> @bethrizen said: > So i been watching this thread and it seems that the warlock has no real direction and is being drivin in to the crash test dummy wall over and over. Is it time to give up playing the class ? > > >
We’ve only had Preview for a few days, and it’s understandably full of bugs. For now I’d continue to provide specific feedback and hold off on giving up.
***If your working solo-content I highly, highly recommend having a healing/tank companion out and about to draw attention from baddies. In fact I think it's almost a much for any Warlock build, and maybe any Class build in general.
I also strongly recommend having Pilgrim footwear handy.
WELL as for my case I didn't faced any probies now soloed kr and esot with chultan tiger out as usual but ya one thing I wanna say boss took 5x more time than mod 15...boss dmg was way to much...
At-wills seem to be broken. A hellbringer with item level less than 9000 can one- or two-shot almost everything in Wells of Dragon with just Eldritch Blast or Hellish Rebuke. Damage is 50000 per hit or more. One crit with 400000 damage.
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Eldritch Blast deals 410028 Fire Damage to Green Dragonfang.
Fighting the black dragon herald was fun too...
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Soul Scorch deals 3206 Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Lesser Curse deals 179 Necrotic Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 190802 Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Soul Scorch deals 3206 Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 115875 Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Brilliant Energy Weapon deals 280 Radiant Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Eldritch Blast deals 106418 (212837) Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Lesser Curse deals 174 Necrotic Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Eldritch Blast deals 213486 (426971) Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 50353 (100706) Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Black Ice Pulse deals 227 Cold Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 49988 (99977) Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Brilliant Energy Weapon deals 120 (240) Radiant Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Lesser Curse deals 183 Necrotic Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 224962 Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Black Ice Pulse deals 207 Cold Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 109289 Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Brilliant Energy Weapon deals 283 Radiant Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Heili gives 16100 Hit Points to Your Heili with Self Revive. [Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 111141 Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Lesser Curse deals 159 Necrotic Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 200142 Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 109871 Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Brilliant Energy Weapon deals 262 Radiant Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 52169 (104339) Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Lesser Curse deals 156 Necrotic Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 219034 Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 98718 Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Brilliant Energy Weapon deals 282 Radiant Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 104317 Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Lesser Curse deals 185 Necrotic Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 219597 Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Brilliant Energy Weapon deals 251 Radiant Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 114617 Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 98381 Fire Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Lesser Curse deals 162 Necrotic Damage to Rogrotus. [Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 102003 (204006) Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
At-wills seem to be broken. A hellbringer with item level less than 9000 can one- or two-shot almost everything in Wells of Dragon with just Eldritch Blast or Hellish Rebuke. Damage is 50000 per hit or more. One crit with 400000 damage.
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Eldritch Blast deals 410028 Fire Damage to Green Dragonfang.
Were you using the Hunting Drake's (misnamed Hunting Hawk bonus I think) utility bonus?
Warlock: Don't want to let you down but I am hell bound. - Imagine Dragons Cleric: You can be an angel of mercy or give in to hate. - Shinedown Wizard: The more the dark consumes me, I pretend I'm burning bright. - Shinedown Barbarian: Am I beautiful... as I tear you to pieces? - In This Moment
Creeping Death actually does nothing, it´s bugged. Curse synergies without the option to curse needs to be adressed. Most aoe effects need to apply curses. Placeholder-Feats like "Price of Hell" and "Dark Prayers" are too useless to even think about, comparing them with Shadow Walk or others. Most encounter need an improvement: Killling flams needs a damage buff Vampric Embrance needs a utility buff lifesteal or party HP buff. Dreadtheft should apply Curses same as weaken mobs or buff your DR or both, and if no further buff it need a big dps boost. Hadar Grasp should spends sparks same as should work with Curse Synergy, not Comsume. The biggest challenge is Soulweaver i fear, many of those powers seem to be bugged or spend underwhelming heals as some of you wrote.
Atm I don´t have the feeling that anyone on devs side is that familiar with the class. Many devs left some had insight into the class before. Warlock is a stepchild-class somehow, right from the start, and actually the class drifts back into that corner. No damage, broken power, low fun aspect, discouraging. Maybe I should focus on my little Wizard. A class that feels more complete in many aspects. Classfeature look more promising and thoughtfull to me, same counts on Feats and you have nice Dailies that should spend real fun. I mean.. my Wizard lev70 on preview, 10k IL, low boons, low gear, no multiplier nothing, rank 9 bonds on a lowy companion. I even admit that I don´t really know, if my playstyle/setup is good in any aspects ... but he dishes out near the same ammount of dps on a lev 70 Dummy than my warlock does (17.6k IL, lev 75) with his Enduring boots, Eyestalker Wraps, Demonlord Set, Gravestriker+5, full Boons, Bondings rank 14 on a legendary Tiger, and subjectively it does not feel like playing a bugged class full of unthoughtfull aspects concernig synergies and mechanics, simply lol. As said, going on preview first time, it felt like someone grabbed into a bag and spread feats, encounter, classfeature on both path, giving some of them a healing component that are missing for this class, all of them don´t work as they should are bugged and have pretty rubbish animations on top !
@asterdahl This thread has been pretty heavily neglected. You have two pages of ripening feedback that is just as fleshed out as what you robustly responded to in the Barbarian thread, a response here would be nice.
First column of feats in Soulweaver breaks the TAB skill and makes it unusable.
There is a bug where you can channel the TAB key and move, people is using this as a feature that gives a wrong feeling of SW being OP.
There is a bug with Immolation spirits (and any skill and artifact that summons entities, this also happens to other classes) where they do not die and dissappear, this also gives the false feeling that SW does too much damage.
Harrowstorm not always heals you and sometimes it hits your own character, that makes your character do the "being hit animation" which makes you can't attack not do appropiate actions.
Harrowstorm does not refresh the curses, it only does on first activation hit.
Harrowstorm sometimes doesn't heal at all.
Vampiric Embrace doesn't give temporary hitpoints as expected (half the amount of damage done).
Hadar's Grasp doesn't summon any soul puppet.
Soul Investiture doesn't seem to work consistently, when you would expect to activate it, it's does not, so it's quite confusing.
Curse Bite sometimes is not usable although there are enemies with curses over their heads, sometimes it seems like you have to target a cursed enemy for it being usable.
Very few times Immolations spirit decide to do not attack for a while and very rarely almost not attacking at all.
Apart from that the SW sincerely pity because it is worth neither for dps nor for heal. One of the details I saw was with respect to the main STR / INT / CON / DEX / WIS / CHA Stats. In the past the SW was CON and CHA, the first gave dmg the second CA, Companion influence and critic. Now CHA gives us an influence, but CON that DMG used to give nothing now. INT supposedly gives magic damage, I interpret that the SW its damage would be magical, I try and surprise 0%. So the one possible as a second statistic is DEX to have something extra of critical severity ...
Statsystem got messed up pretty heavily indeed. I can´t tell why they did not simply adjust old system. Now I have to do a complete character reroll to get stats fixed, in case those stats give any boni someday. <font color=red>Actually on preview spending 1 point into Int pushes my damage for my At Will (HoB) from 470 to 471, next point 472, another point 473 and so on. So at the end my non crits (having now +5 str, +5 con, +2Dex, +7 INt adn +2 Wis and Char) leeds to a plus of 660 to 667 (range) 470 to 477 (melee) for that power... about 1%-1.5% plus damage, no clue what´s the math behind this, looks bugged to me.</font> Do we get a free reroll-token in mod 16, it is needed for every class, my Int is at ..10 I guess, my con at 18? ... not that ability score is from much importance as it looks.
About warlock: Core abilities of the class need to be addressed same as the class needs some push in terms of fun aspect. But there is no dialogue actually ... look at this
Not that I think the ammount of feedback is a measure for the quality of the endproduct but mod 16 looks like a complete "new game" and if devs want the player to do the work, check the classes on preview same as give feedback, there needs to be a discussion or feedback. I myself won´t go on writing walls of text, standing hours in front of a dummy, checking ACT logs and report bugs if there is a no response. Better gonna push my boons on live for other classes, to be prepared for mod 16 to switch my class -a better deal/reward in the end.
So over the last few days I’ve been working on my ‘lock and today I have been playing my tank OP, the sad state of the ‘lock is highlighted by how much less trouble I’ve had with the OP, just in terms of sheer damage output.
I consider the Warlock to need a significant boost, and feel that it’s poor damage is why I’ve struggled so much over the last couple of days.
Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin Obsidian Oath - Warlock A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
The one viable build that I have found for the Hellbringer path is to have All Consuming Curse and Dark Ones Blessing class features slotted and have Curse Bite, Arms of Hadar and Blades of the Vanquished as encounter powers with Hellish Rebuke and Hands of Blight as At-Wills.
There is a nice synergy between Arms of Hadar and Curse bite that activates Lesser Cure and lets me clear mobs in 2 or 3 rotations, and they both have fairly low cool down times when you consider that Curse bite has two charges.
So I can provoke the mobs, let them crowd around me, than fire off Blades of the Vanquished and then cycle Arms of Hadar, followed by Curse Bite a couple of times. I then shift away from the remaining nobs and pick them off with my at wills.
