I love pvp but it has become a joke, 90% of the time a one sided fight becuase all high itme level players seem to get placed on one side, is this intent by cryptic? seems like it to me after studying a lot of games.
You said the pvp league was to encourage new players but the gap between level 70 PVP players is now so wide, new players fighting a fully geared player is like a level 10 hitting a 50 and when that player is using certain glitches makes it even worse.
A while ago you your selves cryptic said you where balancing classes in pvp but it's all gone up in smoke, unkillable TR's, Pallys that take a whole team to kill, GF's that 2 hit kill, HR's that spam fox shift and root you to the spot non stop, broken enchants and feats that give an unbelivable edge, not much balance I see just an ever worsening state.
My question and this is just to you cryptic, are you ever going to balance Pvp and make it fun again as I find the game boring when you just stand around because its slaughter be it on the winning side or loosing side its no fun to stand doing nothing.
I think you need to pvp to see just how bad it has got.
Encourage new pvp'ers I for one think you are doing the oppersite and pushing away new players.
That said, I am stunned to see so many folks have the green metallic framed Artifacts... Legendary?
I have a IL of 2970 and can't touch them... I guess the next Double refinement weekend I will catch up, but that will not help the premades.
Separate the queues
Honestly the real gap is enchants, armor enchants, weapon and enchants and artifact equipment. One r12 is 1.5-2 million. A T. Negation/Feytouched is 6 million etc. etc. So. Much. Clicking.
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
It might be too complicated to program but they did successfully gate the dungeons into item level requirements. Even if this was possible to implement it does not account for class imbalance or broken skills but it would even out the item level gap.
also it would be easy to remove some items to get your ilvl down, and i bet there are a bunch of morons who consider themselves "pro pvp" players that would abuse the hell out of this, because they cant kill anybody at their own gear level(because of cheats, wallhack and lags, somebody ddosing them ofc), many other ppl would just abuse that because at top level queue times would be too long
Because they need to create LESS items in PVP (total number) which would make the difference between BIS and not BIS smaller.
An example:
Just like companions should not help you in PVP, so it should be with SECONDARY artifacts. Only primary artifacts should affect your stats and be what can be used for PVP. Doing this removes literally about 8-10k worth of stats from the game. Thats a MASSIVE drop in the gear divide alone...
Another example:
PVP Gear. They need to REMOVE tenacity on gear, and give EVERYONE a "base level" of tenacity. RE-allocate the tenacity stat back into the other stats (so the total stats are the same) and then the PVP gear is just ONE option for PVP. Doing this will make sure that players have a chance in PVP and dont get at willed for 30k because they have no tenacity....
Add the (not existing) ELO and you can hope to get qued with them in a group or with 1-2k IL players against them. Many times I got stomped even by players with worse gear, bc my teammates die like flies and I get killed 2-5v1.
BTW, they added tanacity, bc the dmg dealt got so high, that every decent DD would kill another player with one rotation, without tanacity. Even with tanacity some ppl can kill 3k+/ full tanacity players in one rotation or even with one hit.
Why aren't you complaining about gear? It's why no one plays PvP.
NW PvP is basically following the pattern all dead games follow. You've got a few special cupcakes left that play and they hate change because they're only really good at the game because no one plays it. When games like this gain players usually you see the top teams get knocked off their pedestal pretty fast. It's especially noticeable in FPSes because the skill gap between good players from comeptitive games and dead games is massive. Although I really doubt NW PvP can ever really gain enough players that they'd attract any actually good players.
On that note, why shouldn't NW PvP take some hints from LoL and Dota? Because they're both massively more successful? Because they're more competitive? Because people actually play them?
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
I guess the issue in a flat rescaling is simply that it might benefit those buffing just a few stats over those who have many stats buffed, if for no other reason than that they come as ancillary benefits from buffing other stats. So there might have to be some extra thought put into it to actually make it feasible. But I'd still like to think that a stat normalization would be sensible.
Hell, take the highest total point score in the match and normalize everyone up to that. Then it's all about skill, the stats you've been emphasizing with your gear, and the ability score boosts and other exotic benefits of certain artifacts. You still get something out of your cool stuff that gives you an advantage, but it's not *insane* (or at least substantially less so). Weapon/Armor/Overload Enchantments need separate nerfs and redesigns all of their own, so I won't go into that.
If that was rendered null, I'd probably just stop. I mean, there's no particular story to follow, no particular monsters that are unbeatable, nothing else to work toward...
Except gear. And the only place where gear really shines... Is pvp.
Once you get to 2000+ IL, you don't get the feeling of improving a little each day any more. You're just wasting yourself away in a sisyphean effort, to grind the same stuff over and over until someday you are able to do one of those tiny improvements, such as getting GMOPs for your artifact or bringing ONE of your enchantments from R8 to R9. And in all that you always know you'll be inferior to people who did all that when it was still easy to do, and that even if you take the time and patience to do that, the next content update will probably throw a bone at those who already are BiS and give them something more powerful and harder to obtain, making you even weaker by comparison. As I said, it's like Sisyphus pushing a boulder, only the boulder gets heavier and the mountain gets higher every time.
Seriously, why complain? Are you really that obtuse? Because PvP as it stands is a broken mode built to let people with bad spending habits stroke their epeen? Maybe because 90%+ of the playerbase does not play PvP? Nevermind that a good portion of the people that even bothered playing PvP in its completely broken state are quitting because every mod breaks it even more. But good luck with your circlejerk I guess?