Feedback: Warlock
Greetings adventurers. This thread is for providing bug reports and feedback on the upcoming changes to Warlock in Module 16. If you haven't already please take a moment to read
M16: Overview thread.
The most important takeaway in terms of class feedback is: we are still making changes to class powers, both functional and numerical. We wanted to get your hands on the changes sooner than usual. However, as a result, we ask that you realize what you see on preview will change, sometimes dramatically before launch. If you find your perfect build on preview, it may not be the perfect build on live. Powers you feel are very strong, may not stay as strong. We ask for your patience with these changes.
Finally, there are some known issues going into the initial preview build. Particularly in feats, a number of feats may reference powers that are not available when the feat is unlocked, or in some rare cases, reference powers which no longer exist. We have made a number of changes coming out of closed beta, and it is our short term goal to have these feats updated in the near future.
As always, thank you for taking the time to come check things out on preview, we look forward to your feedback!
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Tab Ability seems to be broken by a feat, Essence of Time. I -think- it gives soul sparks, but does not deal damage or heal the caster. The other feat works fine, as does the unfeated power.
Vampiric Embrace doesn't give meaningful amounts of hitpoints or temphp- I may have just been taking damage too quickly, but lack of green numbers or a log entry lead me to think it's just not working.
There are certainly more bugs, but I'm unable to stay connected. Cheers!
Why exclude Pillar of Power from Hellbringer? Why exclude Soul Desecration from Soulweaver???? And the soul puppet is a mere shadow of itself (pun intended), it has no threat enhancement, which was a primary reason to run one solo to keep mobs off of a single squishy toon.
Why are you making these builds so freaking limited and cookie cutter? Why don't you just make whatever build you want and just hand it to us if you are going to make these classes so restricted and so limited in choice!
Additionally, after looking through the boons, powers, and other additions that make characters personal and able to deviate from the classes "norm", I can't see much opportunity to mess with the builds that are actually effective. Mod16 makes SW's a very cookie-cutter class, making it seem dull. I foresee it becoming a bit unsatisfying to play.
Additionally, I will also mention that splitting the powers between the two paths that a SW can take makes the class, as said before, immensely unsatisfying to play. At-wills are overly similar powers with no impact on how you, the player, want to engineer your personal playstyle.
Since DC's seem to be back as the major source of heals once again, and the dps build for SW's has major drawbacks (mainly being that PoP buff being gone), I am worried that SW's will become obsolete in Mod16, in either solo or party play.
> Why exclude Pillar of Power from Hellbringer? Why exclude Soul Desecration from Soulweaver???? And the soul puppet is a mere shadow of itself (pun intended), it has no threat enhancement, which was a primary reason to run one solo to keep mobs off of a single squishy toon.
> Why are you making these builds so freaking limited and cookie cutter? Why don't you just make whatever build you want and just hand it to us if you are going to make these classes so restricted and so limited in choice!
I can't speak to the rest of this yet because I'm still patching, but Soul Puppet tank feats were really some of those "false choices" that mainly just trick newer players into adopting non-viable playstyles.
Sure, it's annoying for the rare player who made a conscious decision to make a tank puppet build for novelty value or maybe to do much higher-level content on a severely undergeared character, but Soul Puppet tanks had no real use in the mid-to-end game.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
Then why the hell is it called soulweaver...?
SW is a hot mess.
1. Soul Puppet - This was good for solo content as it kept the heat off the SW.
2. DPS - Just a pure DPS build done various ways
3. Healer - Those Templock builds
Now your Hellbringer path, you can either do 10% more at-will damage or have a perma soul puppet. But of course now the puppet does not have all that extra threat, damage mitigation, etc. Its now a Suck Puppet.
Without DoT's I literally don't know what it means to be a SW anymore. Which is fine because the mechanic wasn't very good for DPS. But this is very different from what I was expecting. Anyway: overall impression is that it's not bad. But the powers are still just as clunky as they were in mod15. This has to end for the sanity of players everywhere.
The disparity between Encounter-power damage and Daily damage is huge for some reason. Dailies are at the moment are once every 60 seconds annihilate as many enemies as you want. Whereas you can throw 7,8,9 encounters and kill nothing.
Artifact's do more DPS than I do.
My soul puppet does more damage than I do.
My Companion has more HP, Defense and more damage than I do.
Literally my companion 1 shots lvl 77 mobs with his at-wills. But I, as a level 80 character, cannot even with Killing Flames.
Feedback: Wraith's Shadow should stack with itself, possibly with diminishing returns. It's an excellent ability for healing uptime, but only really shines in areas with large packs, I feel.
I suppose my point is that almost no one is going to miss tank puppet since it's not needed for solo and is absolutely horrible in party content.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
Parting Blasphemy: This feat is proc-ing even without being taken in the paragon feat choice. If chosen, it does not increase dmg done.
Flames of Empowerment: Tooltip says it stacks 3 times, it is stacking up to 10 times (giving 10% increase)
Hadar's Grasp: Curse Consume says it will increase hold and spawn soul puppet, it has not spawned a puppet.
