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Official: Bard fixes coming to Preview



  • luizgustavovluizgustavov Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    A also have a problem with Fleche, the third swing takes so much longer to cast, sometimes it's better to just cancel the animation and do only the first 2 swings. The third one should do something making it worth using.
  • luizgustavovluizgustavov Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2022
    Post edited by luizgustavov on
  • dracory1#6808 dracory1 Member Posts: 128 Arc User

    Crescendo - agreed, this needs a change. Maybe give bards a buff for every 3 seconds you channel like a healing increase or performance regen.

    Art of war - agreed, maybe make is so you regenerate and not lose Performance, as a healer you never want to lose performance.

    Sudden Muse - You can actually see the proc. You can enable combat texts in your settings so this is fine.

    Pianissimo - It actually makes sense because if you see the math they reduce the healing by 20% but they reduce the cost by 25%. So it makes healing more efficient. And also 2000 healing magnutide on Defender's minute is a bit of overhealing most of time.

    Gambler - You only use it for the shield, I think you should only have like 2 options for each song, one defensive and one offensive. Like: One gives you a shield or AP gain. The other gives you a heal or damage bonus.

    Sudden Muse - I have no idea how I missed that. Well, one point off the chart.

    Pianissimo - the thing is, cost to efficiency is not relevant since I always have performance unless the team literally forces me to deplete it all. Even in CoK I've learned to avoid red areas to fully channel Bassline. You just lose on healing. Defender's - alright, fair point, but that's 1/3 healing songs. Desperate Finale will still be superior in my opinion.

    Gambler - I did not want to take away from the RNG part. It is called like that for a reason. That's why I put out 3 options for both, you can keep rolling them as long as you have stacks - for cost of performance - in my version.
  • d4rkh0rs3d4rkh0rs3 Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited March 2022
    Pianissimo is actually a great feat. If you have an endgame Minstrel, Defender’s Minuet is overkill and results in overhealing. Pianissimo is going to get even better after these changes @rgutscheradev is working on. Having reduced costs allows you to get 5 Gamblers stacks before using Gambler’s Delight without significantly draining your Performance and same goes for Storyteller buffs.

    My knee-jerk reaction to the changes thus far is to run a Vamp + Pianissimo + Sheltering Etude loadout for dungeons.

    Many of you claiming the Bard is an adequate healer I feel are playing in groups where the content either is, or has been, trivialized by your group composition, the group’s overall damage taken, and/or the content you chose. It’s likely your group doesn’t really need that much healing so you feel Minstrel performance is adequate.

    Minstrels are significantly underperforming as a healer, hence the changes here. Even after these buffs, Rejuvenating Carol is going to tick for 1/3 of my equivalent Cleric’s Healing Word.

    I have a lot of feedback for the Bard but am going to reserve the brain dump until after I test these changes on Preview and compare them to what my numbers are on Live.
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User


    i get 0,001 sec delay after play a song not a huge deal when you play manual the songs.

    this is probably because you take 5 seconds to play a song. If u play a song too fast you get behind a little delay
    it takes me 1-2 sec to cast my song.
  • rgutscheradevrgutscheradev Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 186 Cryptic Developer
    rjc9000 said:

    Knew about the (22.00*Cast Animation) math in the background, didn't know that you were planning on applying the same formula to the songs (ie, basing it off their cast time).

    So Warding Carol (with a cast time of 1 second) would generate 22.00 (2.2%?) of total Action Points before factoring in AP Gain (the stat)?

    I actually give some value to the time spent playing the song. That might sound a bit strange at first (and was the subject of some controversy internally, but I managed to convince people), but here's my reasoning:
    * I don't want to give the macro'ers any more advantages than they already have. Counting the time spent by a person who actually plays the tune gives those people a small boost.
    * Even counting the time spent playing, you still can't get more than 22*(total time you spent), so there's no unfair advantage here in terms of AP gain.
    * Playing fast is still good. For example, if Slowfinger Sal plays a song at 2 seconds, and Fastfinger Freddy can play it in 1s, Freddy can use that extra second to play another song, or do an encounter or an at-will. Freddy gets the same overall AP (namely 2s worth) as Sal, but did more things. So giving credit for time played helps Sal a bit, but not to the point where Freddy should try to play slower.
    rjc9000 said:

    On a related question: how does Action Point Gain (the stat) work for increasing your Action Point gain?