For the most part my Warlock seems a little over powered compared to the other classes.
The problem is not Aoe that much, agreed, if you took away Cursed Bites the class would simply struggle in Sharandar right at the start, CB is the only acceptable power that hits hard and is the best single target encounter same time ?!?! But check your focus damage please. Something does not fit, compared with other classes i tested so far. Soul Scroch underperforms actually, same as Killing Flame does, now feeling even worse than ever.
Here my results for Encounter-Coefficient (dps-magnitude per second) assuming that both classes do have the same weapondamage: My 12k IL CW at 4% rechargespeed: Repel= 57,1 + push effect Desintegrate= 44,4 up to 66.6 Entangeling force= 42,5 + hold effect Chill Strike= 34,7 + stun effect Ray of enfeeblement= 26,0 + 10% damagedebuff (mastery+10% DR debuff)
Hellbringer Warlock at 17.6k IL at 35,3% recharge speed ! A faster Cooldown by that: Killing flame 21,9 (43,8 at best, if target is near dead) + maybe a puppet...underperforming for ages Cursed Bite= (x2) 38,4 (actually an aoe) Vapiric embrance= 25 + 20% HP-buff (at best a 4-14k) ...worst encounter for a long period, now 3. best focus damage Firy Blast= 18.6..aoe with low performance Hadar grasp= 14.0 + a hold effect .... down to be from no longer interest , since no sparks and clunky Curse Consume
Now you can scale down warlocks encounter to a 4% rechargespeed (about -28% dps) and do the math. Selfbuff of both classes is about the same range.
Compare both classes, effects not taking into account (CW wins the race) Wizard: Repel 57.1 right from the start Desintegrate= 44,4 up to 66.6 Entangleing force 42,5 right from the start
Warlock: Cursed Bites 27,4 (2 shots) right from the start Killing flame 17.1 right from the start, 34.2 at the very end of battle etc.
Surprisingly bad, and no, warlock does not deal any damage with a capstone! Who did the calculation.. if at all ? All you get actually is a small DOT (LC) that is hard to apply without ACC or some rare encounter but easy to consume, same as LC deals low damage on top if you don´t run Deadly Curse all time. This text will display in cyan.About Soul Scorch, in my calculation you loose about 50% of the damage by deleting your 7.5% buff from sparks! The damage Soul Scorch dealt on a not-mitigated crit was in a range about 65k (150% DOT includet) at best on my lock. In the sum ACT shows that Soul Scorch deals about 12% damage, limiting that ammount by 50% from missing buff
A last note about Curse Consume, leading to: 1. Killing a 5% damagebuff from Warlocks Curse 2. killing your DOT (Lesser Curse) and 3. stopping the class from working with follow up encounter using Curse Synergy !
The synergy from Curse consume and effects like Parting Blasphemy and Deadly Curse, wich seems to be the best classfeature + feat combination actually, are somehow contradictious towards the need of Curses for Encounter Synergies same time. At least you need to have an option to reapply Curses with far more actions than ACC and few encounterpower like KF and Arms of hadar. Actually you are condemned to use ACC same as Deadly Curse, lifting Lesser Curse from last spot to the top of the damagetable (focus damage), all other combos are weaker. Obligatory powers are allways Curse Bite + Arms of Hadar (trash), KF (single). Another point, Cursed Bites is your best AoE and best Singletarget encounter (CurseConsume+Parting plasphemy-effect). Deadly Curse , ment as a classfeature to deal aoe, is also your best focus feature on bosses actually. It´s a oneway situation no alternatives actually. Warlocks Curse and Parting Blasphemy look pretty same as far as I can tell. Chosing between a dps option and another dps option with same effect in the end is no good setup imo. PB should have another utility imo, anything you can go for to be maybe more tanky have some healing aspect etc. or give Warlocks Curse another benefit.
If you read between the lines you get to the fact , that even doubeling damage from all powers will not lead to a compareable dps in the end not to talk about CC abilities, group buffs and aoe features at this point, making a warlock pointless atm. A Puppet + DOT#s can´t close that gap actually. Mod 16 at this state "a nogo" for warlock in all aspects.
@asterdahl This thread has been pretty heavily neglected. You have two pages of ripening feedback that is just as fleshed out as what you robustly responded to in the Barbarian thread, a response here would be nice.
There are a lot of threads as well as a lot of work to still do. There simply won't always be a response for everything and the amount of responses won't be even across threads. That doesn't mean the feedback isn't being read.
@asterdahl This thread has been pretty heavily neglected. You have two pages of ripening feedback that is just as fleshed out as what you robustly responded to in the Barbarian thread, a response here would be nice.
There are a lot of threads as well as a lot of work to still do. There simply won't always be a response for everything and the amount of responses won't be even across threads. That doesn't mean the feedback isn't being read.
We, or at the very least a lot of us, realize this. But please keep in mind that a lack of responses is the quickest way to make the well of feedback go dry and a spring of grumbling to appear in its place.
You have totally upended, nay eradicated, the most prevalent play styles among Warlocks, and as you have read in the thread there are some issues with the new and improved ways you have planned. It is a painful adjustment and I for one can do with a little hand holding from the devs. Sure, I understand time is limited, but even a little "hey, we're still here, we're still reading" like this post or an occasional "we are looking at some changes" is better than letting us talk each other into a deep spiral of negative expectations.
You have the power to not let this become an echo chamber of doom. Use it.
My suggestions so far, concerning mechanics, feats and synergies: 1. About Curses and the need to apply them I propose to give the class a way to curse mobs easier. The way "All Consuming Curse" did it in the past, a classfeature that was essential to make this class work at all. So either turn back ACC as before "Curses apply on crits" as classfeature or as a general ability (switch Vengefull Curse vs. ACC) or by implementing a feat to chose (ACC instead of PotnH), or make the core mechanic "Lesser Curse" work with all powers, any out of those 4 options would help. Another option down below, not sure if possible but a way to solve some aspects at once. 2. Curse Consume : Powers like Hadar grasp, Vampiric Embrance, Cursed bites, Wraith Shadow (not more in mod 16). If there is a way to switch those powers towards Curse Synergy it would improve things imo. Curse Consume in my eyes was a gimmick that was tolerated but never was from any importance, even though Cursed Bites got a push in last mods, noone would miss the abilty to Consume a Curse, if that power also works with Curse Synergy. 3. By that Parting Blasphemy could be switched for another feat. I would chose one of those Puppet buffs from Damnationpath. 4. Deadly Curse as it stands outnumbers all other classfeature making Lesser Curse actually deal more than 20% from all damage on single target, up from "zero" ! This needs a balance, otherwise ACC+Deadly Curse = 100% slotted all time. I suggest to buff Lesser Curse in general to be one ot the top dps sources, make the Curse tick for 25 Magnitude all time being applied (the class lacks in damage anyway) and give At Will the ability to apply LC as a general ability (like perma DC + ACC) By that switch Deadly Curse towards something like : "Deadly Curse: Your LESSER CURSE deals damage when applied towards targets not allready affected by a Curse and inflicts them with LC on top" - former Warlocks Curse now Lesser Curse - -> LC applied (by At Wills, KF, AoH etc.) ->spreads on not affected targets, damages them and afflicts them with LC, epidemic somehow suits this class imo. ACC could be changed into: Your lesser Curse lowers mobs critresistance or spends a sparks on applying LC on a mob, a feature from situational usage as aoe or a tool to improve spark gain for a better usage of Soul Scorch.
End of the line: You have an option to apply LC easily for AoE/trash by slotting Deadly Curse (spreads LC) as a source of Curses to improve Curse Synergies with encounter, same way you give that class more options to switch between classfeature, not one feature dominating over others. Boss: FOE + either Shadow Walk (mobility) or DoB (Survivability) or Deadly Curse (a lot of adds incoming) or ACC (better spark-gain) etc. Solocontent: NPNM + either Shadow walk (mobility) or DoB (survival aspect) or Deadly Curse (improve my Cursing vs mobgroups) or ACC (better sparks gain etc.).
Feats like Dark Prayers adn Prince of Hell needs to be on par with Shadow Walk, like: Dark Prayer: +2500 Defense and a temp HP buff 30% every 30 seconds (more a PVP option) Price of Hell: 2500 arp +2500 Accuracy
Harrowstorm does not refresh the curses, it only does on first activation hit. Harrowstorm sometimes doesn't heal at all.
Hadar's Grasp doesn't summon any soul puppet. Soul Investiture doesn't seem to work consistently, when you would expect to activate it, it's does not, so it's quite confusing.
Harrow Storm does not crit also.
Hadar grasp does not spawn a puppet, only Killing flame does same as Accursed Souls. There is no options to stack Soul Investiture except spamming that Daily (not possible) or having a perfect setup with Killing Flame as far as I know. Soul Investiture also runs of after 20 seconds and does not appear in my buffbar actually.
Hi everyone, i want to share with you all and especially with devs my list of changes that i would made to make SW better DPS and better Healer
Before i will start i want to mention that this is my opinion and my point of view and i expect that not all of you will agree with me. Don't get mad and upset, this is just my propostion to make SW better DPS.
