Well, i am not a great top tier pvper with r10/perfect enchantments and legendary artifacts but i believe i can represent most of the mid tier pvp community (especially cleric no matter sent, healer or buff). This is what i get from a perspective of my main cleric, extremely long queue times (20-30 min) especially during pvp hour but relatively short (5 minutes) in other event hour. I sometimes encountered some teammates with extremely well-skilled and geared and sometimes just trolling 7k gs mates shouting at the team because of we are "nub" "pve" or "daily" player for them. I have played quite a lot of pvp matches, with win:lose rate at 50:50 and had acquired 3/4 of my profound armor set and one of the profound neck.
Just now i encountered an epic matchmaking after a 25 min queue, i really want to leave the game when the game starts but to keep a good reputation of mine in pvp i decided to play. Luckily i saw i got some "know how to play" guys in my team so i continued to play happily. I died and died and died constantly just to keep enemies node contested, giving some directions to my allies constantly to make sure the gap between teams isn't widening up and we successfully surpassed the opposite team several times. This is my results, with 2 good tr that willing to sacrifice their points and life as well as "dare to die and kite" hrs. I believe this is PuG, they are not in the same guild, not even 2 of them are from the same guild. Last but not least, GWF are still OP in team battle, introduce the M3 faster please! Cleric doesn't need Healing depression, buffs please!
Any opinions regarding new elo matchmaking and teaming??

Ps: the red guy below me is a cleric.
So when you are medium player where you have much like you, you will get queue fast because there is much parties. But when you are in high or low group you will get PVP slowly because your group is empty and you need just to wait someone to finish and rejoin.
Now there is no viable glass cannon class that can do anything more than average PVP because we have 4 offensive and 6 defensive stats. I play everytime glass cannon because this is fun for me but now if I want to be more than average player I need to go for defensive stats and to rebuild. Sadly most ppl now do it and you see the result.
For those who disagree with me, look through my perspective, can you do better than me as a cleric??
2 GWFs can ruin any good team, except they got useless teammate that contribute nothing, not even taking some hits for allies. I at least can be a sandbag for 10 seconds, some other guys (probably newbies and some inexperienced pve speced guys) cant even survive 3 seconds on node or mostly ignored by experienced player.
"At least they are not unstoppable gauge filler", murmured happily by Elf and continued his gameplay.
Agree, skill is nothing when you are one shotted by some p.vorpal hr/cw/tr or die in one gwf/gf cc chain. You died before u show any skills. The only class that have no true advantage when in BIS items: DC. Unless you mean alive on node for a few seconds more.
Yes, gear and enchants to create huge discrepancies, some times even insurmountable ones, but it is not everything. There are youtubes of people in rank 5's killing BiS linked players. My guildmates have gone vs. full pre-mades wearing unslotted T1 glory gear and no accessories and won.
But, I digress, long queue times to get a match of players who don't speak my language and have no inkling of skill or strategy is frustrating. I guess it allows me to AFK and do other things.
I think it's just that DCs have a 'Glass Ceiling' when it comes to gear. You need to out rank your opponent's gear 2-3 ranks to feel the advantage. So other classes can have an effective higher rank of gear than you when you appear to be equally equipped.
That's what I feel I am seeing anyway.
As Quitegonejin just stated, would be nice to enjoy some pvp before the destruction of HR's. I feel as though module 3 already came out =P
Next, even a small difference in team quality can lead to 1000 point spreads. Never give up. If its 500 to 0, make it your last dying goal to get 1 point. Fight on! Learning hurts. But its not real pain, you are just twiddling your fingers, right?
The ELO system is working correctly if occasionally you face teams you get crushed by and teams you crush. This is how it gives you a chance to move up the ratings scale. If it never did this, your rating would never be able to go up, the queues would take forever, and you'd always play against the same people.
Just learn to lose gracefully, and by gracefully I mean, make them pay for their insolence by playing as hard as you can.
Looong q times only to get into regularly lopsided matches with a really equal match only being as frequent as prior to the matchmaking system. The only thing the elo system really did was extend q times.