    Is it a multiplier on the base formula?

    Ie: (Ability Cast Time) * (22.00) * (1+ Sum of Action Point Gain %) = Action Points Generated?

    Yes, that's right. There are a million different ways to math things up in our engine, but that's the most basic, and it's our go-to for most boosts.

    ===Math Nerd TMI Digression===
    Actually, it's funny you should ask this, because recently I did a survey of this very issue, and I found a few very small AP gains that were working ever-so-slightly differently (e.g., a 2% AP gain that just multiplies everything by 1.02 at the end, rather than adding the 2% into the pool). But because the numbers involved are small, the formula you give is essentially correct. (Note at some point we may regularize everything to work the same way -- that would be a tiny change, though, something nobody would notice unless they were paying super-careful attention. Of course, the difference could be quite large if the numbers involved were larger; scaling by repeated multiplication is, in general, not the same as scaling by summing the values and multiplying in the final step.)
    ===End Math Nerd Digression===
  • rjc9000rjc9000 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,405 Arc User
    edited March 2022

    ===Math Nerd TMI Digression===
    Actually, it's funny you should ask this, because recently I did a survey of this very issue, and I found a few very small AP gains that were working ever-so-slightly differently (e.g., a 2% AP gain that just multiplies everything by 1.02 at the end, rather than adding the 2% into the pool). But because the numbers involved are small, the formula you give is essentially correct. (Note at some point we may regularize everything to work the same way -- that would be a tiny change, though, something nobody would notice unless they were paying super-careful attention. Of course, the difference could be quite large if the numbers involved were larger; scaling by repeated multiplication is, in general, not the same as scaling by summing the values and multiplying in the final step.)
    ===End Math Nerd Digression===


    That was actually the reason I was asking!

    A reliable Russian tester ( @sergey235711 , I think I got the handle correct?) actually pointed out on the Bard discord that the AP Gain formula on the stat was working weirdly like that.

    They found the formula to be something like:
    [Cast Time * 22.00] * (1 + [AP Gain Stat Type 1]) * (1 + [AP Gain Stat Type 2]) * (1 + [AP Gain Stat Type 3]).

    I wanted to ask because the formula looked oddly familiar, as if it were using very old code.
    I vaguely remember @michela123 and @thefabricant finding Mod 8/9 era debuffs to be be split into 3 weird categories.

  • rgutscheradevrgutscheradev Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 186 Cryptic Developer
    rjc9000 said:


    That was actually the reason I was asking!

    A reliable Russian tester ( @sergey235711 , I think I got the handle correct?) actually pointed out on the Bard discord that the AP Gain formula on the stat was working weirdly like that.

    They found the formula to be something like:
    [Cast Time * 22.00] * (1 + [AP Gain Stat Type 1]) * (1 + [AP Gain Stat Type 2]) * (1 + [AP Gain Stat Type 3]).

    I wanted to ask because the formula looked oddly familiar, as if it were using very old code.
    I vaguely remember @michela123 and @thefabricant finding Mod 8/9 era debuffs to be be split into 3 weird categories.

    That's a very reliable tester. Almost dead on.

    Basically, when we set up any power that involves numbers, we say what number we want to change, by how much, and using what kind of math. Mostly we should be using the "add 'em all up and multiply at the end" math. But another option is the "just multiply by 1+X in a separate step" (which is sometimes the right option, but it's not a good choice for general use).

    So really what's going on is something like:
    [Cast Time * 22.00] * (1 + sum of all correctly built AP gain %s) * (1 + badly built AP gain % #1) * (1 + badly built AP gain % #2)*...

