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  • Not blaming anything on anything. You clearly don't understand the point here as your post is irrelevant. The price to BUY things PERIOD is over priced for anyone who doesn't buy zen, if you don't see that I don't know what to say to you. In addition, not all of us play 12+ hours a day, we work, have family and friends.…
  • Yeah but I wont continue to play if I cant progress or in order to progress I have to grind something 100+ times to get one item I need, crazy! So I will probably just quit to be honest unless the exchange rates come back down. I am fine with people paying to get things as long as it doesn't screw over the people not…
  • Agreed, probably hanging up my jersey. Sad they take such a great game like this and ruin it for the people who don't want to spend real life money. If the rate goes p the drop and rewards from running things should increase to help balance it. Note I have spent some real life money, not a ton but with the wards only being…
  • Having an honest discussion here, I understand you don't HAVE to pay for anything. Also, not looking for an easy way out but the people who are suffering from the price increase on the tradehouse are the people not spending real money, that is my point here. Ex: Book of the dead went from roughly about 500k in diamonds to…
  • Can't blame me for trying lol. I figured out the rune bond stones. Just answer me this and the rest I can research, what active companion do you use (I am thinking Erinyes of Belial based on my research) Thus using Air, Fir archons, Blink Dog or Intellect Devoured for the active stats but not summoned. From here I should…
  • LOL set? Also do I have Fire, Air, Erinyes of Belial, and what augment companion I have $5k AD and cash so ill take the easy way just not sure what other 2 Companions you are referring to outside of Fire, Air, Erinyes of Belial. Also, still kind of a "newb" not sure what bonding runestones are? Once I am geared up I can…
  • Thank you, again thank you so much for the information. Always have been a mage/spell caster fan so I only play those and it was just a matter of finding someone to get me the info for the most recent MOD. I made the error of strictly only going with the Fury Tree so glad to know I should run over to the Temptation which…
  • Got it so basically get my Arp to 5,500-6,000 and call it day there and focus on everything else, if I am reading this correctly. Also, thank you for the info huge help here when making the actual build. I have to respect and want to re-race tomorrow since I picked Human and the Tefeling gets the additional stats that are…
  • I am looking for crit/power/armor pen and life steal using the build below as this seems to be what most people are running to http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/comment/12722945 I am mostly PVE so I know crit and power are huge, still figuring a lot out in terms of enchantments etc because I…
  • So would you agree with having the Wheel of Elements in the Active slot, the others to follow Vanguard's Banner, Tiamat's Orb of Majesty, Sigil of the Controller, and Sigil of Devoted for all slows?
  • Best artifact to use?
  • > @defiantone99 said: > I am looking for some help with my SW. The only builds I could find on You Tube are from Mod 6 that went into detail. > > > > Does anyone have a link to a guide for a SW SoulBinder Fury build for the current MOD? > > Also, I currently use Deadthreft, Warlock Bargain, and Soul sparks as my powers but…
  • I am looking for some help with my SW. The only builds I could find on You Tube are from Mod 6 that went into detail. Does anyone have a link to a guide for a SW SoulBinder Fury build for the current MOD? Also, I currently use Deadthreft, Warlock Bargain, and Soul sparks as my powers but a lot of people have mixed…
  • > @zephyriah said: > It's a topic about the PvE aspects of the game, namely leveling and as such, a Moderator moved it here. General is not a catch-all forum, topics belong there only if they don't belong elsewhere. > > > > > > > > > Oh. . . I see what you mean. > I just didn't understand because I was also thinking about…