Let's start:
Hellbringer should be DPS path but for now Damage on this path and especially Single Target damage isn't good enough but this isn't only problem... In my opinion getting Soul Spark take too long and here come first change to feats Double Scorch: Soul Scorch damage over time is incresed by 10% ---> OLD
Double Scorch: You get two extra Soul Spark using your Ecounter Power. ---> NEW
This simple change will give us more Soul Sparks and then we will be able to stack them faster and use Soul Scorch more often.
or Power of the Nine Hells: Daily Power now gives 12 Soul Sparks when first cast. ---> OLD
Power of the Nine Hells: When you use Daily Power it gives you Blessing of Nine Hells and it grant you on your Critical Strikes not one spark but two sparks insteed for next 20 Seconds.
This change, like previous one will improve Soul Sparks mechanic.
Now let's talk about one more thing... Curses, or to be exact, Lesser Curses. A lot of people have a problem with curse mechanic in mod 16 and i think there is a solution to that. We can change one more feat! Parting Blasphemy - Whenever Lesser Curse is Removed from your target deal 100% Weapon Damage. ---> OLD, this feat is too weak and i think it should be change for something more exciting like this...
Parting Blasphemy - Whenever Lesser Curse is Removed from your target spread/applied Lesser Curse to all surrounding target and target that already had lesser curse. This can only occur once every 10 second.
With this change we will be able to make TRASH (aoe) fight more "resilient". For example: You start fight from distance and you use your At-will power to Curse your target then you can use skill like Fiery Bolt to spread Curse all over the targets and you can now use Curse Bite and when mobs are closer you can use Arms of Hadar to put a curse again on all targets (no curse synergy or curse consume) and then again use Curse Bite.
Like i mention at the begining of my post i think SW is to weak as single target DPS and now here is my proposition how to make them a little better.
I think all SW will agree with me (or most of them) that Soul Puppet is SW's best friend and in mod 16 Soul Puppet should get a little bit of attention (but not like in previous modules when Soul Puppet hit like crazy). I'm speaking about synergy with Soul Puppet that SW always had but never made a use of it... Soul Investiture and Risky Investment feat. Soul Investiture work like this: When you have Soul Puppet summoned and you try to summon it again, your Soul Puppet damage is incresed by 20% for 20 second and it stack max to 5 times. This is in my opinion awesome mechanic and with Risky Investment feat (Soul Investiture now grants 5% bonus to Ecounter Damage on every stack) it becomes even better. We can make this work guys with simple changes...
First of all... There is only few ways to summon a Soul Puppet, one of them is Killing Flames but only when you kill enemy and this on single target fights don't work, Daily Accursed Souls is to weak for Single Target fights and this leave us with only one option... Hadars Grasp which is fine by me but doesn't work on preview for now (it will be fixed so we will count this) . So we need more ways to summon a Soul Puppet and i think the best way to do this is by changing one of the SW ecounters: Vampiric Embrace - Magnitude: 300/350 (50-100 more to make it better for single target fights)
Added Effect: Convert 50% of the damage delt into hit points for you and your Soul Puppet, up to maximum 20% of your Total Hit Points.
Warlock's Curse Consume: Summon a Soul Puppet. Lesser Curse is expended.
With this change we get extra way to Summon a Soul Puppet and now we have two ways to summoning it and this make our Risky Investment a lot better... But maybe we can make this even better? Don't forget that we have class feature... So: Dark Prayers - If you use your Soul Scorch with 18 Soul Sparks you have 50% chance to summon a Soul Puppet.
I think with this change we can make our Risky Investment even better but i don't want to make SW OP class so i think 50% chance will make it fine.
Now we have 3 way to summon a Soul Puppet and this make our "Puppet Build" in my opinion awesome build with a lot of combo potential.
Of course i think there is a lot of other things that should be changed... For example:
Flames of Empowerment: Gives overall 3% damage and Dust to Dust gives us 5% damage without any conditions. This make FoE useless... So maybe we can change it to... Flames of Empowerment: Your Fire/Hellfire Based powers damage is incresed by 7%. (Killing Flames, Fiery Bolt, Hellfire Ring, Hellish Rebuke etc.)
This change would make FoE valuable but with that said i think we should change Dust to Dust... Maybe we should add something to that Class Feature: Dust to Dust: Every 6 Soul Sparks spent on Soul Scorch increase your damage by 2% for 10 second. Stack 5 times (Max 10% damage increase)
In my opinion powers like that make game more fun to play instead of having 5% more dmg all the time.
There is some others feats that i want to discuss...
Creeping Death, damage dealt from this feat is to weak... This is less then 1% of your overall damage. But i think if we would change this to: Creeping Death: When you deal damage with your At-will, ecounter, daily powers to enemies they are afflicted with Creeping Death. Creeping Death deals 15% additional Necrotic Damage over 5 second. It can stack max 5 times.
This would made it a little bit better.
Soul Spark Recovery is another feat that dosen't look like necessery. We get from Hellfire Expertise 30% Recharge Speed and comapre to other classes SW cooldowns are fine... So we can change it to! Soul Spark Recovery (Soul Spark Influence): Every 6 Soul Spark spent on Soul Scorch increses 3% damage dealt by your next Ecounter Spell (Stack max to 5 Times).
With this change it would make sense to stack your Soul Spark and use them in right time.
This is all what I prepared. I realize that with all of this changes SW would be a little bit OP but noone said that all of them need to be implemented. Maybe some of them... I'm really curious what my SW friend's think about my propositions.
I know that @noworries#8859 told us already that he will change Fiery Bolt to single target skill but i think this wouldn't be necessary if we would change damage on Killing Flames from 250-500 to 500-750. This would make everything that i wrote in this post works perfect
P.S. I will discuss Soulweaver path in another Post
Thanks one more time and i hope some of my changes will help devs to make SW Great Again
My suggestions so far, concerning mechanics, feats and synergies: 1. About Curses and the need to apply them I propose to give the class a way to curse mobs easier. The way "All Consuming Curse" did it in the past, a classfeature that was essential to make this class work at all. So either turn back ACC as before "Curses apply on crits" as classfeature or as a general ability (switch Vengefull Curse vs. ACC) or by implementing a feat to chose (ACC instead of PotnH), or make the core mechanic "Lesser Curse" work with all powers, any out of those 4 options would help. Another option down below, not sure if possible but a way to solve some aspects at once.
I'd rather remove curse synergy from FB and BoVA or allowing ACC applying curse to curse synergy powers or on every DoT encounter proc (harrowstorm, Hellfire ring, BoVA): it's probably easier to implement and doesn't force players stacking crit, as m16 changes are allowing a broader possible setups i would like not to loose
2. Curse Consume : Powers like Hadar grasp, Vampiric Embrance, Cursed bites, Wraith Shadow (not more in mod 16). If there is a way to switch those powers towards Curse Synergy it would improve things imo. Curse Consume in my eyes was a gimmick that was tolerated but never was from any importance, even though Cursed Bites got a push in last mods, noone would miss the abilty to Consume a Curse, if that power also works with Curse Synergy. 3. By that Parting Blasphemy could be switched for another feat. I would chose one of those Puppet buffs from Damnationpath.
Disagree: New hellbringer design allows choosing between 2 paths, based on curse consuming or synergy. If you dislike one of those just pick the other, someone else could like having that option available. Despite Hellbringer surely needs some love, I'd rather wait for major bugs characterizing both builds to be fixed before asking for one/another being tweaked Creeping death is being interrupted from other attacks or DoT procs (how to replicate: easiest way is casting 1 HR on a char with the feat slotted, log shows 1 CD proc/tick until last one)
Parting blasphemy is proccing even if not slotted (how to replicate: apply curse in any possible way in a build without feat slotted and wait for curse to be removed)
Risky investment is not working at all (how to repro: on a char with acc slotted use atwill-cb-atwill-vb-atwill-hg-atwill-cb and noticed the second cb is just a bit higher, due to sparks gained)
Flames of empowerment's debuff icon is stacking up to 10x, but debuff is not applyed at all (how to repro: hit multipre times with FoE slotted and effectiveness is every time the same, or 1/2 if attack is deflected)
Curse Bite can be cast up to 4 seconds after all cursed targets are dead (wastes a charge)
haven't done more accurate tests, but soul scorch seems to hit with 100 magnitude independently from the number of sparks consumed, WAI or bugged? That looks quite inconsistent/buggy to me. Spark generation looks buggy too, will look into in as i got time
5. Deadly Curse as it stands outnumbers all other classfeature making Lesser Curse actually deal more than 20% from all damage on single target, up from "zero" ! This needs a balance, otherwise ACC+Deadly Curse = 100% slotted all time. I suggest to buff Lesser Curse in general to be one ot the top dps sources, make the Curse tick for 25 Magnitude all time being applied (the class lacks in damage anyway) and give At Will the ability to apply LC as a general ability (like perma DC + ACC) By that switch Deadly Curse towards something like : "Deadly Curse: Your LESSER CURSE deals damage when applied towards targets not allready affected by a Curse and inflicts them with LC on top" - former Warlocks Curse now Lesser Curse - -> LC applied (by At Wills, KF, AoH etc.) ->spreads on not affected targets, damages them and afflicts them with LC, epidemic somehow suits this class imo. ACC could be changed into: Your lesser Curse lowers mobs critresistance or spends a sparks on applying LC on a mob, a feature from situational usage as aoe or a tool to improve spark gain for a better usage of Soul Scorch.
