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  • It technically no longer exists. All daily payout quests for PVE and PVP were removed. Now you get AD for your first two matches (in an amount of even marginal value) and a Seal of Triumph from a victory without having to pick up a quest. However, this means that the additional 4k AD from a win no longer exists either.
  • For me this game is a wreck. I feel like I have to be even more tight-fisted than normal with the pitiful AD I can earn per day. The reductions in AD sources have forced me to scrap the vast majority of my already slow moving refining projects across the two characters that actually see use after level 60. Additionally I…
  • Thanks for bringing this bug to some attention. I have finally decided to get around to my latest quest and this will save me a lot of grief in the editing process. Though this does mean I will have to post a note in my description that I am aware the quest has no sound for reasons outside my control.
  • On the original topic of this post, the massive gap in item levels in PVP and resulting imbalance... Perhaps the level 70 bracket could be broken into item level queue tiers like the level 70 Epic Dungeons. 1600-2000, 2001-2500, 2501-3000. 3001+ ? Something along that line. Ensuring that Players with 3k+ can only fight…
  • Too bad 'looked at' does not imply any actions will be taken. I would love to use mine again. However, I do not think anything will be done even in mod 8 and if it is I do not expect to see more than one valid build. It just might change from Damnation to something else.
  • I would buy that as a zen shop mount, as a lockbox mount I'm simply going to ignore it like I do all the rest of them. But I do think all mounts should have their stats boosts removed.
  • Honestly, while i find it strange to spam dailies I have no issue with that Sigil what so ever. Because everyone has access to them it is not an exclusive power. If you keep encountering it, make a cleric and get the sigil for yourself. I have and I use it on my PVP alt. However, just because you have the sigil does not…
  • Not that I particularly like being a doomsayer, but they also said they would adjust life steal differently for the Scourge Warlock class which was build around the stat. And we all see how well they make good on their word.
  • Grab every ward you can afford. The vast majority of changes to the game have been to the detriment of the players base. Especially if you do not or cannot afford to sink a lot money into the game.
  • The only old dungeons currently available to run are Cragmire Crypt (Blackdagger ruins map), Grey Wolf Den (Vellosk map), and Temple of the Spider (Rothe Valley map). All other old dungeons are currently still remove to await updates since mod 6. All you can do with the quest for Lair of the Mad Dragon is toss it.…
  • I wish this post had been up a few days ago. I just upgraded my plaguefire.
  • This is a nice step forward but my confidence in this company is still in the dirt and they have not addressed the AD sinks for boons and Stronghold. They have a long way to go before I am willing to give them anymore money and a minor placatory gesture has not loosened my grip on my wallet.
  • Nice to that we rank /after/ the next rapid-release mod and the PVP expansion for it. A few authors I know have had their patience pushed too far and simply left. I doubt the 'assurance' that it will be up some time after the PVP expansion is going to convince them back. I might go over my old works when/if it does go back…
  • I actually have two rogues. The primary one that sees all the use is a Saboteur and the new one that I am slowly building up is an Executioner.
  • Control Wizard Renegade for my former dungeon-running main. Currently all my characters are retired from the dungeon circuit due to lack of reward worth the difficulty.
  • The vast majority of my AD gets sunk into the painfully slow grind to upgrade enchantments and artifacts. And in previous mods it was used to buy elusive armor sets. Because, who didn't get tired of trying to farm the longer dungeons like Spellplague and Dread Vault? (I loved those run but that did not make them any…
  • While Stronghold player housing might be an option, up until mod 6 we had the Foundry. Which can be used by anyone, including unguilded players. However, as nothing has been said about the foundry since mod 6 was put in and we already have a 7th mod put in. I would not be putting too much thought into player housing.
  • Temple of the Spider also had its side areas remove. In fact, as far as I can tell all the old dungeons are missing bits. They are 'shorter' in map size only. No one really needs to have pointed out what the difficulty changes have done to run times.
  • It took 6months of farming Dread Ring to get the Eye of Lathander. Manged to create my first Soulforge enchantment on the first shot with with a preservation ward.
  • I don't mind the time being extended, although I did want to check out the new mod before work instead of after. But from what I hear this is a first half with a 7.5 coming? I was excited for this mod since I have a decent guild but right now it sounds like we are getting a broken first half now and a broken second half…
  • Generally I would be the first to agree that this game is less pay to win and more pay for convenience. (Obvious exception to the effects of solid spending on PVP match-ups.) And yes, I would rather take a lower item level player who knows what they are doing than a high item level player who has never set foot in the run…
  • Even with double XP I have no plans to take any more of my characters to 70. My main only got there because I forced myself to milk the Fiery Pit up to 70. 1-60 is not hard even without 2x but past that I am certainly not going to bother. Mod 6 killed the idea of any further purchases, including pack I had been eyeing for…
  • Thanks very much. I wasn't aware you could get the companion as a challenge prize. It's just too bad it's not account bound when you buy it.
  • I have noticed the same issue entering the Iron Heart are of Whispering Caverns. I'll try it again. Thanks.
  • I hate working in a party. PUGs are the worst; there is almost always some kind of problem. Inexperience, frequent afks, communication barriers, and the time wasted trying to get the party collected so you can start at all. I will not use a group for anything unless I am unable to access it solo. So only dungeons,…
  • Would have left this game after dragging myself to 70 if not for the foundry. Until we get some real solo play fixes that is about all I sink my time into here.
  • I would like to see a class that wont be a copy/paste re-skin of a class we already have so how about a summoning class like the Necromancer.
  • This game has been a wreck since mod 6 and I am willing to bet that mod 7 will just throw more salt on the wounds. Personally I did hit 70 and try to gear up but everything is impossibly hard with the rampant one shot kills and my DPS taking as long as the old tank class to kill trash because they have that much HP. I…
  • Looks like their party just remembered that the Pit Fiend is a sub-boss before the Mad Dragon. Good luck guys, mind those spawn waves. Hopefully the rest of the fixes wont take too terribly long.
  • Well, I voted Druid. (you know, that class that topped the polls last time that we didn't get?) Only because voting other seemed like a waste of a vote despite having more of the options I would prefer to see.