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Warlock issues at 70

vanak#0834 vanak Member Posts: 22 Arc User
edited February 2016 in The Nine Hells
So I just hit level 70 and I noticed once I hit level 60 and started the 60 to 70 level grind I noticed my survivability dropped off a lot. It seems like every trash mob that I pull can come in and knock off a third of my health. Now that I'm level 70 I'm still finishing level 68 quests and find myself dying now more than I have any other point during the leveling process. I specced a Fury Soulbinder after reading Diagotzu's guide and I understand this class is a glass Cannon but it's making solo play almost unenjoyable. Now I did just hit level 70 so my item level is low but I figured me fighting level 68 and 69 level mobs would counteract my low item level and allow me to still solo play, but that is not the case. Hell, I can't even beat The Vault of the Nine quest as a level 70 cause I get hit so hard and I can't go forward with the Tyranny of Dragons campaign cause I can't beat one of the lvl 60 quests that boosts you to 70. So I guess my question is is this normal of what most warlocks experience? I love the class, but man alive I have no survivabilty right now, makes me want to switch to a DPS class with some better survivabilty so I can enjoy some solo play.
Post edited by vanak#0834 on


  • xpilosive#4155 xpilosive Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Best artifact to use?
  • xpilosive#4155 xpilosive Member Posts: 16 Arc User

    For active, general concesus is the wheel of elements, the fire buff is 30 percent more damage.

    So would you agree with having the Wheel of Elements in the Active slot, the others to follow Vanguard's Banner, Tiamat's Orb of Majesty, Sigil of the Controller, and Sigil of Devoted for all slows?
  • xpilosive#4155 xpilosive Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2016

    Other than the one in active being something with a power you would use, the rest are up to you and what particular stats you are looking for. Personally i went with belials, shard of valindra, lantern and lostmauths horn for all crit/power/arp and lifesteal. Take a look in the collections menu under artifacts and you can see exactly what stats are are available on all artifacts.

    I am looking for crit/power/armor pen and life steal using the build below as this seems to be what most people are running to


    I am mostly PVE so I know crit and power are huge, still figuring a lot out in terms of enchantments etc because I believe I read their a cap on stats but not sure how all that works either.

  • xpilosive#4155 xpilosive Member Posts: 16 Arc User

    Thats a solid guide. As far as caps on stats, for pve, 60 percent resistance ignored is all you need(pvp is much higher), i.e around 5500-6000 arp depending on your int stat. Crit, power, recovery, lifesteal stats have no caps and are all linear in gains. Stats like combat advantage are pretty much hard capped around 800-1000, meaning youll get very little to no gain after that point, but those stats are generally only available from artifacts in increments of 600 at mythic, and from your off hand artifact stat power in increme ts of 100-400 at maximum.

    Got it so basically get my Arp to 5,500-6,000 and call it day there and focus on everything else, if I am reading this correctly. Also, thank you for the info huge help here when making the actual build. I have to respect and want to re-race tomorrow since I picked Human and the Tefeling gets the additional stats that are better. However, the build I posted is similar to another one on that page the only difference is the life steal stats added in the Temptation Tree and the other one is all in the Fury tree.

    From your professional opinion which do you prefer, again knowing this is strictly a PVE build

  • xpilosive#4155 xpilosive Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2016

    Yes, you are reading it correct. As far as the additional 15 feat points into the temp tree, the point of those is to get the feat "dark revelry". It adds 20 percent of your power and movement when you lifesteal, and it applies to the whole group, i.e if you have 10k power it will add 2000 power to your stats or an additional 2 and half percent damage. Imo those feat points are better spent there, then having them in the fury tree. Especially if you decide to run bonding stones and a companion, your power can reach incredibly high numbers.

    Thank you, again thank you so much for the information. Always have been a mage/spell caster fan so I only play those and it was just a matter of finding someone to get me the info for the most recent MOD. I made the error of strictly only going with the Fury Tree so glad to know I should run over to the Temptation which is where I was leaning for those 15.

