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Rotating objects, how?

tiborrustiborrus Member Posts: 94 Arc User
I like to add to my map rotating objects(for example: statues, as in the game).Anybody can help me, how need to create this?
I try this method: copy one statue 4x, then I rotated every copy(as animation phases) little.
First statue was interactable(appear immediately, dissapear when this component complete -> ie. interaction).
Second satatue appeared, when first component complete, dissapeared, when this component complete..., and another statue similarly, as this.
This method didn't work, because every statue was interactable.

Any idea?!
Post edited by tiborrus on


  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You do not get a Component Complete unless you interact with the object.
    So, your statue should "turn" you just have to interact with it 3x : 1 (interact) -> 2 (interact) -> 3 (interact) -> 4.

    If you want one interaction, and to see it turn 4 times - then you are going to have to implement a timer hack.

    Edit: Read Foundry Trick: Trigger Timer (and please sign: Request for Timer Object)
  • tiborrustiborrus Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    eldarth wrote: »
    You do not get a Component Complete unless you interact with the object.
    So, your statue should "turn" you just have to interact with it 3x : 1 (interact) -> 2 (interact) -> 3 (interact) -> 4.

    If you want one interaction, and to see it turn 4 times - then you are going to have to implement a timer hack.

    Edit: Read Foundry Trick: Trigger Timer (and please sign: Request for Timer Object)

    Thx!If I have a time for this, I will try it!
  • wymsicwymsic Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2013

    So eldarth, in order to achieve the effect where a status rotates a given number of radians, how would you set that up? What objects would you choose, and what properties would you set?
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited December 2013

    1. Interior or Exterior map?
    2. Single interaction or interact for each turn?

    If it's a single interaction and you want to "watch" it turn, you need to setup a timer hack and you can only get about a 1-2 second delay between events - and that's in an Interior map. Exterior you probably get about 5-10 seconds between events. Then you also need to place X copies of the object, each one rotated slightly from the previous copy. Then, as each encounter "dies" -you disappear current object, appear next turn of object:

    (Encounter#1 Complete) you Disappear #1, Appear #2,
    (Encounter#2 Complete) you Disappear #2, Appear #3,
  • wymsicwymsic Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Thanks eldarth!

    a couple more questions..

    I understand the timer hack part (i think) but I'm confused on what assets to use to build the rotating object. would we use any statue or object from the detail list and then add a rotation type of effect? or are there preset objects that include some sort of rotation animation? i'm assuming since we have to use a timer hack they will only rotate for a set duration, not a set distance?
  • buffsmadbuffsmad Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    You've probably answered it yourself but for completeness........As far as I understand it, you are not triggering a rotating object, you are simulating the rotation of an object (by using old animation-style stop motion).

    You have an object facing north. An interaction/trigger starts a timer objective which when complete causes the N facing object to disappear, an East facing one to appear and the next Timer objective to start > timer completes > East disappears > South appears > timer starts etc.

    You can use this for a rock falling into place to make a bridge, an npc porting from point to point, a fire growing more intense or speading and have a player run from point to point to collect objects withing a time frame.

    The limitation of this mechanic is that the number of rotations/changes/states is fixed because each objective must be completed to move on (unless you create a way to have the player move on and the remaining objectives complete out of sight).
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