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gateway down????



  • gnatbgnatb Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    In conclusion once the playfield is even between the botters and all players the profit goes away and the botters will leave on their own mostly. The few remaining botters left will be easy to identy and the account ban will take care of them.

    Oh, and that's also flagrantly untrue. Regardless of how "even the playfield is" There will apparently always be people willing to pay to take shortcuts, otherwise there'd be no demand for goldsellers. Even back in the primitive days when gold farmers were literally just people "playing" the game for slave wages in china, with no "advantage", there were goldsellers. The only way to remove the profit is to make gold *literally* worthless, and then you may as well not have gold, selling, trading, etc. at all.

    edit: (Hah, found the button... at top, not bottom), all your solution does is get rid of the "casual" botter. Which I'd hope/expect isn't the problem Cryptic is trying to address.
  • ajlir#7970 ajlir Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    Wow, Andy. At this rate, they'll bring out the boiling oil.
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    I think the fact that the temp uptime had the gateway with the AH disabled speaks volumes about where the botting issue was though. I don't think what they're doing will fix things though even if it carries over to the main game, (which would be no big deal IMO). Too easy to use the party system to get quest completions. Honestly i'm shocked we haven;t seen worse abuses from the botters, i know what i'd do if i was them, (i won't repeat it, no need to give them idea's), but with multiple accounts and enough knowledge of routing to hide their real locations a 5 man team can make > 100 million AD a month. Maybe more.
    Paingiver is not an acurratte or Useful measure of your actual sustained damage output, (i.e DPS), in various ways it lies. For a true idea use ACT. Link below:

  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    SO you dont have estimated time when we will able to get our loyal avenger gear very funny.
    AND if botting is the case shut down and the server.
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    EDIT: Turns out taking my little concept and running it would let botters earn >30 billion a month, so yeah. There's that.
    Paingiver is not an acurratte or Useful measure of your actual sustained damage output, (i.e DPS), in various ways it lies. For a true idea use ACT. Link below:

  • juttetsujuttetsu Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    It was nice to have it up for a few mins today. Was able to run the sword coast adventure :)
  • gnatbgnatb Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    To be fair, the fundamental problem isn't, presumably, the bots. It's the people buying gold. I've often wondered why developers don't simply cut the problem off at the source. If you implement strict control over the flow of currency so that people *can't* buy gold, the entire problem goes away.

    Which is to say, all trades have to be balanced. I can't go to some gold selling website and buy 1 million gold if I have to trade 1 million gold worth of something back to the person selling it to me.

    Now sure, this makes the AH far more complicated. Prices, even on the AH, would be fairly developer determined. Though they could put in some supply/demand aspect so as more people put something up for auction, the price goes down, if there isn't much for sale, the price goes up. However generally speaking you wouldn't be able to simply play the market. No making money by simply buying low and selling high.

    And, of course, you can kiss guild banks goodbye. (Unless they develop a similar, "you can only withdraw up to the value of what you've put in")

    Personally, I'm sort of of the opinion that the upsides outweigh the downsides of such draconian measures.
  • rinat114rinat114 Member Posts: 913 Arc User
    Is this some sort of experiement you're conducting to see how it'll effect the economy? We all know how that's gonna turn out. Quit the HAMSTER, bring it back.
  • someonediessomeonedies Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    Rest in peace. Game over.
    Dead 🔪
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    Some of you may have noticed Gateway was up for a bit today. That was a mistake on our end, but it has once again, been closed. We still don't have an ETA on when we'll bring Gateway back.

    Was Loyal Ring drops accidentally inflated or something? Due to the panic over SCA NEVER BEING AVAILABLE EVER AGAIN!!! the ring prices skyrocketed, and I had time for a single SCA run, netting me a total of 650,000 astral diamonds because I managed to grab two rings in a single run.

    I sure hope that doesn't count as an exploit or anything :/
  • someonediessomeonedies Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    I'm sure 20 mil Vorpals are coming back.

    Dead 🔪
  • tripsofthrymrtripsofthrymr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,624 Community Moderator

    I'm sure 20 mil Vorpals are coming back.

    It's no longer possible to print AD (AD leadership gone, AD invoking gone). Prices will fall. Economics 101, supply & demand.

    Caritas Guild Founder (Greycloak Alliance)

    Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
  • tripsofthrymrtripsofthrymr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,624 Community Moderator

    Rest in peace. Game over.