As i said before, just wait to curse synergy build to be fixed, than ask for tweaks, if actually needed. Tbh i don't feel deadly curse being overpowered, 20 magnitude is sub-atwill hit, but again too many stuff not working on current preview build to making comparisons. I am looking forward the reported bugs being fixed to give more testing and suggest some adjustment i'm already thinking about
I know that @noworries#8859 told us already that he will change Fiery Bolt to single target skill
No..no...no...no. NO
You start fight from distance and you use your At-will power to Curse your target then you can use skill like Fiery Bolt to spread Curse all over the targets and you can now use Curse Bite and when mobs are closer you can use Arms of Hadar to put a curse again on all targets (no curse synergy or curse consume) and then again use Curse Bite.
> @noworries#8859 said: > Players have pointed out that Dust to Dust feels like it should be in the Hellbringer path. For the next preview update I have swapped Dust to Dust and Prince of Hell. Prince of Hell also isn't a particularly interesting class feature, so I'd be interested in hearing the types of things players might like to see it replaced with.
> @asterdahl said: > In regards to Prophecy vs Exaltation and whether or not Exaltation is in the wrong tree: I've seen this feedback a few times about various powers in tank or healing trees that enhance damage. Let me say that, it's not the case that we intend for healers or tanks to never deal damage. I should hope this would be obvious for tanks, but its just as true for healers. > > If you're not healing, you should be dealing damage, and depending on your groups healing needs, you should be able to do respectable damage.
If you swapped Dust to Dust and Prince of Hell i do not should be able to do small ( ) damage.
If you buffed Dust to Dust (Soulweaver) i can should deal middling damage.
My suggestions so far, concerning mechanics, feats and synergies: 1. About Curses and the need to apply them I propose to give the class a way to curse mobs easier. The way "All Consuming Curse" did it in the past, a classfeature that was essential to make this class work at all. So either turn back ACC as before "Curses apply on crits" as classfeature or as a general ability (switch Vengefull Curse vs. ACC) or by implementing a feat to chose (ACC instead of PotnH), or make the core mechanic "Lesser Curse" work with all powers, any out of those 4 options would help. Another option down below, not sure if possible but a way to solve some aspects at once.
I'd rather remove curse synergy from FB and BoVA or allowing ACC applying curse to curse synergy powers or on every DoT encounter proc (harrowstorm, Hellfire ring, BoVA): it's probably easier to implement and doesn't force players stacking crit, as m16 changes are allowing a broader possible setups i would like not to loose
That´s another option to apply Curses beside the need to rename Lesser Curse into Warlocks Curse @tom#6998 mentioned allready same as to keep things simple. I also understand that there should be a diversity of powers and make gameplay feel like "following a rotation". FB->LC->Curse Bites/consume->recurse. I only named 5 options, no matter if crit (ACC) or encounterusage or as general ability of the class to apply curses, we are in need of it. About diversity of builds. Actually I don´t know how crit vs powerstacking will look like, bosses will have higher crit resistance/arp resist I assume. If so Critbuilds loose power heading towards endcontent. A general aspect wich can be discussed controversal and does not feel logical in case Power and Combat Advantage have a linear damageincrease and stats like crit and arp get deminished. This might lead to a oneway setup in the end and not diversity, we will see. Only point to mention, sparks are gained on crits not from non crits
2. Curse Consume : Powers like Hadar grasp, Vampiric Embrance, Cursed bites, Wraith Shadow (not more in mod 16). If there is a way to switch those powers towards Curse Synergy it would improve things imo. Curse Consume in my eyes was a gimmick that was tolerated but never was from any importance, even though Cursed Bites got a push in last mods, noone would miss the abilty to Consume a Curse, if that power also works with Curse Synergy. 3. By that Parting Blasphemy could be switched for another feat. I would chose one of those Puppet buffs from Damnationpath.
Disagree: New hellbringer design allows choosing between 2 paths, based on curse consuming or synergy. If you dislike one of those just pick the other, someone else could like having that option available.
You allways use Curse Consum and/or Curse Synergy, you don´t have to decide to focus on one of them. Cursed Bites is your bread and butter, same as you use Curse Synergies automatically by slotting those powers, like Killing Flame, that gives you the best dps in the end. I think we all know that builddiversity is nice, but in the end things melt down to a setup that either deals the better dps or has the better utility. My concern in gerneal is, that I have to chose between one buff or the other (Warlocks Curse vs parting Blasphemy). The Core idea to proc a dot from Curseconsume is ok, the reality will show what is left when thing go live. As said player chose the best dps option in general, no matter if HG procs a dot or not. And if a puppetbuild will be better on a boss (theoretically), over 95% of player will run a puppet setup in the end. I don´t mind sticking with Parting Blasphmey in general, but then maybe switch warlocks Curse into something else, giving you another setup deciding between dps or puppetbuff/tankyness in general. That would be a real decision like buffing my puppet vs buffing my focus damage, and that´s what I would consider to be more like builddiversity than chosing between two damagebuffs N°1 and N°2. PB might be more like a dps path, the otherone a "wheelchair option" for undergeared or more lazy player in need of a tanky puppet Actually Hadar grasp is not working correctly->no puppet spawn
Despite Hellbringer surely needs some love, I'd rather wait for major bugs characterizing both builds to be fixed before asking for one/another being tweaked Creeping death is being interrupted from other attacks or DoT procs (how to replicate: easiest way is casting 1 HR on a char with the feat slotted, log shows 1 CD proc/tick until last one) Parting blasphemy is proccing even if not slotted (how to replicate: apply curse in any possible way in a build without feat slotted and wait for curse to be removed)
Yes, I actually tested Creeping death to have no impact, being deleted by follow up powers. If you apply it once, it tics down 3 tics and the damage is about 7% not 10% (using KF), same as it only procs once from a power like BoVA, 3 tics and the damage is only 0,05% not 10%, since it only activates once. About PB i wrote above. Actually it deals up to 10% of my dps on a dummy no matter if activated or not.
Risky investment is not working at all (how to repro: on a char with acc slotted use atwill-cb-atwill-vb-atwill-hg-atwill-cb and noticed the second cb is just a bit higher, due to sparks gained)
Only thing that works actually is Soul Investiture (about 20 seconds up) and buffs the puppet for about 60%, hard to to stack that buff >1 (Accursed Souls) , since HG does not spawn that puppet on usage, Killing Flame does though but will not do on a single target. And again I have to chose between one damagebuff vs the other. One version overcomes the other in the end, actually puppet deals about 10% damage. In case I get a +5%+5%+5% buff on encounter from Risky Investment on top of buffing that puppet for 60%+60%+60% from SI (pretending HG was fixed) there is a chance to implement oneway-decisions for a build having a puppet 100% plus more dps in the end, killing Diversity in the end, hard to judge before mayor bugs are not solved, agreed.
soul scorch seems to hit with 100 magnitude independently from the number of sparks consumed, WAI or bugged? That looks quite inconsistent/buggy to me. Spark generation looks buggy too, will look into in as i got time
The tooltip says at least 6 sparks but does not define what happens when spending 18 sparks. With testweapon slotted spending 6 sparks I deal about 1000+150% DOT (100 magnitude), at max. sparks it´s over 3000+ 150% DOT spending 18 sparks (like 300 magnitude), triple damage as it looks.
I agree again to reevaluate things after fixes, but one thing is obvious in my testnigs so far. Deadly Curse combined with ACC is a classfeature that buffs Lesse Curse from being "not existant" to "best damage source" (20-25%) on one target, by that FoE (if fixed or not) same as other Class Feature are no real choice any more. That´s why I wrote, make Lesser Curse tic allways with 25 magnitude and give Deadly Curse an AOE ability , like damaging mobs arround that cursed target and afflict them with LC (nearly same way DC formerly did, to keep things simple) by that aoe will improve LC will be spread ...like a plague by that PB procs on not aflicted targest on top. Same as I think At Wills should apply LC as a general ability and ACC could have another function like lower resistance from mobs.
Right now Warlock tends to be in a space where it is overpowered with multi-targets and underpowered on single targets. Both are areas we'd like to work to bring into alignment compared to other classes.
Curse Bite is the dominant encounter no matter what you do atm. Single target encounter should be adjusted arround that encounter. It also is the only aoe from bigger impact, due to Firy Bolt is somehow weaker and Dreadtheft has not much Utility as now, BoVA is worse than both but has a utility (Deflect) same as the ability to recharge sparks faster.
Players have pointed out that Dust to Dust feels like it should be in the Hellbringer path. For the next preview update I have swapped Dust to Dust and Prince of Hell. Prince of Hell also isn't a particularly interesting class feature, so I'd be interested in hearing the types of things players might like to see it replaced with.
