in and out as much as you want just do NOT touch it after setting it to 1 minute once.
  • zhimian
    zhimian Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Just set it back to one minute then leave the safety lock alone. It takes 72 hours to reset itself to 1 minute so do not touch it afterwards. You can relog in and out as much as you want just do NOT touch it after setting it to 1 minute once.

    I did not set the safety key lock to a few hours.. if yes i can still wait for 3 days but now I'm talking about 24hours. I had key lock myself 24hours and now you are saying i'm suppose to wait for 3 days? then it's better off quitting the game? surely there's a way for the GM to help me offset the timing to default timing
  • lightningshiled
    lightningshiled Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    May I ask why did you put the safety lock on in the first place?

    Did you read what it does?

    Why did you enter a time?

    Why did you confirm it twice?[/QUOTE]

    First: it's simple why coz the HELP SYSTEM OF GAME IS POOR AS HELL
    you have to trythings to get it coz you get no help at all until u find it your self or friends had that issue before.

    second: coz it ask for enter number to get work and we undrestand how it's work

    third: as u wrote i did enter 1 minute and leave it well 3 days past and still that stupid lock won't let me do anythings

    now what what after 72H and still same problem won't offb:angry
    should i keep my pc online for another 72H on game!

    fourth: if u put exactly this message you wrote in help system in first place at least i never go near of that button in first place and no need too much argue for this button atall
  • zerkyrius
    zerkyrius Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Please GM, change this about "Safety Lock", cuz i activated that option without intention.Ok, u have reason when u say :

    Did you read what it does?

    Why did you enter a time?

    Why did you confirm it twice?

    In my case i can say .. no i didnt, but was a big mistake, i just saw "Hours" and "Minutes", so I tought that was for put the time of mine country --' ;s ... and now i will need wait like 3 days for my character back to the "old times", 3 days is to much for a person who likes to play that game wich i can say i love to play! : )
    Please GM, change just this.... ;S

    P.s: Sorry for my english xD
  • Unknown
    edited November 2008
    Same here,just playing since a couple of days and now .. by terrible mistake i put the Safety log onto 24 hours!?!? And for what i have read on this posts, i must wait for 72H to play !?!? Hehe,nice account protection system,YES IT IS !!! LOL YOU!!!..The game is not bad,yeah i have played alot Online games,this one is cool..But the system hardly S UCKS!!!!Just kill all my fun,by reading the Admin's Post : Safety Logs cannot be resetet ? HEHE !!!! Well .. thanks and GOOD LUCK ALL!! LOL!
  • LowelyGirl - Lost City
    LowelyGirl - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Hello, a problem occured to me, i accidenlty put the safety lock for 24 hours on, even if i typed 2h into it, i waited the whole 24 hours, just logged of etc and stuff.
    So i logged back in after 24 HOURS, and GUESS WHAT! The safety lock started just back on 24 h.

    Please remove this from my character LowelyGirl .
    I really appreciate it.
  • Aryannaveno - Sanctuary
    Aryannaveno - Sanctuary Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Nobody but you yourself can reset it back. Please put it to 1 minute once then leave it alone for 72 hours real time (you can log in and out in that time).
  • LowelyGirl - Lost City
    LowelyGirl - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    You think that i havent tryed that already ?
    I already did put it to 1 yesterday after it turned it to 24h, BUT WHY THE HELL DID IT GO TO BACK 24H WHEN I JUST CAME BACK FOR GOD SAKE ?

    I logged in/out occusinly to check i have left, it was 5h in sometime, and after 4.5 hours i logged back in, it was 24h, THAT DOESNT MAKE ANY SENSE TO ME.

    atm, it's 23.5 hours to go again, why not mine mistake.
  • Aryannaveno - Sanctuary
    Aryannaveno - Sanctuary Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    It takes 72 hours to reset itself to 1 minute after you changed it once. Just do not touch it and leave it alone for 3 days.
  • LowelyGirl - Lost City
    LowelyGirl - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    can GM or admin take it off?
  • Aryannaveno - Sanctuary
    Aryannaveno - Sanctuary Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    No they can not sorry. b:sad
  • LowelyGirl - Lost City
    LowelyGirl - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i really really wanna play :( not to wait 3 day AGAIN plzzzzzz help me and take the safety lock AWAY FROM THE GAME !!!!!! some other people might accidently put it ON!!!!!!! Remove the lock from us all, we are hopeing for solution for this.