    Been said many times before, will be said many times in the future. The game won't die because the gateway is down.
    Caritas Guild Founder (Greycloak Alliance)

    Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
  • abdeziel9abdeziel9 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I agree - I got to keep my hand in the game on my phone with the 'dice' game while on vacation and while working places I couldn't take the game; and was looking forward to the adventure mentioned in the latest release notes though I don't think I even use those particular seals yet. I play Neverwinter far more since I started mid July than I ever really have my Star Trek, mostly because the Gateway has some fun features and ST:O does not. I am about to cancel my ST:O subscription because I'm tired of being suddenly vastly overpowered in PVE without a carefully built Tier 6 ship; and I might not buy another 6 months' VIP here if this is communicating with customers. I understand if there was a zero day found that they don't want to expose, but a 'hey, yeah we took it down"/"yeah it's going to stay down for at least x days" is just good customer service, community managers.
  • virsalus#4183 virsalus Member Posts: 98 Arc User

    I'm sure 20 mil Vorpals are coming back.

    It's no longer possible to print AD (AD leadership gone, AD invoking gone). Prices will fall. Economics 101, supply & demand.

    You're making one major mistake there. Bots will not leave, RMT won't stop.
  • bethannaebethannae Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15 Arc User
    Ok, I decided that since I had put my foot down and refused to hand over anymore of my very hard-earned spending money to this company until they got the gateway back on (with all functionality) I can amuse myself by posting just what I am spending that extra money on(and the time I would normally spend on the gateway). So, I would normally spend about $20 to $30 per biweekly pay period lately. Here goes: 1 bottle of Citadel sycorax bronze paint, 1 bottle of Vallejo game color blood red, 1 jar of Tamiya plastic cement, a bottle of Vallejo european dust model wash, and 1 can of white Armory primer. And with the time: I painted and sealed my Warhammer Balewind Vortex and got halfway through painting my Magewrath throne. Amazing what a girl can do with some extra time on her hands....Anyone who is doing the same, feel free to join my in my log of purchases.
  • psyco3xpsyco3x Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Its absurd more than a week the gateway down and no ETA when its coming back , not all of us can spend several hours online playing the game , but with the gateway we can still advance our characters in some way.
  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    So, I had time for one SCA run while gateway was up. I got two rings, one of which was the avenger ring.

    Is it possible that a secondary problem they were having is that the loyals were dropping way too frequently?

    if loyals had been droping to frequently (expolited by automatons) the prices would have been much lower.

    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • ajlir#7970 ajlir Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    Well, that didn't last very long. I come here everyday watching tears flow continuously that even flood gates can't control but it seems the river has dried up now.
  • leotensemperleotensemper Member Posts: 6 Arc User

    Rest in peace. Game over.

    Been said many times before, will be said many times in the future. The game won't die because the gateway is down.
    In my case it will.

    I mean I play the game only because my wife loves to play SCA - and if she wont be able to, then I have enough grind to do in (and money to spend on) War Thunder.

    Bigger problem will be to find a game that suits my wife - BTW, does anybody know some game similar to SCA?
  • shallisarshallisar Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    This is depressing tbh. I now spend most of my time in-game switching between my 17 chars to micro manage my professions. I love professions and I have always maxed the professions tided with the toons I play, even now when there is no point in doing so I still do it in hopes that some day professions will be viable again.

    I am out of a job currently, so I can spend a whole day and evening invoking and working on professions, but for my wife it is no longer possible to work on professions as there is no access to the gateway to do so when she is at work. She tried doing proffs when she came home from work, but really hated it cause she just wanted to play. So she ended up just giving up and is now just sitting watching TV instead. I am on the verge of folding myself as this is no longer fun it is a full day job.

    Using the gateway I could easily manage all 17 toons and took 1/3 of the time or less. No need to switch from the toon I was currently playing and could easily start a new task while waiting for a queue pop or other team mates.

    Leveling alchemy now is next to impossible without having to be on that specific toon as the experimentation's take 10 mins and making other items take 20-60 mins.

    I hear a "why don't you just stop doing proffs on that many toons?" Simple answer to that is that I can't. I am slightly OCD when it comes to the toons I play and I have to have proffs relevant to their class in addition to leadership because leadership is close to the only way to get RP. Believe me, I'd love for it not to be so, but grinding dailies gives pittance in RP rewards and they are char bound, so the "useless" RP mats you get have to be "wasted" on artifacts that don't match.

    Lag issues because everyone has to manage professions in-game have made fun dungeon runs a nightmare. Even trying to invoke sometimes takes 2-3 times pressing ctr + I before it works. And seriously, invoking 6 times a day what is that about? By the times I am done with the first round I can start the second and by the time I am done with that I can start another 5 mins later and after that round I have 15-20 mins before I can start the next. That time gets filled with having to restart proffessions. It isn't really until I hit the 60 min I can actually start playing and even then I use another 15ish mins going through all toons to check up on proffs.

