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  • players hate levling when will mmo:s get this, they play for lategame not for levling, they dont care about things they pick up that they gonna replace in 3 levels aka 20 minutes. I dont get it, if you wanna level "fair/slow" you can do it if they wanna aoe grind let them? just make sure items and gold dropp less from it.
  • dunno, but they have companion and can spam potion. Wich Counts as heal.
  • the heal companion is good what are you talking about..... 255 heal tic every sec with no gear at lvl 15 its a companion not a cleric player running beside you.
  • HAHAHHAHAAHHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA TR have better cc than CW are u freaking kidding me? our spells are complete ****, we can only use a couple of spells becuse rest is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, we have at will attakcs that has 3 seconds attackanimation. and stuff like that, do some research about…
  • get movement in utility? and run to tank as he said also tank should be using aoe taunt in some bosses. many dont slot this wich for me is astonishing. most boss fights tank dont even need to tank the boss, a dps can tank him just gotta Dodge his indicator hits. most tanks go for the boss wich is often wrong. Better to…
  • Wrong only our mainhand can get weapon enchantment, off hand cannot. Dont take this the wrong way but many ppl bash to much on TR about being op wich sickens me, yes we have 2 abilities that is op and should get nerfed, to fix the insane burst of both. they are basicly 2 click kills,if really well geared against somone…
  • both chocking execution and lashing blade needs a nerf i agree, whoever says they are not op are a godamn ******* i am 60 TR myself. Problem for TR atm? well that there is only ONE build that works well in pve for doing the correct amount of damage. to many at will spells and encounters that dont got any feats to buff them…
  • This just proves how silly and broken tree:s are, a Guardian gets better dps feats than TR by a large amount, i dont mind that a Guardian can do a dps build dont get me wrong, but when TR have such stupid ****ty talents in every tree that aint well done compared to Guardian then somthing is wrong. i am also forced to use…