    And indeed @michaela123 and @thefabricant did identify this problem for debuffs back in the day. I was the one who wound up fixing it, actually. It came up, iirc, in the old weapon enchant rescaling change, and got set aside to be done properly a module or two later. It was a more serious issue than this one, because the numbers involved were larger, and because it led to there being two categories of debuff gear/powers. One was capped, the other wasn't, and there was essentially a list of "good" (uncapped) and "bad" (capped, because high end groups could regularly hit the cap) that players passed around to make their builds. Not a good situation, because it was so opaque.
  • dracory1#6808 dracory1 Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    d4rkh0rs3 said:

    Pianissimo is actually a great feat. If you have an endgame Minstrel, Defender’s Minuet is overkill and results in overhealing. Pianissimo is going to get even better after these changes @rgutscheradev is working on. Having reduced costs allows you to get 5 Gamblers stacks before using Gambler’s Delight without significantly draining your Performance and same goes for Storyteller buffs.

    My knee-jerk reaction to the changes thus far is to run a Vamp + Pianissimo + Sheltering Etude loadout for dungeons.

    Many of you claiming the Bard is an adequate healer I feel are playing in groups where the content either is, or has been, trivialized by your group composition, the group’s overall damage taken, and/or the content you chose. It’s likely your group doesn’t really need that much healing so you feel Minstrel performance is adequate.

    Minstrels are significantly underperforming as a healer, hence the changes here. Even after these buffs, Rejuvenating Carol is going to tick for 1/3 of my equivalent Cleric’s Healing Word.

    I have a lot of feedback for the Bard but am going to reserve the brain dump until after I test these changes on Preview and compare them to what my numbers are on Live.

    Again, Gambler is pretty useless in its current state. You will only use it for the big shield chance. And having Rejuvenating heal for less than it does currently after choosing Pianissimo? No thanks. DM I only use as a last resort heal due to Arpeggio w/ Diminuendo being more than enough anyway. Even with weaker groups, as long as they did mechanics, I could finish with them not dying. Unless your group's collective brain cells average is less than half of yours, you should not have issues healing anything, maybe except for last boss of VoS or CoK if you panic. I do get the point, I used Pianissimo with Gambler... but why? With Storyteller I don't need Pianissimo. I have Bassline. I have Desperate Finale. There always are windows to get your performance regenerated. 15% from storyteller x3 > a mere chance for something decent. And keeping up Storyteller is not an issue if you rotate songs.

    Unless Gambler will be changed, I just see no point in taking Pianissimo. The biggest issues with bard were his Rejuvenating Carol and Sheltering Etude bugs - those are gone, now when I will heal with these fixes, my Rejuvenating should go over 140k per proc. I don't want to use Delayed Play over Flourish - there were moments where my songs would get stored instead of being procced. Flourish I find much more useful as it is a guaranteed increase for my Rejuvenating and Etude.
  • luizgustavovluizgustavov Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2022
    After testing.....

    Rejuvanating carol is doing a critical strike during 30 seconds straight or not doing a critical strike during the 30 seconds. It is not considering each tick of the heal individually. Does it make sense?

    If the first heal is crits, then all the heal crits.
  • luizgustavovluizgustavov Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2022
    After testing.....

    Sforzando trait (yellow) is not working anymore

    Edit: even when it procs it DOES NOT increase your healing by 5%.
  • luizgustavovluizgustavov Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2022
    Critical tuning (class general) should also increase critical severity by 10% and it's not working for healing
  • luizgustavovluizgustavov Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2022
    10 minutes testing I found these bugs.
  • dracory1#6808 dracory1 Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    > @luizgustavov said:
    > Critical tuning (class general) should also increase critical severity by 10% and it's not working for healing

    You're wrong. It increases Critical Severity by 10% as intended. Look at your sheet before casting a song and after.

    > @luizgustavov said:
    > After testing.....
    > Sforzando trait (yellow) is not working anymore
    > Edit: even when it procs it DOES NOT increase your healing by 5%.

    It also works properly from my testing.

    > @luizgustavov said:
    > After testing.....
    > Rejuvanating carol is doing a critical strike during 30 seconds straight or not doing a critical strike during the 30 seconds. It is not considering each tick of the heal individually. Does it make sense?
    > If the first heal is crits, then all the heal crits.

    That is WAI. If you don't crit you don't get any crits for the duration, if you do it crits for the entire duration, using stats you had at time of casting.
  • luizgustavovluizgustavov Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2022

    > @luizgustavov said:
    > Critical tuning (class general) should also increase critical severity by 10% and it's not working for healing

    You're wrong. It increases Critical Severity by 10% as intended. Look at your sheet before casting a song and after.