Dark Revelry: Was granting a party member 18k+ stats, and appeared to be stacking. It is not a passive buff as the tooltip leads one to believe, warlock must attack or do something to proc it (I got it to proc off Harrowstorm)
Creeping Death is absurdly useless in this form. The dmg is meager, but to add insult it was not proc-ing on my target until I stopped attacking them for some period of time and only dealt dmg based on my last hit. It was also only hitting 3 times for around 7% dmg dealt (tooltip says it should do 10% dmg over 5 secs)
Cleric: You can be an angel of mercy or give in to hate. - Shinedown
Wizard: The more the dark consumes me, I pretend I'm burning bright. - Shinedown
Barbarian: Am I beautiful... as I tear you to pieces? - In This Moment
Add: im guessing the broken part is that souls sparks are being recharged out of combat instead of consumed
Not even 12 hours into preview testing for Mod 16...... @asterdahl
Good thing Warlocks are already on the 'Nerf Schedule'... God forbid we be good at soloing content, so much so that we are being complained about in a separate Classes thread.
Mind you, devil's advocate of sorts, maybe Warlock's are 'too good'. I can't honestly say we are, or are not, let alone with it being less then a day into the Test Shard for Mod 16. Just seems kinda 'meh' to read that in another thread...
Ok, enough dilly dallying on this little gem of awesomeness, back to the Test Shard I go!
If someone knows how to do that currently, I would be very grateful to know how.
Cleric: You can be an angel of mercy or give in to hate. - Shinedown
Wizard: The more the dark consumes me, I pretend I'm burning bright. - Shinedown
Barbarian: Am I beautiful... as I tear you to pieces? - In This Moment
My warlock does not feel that powerfull atm, Soulscorch 20k baaam... why collecting sparks for that wed noodle special?
GF feels promising atm... but more to check tbh
Beside that it feels like someone grabbed into a bag and devided powers randomly between those 2 path.
Think this is the end for me if there aren't significant changes. Who's going to grind old and new campaigns with such sluggish, slow, and awkward powers now?
This new system is not going to work in the end. At-wills used to do damage which was great, then you threw in your encounters when you needed more damage, and lastly your daily. Now it just boils down to encounters and combating cool downs for grinding.
The game WAS NOT designed for this. Devs created long and tedious campaigns that you want to complete asap. Drastically slowing down your progress is going to drive a large chunk of the player base away from the game.
Surely first impression is soulweaver is more complete than hellbringer at the moment, i'm nodoby to say if the first one needs to be toned down or the second needs tweaks but ofc i'd choose the latter. What looks currently lackluster on the DPS spec imho is:
- class features don't seem to be balanced: soulweaver has the only damage buffing one (dust to dust); FoE still looks a situational; new NPNM and ACC looks weaker than before because of crit cap and single target at-wills; deadly curse deals at-will magnitude dmg and better me to pass on the others.
- having too many curse consume/synergy encounter is forcing players using skills with awful casting times/animation like arms of hadar, making rotation clunky as hell. Haven't reach lvl 80 yet so probably hellfire ring will help, but it's still an issue while levelling.
- (sorry have to say it) i really dislike new SS, both for dmg and sparks consumed, looks there's no point using tab any more.
Don't want to be misunderstood: I strongly believe that these changes are for the better and highly hope the constructive feed-back will be listened in order to make changes easier to manage and game more enjoyable
arms of hadar tooltip is not stating CD is increased on use (like is now on live)
This is a current comparison of the different classes “DPS” potential relative to the Ranger class. As indicated the Warlock is not overpowered in comparison to other “DPS” classes besides the barbarian(GWF). The Warlock needs to be re-evaluated and changed in a way that it is as close to being as equally competitive as possible to classes like the wizard, ranger, and rouge when using our Hellbringer path.
In additional notes- The Barbarian also deserves the same treatment in regards to its “DPS” paragon.
Hellbringer just get's crushed in old content. You can't DPS fast enough to out heal/live the damage you receive. Maybe that's the way it's designed to be, and maybe my companions are all wrong. Just feels like it's a lost cause with the Path as is...
Soulweaver is much better to solo content with, like infinitely better. Combat takes a bit longer then before, but generally seems fluid. I feel more... I dunno, flexible? I really like the concept of Soul Essence being used to power Encounter Powers, it makes it feel more tactical on what I'm doing and what I'm targeting. Not having to Curse things is a dream come true, I friggin love it.
General Notes/Advice:
***If your working solo-content I highly, highly recommend having a healing/tank companion out and about to draw attention from baddies. In fact I think it's almost a much for any Warlock build, and maybe any Class build in general.
***It's definitely a brand new game, and it's gonna take a while to wrap my (our) heads around it. However, I like it so far. It's kind of like knowing how to play Baseball... You have a bat, ball, glove and you know the what is supposed to happen in the game (from past experience playing) but the rules are all different.
***The not Cursing has been spectacular, and I've been using the ability that gains 15 Soul Essences every 15 seconds currently for Soulweaver. Not sure that is
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
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Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance