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Tiamat Battle Preparation thread

tellistorterratellistorterra Member Posts: 198 Arc User
Alright, let's get this started. Where should i start? Ok, i feel those of us who have played NWPC Rise of Tiamat should inform the people who are new on NWXBOX.
1) Dragon Hoard Coins- save up as many as possible starting now. trust me, you'll be using a LOT of them once this module launches.
2) Try not to focus so much on gearscore- instead, focus on your stats/build/boons/abilities and how you play your class. I've seen too many people fuss and complain on the Well of Dragon's Zone chat about how "low gs people shouldn't be able to do tiamat"
3) Party up- During the Tiamat fight, or even the quests in the Zone, partying up will make your life easier. You will get quests done faster, and get Party bonuses and yada yada same old stuff you've probably already read
4) WoD Dragon order- if people do the same on Xbox as they do/did on PC, then this is important. everyone meets at a very specific spot, then kill dragons in clockwise order. it's been a while so i forgot which draconic Herald was in the bottom left of the map.
5) Dragon Hoard reclamation- this is vital to the tiamat battle. it will require a lot of reclamation points to get the boons, but it's worth it. each of the 4 tiers grant stat bonuses for the battle and they can stack the more tiers you have. Also, at Tier 4 (reclamation of 100), you have a chance (yes a chance...) to get your Artifact offhand. If not that, each victory will give you a Linu's Favor. and 15 of these are needed to buy your Artifact Offhand from the WoD store.

did i forget anything? :/
Post edited by tellistorterra on


  • mungsumungsu Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The word has finally gotten out to start the dragon heralds at the green dragon in the upper right then work clockwise. That makes for the shortest travel distance to all 5 dragons.

    The best way to protect the clerics in the Tiamat fight is to draw mobs away from them, not camp on top of the clerics so they get mob and dragon breath damage.

    Otherwise there are a couple of strategy threads on Tiamat. Of course there's no telling if the Xbox Well of Dragons will work exactly like the PC one.
  • trappy1026trappy1026 Member Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2015
    eek I'm so excited for some new stuff to do
  • strumslingerstrumslinger Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,724 Cryptic Developer
    edited June 2015
    I'm loving this!

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  • majnumbthumbs1majnumbthumbs1 Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I'm still two more days from weapon, shores, or lol whicheve
  • lvlkarmalvllvlkarmalvl Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Way to go PC vets! Use your powers for good!

    Seriously though, I can these zones being madhouses without some organization. Hopefully the word spreads fast.
  • karlspaklerkarlspakler Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Thanks very much for the help!
  • phaseadeptphaseadept Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2015
    mungsu wrote: »
    The word has finally gotten out to start the dragon heralds at the green dragon in the upper right then work clockwise. That makes for the shortest travel distance to all 5 dragons.

    The best way to protect the clerics in the Tiamat fight is to draw mobs away from them, not camp on top of the clerics so they get mob and dragon breath damage.

    Otherwise there are a couple of strategy threads on Tiamat. Of course there's no telling if the Xbox Well of Dragons will work exactly like the PC one.


    Question: only those with 100% campaign can do this?
  • travuskatravuska Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Do you have to unlock the raid, or is it like dragons where everyone comes to an instance then fight him.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    phaseadept wrote: »
    Question: only those with 100% campaign can do this?

    No. If I'm remembering correctly from when it launched for PC, the requirements for Well of Dragons were level 60 (of course) and 10k GS. If anything, the WoD dailies make finishing up your campaign tasks easier because they provide more sources of currency.

    The Tiamat encounter does not require a campaign unlock.
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  • daddygamesalotdaddygamesalot Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Sorry to be repetitive but I just got my gf to 60 and haven't progressed thru tyranny of dragons like at all so am I still able to do the raid? / new zones?
  • tellistorterratellistorterra Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Sorry to be repetitive but I just got my gf to 60 and haven't progressed thru tyranny of dragons like at all so am I still able to do the raid? / new zones?

    If what the others are saying is right, as long as you have 10k gs, then yes. although i would spend the time to work on the campaign for the boons and also get good gear for your class
  • tellistorterratellistorterra Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Wow i ddin't expect a lot of people to comment on this in such a short time. my purpose for this is to help make the WoD zone/Tiamat fight less frustrating of an experience (because people on NWPC did not address issues very constructively usually, but those were a few people in particular and not everyone). i don't want NWXBOX to have as many toxic people ruining the point of the game: to have fun
  • tellistorterratellistorterra Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I'm loving this!

    Thank you :)
    i feel that since i have some experience and that we are all a community i should help keep it healthy
  • tellistorterratellistorterra Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    OH! another important point i just remembered!!!!

    DON'T. AFK. AT. THE. BASE! that's a sure-fire way to ruin your chances of winning the Fight. Even if you're dying a lot, you can die while doing the objective/providing buffs for people/debuffs on enemies. In one hand you could be dying a lot but contributing something for the goal, on the other hand, you could be afk at the base and providing NOTHING for everyone
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Great stuff - I've been looking at a few guides, and it'll be interesting to see if we can get a team of 25 people working together on the same plan. Excited to give this a try.
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  • tellistorterratellistorterra Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    telprydain wrote: »
    Great stuff - I've been looking at a few guides, and it'll be interesting to see if we can get a team of 25 people working together on the same plan. Excited to give this a try.