What is the meaning of having a classfeature like Flames of empowerment stacking 3 times for 1% and having a feature like DtD buffing your damage for 5% right from the start? About Prince of Hell , idk, imo 2-3 dps buffs are sufficient and otherones should have utility feature for aoe/PVP/tankyness, otherwise you have 1-2 dominating feats that are up 24/7 and others like PoH never. Prince of Hell never was from importance till now. There are not mayn options to replace it with, "Snuff Out" maybe, but imo Prince of hell should be changes into a more situational buff/utility either a CC effect to cursed targets+ a debuff, if possible.
Actually both are in Hellbringer path. Deadly Curse seems to be the most powerfull feature vs bosses, concerning Lesser Curse (look at previuos post last line). Dark Prayer looks not that promising, so another Class feature to either buff utility , like adding a temp HP buff every 30 seconds on top of that DR buff but below 50% health not 30%- maybe a PVP feature, not sure.
Hellbringer was lacking in a strong single target Encounter. So for the next update I am experimenting with having Fiery Bolt be a single target only encounter with a magnitude of 700. It no longer has a curse synergy which means it will apply Lesser Curse as well.
Soul Scorch as it looks is a 100-300 magnitude encounter, you could buff it up 150-450 and balance it a bit like 225 magnitude (hit)+225 magnitude with 4 tics not 6 (DoT). Fiery Bolt as many allready wrote should apply LC and maybe deal full damage to all mobs but stay an aoe. We have Killing Flame to buff, actually 250-500, maybe try 450-650 imo.
Beside that many buggs are mentioned about Hadar Grasp (no Puppet), Vampric Embrance (guess HP buff), FoE not working, Parting Blasphemy 24/7 activeCreeping Death not working, Rsiky investment not working and the healing abilities being bugged.
i dont get it , what has warlock going on for it? if u are looking for a ranged dps...why bring a warlock instead of Wizard , Cleric dps o Ranger archer?
In my prevois post i wrote a lot of suggestion but here i i put only few. First...
Pillar of Power in my opinion should be "casted at targeted location" but i know that a lot of people will disagree with me so maybe better to put this option in some feat? For example in Dark Revelery.
Dark Revelry: Your Pillar of Power not is casted at targeted location. You lose all self buff from this skill but it get a healing option per second with 100 Heal Magnitude.
You would ask why i want PoP to be casted at targeted location? I did some runs on preview and i noticed that this is hard to control fight and teammates health bar when you are in middle of the fight... So this simple change would made fights easier to control.
Shatter Spark... This skill shouldn't heal companions. I want to heal my teammates not companions. So please change it either to Heals only teammates or Heal 10 targets.
Soulweaver path don't have any good Class Feature and i would suggest to change it...
For example:
Borrower Time: Each Soul Spark used on a power will heal you for 1% of your MHP and your allies for same amount.
Essence Mastery: Essence Drain deals 5% more damage and healing. Additionally you gain 1 more spark every second of using Essence Drain but only for 6 seconds.
Dark One Blessing: You have been blessed by Dark One's and after using a heal speal your next Heal Ecounter will heal for double amount. May occur once every 10 second.
All this Class Feature would made SW healing skills better.
Let's talk now about feats... There is few feats that i think could be better. I think we can use our Soul Puppet as Dummy which will support our team.
Life Bind: You create a Bond of Life beetwen your Soul Puppet and allies withing 50' causing 25% of the damage they take to be redirected to Soul Puppet. If Soul Puppet will die through this effect it will your allies every seconds for next 5 seconds.
From the Brink: Immolation Spirit not only summon burning spirits but Soul Puppet also. Your Soul Puppet have 50% more health.
Consuming Action: When your Soul Puppet die it will be resummon with 20% Damage Resistance. This effect may occur once every 10 Seconds.
I think this small list of changes would made SW Soulweaver perfect support class
Pillar of Power in my opinion should be "cast at targeted location" but i know that a lot of people will disagree with me so maybe better to put this option in some feat? For example in Dark Revelry.
Dark Revelry: Your Pillar of Power not is cast at targeted location. You lose all self buff from this skill but it gets a healing option per second with 100 Heal Magnitude.
You would ask why i want PoP to be cast at targeted location? I did some runs on preview and i noticed that this is hard to control fight and teammates health bar when you are in middle of the fight... So this simple change would made fights easier to control.
Casting Pop at the target location similar to the way a DC would cast Divine Glow sounds interesting but given that it's a nice buff for us and you want to remove it seems a little counter intuitive. However as PoP already heals anyway, simply casting it at target location would achieve the same results without the removal of the buff.
Shatter Spark... This skill shouldn't heal companions. I want to heal my teammates not companions. So please change it either to Heals only teammates or Heal 10 targets.
Life Bind: You create a Bond of Life beetwen your Soul Puppet and allies within 50' causing 25% of the damage they take to be redirected to Soul Puppet. If Soul Puppet will die through this effect it will heal? your allies for how much? every second for next 5 seconds.
If you want the Soul Puppet to help by off-tanking or absorbing the damage (I can see the possibilities here) then surely you'd want the ability to heal the Soul Puppet (25% of the damage from 4 toons is a lot of damage and would likely kill the Soul Puppet instantly). With your proposal, you would change the role of the Warlock to not just team heals but off-tank heals too. It adds a nice amount of additional complexity to the class but I feel that Shatter Spark shouldn't be altered to not heal companions but should heal ALL toons, comps, Soul Puppets and Immolation spirits too.
@noworries#8859 fellow Warlock @schietindebux mentioned the Immo Spirit bug earlier in this thread. He may have further information on how to replicate this bug
> So i been watching this thread and it seems that the warlock has no real direction and is being drivin in to the crash test dummy wall over and over. Is it time to give up playing the class ?
We’ve only had Preview for a few days, and it’s understandably full of bugs. For now I’d continue to provide specific feedback and hold off on giving up.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Eldritch Blast deals 410028 Fire Damage to Green Dragonfang.
Fighting the black dragon herald was fun too...
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Soul Scorch deals 3206 Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Lesser Curse deals 179 Necrotic Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 190802 Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Soul Scorch deals 3206 Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 115875 Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Brilliant Energy Weapon deals 280 Radiant Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Eldritch Blast deals 106418 (212837) Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Lesser Curse deals 174 Necrotic Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Eldritch Blast deals 213486 (426971) Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 50353 (100706) Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Black Ice Pulse deals 227 Cold Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 49988 (99977) Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Brilliant Energy Weapon deals 120 (240) Radiant Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Lesser Curse deals 183 Necrotic Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 224962 Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Black Ice Pulse deals 207 Cold Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 109289 Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Brilliant Energy Weapon deals 283 Radiant Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Heili gives 16100 Hit Points to Your Heili with Self Revive.
[Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 111141 Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Lesser Curse deals 159 Necrotic Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 200142 Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 109871 Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Brilliant Energy Weapon deals 262 Radiant Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 52169 (104339) Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Lesser Curse deals 156 Necrotic Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 219034 Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 98718 Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Brilliant Energy Weapon deals 282 Radiant Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 104317 Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Lesser Curse deals 185 Necrotic Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 219597 Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Brilliant Energy Weapon deals 251 Radiant Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 114617 Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 98381 Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Lesser Curse deals 162 Necrotic Damage to Rogrotus.
[Combat (Self)] Your Eldritch Blast deals 102003 (204006) Fire Damage to Rogrotus.
Cleric: You can be an angel of mercy or give in to hate. - Shinedown
Wizard: The more the dark consumes me, I pretend I'm burning bright. - Shinedown
Barbarian: Am I beautiful... as I tear you to pieces? - In This Moment
Curse synergies without the option to curse needs to be adressed. Most aoe effects need to apply curses.
Placeholder-Feats like "Price of Hell" and "Dark Prayers" are too useless to even think about, comparing them with Shadow Walk or others.
Most encounter need an improvement:
Killling flams needs a damage buff
Vampric Embrance needs a utility buff lifesteal or party HP buff.
Dreadtheft should apply Curses same as weaken mobs or buff your DR or both, and if no further buff it need a big dps boost.
Hadar Grasp should spends sparks same as should work with Curse Synergy, not Comsume.
The biggest challenge is Soulweaver i fear, many of those powers seem to be bugged or spend underwhelming heals as some of you wrote.
Atm I don´t have the feeling that anyone on devs side is that familiar with the class. Many devs left some had insight into the class before. Warlock is a stepchild-class somehow, right from the start, and actually the class drifts back into that corner. No damage, broken power, low fun aspect, discouraging.
Maybe I should focus on my little Wizard. A class that feels more complete in many aspects. Classfeature look more promising and thoughtfull to me, same counts on Feats and you have nice Dailies that should spend real fun.
I mean.. my Wizard lev70 on preview, 10k IL, low boons, low gear, no multiplier nothing, rank 9 bonds on a lowy companion. I even admit that I don´t really know, if my playstyle/setup is good in any aspects ... but he dishes out near the same ammount of dps on a lev 70 Dummy than my warlock does (17.6k IL, lev 75) with his Enduring boots, Eyestalker Wraps, Demonlord Set, Gravestriker+5, full Boons, Bondings rank 14 on a legendary Tiger, and subjectively it does not feel like playing a bugged class full of unthoughtfull aspects concernig synergies and mechanics, simply lol.