    Companions I am leaning with 3 archons, battle field medic, and am at a lose for the 5th. Would love your insight on what Companions to use. Currently, I have fire and I think air archons for the additional damage boost at an Epic level. Not sure what to do on the others to be honest, I like the battlefield medic for healing if/when I solo but I know end game I should strictly run DPS or so I am told. About to hit 70 Friday so just getting into all that fun stuff.

    Good news is the rotation I rock is Warlock curse 3 targets, WB, DT, SS and pop TT any chance I get.
  • xpilosive#4155 xpilosive Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2016

    Yes, you are reading it correct. As far as the additional 15 feat points into the temp tree, the point of those is to get the feat "dark revelry". It adds 20 percent of your power and movement when you lifesteal, and it applies to the whole group, i.e if you have 10k power it will add 2000 power to your stats or an additional 2 and half percent damage. Imo those feat points are better spent there, then having them in the fury tree. Especially if you decide to run bonding stones and a companion, your power can reach incredibly high numbers.

    Thank you, again thank you so much for the information. Always have been a mage/spell caster fan so I only play those and it was just a matter of finding someone to get me the info for the most recent MOD. I made the error of strictly only going with the Fury Tree so glad to know I should run over to the Temptation which is where I was leaning.

    Companions I am leaning with 3 archons, battle field medic, and am at a lose for the 4th. Would love your insight on what Companions to use. Currently, I have fire and I think air archons for the additional damage boost at an Epic level. Not sure what to do on the others to be honest, I like the battlefield medic for healing if/when I solo but I know end game I should strictly run DPS or so I am told. About to hit 70 Friday so just getting into all that fun stuff.

    Good news is the rotation I rock is Warlock curse 3 targets, WB, DT, SS and pop TT any chance I get.

    Imo, battlefield medic is not needed for us if you stack lifesteal as your defensive, or a mix of lifesteal/hitpoints. I use the eryines from the warlock booster back, its 5 percent crit severity at blue(comes blue) and an intellect devoured or blink dog for added combat advantage damage(3% at blue, 5% at epic). I would only use two archons, fire and air, and then either use an augment companion, or if you will have ad(or cash) to spare, look into an active companion and bonding runestones(this type of setup with dark revelry can send your power sky high, upwards of 50k power easy).

    If you use the passives "barrowed time" and "dust to dust", with a little big of gear and practice, you should be able to spam tt at every encounter. For boss fights tho, if you plan on using the lol set, i would swap dreadtheft for hadars grasp. It does alot more damage coupled with tt and ss, as a crit on hadars grasp will give you around 14 or 15 sparks. Feel free to add me, gt PooPooMcMuffns, when you reach 70. I currently run a temp lock.

    LOL set? Also do I have Fire, Air, Erinyes of Belial, and what augment companion I have $5k AD and cash so ill take the easy way just not sure what other 2 Companions you are referring to outside of Fire, Air, Erinyes of Belial. Also, still kind of a "newb" not sure what bonding runestones are?

    Once I am geared up I can check out Hadars Grasp, I do however like DT due to the AoE
    Post edited by xpilosive#4155 on
  • xpilosive#4155 xpilosive Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2016

    Auction house and google are your friend lol, ive given you the extra little bit of useful guidance, its up to you to figure out what to do with it.

    Can't blame me for trying lol. I figured out the rune bond stones. Just answer me this and the rest I can research, what active companion do you use (I am thinking Erinyes of Belial based on my research) Thus using Air, Fir archons, Blink Dog or Intellect Devoured for the active stats but not summoned. From here I should be good to do my homework :). I am thinking of getting the Black Dragon Ioun Stone as an Augment Companion to load with Bonding Stones as this seems to the best one available.
    Post edited by xpilosive#4155 on
  • ftrydaftryda Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    Shadow Demon.... just sayin... I traded out my legendary Zhentarim warlock for it.
    4000 iL Scourge Warlock
    Well Endowed (Xbox)
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