Difficulty Issues and Unexpected Deaths
Greetings adventurers,
Asterdahl here. Those of you who have had a chance to play on the preview server may have noticed inconsistencies in the difficulty of enemies or zones. Know that if you're getting unexpectedly hit for hundreds of thousands of damage by a spider, that's a bug, we're not aiming to make Neverwinter more punishing in Module 16.
Here are a few types of issue related to unexpected difficulty:
- The campaign zone or dungeon you are is more difficult than expected across the board. Fights take exceptionally longer than usual, and enemies can kill you very easily.
- An enemy you encountered is unexpectedly much, much stronger than nearby enemies.
- An enemy you were fighting and seemed fine suddenly one-shot you with no warning at all.
- You encountered an enemy who was a higher level than the rest of the enemies in the surrounding area.
This list is just an example, and is by no means exhaustive. We'd like to ask for your help in identifying these issues so we can address them as quickly as possible, so that everyone can focus on testing the Module 16 changes, uninterrupted by unexpected spikes in difficulty. Many of you have already been posting logs of your character being one shot, or similar stories on various class threads and the general thread. And we appreciate that and are already looking into those cases.
Moving forward, we ask that you centralize bug reports related to unexpected deaths or spikes in difficulty here so we can better triage the reports. I'd also like to ask that you provide as much information as possible. If you can, please provide the following information when posting your experiences.
Necessary InformationPlease make every effort to include the information listed in this section, without it, we can't do much to investigate your issue.
- Your character's name on the preview server.
- Your class.
- Your level.
- Your item level.
- What zone you were in.
- What enemy or enemies killed you or were more difficult than expected.
- A brief description of what happened.
Additional InformationIf possible, we'd greatly appreciate if you could provide as much of this additional information as possible, it will help us to move through the reports and feedback more quickly, but if you don't have it on hand that's okay. Also, feel free to go back and edit your post to include the information after you've already made it.
- Your defensive ratings, either listed out or in screenshot form. Most importantly, defense.
- The power the enemy killed you with or was stronger than expected.
- If you were killed unexpectedly by a power, the amount of damage that power did to you.
- If possible, a transcript of your combat log leading up to and including the lethal damage. (Screenshots are fine.)
- Any other information you can include would be great, screenshot of your character's equipment page, insignia page, boon page, companion page, etc.
We greatly appreciate your help as we work to catch and resolve the various issues negatively affecting difficulty as quickly as possible. Know that we are working on these issues already, and that we are putting new logging onto the preview server with this week's build to help us track down these problems even quicker.
Thank you all for your time.
Known Issues
- The companion player bonus "Chicken's Instinct" has a triggered effect which is currently causing enemies to deal excessive damage. We have a fix in for this week's build, in the meantime we ask that you unequip the player bonus "Chicken's Instinct" until this issue is resolved.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
Thank you for asking for clarification!
My character has an Item Level of 21354, is a Control Wizard, has the name M16 CW@thefabricant.
For comparison, I was lucky enough to find an instance with only one other player on Live that left before the dragon showed up leaving me to solo there as well (at least until the dragon was at 50% when a SW showed up to help). Even with the help it took almost 6 minutes to down the dragon.
Vanrakdoom was far, far harder than eSoT!
Character screenshot:
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
And for the curious: if I was playing someone who had the cloak, everyone else would have to pull the adventuring party out of the room while I hid in the corner. At the door to the room with the gnolls and the hexer, I'd use the cloak. It was just barely enough to run through the room without being seen. Then I'd open the portcullis from that side, and everyone else would have to die to reset the boss(es). The irony is that that tactic felt the most D&D-like (well, except for everyone else dying, of course). Ideally we'd have a TR roll for move silently and hide in shadows and do it instead of my HR/DC/CW using their "Stealth for Dummies" book. It was probably the first time the cloak had ever been actually necessary to do something.
(And, no, it's NOT an exploit. It's a legitimate use of an item for its intended purpose. I'd actually like to see mechanics require its use in the future. Thinking our way through a situation is fun.)
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
Just a reminder to everyone, this thread is for posting reports about unexpected deaths or issues with scaling. Basically, content that is either notably too difficult or too easy. I went through this thread and purged out some more general feedback on scaling, and random discussions.
We are happy to receive all of that feedback, but please direct it to the appropriate threads. Considering the high priority nature of the issue this thread is dealing with, and that we would like to be able to easily navigate it and track down issues, I will be deleting posts judiciously. Please don't take offense if I delete your post, it's nothing personal!
Also, I won't be responding in this thread a lot, but we are keeping a very close eye on your reports. Many thanks!
Been running HEs in Terminus and Twisted and had 3 different experiences, firstly in Terminus I had 2 unexpected deaths.
Death 1
Death 2
Second in Terminus I had unexpected difficulty with mobs in a HE:
(Forgot to get my stats in the HE - sorry)
Third in Twisted where everything worked "as expected" and where I got my stats in the HE (at start) and normal (at the end).