As said, going on preview first time, it felt like someone grabbed into a bag and spread feats, encounter, classfeature on both path, giving some of them a healing component that are missing for this class, all of them don´t work as they should are bugged and have pretty rubbish animations on top !
There is a bug where you can channel the TAB key and move, people is using this as a feature that gives a wrong feeling of SW being OP.
There is a bug with Immolation spirits (and any skill and artifact that summons entities, this also happens to other classes) where they do not die and dissappear, this also gives the false feeling that SW does too much damage.
Harrowstorm not always heals you and sometimes it hits your own character, that makes your character do the "being hit animation" which makes you can't attack not do appropiate actions.
Harrowstorm does not refresh the curses, it only does on first activation hit.
Harrowstorm sometimes doesn't heal at all.
Vampiric Embrace doesn't give temporary hitpoints as expected (half the amount of damage done).
Hadar's Grasp doesn't summon any soul puppet.
Soul Investiture doesn't seem to work consistently, when you would expect to activate it, it's does not, so it's quite confusing.
Curse Bite sometimes is not usable although there are enemies with curses over their heads, sometimes it seems like you have to target a cursed enemy for it being usable.
Very few times Immolations spirit decide to do not attack for a while and very rarely almost not attacking at all.
<font color=red>Actually on preview spending 1 point into Int pushes my damage for my At Will (HoB) from 470 to 471, next point 472, another point 473 and so on. So at the end my non crits (having now +5 str, +5 con, +2Dex, +7 INt adn +2 Wis and Char) leeds to a plus of 660 to 667 (range) 470 to 477 (melee) for that power... about 1%-1.5% plus damage, no clue what´s the math behind this, looks bugged to me.</font>
Do we get a free reroll-token in mod 16, it is needed for every class, my Int is at ..10 I guess, my con at 18? ... not that ability score is from much importance as it looks.
About warlock: Core abilities of the class need to be addressed same as the class needs some push in terms of fun aspect.
But there is no dialogue actually ... look at this
@asterdahl posted 36 times in the Fighter discussion
@asterdahl 35 posts in Paladins discussion
@asterdahl 25 posts in DC discussion
@asterdahl 19 posts in Brbarian discussion
@noworries#8859 5 posts in CW's discussion
@noworries#8859 4 posts in TR's discussion
@noworries#8859 posted 1 time in rangers discussion
@noworries#8859 posted 1 time in warlocks discussion
Not that I think the ammount of feedback is a measure for the quality of the endproduct but mod 16 looks like a complete "new game" and if devs want the player to do the work, check the classes on preview same as give feedback, there needs to be a discussion or feedback.
I myself won´t go on writing walls of text, standing hours in front of a dummy, checking ACT logs and report bugs if there is a no response.
Better gonna push my boons on live for other classes, to be prepared for mod 16 to switch my class -a better deal/reward in the end.
I consider the Warlock to need a significant boost, and feel that it’s poor damage is why I’ve struggled so much over the last couple of days.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
The one viable build that I have found for the Hellbringer path is to have All Consuming Curse and Dark Ones Blessing class features slotted and have Curse Bite, Arms of Hadar and Blades of the Vanquished as encounter powers with Hellish Rebuke and Hands of Blight as At-Wills.
There is a nice synergy between Arms of Hadar and Curse bite that activates Lesser Cure and lets me clear mobs in 2 or 3 rotations, and they both have fairly low cool down times when you consider that Curse bite has two charges.
So I can provoke the mobs, let them crowd around me, than fire off Blades of the Vanquished and then cycle Arms of Hadar, followed by Curse Bite a couple of times. I then shift away from the remaining nobs and pick them off with my at wills.
For the most part my Warlock seems a little over powered compared to the other classes.
The problem is not Aoe that much, agreed, if you took away Cursed Bites the class would simply struggle in Sharandar right at the start, CB is the only acceptable power that hits hard and is the best single target encounter same time ?!?!
But check your focus damage please. Something does not fit, compared with other classes i tested so far.
Soul Scroch underperforms actually, same as Killing Flame does, now feeling even worse than ever.
Here my results for Encounter-Coefficient (dps-magnitude per second) assuming that both classes do have the same weapondamage:
My 12k IL CW at 4% rechargespeed:
Repel= 57,1 + push effect
Desintegrate= 44,4 up to 66.6
Entangeling force= 42,5 + hold effect
Chill Strike= 34,7 + stun effect
Ray of enfeeblement= 26,0 + 10% damagedebuff (mastery+10% DR debuff)
Hellbringer Warlock at 17.6k IL at 35,3% recharge speed ! A faster Cooldown by that:
Killing flame 21,9 (43,8 at best, if target is near dead) + maybe a puppet...underperforming for ages
Cursed Bite= (x2) 38,4 (actually an aoe)
Vapiric embrance= 25 + 20% HP-buff (at best a 4-14k) ...worst encounter for a long period, now 3. best focus damage
Firy Blast= 18.6..aoe with low performance
Hadar grasp= 14.0 + a hold effect .... down to be from no longer interest , since no sparks and clunky Curse Consume
Now you can scale down warlocks encounter to a 4% rechargespeed (about -28% dps) and do the math. Selfbuff of both classes is about the same range.
Compare both classes, effects not taking into account (CW wins the race)
Repel 57.1 right from the start
Desintegrate= 44,4 up to 66.6
Entangleing force 42,5 right from the start
Cursed Bites 27,4 (2 shots) right from the start
Killing flame 17.1 right from the start, 34.2 at the very end of battle
Surprisingly bad, and no, warlock does not deal any damage with a capstone! Who did the calculation.. if at all ?
All you get actually is a small DOT (LC) that is hard to apply without ACC or some rare encounter but easy to consume, same as LC deals low damage on top if you don´t run Deadly Curse all time.
This text will display in cyan.About Soul Scorch, in my calculation you loose about 50% of the damage by deleting your 7.5% buff from sparks!
The damage Soul Scorch dealt on a not-mitigated crit was in a range about 65k (150% DOT includet) at best on my lock. In the sum ACT shows that Soul Scorch deals about 12% damage, limiting that ammount by 50% from missing buff
A last note about Curse Consume, leading to:
1. Killing a 5% damagebuff from Warlocks Curse
2. killing your DOT (Lesser Curse) and
3. stopping the class from working with follow up encounter using Curse Synergy !
The synergy from Curse consume and effects like Parting Blasphemy and Deadly Curse, wich seems to be the best classfeature + feat combination actually, are somehow contradictious towards the need of Curses for Encounter Synergies same time.
At least you need to have an option to reapply Curses with far more actions than ACC and few encounterpower like KF and Arms of hadar.
Actually you are condemned to use ACC same as Deadly Curse, lifting Lesser Curse from last spot to the top of the damagetable (focus damage), all other combos are weaker. Obligatory powers are allways Curse Bite + Arms of Hadar (trash), KF (single).
Another point, Cursed Bites is your best AoE and best Singletarget encounter (CurseConsume+Parting plasphemy-effect).
Deadly Curse , ment as a classfeature to deal aoe, is also your best focus feature on bosses actually.
It´s a oneway situation no alternatives actually.
Warlocks Curse and Parting Blasphemy look pretty same as far as I can tell. Chosing between a dps option and another dps option with same effect in the end is no good setup imo.
PB should have another utility imo, anything you can go for to be maybe more tanky have some healing aspect etc. or give Warlocks Curse another benefit.
Mod 16 at this state "a nogo" for warlock in all aspects.
You have totally upended, nay eradicated, the most prevalent play styles among Warlocks, and as you have read in the thread there are some issues with the new and improved ways you have planned. It is a painful adjustment and I for one can do with a little hand holding from the devs. Sure, I understand time is limited, but even a little "hey, we're still here, we're still reading" like this post or an occasional "we are looking at some changes" is better than letting us talk each other into a deep spiral of negative expectations.
You have the power to not let this become an echo chamber of doom. Use it.
1. About Curses and the need to apply them I propose to give the class a way to curse mobs easier. The way "All Consuming Curse" did it in the past, a classfeature that was essential to make this class work at all. So either turn back ACC as before "Curses apply on crits" as classfeature or as a general ability (switch Vengefull Curse vs. ACC) or by implementing a feat to chose (ACC instead of PotnH), or make the core mechanic "Lesser Curse" work with all powers, any out of those 4 options would help. Another option down below, not sure if possible but a way to solve some aspects at once.
2. Curse Consume : Powers like Hadar grasp, Vampiric Embrance, Cursed bites, Wraith Shadow (not more in mod 16). If there is a way to switch those powers towards Curse Synergy it would improve things imo. Curse Consume in my eyes was a gimmick that was tolerated but never was from any importance, even though Cursed Bites got a push in last mods, noone would miss the abilty to Consume a Curse, if that power also works with Curse Synergy.