Jugger Conq GF
That is great life advice but horrible gaming advice. For life it is try and never give up despite the odds, so on and so forth. For leisure time it is "if you don't enjoy what your doing, do something else". The game has to be FUN to justify playing it. Being camped or camping others is a ****ty experience. Not fun. Of all qqing, it comes down to people complaining because they are not having fun when they expected to have fun. It is a really serious problem for a GAME (a ****ing GAME lol) when you have people on the game discussion forum saying things like, "don't be upset your having a wretched time, just keep trying".
No one should have to TRY to have fun. In fact, one could even argue that the intent of a game is to create conditions in which "fun" is the most likely outcome for the largest number of people.
Jugger Conq GF
My point is not about losing, it is about not having fun because of lack of competition. Win big or lose big with very very little in between. When I am in my premade we even make a point (when winning big) to never let the enemy node stay blue, to allow spontaneous 1v1 without the rest of the team interfering and so forth just because winning lopsided is as unfun and losing lopsided.
Jugger Conq GF
What if we can't win and have fun because the other team gives up or offers no challenge? For the most part people aren't *****ing about losing, they are *****ing about the matches being just as lopsided as they were if the teams were totally random, with the added bonus of queues taking 20 times longer than they used to. If anyone thinks what we have now is better than what we had before then they didn't really play PVP before. Matchmaking is not making matches appreciably better, its only preventing people from being able to play at all.
Campfire hero is worse than undergeared. So long as you are trying to cap I can't really be too upset, no matter how bad the odds, at least you are not being the utter waste of a slot that a campfire hero is.
There have been times a campfire hero has not cost us Victory, but that is straight winning 4v5 and rare. most often, the 'give up hope now, doooom, dooom! I'm afk at campfire' costs us a close game we had a real chance to win if the campfire hero hadn't given up. Campfire heros lose one matches just as much if not more than imbalance. For shame, seriously. This butt-hurt mentality is part of the problem with PVP this game, only in NW do people give up a match so easily, regardless of imbalances in a match-up.
Btw, i appreciate and accept those who afk in my team if the team is absolutely no hope, this will make the match ends faster with the same poor glory reward. HOWEVER!!!! If the team still doing all they can for winning and you dare to afk behind with your guildies at the beginning of match (i dont want to mention that particular pve guild, it makes ppl mad!!!), then sorry, i will shout out your guild with what u do in zone chat. Sometimes i will get reply in zone chat how bad the reputation of that guild (oh wow~ it is not just me who suffer!) but usually someone just say "chill bro, they just need their daily to be done, thats why they are here trolling us..."
Jugger Conq GF
Obviously, in addition this is a best elo matchmaking after we waited for near half an hour (solo q) or near an hour with premade. 4 squishy against 2 tank and 2 dps?? It is a joke and 100% drama.
Jugger Conq GF
It doesn't match by class at all, which is too bad considering some classes (GWF and perma-TR's) are so OP compared to all the rest.
It would be great if it matched also by classes and gave the OP classes 1 point and the others zero and matched points per team.
GF are pretty strong right now as well in PvP and might deserve a point in this system.
People do have reasons to be discontent. They should have made premade ladder as well as solo que. Having fresh lvl 60 in one team facing premades? Ended up 1v4 all the time (for the 3 sec each fight lasted). Half the team goes afk since you cant kick and you cant get a replacement. <=== this is feedback
I dont mind losing, i mind losing when i have 33 kills and 2 deaths or when i am left alone vs 5 cause my team goes afk( choices?!: do i go and get killed again or do i go afk? but i dont want to go afk since i wanted to pvp and i cant leave since i cant que anymore), or when 4 of my team cant kill a single cleric.
Hahaha i laughed at this. Are they 3k gs or the cleric is in r10?? I have a problem in surviving when meeting normal cw and tr, last time is a guaranteed stalemate but now due to healing depression... well, u know what....
1. Why were there insanely long queue times when ELO was first introduced? Everyone was at the same ELO, right?
2. Why those very first a couple of matches were balanced for almost everyone and then turned into random fest?
I only can say that there's no ELO at all. May be some barely working mechanics that tries to match 5m premades with each other, but I doubt there any matchmaking in solo queue.
Yes! Exactly this... this is why matchmaking is bad... it takes 1 guy with high rating and fills the grp with 3k gs, when i;ve heard about a ladder, i wanted mainly to avoid 3k gs people