In both vids I have the Combat Log visible.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
Edit: It seems to be related to mobs that use 'Slam.'
Class: Paladin Item level: 2,448
[10:18] [Combat (Self)] Shadow Demon deals 77470 (134600) Physical Damage to you with Claw.
[10:18] [Combat (Self)] Glabrezu deals 200062 (348000) Physical Damage to you with Pincer.
Using paladin justicar lvl 75. HP and rating downscaling from normal inside CN.
Total IL 18212 inside CN, Defense rating 25,546.
Using Negation rank 13 as armor enchantment and holy avenger rank 14 as wep enchantment
2nd try
[15:35] [Combat (Self)] Your Block absorbs 208084 damage from Glabrezu's Power Word Stun.
[15:35] [Combat (Self)] Glabrezu deals 172564 (607287) Psychic Damage to you with Power Word Stun.
[15:35] [Combat (Self)] Glabrezu gives 0 Hold to you with Power Word Stun.
[15:36] [Combat (Self)] Not enough Divinity.
[15:36] [Combat (Self)] Barlgura deals 263507 (320546) Fire Damage to you with Phantasmal Force.
After Barlgura attacked, my paladin died again.
Even with absolution, tab and block, my hitpoint only left with 36k from Glabrezu attack.
Dread Ring skirmish had the same problems as MoH on the first preview release (March 1), but was fixed in the first patch (March 6 or so). Dread Ring is fine now. Takes longer as on live, but that was to be expected.
Assuming Dread Ring now has the difficulty level intended, MoH (a lower level skirmish) is far too difficult.
My Character on preview:
Barbarian Blademaster lvl 71
IL ~16k
Healing Companion (Lillend)
On MoH there are ~10 mini-bosses with adds that need to be killed before you reach the "real" boss.
Every mini boss has the potential to nearly insta-kill my barb.
It is the combination of hard hitting attacks from mini-boss and additional cc from the adds
- circular red area with rather larger size lits up
- difficult to sprint away from it, because rather large size (slower classes will have even more difficulties)
- when caught in red area: hit takes more than 50% health and stuns
- second hit (or adds) kill before you get out of stun
- one small mistake (or out of stamina when red area lits up), its over
Bottom line: a lvl 64 skirmish is far more difficult than the (reworked) lvl 70 skirmish
Other observations:
- all weapon enchantments tested so far randomly go from 5% additional damage (rank 14) to 0.05% or 0% (could be a side-effect of scaling)
- armor enchantment (negation) shows +0.03% or even +0.00% damage reduction in all zones (not just the scaled zones)
- I tested the dread ring zone and the lairs with my Barb (same setup as above). Everything rather easily doable (~50% slower than on live, but thats within expectations). Taking Dread Ring Zone and the 5-man Dread Ring Skirmish as an indicator of the difficulty intended in MOD 16, MoH is far far far too difficult
Would have been a lot faster if I had played carefully, but I approached it with the same mindset as from last week. For reference, this same character did it as follows last week:
I think this is better, but still needs improvement.
Oh the Brood Mother boss in the Expeditions went from a simple solo challenge to dying easily.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
I am not so much concerned about the topmost bis-players being able to solo a (rather old) dungeon. I am more concerned whether the players in the mid-IL range (15-16k) can complete it without dying constantly.
Not quite sure what the difference in effectiveness currently is in MOD 16, e.g. is it a factor of 2, 3, or some different factor between you (21k IL) and the majority of players that queue into that dungeon (more around 12-13k). If it is soloable for a 16k I would be concerned.
The easiest way for the Devs to adjust the difficulty level of a dungeon is to scale up the magnitude of the attacks. Changing the frequency of attacks or the attack pattern, changing the attacks themselves, is far more difficult. So I guess that is what the Devs will do or already have done, reacting to your feedback.
Given what I just said in the newly edited piece of text, what I am concerned about is not the overcapping, its the hit points you have. If you have, for instance, more than twice the hitpoints of the typical player, attacks that just barely don't one-shot you, will surely one-shot the less well geared players.
Not sure if hitpoints are capped as well. What the devs should really avoid is to have the typical player one-shotted by a single attack (or a combo that cannot be avoided). In fact, that was one of the main reason for the revamp, not to be one of two states: fully healed or dead.
So it might be useful to look at your hitpoints and compare them to a lvl70 player with green gear from the Underdark-Intro quest, because such a player will be almost certainly be eligible to queue for Lostmauth. One also needs to figure in, that you are fully capped at damage reduction (mitigation). A lvl 70 with green gear will likely not be fully capped. So the hits (s)he takes will be much harder (possibly twice as hard, taking the non-capped counter-stats into account).
Essentially the magnitude of the attacks should be adjusted in such a way, that the entry level player takes, say at most 50% damage (undercapped damage mitigation and counter-stats taken into account), so that the healer has a chance to heal before the next attack kills.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.