    I can't even imagine the poor players that have 20-50 toons on their account and actually use proffs on them. They must sit 12+ hours in-game just to invoke and do proffs. Seriously if you didn't want people to make AD from using alts to make RP/Unified elements and so on why allow 50 toons on one account? Isn't that kinda asking for them to come up with creative ways to automate the prosess?

    Just ripping down the Gateway with no official word and no plans in place to a new version is just hurtful and unprofessional. Giving players a tool to use that makes their in-game lives better then taking it away because it isn't quite working the way you intended is sad and very counter productive.
  • jaysun1977jaysun1977 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    I'm sure 20 mil Vorpals are coming back.

    It's no longer possible to print AD (AD leadership gone, AD invoking gone). Prices will fall. Economics 101, supply & demand.

    That's not how MMO economies work. There are still players that have hundreds of million of AD and they can afford 20 mil vorpals, if they really want to. All it will do, is create an even bigger divide between the haves and have nots. Unless you have an AD account in the nine digits, you are NOT one of the haves and you WILL get the short end of the stick if this continues.

    What will happen, though, is that high price items, like a 20 Mil vorpal, will become pretige items that the haves will be able to buy to signal their wealth over the dirty beggars that make up the vast majority of the rest of the player bayse, from their point of view. Prices will stay high precicesly BECAUSE the AD supply is low.

  • kitkathdkitkathd Member Posts: 286 Arc User

    I'm sure 20 mil Vorpals are coming back.

    It's no longer possible to print AD (AD leadership gone, AD invoking gone). Prices will fall. Economics 101, supply & demand.

    That's not how MMO economies work. There are still players that have hundreds of million of AD and they can afford 20 mil vorpals, if they really want to. All it will do, is create an even bigger divide between the haves and have nots. Unless you have an AD account in the nine digits, you are NOT one of the haves and you WILL get the short end of the stick if this continues.

    What will happen, though, is that high price items, like a 20 Mil vorpal, will become pretige items that the haves will be able to buy to signal their wealth over the dirty beggars that make up the vast majority of the rest of the player bayse, from their point of view. Prices will stay high precicesly BECAUSE the AD supply is low.

    Some day you will realize the flaw in your line of thinking. Till then we'll just gladly disagree with each other.
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    Some day you will realize the flaw in your line of thinking. Till then we'll just gladly disagree with each other.

    You mean the bit where the AD limit only goes upto the 8 digit range, (and literally by 1 AD, it's really extreme high end 7). :p.
    Paingiver is not an acurratte or Useful measure of your actual sustained damage output, (i.e DPS), in various ways it lies. For a true idea use ACT. Link below:

  • wolfmanscwolfmansc Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Gateway STILL down 9/8/16... will it ever be back up??? Holiday is long since past. It would be nice if Cryptic would give us SOME kind of info on why/how long.
  • samaka#2511 samaka Member Posts: 568 Arc User
    According to a post by @strumslinger earlier on this very thread, it was taken down due to rampant botting and there is no ETA on when it will be back online.
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    shadw2012 said:

    wolfmansc said:

    Gateway STILL down 9/8/16... will it ever be back up??? Holiday is long since past. It would be nice if Cryptic would give us SOME kind of info on why/how long.

    More likely than not, weekend coming up now......maybe we will get info next week. If we are lucky we will get another "We are aware of the frustration", "We have no ETA"........which turns in "BLA...BLAH...BLAH" . So on and so forth
    It probably won't, they will wait out the rage and posts, and it will be the end of it. Don't put the pitchforks down ! ;p
  • eoleeeolee Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    the rage won't die because this gateway issue is directly influencing our game quality. Personally i have terrible lag since i cant use the proxy EU2 anymore, and since this gateway is down. Having SNR every 5mn, or lag fest in FBI when i have to push 3-4 times my key to activate my daily at important times sure isnt going to tone my personal rage down. What's left if i can't enjoy the last dungeon?
    Not to mention timing out between characters when im doing some professions. Again, same HAMSTER everyday.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Well I do hope everyone learns their lesson. It's about time people who complain about seeing RMT spam in zone chat think twice about what they ask for. The gateway being down indefinitely is the direct result of this constant complaining from a handful of people. I hope they're really pissed off at themselves for complaining in the first place.
  • coliercolier Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 119 Arc User
    Please, if they know it is rampant botting..then they know the accounts doing it. Perma-Ban them and let us that are not exploiting or botting use the game you created. Why keep punishing legitimate players? It really makes no sense...

    What are they afraid of by Perma Banning these botters/exploiters? Just do a ban and it will start spreading the word that your serious about it...unless of course you are just trying to kill the PC version!
This discussion has been closed.