    All who hate this Safety lock machentachen, Speak out now.

    I think i speak for all of u guys . We can play well without this stupid safety lock, this is not a kindergarten.
  • Aryannaveno - Sanctuary
    Aryannaveno - Sanctuary Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    As I saw a GM say in another post 55 million people play this game worldwide without problems with it. They are not taking it away sorry.
  • LowelyGirl - Lost City
    LowelyGirl - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    why'r u acting like a gm ?
  • Aryannaveno - Sanctuary
    Aryannaveno - Sanctuary Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Just telling you what they are saying about it I did not mean to offend.
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Suggestion box is here. As for the tech support issue; simply put 0 hours and 1 minute into the Safety Lock option, confirm it, and play as normal for 72 hours. You do not need to wait for the safety lock's timer to finish before changing that option, you do not need to stay logged in for that 72 hour period, and you can log back in or out in any combination. In 72 real-world hours, it and the Current Time setting will change.

    I'm not a GM, either, but it is kinda surprising what you can find.

    I'm not a GM. I can't speak for the development team. But I sincerly doubt that they're remove a feature only one in a million players have problems with, and some players benefit from.
  • LowelyGirl - Lost City
    LowelyGirl - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    but what the hell, my invetory is full and i cant sell items, coz my inv is full, i cant get my quest wep reward either coz of safety lock, i did put it on 0 h 1 min, it says still 24h, then i'm like uncaupable of doing omethin.
  • Aryannaveno - Sanctuary
    Aryannaveno - Sanctuary Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Just please don't touch it again after 72 hours real time it will change to what you put ie the 0 hours 1 minute. b:surrender
  • kantorek
    kantorek Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    As Aryannaveno said, after you change it back to 1 minute, do not change it again. After 72 hours, it will revert back to 1 minute.
    Maintenance is my Constant. b:surrender
  • LowelyGirl - Lost City
    LowelyGirl - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    to my char needs to be online 72 h?
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    No. You just need to not touch the Safety Lock settings button for 72 real world hours, after putting a shorter setting timer in and confirming it. You do not need to be online for that period, you do not need to log off for that period, you can log in and out in any combination.
  • LowelyGirl - Lost City
    LowelyGirl - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    ty u moderator:D
  • zerkyrius
    zerkyrius Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008

    I done that mistake, i w8 3 days, and today i was happy cuz i tought that i would back to this game... and guess what??? Nothing happenedb:sad
    Please, change this about safety lock, i think "the administrador" can get others ways to secure the accounts! :S
    As you can see, many people are doing this "mistakes" withou intention and are being "punishing" for days to a game they like playing!
    One more time, fix that problem, i love this game and u dunno what i feel when i enter on my character and.... safety lock mode ON...ok i can play and bla bla bla... but i have my bag empty ... so i think i cant do nothing :S
    Im getting crazy!!!!! b:shockedb:angry

    Stay well.
  • Aryannaveno - Sanctuary
    Aryannaveno - Sanctuary Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Unfortuanetly the GM's can not do anything to take it away for you.

    Did you just wait 3 days or did you put it back to 0hours 1 minute first then waited the 3 days?

    If the first option please put it back to 0 hours 1 minute as soon as you can and then do not touch it again for 3 days as it takes that long for security reasons to reset. You can login and out in that time as much you want just please do not touch it again and wait till 72 hours have passed.
  • ramms
    ramms Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    So i started played, reached lvl 14 and logged out then in the afternoon a flashing icon shows up in the left upper corner, i press it and saw it was something about security ( i didnt thou it was so harmfull ) i typed 8 hours, then i logged out for some reason and entered again one hour later. Went to a NPC to sell stuff and saw it didnt worked... then i saw something about " Safety Lock its still Activated". WoW this is useless, its just a TRAP. Now i know i need to wait 72 hours to play again ( why play again? cuz my inventory is full ). Sorry but im uninstalling this game, it has great potencial and everything but just a small cheap security feature ruins it. Congratulations u lose one costumer ( i was about to spend money on the cash shop ). Also when any of my friend ask about this game, I will say: "Its just a trap for gamers, dont waste your time".

  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    It is not a trap, you have to read what it does, make an informed decision, and then decide whether you want to disable what it tells you for the time that YOU type in that you want this feature enabled, and then Confirm whether you want to do this.

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