If you are getting a black screen after the neverwinter loading screen try this method. It worked for me (Do this at your own risk) 1. Exit all Windows based programs. 2. Go to Start and type regedit in the Search box. In the results, double-click regedit.exe. 3. Browse to and then click…
yeah the sash of charisma is around 40,000 now. I've gotten two in a 2 hour timeframe the other day, lol. The only exception is the dexterity belt which is still around 350,000. really don't know why the dex belt is the most expensive.
best place would probably be the neverwinter wiki, under the orc wolf it has 100/190/300. 300 for epic. http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Armored_Orc_Wolf