3. By that Parting Blasphemy could be switched for another feat. I would chose one of those Puppet buffs from Damnationpath.
4. Deadly Curse as it stands outnumbers all other classfeature making Lesser Curse actually deal more than 20% from all damage on single target, up from "zero" ! This needs a balance, otherwise ACC+Deadly Curse = 100% slotted all time.
I suggest to buff Lesser Curse in general to be one ot the top dps sources, make the Curse tick for 25 Magnitude all time being applied (the class lacks in damage anyway) and give At Will the ability to apply LC as a general ability (like perma DC + ACC)
By that switch Deadly Curse towards something like : "Deadly Curse: Your LESSER CURSE deals damage when applied towards targets not allready affected by a Curse and inflicts them with LC on top" - former Warlocks Curse now Lesser Curse -
-> LC applied (by At Wills, KF, AoH etc.) ->spreads on not affected targets, damages them and afflicts them with LC, epidemic somehow suits this class imo.
ACC could be changed into: Your lesser Curse lowers mobs critresistance or spends a sparks on applying LC on a mob, a feature from situational usage as aoe or a tool to improve spark gain for a better usage of Soul Scorch.
End of the line: You have an option to apply LC easily for AoE/trash by slotting Deadly Curse (spreads LC) as a source of Curses to improve Curse Synergies with encounter, same way you give that class more options to switch between classfeature, not one feature dominating over others.
Boss: FOE + either Shadow Walk (mobility) or DoB (Survivability) or Deadly Curse (a lot of adds incoming) or ACC (better spark-gain) etc.
Solocontent: NPNM + either Shadow walk (mobility) or DoB (survival aspect) or Deadly Curse (improve my Cursing vs mobgroups) or ACC (better sparks gain etc.).
Feats like Dark Prayers adn Prince of Hell needs to be on par with Shadow Walk, like:
Dark Prayer: +2500 Defense and a temp HP buff 30% every 30 seconds (more a PVP option)
Price of Hell: 2500 arp +2500 Accuracy
Hadar grasp does not spawn a puppet, only Killing flame does same as Accursed Souls. There is no options to stack Soul Investiture except spamming that Daily (not possible) or having a perfect setup with Killing Flame as far as I know.
Soul Investiture also runs of after 20 seconds and does not appear in my buffbar actually.
Before i will start i want to mention that this is my opinion and my point of view and i expect that not all of you will agree with me. Don't get mad and upset, this is just my propostion to make SW better DPS.
Let's start:
Hellbringer should be DPS path but for now Damage on this path and especially Single Target damage isn't good enough but this isn't only problem... In my opinion getting Soul Spark take too long and here come first change to feats
Double Scorch: Soul Scorch damage over time is incresed by 10% ---> OLD
Double Scorch: You get two extra Soul Spark using your Ecounter Power. ---> NEW
This simple change will give us more Soul Sparks and then we will be able to stack them faster and use Soul Scorch more often.
Power of the Nine Hells: Daily Power now gives 12 Soul Sparks when first cast. ---> OLD
Power of the Nine Hells: When you use Daily Power it gives you Blessing of Nine Hells and it grant you on your Critical Strikes not one spark but two sparks insteed for next 20 Seconds.
This change, like previous one will improve Soul Sparks mechanic.
Now let's talk about one more thing... Curses, or to be exact, Lesser Curses. A lot of people have a problem with curse mechanic in mod 16 and i think there is a solution to that. We can change one more feat!
Parting Blasphemy - Whenever Lesser Curse is Removed from your target deal 100% Weapon Damage. ---> OLD, this feat is too weak and i think it should be change for something more exciting like this...
Parting Blasphemy - Whenever Lesser Curse is Removed from your target spread/applied Lesser Curse to all surrounding target and target that already had lesser curse. This can only occur once every 10 second.
With this change we will be able to make TRASH (aoe) fight more "resilient". For example: You start fight from distance and you use your At-will power to Curse your target then you can use skill like Fiery Bolt to spread Curse all over the targets and you can now use Curse Bite and when mobs are closer you can use Arms of Hadar to put a curse again on all targets (no curse synergy or curse consume) and then again use Curse Bite.
Like i mention at the begining of my post i think SW is to weak as single target DPS and now here is my proposition how to make them a little better.
I think all SW will agree with me (or most of them) that Soul Puppet is SW's best friend and in mod 16 Soul Puppet should get a little bit of attention (but not like in previous modules when Soul Puppet hit like crazy). I'm speaking about synergy with Soul Puppet that SW always had but never made a use of it... Soul Investiture and Risky Investment feat. Soul Investiture work like this: When you have Soul Puppet summoned and you try to summon it again, your Soul Puppet damage is incresed by 20% for 20 second and it stack max to 5 times. This is in my opinion awesome mechanic and with Risky Investment feat (Soul Investiture now grants 5% bonus to Ecounter Damage on every stack) it becomes even better. We can make this work guys with simple changes...
First of all... There is only few ways to summon a Soul Puppet, one of them is Killing Flames but only when you kill enemy and this on single target fights don't work, Daily Accursed Souls is to weak for Single Target fights and this leave us with only one option... Hadars Grasp which is fine by me but doesn't work on preview for now (it will be fixed so we will count this) . So we need more ways to summon a Soul Puppet and i think the best way to do this is by changing one of the SW ecounters:
Vampiric Embrace - Magnitude: 300/350 (50-100 more to make it better for single target fights)
Added Effect: Convert 50% of the damage delt into hit points for you and your Soul Puppet, up to maximum 20% of your Total Hit Points.
Warlock's Curse Consume: Summon a Soul Puppet. Lesser Curse is expended.
With this change we get extra way to Summon a Soul Puppet and now we have two ways to summoning it and this make our Risky Investment a lot better... But maybe we can make this even better? Don't forget that we have class feature... So:
Dark Prayers - If you use your Soul Scorch with 18 Soul Sparks you have 50% chance to summon a Soul Puppet.
I think with this change we can make our Risky Investment even better but i don't want to make SW OP class so i think 50% chance will make it fine.
Now we have 3 way to summon a Soul Puppet and this make our "Puppet Build" in my opinion awesome build with a lot of combo potential.
Of course i think there is a lot of other things that should be changed... For example:
Flames of Empowerment: Gives overall 3% damage and Dust to Dust gives us 5% damage without any conditions. This make FoE useless... So maybe we can change it to...
Flames of Empowerment: Your Fire/Hellfire Based powers damage is incresed by 7%. (Killing Flames, Fiery Bolt, Hellfire Ring, Hellish Rebuke etc.)
This change would make FoE valuable but with that said i think we should change Dust to Dust... Maybe we should add something to that Class Feature:
Dust to Dust: Every 6 Soul Sparks spent on Soul Scorch increase your damage by 2% for 10 second. Stack 5 times (Max 10% damage increase)
In my opinion powers like that make game more fun to play instead of having 5% more dmg all the time.
There is some others feats that i want to discuss...
Creeping Death, damage dealt from this feat is to weak... This is less then 1% of your overall damage. But i think if we would change this to:
Creeping Death: When you deal damage with your At-will, ecounter, daily powers to enemies they are afflicted with Creeping Death. Creeping Death deals 15% additional Necrotic Damage over 5 second. It can stack max 5 times.
This would made it a little bit better.
Soul Spark Recovery is another feat that dosen't look like necessery. We get from Hellfire Expertise 30% Recharge Speed and comapre to other classes SW cooldowns are fine... So we can change it to!
Soul Spark Recovery (Soul Spark Influence): Every 6 Soul Spark spent on Soul Scorch increses 3% damage dealt by your next Ecounter Spell (Stack max to 5 Times).
With this change it would make sense to stack your Soul Spark and use them in right time.
This is all what I prepared. I realize that with all of this changes SW would be a little bit OP but noone said that all of them need to be implemented. Maybe some of them... I'm really curious what my SW friend's think about my propositions.
I know that @noworries#8859 told us already that he will change Fiery Bolt to single target skill but i think this wouldn't be necessary if we would change damage on Killing Flames from 250-500 to 500-750. This would make everything that i wrote in this post works perfect
P.S. I will discuss Soulweaver path in another Post
Thanks one more time and i hope some of my changes will help devs to make SW Great Again
New hellbringer design allows choosing between 2 paths, based on curse consuming or synergy.
If you dislike one of those just pick the other, someone else could like having that option available.
