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  • Classic Pay to Lose and QQ. L 2 P
  • THREATENING RUSH problems were ignored ? http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?627261-GWF-and-confessions-Feedback
  • Already here >>> http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?627261-GWF-and-confessions-Feedback
  • Any last words from dear Administers? I think everyone posted ideas but no reply from "Community Moderators" for any solution.
  • I noticed every match teams being like that ; a-1 or 2 full skilled 25-0 type player :mad: b- 2 x Avarage :rolleyes: c-1x or 2x Total newbie :confused: You can count yourself full skilled :cool: but main tactic should be avoid that full skilled ones if gwf or GF ambush them if other classes, you can easly manage win match…
  • Greetings to all Firstly, I did not guess be very interested in this subject, English is not my native language. I am using Google Translate. Anyway, I thought it might be solution to the issue, I gathered some of the ideas from the previous pages. ranncore : The whole point of at-wills is that they don't have cooldowns.…
  • The debate is in progress. http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?627261-GWF-and-confessions-Feedback
  • I totally agree! /10 char
  • Seems no one have clue about raid. Everday going PVP 20 random people is so fun?
  • You made Glory "tradeable" stuff after artifact patch, why you whining about BOE pvp items. After 30 sec people asking "Trade Glory?" that was making me mad. Thanks devs atleast its offical trade stuffs. No need annoying skilles players beg for glory. if you want it, you have to deserve it and sell stuffs at AH.
  • Every new patch comes with problems take it easy ...I am sure devs will add open world PvP but they doing good step by step. First you need class and PvP dmg balance for world pvp. Otherwise like now 5 gwf Wipe all map players with patrol and you will start QQ here again. I suggest Guild vs Guild and Faction vs Faction…
  • Go back your social life than if you write it game Discussion tread. Really annoying when someone don't get point . "exceptions do not break the rules."
  • Under 10k Gs [Trainers] 1x Glory / Over 10k Gs [Wariors] 2xGlory / Over 15 k Gs [Legions] 3xGlory If someone change gear inside map they will be kicked out by system and they will get "Coward's Shame" Debuff 30 minute can't quene PvP. 1-leaving because you end up with bad teammates 2-against impossible to beat enemies Gear…
  • Two things will fix Broken PvP Domination 1- "Coward's Shame" Debuff if you leave match before end. 30 Min cant queen again. 2- Gear score quenes 10 k GS- (Trainers) 10 k + (Wariors) and 15k+ (Legions) it will be 3x quene table and people will click.
  • Watching PvP games another good idea. 1-Like map instances people can change instance and watch another game when map close (Match end) everyone teleport where their last place. 2-If you want watch games you have to go colosseum build one NPC takes you current Domination random avaiable instance, 3-Match going on inside…
  • I cant teach how to play your class . All those QQ shows you pretty newbie for PvP. I was playing Gwf ... yes if GWF catch you Frontline Surge-Takedown-Indomitable Strike (Random order)=kill . Should be atleast 3 Sec cooldown for GWF "Threatening Rush" . Gwf have over %20 run speed and "Sprint" . That makes trouble for…
  • Tenacity Copy From Age Of Conan MMO. Thats not PvP content just stat for low dmg longer PvP. you can check that link i took Screenshot my ingame Age of Conan character. http://i57.tinypic.com/j9pw6f.jpg
  • Gladiator ring or Duel instance good ideas but i gave up hoping new PvP content by Devs. I m doing some PvP daily and closing game because done all t1-t2 instances 100+ times got whole PvP titles . Game end for me just trying to have fun with current poor maps. Again that game dont care PvP much. BUT PvP is the key for…
  • Tenacity is very familiar to me. Age of Conan that was used in the game. Hopefully here are handled better.