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What is the Arc Client?
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  • Thanks Chasophias, that's an awesome suggestion. I'll work with volume gates to see how that plays out.
  • well i just tried two scenarios.. 1) setup kill enemies objectives, lateral to each other, all with multiple mob encounters (couple easy, couple standard) -- They showed up on the objective tracker all at the same time, all with the same name, but were not one objective such as X of #. 0/# 2) setup kill enemies objectives,…
  • Thanks eldarth! a couple more questions.. I understand the timer hack part (i think) but I'm confused on what assets to use to build the rotating object. would we use any statue or object from the detail list and then add a rotation type of effect? or are there preset objects that include some sort of rotation animation?…
  • Okay so if we add additional encounters but don't link them to the objectives, they won't be counted? Thanks for answering the question, I wanted a method for incrementally killing things.
  • What: Making existing items scalable to fit in map. Take any foundry detail item, and place it in a map. You're stuck with it's default size. It should have a scale property to allow shrinking/enlargement. For example, I have a 12ft corridor, and want to place a statue of human with sword/shield. They are 24ft statues and…
  • Thanks eldarth!
  • Hi, So eldarth, in order to achieve the effect where a status rotates a given number of radians, how would you set that up? What objects would you choose, and what properties would you set?
  • Hi all, I'm rather new to the Foundry but am starting to develop quests. So my question is, when you look at the Wizard's Folly(?) quest and you enter the tower to search for Rhazzad, it's multi-level and circles back on itself etc.. without the use of separate map zones. how is this done if we can't overlap map floors?