    > @luizgustavov said:
    > After testing.....
    > Sforzando trait (yellow) is not working anymore
    > Edit: even when it procs it DOES NOT increase your healing by 5%.

    It also works properly from my testing.

    > @luizgustavov said:
    > After testing.....
    > Rejuvanating carol is doing a critical strike during 30 seconds straight or not doing a critical strike during the 30 seconds. It is not considering each tick of the heal individually. Does it make sense?
    > If the first heal is crits, then all the heal crits.

    That is WAI. If you don't crit you don't get any crits for the duration, if you do it crits for the entire duration, using stats you had at time of casting.

    Showing on the sheet and actually working are different things, it's not increasing the healing for rejuvanating carol for example.
    They all show on the sheet but when you stop using them, your healing numbers are the same. (you want an example, the new combat enchantment - fortified nature - not showing on sheet but actually increasing our defense).

    And the healing over time in the game doesn't work like that. Take cleric's healing word for example, each tick of the heal is individual as it crits or not, NOT the entire spell.
  • rgutscheradevrgutscheradev Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 186 Cryptic Developer
    rjc9000 said:

    Get Targetted by any mechanic with red arrows (ex: Hypothermia in various places, Red fire circles in IC Boss 2, red arrows that place the patch of ice in VOS Boss 2, Purple Bomb in COK, etc).
    Use Lunge, Duet, or Phantasmal Concerto (I remember seeing Phantasmal Concerto clearing visuals, but have not confirmed it).

    The Red Arrow mechanic visuals will disappear, but the mechanic will play as normal.
    Can sometimes lead to wipes if you/your team isn't prepared for it.

    Brett (Executive Producer), Randy (Lead Designer), and I all agree this is really terrible and needs to be addressed. So I'm diving into it right now.

    FX dropout bugs are often fiendishly difficult to reproduce. Typically you need to have a "realistic" fight with tons of powers and FX flying everywhere (which is what tends to cause the dropout).

    Thankfully, this one is not so bad -- it's repro'ing very nicely. I just went to an empty test map, slapped the FX onto a basic orc's axe attack, and bam! the bug is happening. WHY it is happening I still have no idea, but with bugs, repro'ing is much more than half the battle. So we're well on the road to getting this thing taken care of.

    Thanks again to everyone who brought this up, and kept bringing it up!
  • luizgustavovluizgustavov Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    When you use Rejuvanating carol (with the trait backup performer) it is replacing the currently active song Tailwind mambo. Only replaces Tailwind, the others are working just fine. It should not replace any of them
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    lore daily activates even if the target is friendly and also give a stack of durgarn and celestial weapons.
  • rjc9000rjc9000 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,405 Arc User

    After testing.....

    Sforzando trait (yellow) is not working anymore

    Edit: even when it procs it DOES NOT increase your healing by 5%.

    Critical tuning (class general) should also increase critical severity by 10% and it's not working for healing

    Check your testing methods. All of Truly Inspired, Critical Tuning, and Sforzando work mathematically.

    Sforzando and Critical Tuning can even be seen on the character sheet.

    Sforzando adds 5% to the Outgoing Healing stat, Truly Inspired is a healing buff that works similar to the stat, but goes beyond the 90% stat cap.

    Mathematical Proof:


    Character Sheet Top

    Character Sheet Bottom

    Healing Log:

    Critical Heal of 26721.

    Healing Formula on a Critical Hit looks something like:

    (Item Level/10)*(1+Role Bonus)*(Magnitude)*(0.01)*
    (1+ (0.50- ((Item Level - Power Rating)/100,000) + Power % Bonuses))*
    (1+ (0.50- ((Item Level - Outgoing Healing Rating)/100,000) + Outgoing Healing % Bonuses))*
    (1+ (0.50- ((Item Level - Incoming Healing Rating)/100,000) +Incoming Healing % Bonuses))*
    (1+ (((0.50- ((Item Level - Critical Severity Rating)/100,000)) + Critical Severity % Bonuses)*0.5))

    Outgoing Healing is what we'd see on the stats sheet, with one minor difference: we need to account for game rounding.