    It's not easy. but if we start early and get the word out now, we could see potential... i think
  • nem3slsnem3sls Member Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I am so pumped, can hardly wait. I have lots of dragon hoard coins :)
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  • lordmcjunlordmcjun Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    before anyone becomes so excited! XD you guys have to read these!.....


    if you want 100% success on tiamat!.....

    and oh!, P.S. be ready for campers, SHOUTS for laggers on DC AS & GF KV, low GS, low DPS, dropping framerates & etc. XD lol!....... <---Hoping these wont happen on XBone.
  • tellistorterratellistorterra Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    lordmcjun wrote: »
    before anyone becomes so excited! XD you guys have to read these!.....


    if you want 100% success on tiamat!.....

    and oh!, P.S. be ready for campers, SHOUTS for laggers on DC AS & GF KV, low GS, low DPS, dropping framerates & etc. XD lol!....... <---Hoping these wont happen on XBone.

    idr much about DC AS or GF KV.... but i covered low gs and low dps. i said they should spend time now to get better gear and work on their stats before this module launches on xbox. dropping framerates is a given since there's going to be a lot of things going. and it is indeed a very big boss battle. heck, my laptop, even on lower settings, suffered framerate-wise. a few occasions it did the whole "not responding" window thing.
  • lordmcjunlordmcjun Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    few weeks after tiamat was launch in PC, players didn't have anyone to blame but these two classes DC & GF (except for the devs of course cause they were hammered by players on forum! XD). They keep shouting DC stop ASTRAL SEAL, GF STOP USING KV my TOON is FROZEN TO DEATH LOL!.....
  • tellistorterratellistorterra Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    billyriz12 wrote: »
    For clarification I shouldn't be using Knights Valour?

    idk. but from my experience, rarely have i seen GFs use KV so maybe there's some reason behind that
  • tellistorterratellistorterra Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    lordmcjun wrote: »
    few weeks after tiamat was launch in PC, players didn't have anyone to blame but these two classes DC & GF (except for the devs of course cause they were hammered by players on forum! XD). They keep shouting DC stop ASTRAL SEAL, GF STOP USING KV my TOON is FROZEN TO DEATH LOL!.....

    wait i think i remember that now XD it was some time after the tiamat battles began and not soon after lol
  • tellistorterratellistorterra Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Just remembered another point that i didn't touch on: when are we going to do a mass hoard reclamation donation? PC was almost always Monday Mornings. i think this time, Monday evening?
  • lordmcjunlordmcjun Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    idk. but from my experience, rarely have i seen GFs use KV so maybe there's some reason behind that

    from what I do remember is those 2 skills was having a big impact on drop of framerates resulting to character freeze due to skill animations. So if those was fixed then there is no worries on XBoners but if not well GL :/ .......
  • trappy1026trappy1026 Member Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2015
    Yeah KV and AS just cause a metric fluff ton of new animations- during dragon fights I would LOVE to use astral seal, but it causes 5+ 'numbers' every few seconds to appear over EVERY character who's attacking the dragon, resource hogging out the wazoooo.

    I'm not really in a PVE guild as I mainly pvp, so I think would be cool if we got a huge thread going to coordinate this when we actually have to ability to do it.
  • tellistorterratellistorterra Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Well you could always share this thread/comment info to your guildmates and friends that play and are interested in Rise of Tiamat
  • travuskatravuska Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    what is the dragons hoard reclamation and how do you donate to it.
  • tellistorterratellistorterra Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    travuska wrote: »
    what is the dragons hoard reclamation and how do you donate to it.

    I'm sorry i never explained this. my bad lol

    Basically, in the Well of Dragons Zone, in the center, there's a crate/thing where you can donate your dragon hoard coins and other things to the hoard reclamation. Killing enemies/completing Heroic Encounters will sometimes grant you items to donate to the reclamation. You take whatever it is you're going to donate to the thing at the center of the zone, and choose how much you want to donate. sorry if my terminology is confusing, but it's been a while since i last played NWPC and i forgot a LOT.
  • eion311eion311 Member Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    billyriz12 wrote: »
    For clarification I shouldn't be using Knights Valour?

    I have used KV on every Tiamat fight, it's not an issue. Just be prepared for the damage from breaths, adds, etc.
  • katamaster81899katamaster81899 Member Posts: 1,157 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    First off: KV and Astral Shield is NOT the cause of the lag. These are rumors spread by whining crybabies who need people to blame for every little thing that goes wrong. Do not listen to any of these players, they don't know what they are talking about, the developers specifically addressed and patched that issue a long time ago.

    The Tiamat Fight:
    - It's boring as hell, and you need to run it (and win) over 100 times to get all of the gear and boons introduced with the well of dragons.
    - It drops unbound T2 set items all of the time, so better sell the ones you have before tiamat launches. Prices are going to crash
    - 20 minutes to beat tiamat, consists of an initial beginning phase, in which you need to kill 5 seperate enemies to pick up an reusable item that will protect you from the breath of one of the five heads. After that phase, it alternates between mob killing phases and Tiamat damaging phases.
    - Stick together, keep mobs off the clerics during the phases that occur inbetween the two minute rounds you have to attack tiamat.
    - Debuffs are your friends. Debuff the **** out of tiamat, and buff your team as high as possible.
    - Use the dragon slaying and protection scrolls that drop from the dragons in the well of dragons.
    - Dodging: Dodging is super key in the tiamat fight. There will not be indicators for many deadly 25k damage attacks. The demon mobs in Tiamat hit /really/ hard. You're going to need to anticipate when they are about to hit you, and time your dodges appropriately.
    - You're going to lose a whole lot at the beginning.
    - Lag will kill you multiple times during the fight.
    - Having a fast mount will make a difference during this fight.
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