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  • Clerics Healing Word and Bastion of Faith don't heal NPC's or Companions. NPC's and Companions should be excluded from the possible list of targets for Bard Songs.
  • @d4rkh0rs3 That's cool, I guess we're on the same page about DM's functionality. I'm sorry if I misinterpreted your opinion. At least from my point of view, there seems to be some confusion about how DM works on test and what the proper function should be. I haven't been able to test it, unfortunately. Though, AoE's…
  • @d4rkh0rs3 At the end of the day, all I am saying is that I don't think that decisions should be made based on what benefits the very small percentage of the player base who is farming CoK over what benefits the class in the majority of game play situations. From the person who's doing their first trial all the way up to…
  • @d4rkh0rs3 It's not a strong heal at all, for me with Diminuendo in unscaled combat the first tick is around 200k then each tick drops until it's around 100k, and it doesn't refresh back to max ticks for quite a while. It's a 500 magnitude heal only for the first tick down to 250 after vs 2000 for , and it's far less mana…
  • Ok, there seems to be a lot of confusion here over "party" "raid group", including myself. Intercession and Defender's Minuet on live both heal anyone in your raid group. (I logged in to my Cleric to make sure this was how Intercession works) My hope is this remains unchanged. For example, in Tiamat no one actually splits…
  • It currently heals the 10 people in your "party" which includes the other group in 10 man content. This is how I'd want it to work. I assume this is what you're explaining, it's unchanged.
  • This is great, Minstrels feel real good now. Hey, there is another skill that doesn't seem to be working as described. Rjc9000 mentioned, Starstruck, our final Class Feature, only activates on the initial cast. And in the bit of parsing on my own that I have done means in an entire dungeon run it only activates 15'ish…
  • I just wanted to say thanks. So far, playing Minstrel is already way better than it was. Thanks for listening to the bug reports, suggestions and keeping people up to date. Looking forward to the next patch. This has been really great.
  • It's one thing to talk about not using key binds when playing a Songblade, they only have to play a few songs here and there and far less is tied to actual manual input. The only thing at stake when they fail to play their song is doing a little less DPS. When a Minstrel fails a song, it's likely to be a player dying or…
  • This is absolutely not the case for everyone. We probably shouldn't make blanket statements like this. For many people (the majority) inputting the button presses quickly and accurately enough for any kind of serious game play is not going to be possible. I feel like the button pressing aspect is the main reason why Bard…
  • Oh, this is great, I understand this is a time versus resources issue. But, playing a Minstrel in the Adventure Zones just "feels" really bad. All of the other healers have abilities to contribute in meaningful ways in ungrouped combat, like Heroic Encounters. People want to feel like they're having meaningful…
  • Yes, I mean it's music, anyone who can "hear" it should be effected. Bards AoE Songs should absolutely hit everyone in range of them. Sadly, Minstrels are pretty much useless in multiplayer content that doesn't involve grouping, which is the case far more often than not for HE's. Hopefully this is the chance to get that…
  • -Minstrel feedback The main issue I don't see discussed here is that Bard songs only hit people you're in a group with. This is a big issue in Heroic Encounters because nothing you do effects anyone. For example, on Clerics Healing Word just hits everyone in range. Can Bards AOE songs please be changed to just hit everyone…
  • @rikitaki But by the same token if they made it 15 minutes you could fail the first time and wait again for the second time for more people and still be done in half the amount of time as waiting for an hour. You could potentially have 4 attempts per hour. And I would wager that if you shortened the time, more people would…
  • Yes, when the random queues were originally added we were told the reason was because people only played the same queues over and over, and the developers wanted people to play a wider selection of content. Then those developers proceeded to remove dungeons, so now we have 3 events for each of the queues, which is less…
  • I have a better solution, don't make events with 1 hour timers. Then people don't have to sit around waiting for an hour getting mad because they can't do the things they actually want to do. These events shouldn't have more than 30 mins and more like 15-20 mins waits. Let people do what they need, so they move on to what…
  • I am fine with the effect of increasing Mana Regen as a base feature. But none of the other active effects seem good to me at all. I'm looking for something like damage mitigation. Something like "when a person receives a heal they take 10% less damage", or gains 10% temp hp. Something like that. Something that is always…
  • I would prefer three offense, three defense and three utility. And can we please get at least one weapon enchant that gives a bonus to healing, or make the bonus on the new ones be plus damage and healing. And in general, this itemization really sucks for healers.
  • Typical "me only" replies. It's always the same thing, the most hardcore best in slot people want everything to only be for them. Typical "me only" reply. If there is more HP, Damage, Debuffs, ect. it's clearly not the same level of difficulty at all. Why make rewards only for people who by your own admission don't even…
  • Challenging to who? Just because it wasn't a challenge for your group doesn't mean that it's not going to be a challenge for the majority of players. Look at Demogorgon, you have groups clearing it in >5 mins meanwhile when I use the public queue 2/3 times I am put into empty Demogorgon's that wasted 20 peoples time. Those…
  • "I understand that many of the players that do participate are highly skilled and geared and I keep that in mind when making an evaluation." I don't feel like that's true. Every new dungeon after LOMM has been tuned for the 1%'ers. Heck today I saw someone get laughed out of zone chat for LFG'ing for Zariels instead of…
  • I have thought about putting up a serious post several times since the preview but I honestly don't have the energy. If the people in charge thought this was a good idea there is nothing for me to say. DC was my main. I logged in to give it a try on patch day, it ended in alt f4. I can't see myself coming back to the game…
  • You want honest feedback? Honestly there is ZERO chance I trust you. What independent third party is going to verify that you actually increased the odds? And who is going to stop you from decreasing them later even if you did increase them. IMHO over the years you have pulled so many bait and switches and told players…
  • I actually do understand what the problem is I was just highlighting how it's working in game. I understand it's caused by the fact that items aren't scaled correctly and I think most of the people who seemingly disagree with me actually agree that the current system is broken. In no real situation should Player A go in…
  • You guys are making really broad assumptions I can not refute with two screenshots. But I am going to say the odds that this gentle person who basically can't even afford to upgrade their items past purple and was using a purple companion has a legendary mount and five perfectly suited legendary companions... that grant…
  • The only things he had equipped that wasn't Undermountain gear was [Sigil of the Warlock] [Token of Chromatic Storm] [Wheel of Elements] [Shard of Orcus' Wand] [Demogorgon's Girdle of Might] [Baphomet's Infernal Talisman]. In total those items provide 2120 Critical Strike he had 26,243 more critical strike than me so where…
  • greywynd, I understand that I shouldn't be capped. But, there is no reason they should have nearly double my stats regardless of IL. If scaling was working correctly we should end up with similar stats/potential or the person with the higher IL having slightly more potential. That's not what happened here.
  • I'll assume you guys are being semi-sarcastic at Cryptics well deserved expense. This person has nearly double my defense and my critical strike, that can't be working as intended.