    The "2.8%" Outgoing Healing is really 2.75 Outgoing Healing, from 11 Wisdom.

    Rejuvenating Carol is correctly 200 magnitude on preview server and the various stats of this character are given in the above screenshots. We then need to add the Sforzando (5%), Truly Inspired (10%), Critical Severity Forte+ Critical Severity Companion Bonuses (22.8%), and Critical Tuning (10% Severity) to their respective categories.

    If we input everything in the formula, the math would look something like this:

    Healing = (28135/10)*(1+0.1)*(200)*(0.01)* (1+ (0.50- ((28135 - 19742)/100,000) +0))* (1+ (0.50- ((28135 - 17042)/100,000) +0.0275+0.05+0.10))* (1+ (0.50- ((28135 - 17042)/100,000) +0))* (1+ (((0.50- ((28135 - 25539)/100,000)) +0.228 +0.10)*0.5))

    The bolded parts represent the additions of Truly Inspired, Sforzando, and Critical Tuning.
    Simplifying the formula gets us:

    Healing = (2813.5)*(1.1)*(2.00)*(1.41607)*(1.56657)* (1.38907)* (1.40102)
    Healing = 26722.2236

    I am off by a slight amount from the expected result of 26721 by ~1.2 healing points.

    I attribute that slight miscalculation to not getting the exact Critical Severity boost from Forte, but I think it's close enough to definitively prove that Sforzando, Critical Tuning, and Truly Inspired (Minstrel) work.

  • darkwolf#2736 darkwolf Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    The lionheart set and mirage set bonus still do not seem to work on the bard still. And to let everyone no the minstrel bards forte is wrong on the stats sheet and the performance gauge on the minstrel bard does not refill in battle unless you use baseline or you use a atwill to hit something or use the feat desperate finale to get the performance back . It wood do the minstrel bard good if it had a skill like the DC to recharge its performance back up overtime . Baseline wood be even bitter if it can recharge the performance gauge when you are using it .other then the things I put down in this post it looks like the upcomeing change/bug fix/buffs to the bards look to be good and I look forward to them when they make it to the live game.
  • luizgustavovluizgustavov Member Posts: 58 Arc User

    The lionheart set and mirage set bonus still do not seem to work on the bard still. And to let everyone no the minstrel bards forte is wrong on the stats sheet and the performance gauge on the minstrel bard does not refill in battle unless you use baseline or you use a atwill to hit something or use the feat desperate finale to get the performance back . It wood do the minstrel bard good if it had a skill like the DC to recharge its performance back up overtime . Baseline wood be even bitter if it can recharge the performance gauge when you are using it .other then the things I put down in this post it looks like the upcomeing change/bug fix/buffs to the bards look to be good and I look forward to them when they make it to the live game.

    Yes, performance regen is really bugged on the bard. If that is not a major thing to fix I don't know what is
  • aster#8001 aster Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    hello @rgutscheradev !
    I'm glad and happy to see you work on bard!

    I want ask a fix if its possible.

    Arpeggio still healing companions and mirage clones. Its possibile remove them from heal target?
    thanks in advance!
    Best regards and good work!

    I opened long time ago a thread for the healers which had this problem and was fixed (bard wasnt release when I made this) https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/1261155/healer-affected-companions
    "The more I care for life, the more everything around me dies."
    AsteR (Barbarian) Mizzrym AsteR (Paladin Healer) AsteR Lezenfan (CW) Nahida AsteR (Bard healer)Carbonated AsteR (SW dps)
    M22-M23 -M24-M25-M26 Alphatester
    Official Content Creator
    Wizard Reworker
  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,259 Arc User
    Wow I didnt remember how pleasant is to read threads where developers are involved discussing with players.