Despite Hellbringer surely needs some love, I'd rather wait for major bugs characterizing both builds to be fixed before asking for one/another being tweaked
Creeping death is being interrupted from other attacks or DoT procs (how to replicate: easiest way is casting 1 HR on a char with the feat slotted, log shows 1 CD proc/tick until last one)
Parting blasphemy is proccing even if not slotted (how to replicate: apply curse in any possible way in a build without feat slotted and wait for curse to be removed)
Risky investment is not working at all (how to repro: on a char with acc slotted use atwill-cb-atwill-vb-atwill-hg-atwill-cb and noticed the second cb is just a bit higher, due to sparks gained)
Flames of empowerment's debuff icon is stacking up to 10x, but debuff is not applyed at all (how to repro: hit multipre times with FoE slotted and effectiveness is every time the same, or 1/2 if attack is deflected)
Curse Bite can be cast up to 4 seconds after all cursed targets are dead (wastes a charge)
haven't done more accurate tests, but soul scorch seems to hit with 100 magnitude independently from the number of sparks consumed, WAI or bugged? That looks quite inconsistent/buggy to me. Spark generation looks buggy too, will look into in as i got time As i said before, just wait to curse synergy build to be fixed, than ask for tweaks, if actually needed. Tbh i don't feel deadly curse being overpowered, 20 magnitude is sub-atwill hit, but again too many stuff not working on current preview build to making comparisons.
I am looking forward the reported bugs being fixed to give more testing and suggest some adjustment i'm already thinking about
No..no...no...no. NO
Yes..yes...yes...yes. YES
> Players have pointed out that Dust to Dust feels like it should be in the Hellbringer path. For the next preview update I have swapped Dust to Dust and Prince of Hell. Prince of Hell also isn't a particularly interesting class feature, so I'd be interested in hearing the types of things players might like to see it replaced with.
> @asterdahl said:
> In regards to Prophecy vs Exaltation and whether or not Exaltation is in the wrong tree: I've seen this feedback a few times about various powers in tank or healing trees that enhance damage. Let me say that, it's not the case that we intend for healers or tanks to never deal damage. I should hope this would be obvious for tanks, but its just as true for healers.
> If you're not healing, you should be dealing damage, and depending on your groups healing needs, you should be able to do respectable damage.
If you swapped Dust to Dust and Prince of Hell i do not should be able to do small (
If you buffed Dust to Dust (Soulweaver) i can should deal middling damage.
I also understand that there should be a diversity of powers and make gameplay feel like "following a rotation". FB->LC->Curse Bites/consume->recurse. I only named 5 options, no matter if crit (ACC) or encounterusage or as general ability of the class to apply curses, we are in need of it.
About diversity of builds. Actually I don´t know how crit vs powerstacking will look like, bosses will have higher crit resistance/arp resist I assume. If so Critbuilds loose power heading towards endcontent. A general aspect wich can be discussed controversal and does not feel logical in case Power and Combat Advantage have a linear damageincrease and stats like crit and arp get deminished. This might lead to a oneway setup in the end and not diversity, we will see. Only point to mention, sparks are gained on crits not from non crits
You allways use Curse Consum and/or Curse Synergy, you don´t have to decide to focus on one of them. Cursed Bites is your bread and butter, same as you use Curse Synergies automatically by slotting those powers, like Killing Flame, that gives you the best dps in the end. I think we all know that builddiversity is nice, but in the end things melt down to a setup that either deals the better dps or has the better utility.
My concern in gerneal is, that I have to chose between one buff or the other (Warlocks Curse vs parting Blasphemy). The Core idea to proc a dot from Curseconsume is ok, the reality will show what is left when thing go live. As said player chose the best dps option in general, no matter if HG procs a dot or not. And if a puppetbuild will be better on a boss (theoretically), over 95% of player will run a puppet setup in the end.
I don´t mind sticking with Parting Blasphmey in general, but then maybe switch warlocks Curse into something else, giving you another setup deciding between dps or puppetbuff/tankyness in general. That would be a real decision like buffing my puppet vs buffing my focus damage, and that´s what I would consider to be more like builddiversity than chosing between two damagebuffs N°1 and N°2. PB might be more like a dps path, the otherone a "wheelchair option" for undergeared or more lazy player in need of a tanky puppet
Actually Hadar grasp is not working correctly->no puppet spawn Yes, I actually tested Creeping death to have no impact, being deleted by follow up powers. If you apply it once, it tics down 3 tics and the damage is about 7% not 10% (using KF), same as it only procs once from a power like BoVA, 3 tics and the damage is only 0,05% not 10%, since it only activates once.
About PB i wrote above. Actually it deals up to 10% of my dps on a dummy no matter if activated or not. Only thing that works actually is Soul Investiture (about 20 seconds up) and buffs the puppet for about 60%, hard to to stack that buff >1 (Accursed Souls) , since HG does not spawn that puppet on usage, Killing Flame does though but will not do on a single target.
And again I have to chose between one damagebuff vs the other. One version overcomes the other in the end, actually puppet deals about 10% damage. In case I get a +5%+5%+5% buff on encounter from Risky Investment on top of buffing that puppet for 60%+60%+60% from SI (pretending HG was fixed) there is a chance to implement oneway-decisions for a build having a puppet 100% plus more dps in the end, killing Diversity in the end, hard to judge before mayor bugs are not solved, agreed. The tooltip says at least 6 sparks but does not define what happens when spending 18 sparks.
With testweapon slotted spending 6 sparks I deal about 1000+150% DOT (100 magnitude), at max. sparks it´s over 3000+ 150% DOT spending 18 sparks (like 300 magnitude), triple damage as it looks.
I agree again to reevaluate things after fixes, but one thing is obvious in my testnigs so far. Deadly Curse combined with ACC is a classfeature that buffs Lesse Curse from being "not existant" to "best damage source" (20-25%) on one target, by that FoE (if fixed or not) same as other Class Feature are no real choice any more.
That´s why I wrote, make Lesser Curse tic allways with 25 magnitude and give Deadly Curse an AOE ability , like damaging mobs arround that cursed target and afflict them with LC (nearly same way DC formerly did, to keep things simple) by that aoe will improve LC will be spread ...like a plague by that PB procs on not aflicted targest on top. Same as I think At Wills should apply LC as a general ability and ACC could have another function like lower resistance from mobs.
About Prince of Hell , idk, imo 2-3 dps buffs are sufficient and otherones should have utility feature for aoe/PVP/tankyness, otherwise you have 1-2 dominating feats that are up 24/7 and others like PoH never.
Prince of Hell never was from importance till now. There are not mayn options to replace it with, "Snuff Out" maybe, but imo Prince of hell should be changes into a more situational buff/utility either a CC effect to cursed targets+ a debuff, if possible. Actually both are in Hellbringer path.
Deadly Curse seems to be the most powerfull feature vs bosses, concerning Lesser Curse (look at previuos post last line).
Dark Prayer looks not that promising, so another Class feature to either buff utility , like adding a temp HP buff every 30 seconds on top of that DR buff but below 50% health not 30%- maybe a PVP feature, not sure. Soul Scorch as it looks is a 100-300 magnitude encounter, you could buff it up 150-450 and balance it a bit like 225 magnitude (hit)+225 magnitude with 4 tics not 6 (DoT).
Fiery Bolt as many allready wrote should apply LC and maybe deal full damage to all mobs but stay an aoe.
We have Killing Flame to buff, actually 250-500, maybe try 450-650 imo.
Beside that many buggs are mentioned about Hadar Grasp (no Puppet), Vampric Embrance (guess HP buff), FoE not working, Parting Blasphemy 24/7 activeCreeping Death not working, Rsiky investment not working and the healing abilities being bugged.
In my prevois post i wrote a lot of suggestion but here i i put only few. First...
Pillar of Power in my opinion should be "casted at targeted location" but i know that a lot of people will disagree with me so maybe better to put this option in some feat? For example in Dark Revelery.
Dark Revelry: Your Pillar of Power not is casted at targeted location. You lose all self buff from this skill but it get a healing option per second with 100 Heal Magnitude.
You would ask why i want PoP to be casted at targeted location? I did some runs on preview and i noticed that this is hard to control fight and teammates health bar when you are in middle of the fight... So this simple change would made fights easier to control.
Shatter Spark... This skill shouldn't heal companions. I want to heal my teammates not companions. So please change it either to
Heals only teammates or Heal 10 targets.
Soulweaver path don't have any good Class Feature and i would suggest to change it...
For example:
Borrower Time: Each Soul Spark used on a power will heal you for 1% of your MHP and your allies for same amount.
Essence Mastery: Essence Drain deals 5% more damage and healing. Additionally you gain 1 more spark every second of using Essence Drain but only for 6 seconds.
Dark One Blessing: You have been blessed by Dark One's and after using a heal speal your next Heal Ecounter will heal for double amount. May occur once every 10 second.
All this Class Feature would made SW healing skills better.
Let's talk now about feats... There is few feats that i think could be better. I think we can use our Soul Puppet as Dummy which will support our team.
Life Bind: You create a Bond of Life beetwen your Soul Puppet and allies withing 50' causing 25% of the damage they take to be redirected to Soul Puppet. If Soul Puppet will die through this effect it will your allies every seconds for next 5 seconds.
From the Brink: Immolation Spirit not only summon burning spirits but Soul Puppet also. Your Soul Puppet have 50% more health.
Consuming Action: When your Soul Puppet die it will be resummon with 20% Damage Resistance. This effect may occur once every 10 Seconds.
I think this small list of changes would made SW Soulweaver perfect support class
PS: once this gets fixed people will not keep saying SW is OP, which is quite misleading
PPS: if you need a video I could try to record one myself, but I will not be able to do so until Saturday