    Thank you and I hope there will be more threads with other classes and aspects of the game.
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
    Caturday Survivor
    Elemental Evil Survivor
    Undermontain Survivor
    Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
    Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
  • luizgustavovluizgustavov Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    Flourish is not increasing the healing for Aurora fantasia.
  • luizgustavovluizgustavov Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    Vamp doesn't trigger if you play a song in the quickslot.
  • c9nimbusc9nimbus Member Posts: 9 Arc User

    rjc9000 said:

    Get Targetted by any mechanic with red arrows (ex: Hypothermia in various places, Red fire circles in IC Boss 2, red arrows that place the patch of ice in VOS Boss 2, Purple Bomb in COK, etc).
    Use Lunge, Duet, or Phantasmal Concerto (I remember seeing Phantasmal Concerto clearing visuals, but have not confirmed it).

    The Red Arrow mechanic visuals will disappear, but the mechanic will play as normal.
    Can sometimes lead to wipes if you/your team isn't prepared for it.

    Brett (Executive Producer), Randy (Lead Designer), and I all agree this is really terrible and needs to be addressed. So I'm diving into it right now.

    FX dropout bugs are often fiendishly difficult to reproduce. Typically you need to have a "realistic" fight with tons of powers and FX flying everywhere (which is what tends to cause the dropout).

    Thankfully, this one is not so bad -- it's repro'ing very nicely. I just went to an empty test map, slapped the FX onto a basic orc's axe attack, and bam! the bug is happening. WHY it is happening I still have no idea, but with bugs, repro'ing is much more than half the battle. So we're well on the road to getting this thing taken care of.

    Thanks again to everyone who brought this up, and kept bringing it up!

    This is so massive! Thank you so much for your work.
    Have celestials been added yet? Forgot to mention they are missing from live on drop table and shop. They are still in collections.
  • eddiestormeddiestorm Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Maybe I missed it but is there a way we can heal outside of our group. Think someone mentioned that when doing heroic encounters we are unable to heal anyone
  • x10110100x10110100 Member Posts: 69 Arc User

    Maybe I missed it but is there a way we can heal outside of our group. Think someone mentioned that when doing heroic encounters we are unable to heal anyone

    Yes, I mean it's music, anyone who can "hear" it should be effected. Bards AoE Songs should absolutely hit everyone in range of them.

    Sadly, Minstrels are pretty much useless in multiplayer content that doesn't involve grouping, which is the case far more often than not for HE's.

    Hopefully this is the chance to get that improved. Personally, I feel like this is a gameplay issue that's just as important as fixing bugs, as it affects a large portion of game play elements.

  • d4rkh0rs3d4rkh0rs3 Member Posts: 382 Arc User

    #1: Sheltering Etude Critical Severity
    Sheltering Etude is not properly benefitting from Critical Severity. My calculations put Sheltering Etude critical heals at approximately 25% of the value of the player's total Critical Severity percentage. For example, if the player has 60% Critical Severity, Sheltering Etude critical heals will heal for approximately 15% more than non-critical heals. This is the case with and without the Pianissimo Feat. The critical heals should be 50% of the player's total Critical Severity percentage.

    #2: Song Tooltips with Pianissimo Feat
    Rejuvenating Carol tooltip incorrectly displays a Heal Magnitude of 80 instead of 160.
    Defender's Minuet tooltip incorrectly displays the Heal Magnitude of 2000 instead of 1600.
    Sheltering Etude tooltip incorrectly displays the Heal Magnitude of 600 instead of 480.

    Pianissimo Feat tooltip displays the correct Heal Magnitudes.

  • d4rkh0rs3d4rkh0rs3 Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited April 2022
    #3 Flourish: Reduced Cast Time/Tray Icon
    When Flourish is not on cooldown, a tray icon outline appears around the perimeter of the Flourish encounter after playing a song. This should only happen if Flourish is on cooldown. The conflict is Minstrels must press Flourish multiple times to use the encounter when it is actually not on cooldown.

    To reproduce:
    1) Choose Flourish as one of your encounters.
    2) Wait for Flourish to be off cooldown.
    3) Play a song, such as Rejuvenating Carol.
    4) A tray icon outline should appear around the perimeter of the Flourish encounter.
    5) Press the key bind for Flourish--the encounter will not activate.
    6) Press the key bind for Flourish a second time--the encounter should now activate.

    Expected Behavior:
    Flourish should not have to be pressed twice if it is not on cooldown.

    Post edited by d4rkh0rs3 on
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