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  • Forgive me for a developer, who tanked Star Trek Online, would have sat back and pulled the best things that were apart of NWN into this MMO to make it actually succeed instead of the money scheme we have currently. I should've known better, specially upon seeing "Caturday Survivor" title not to take this game seriously,…
  • Game developers protected and supported spam feature. Its annoying, aye. I don't care to keep hearing who won one, specially when it pops up in a foreign language.
  • I never claimed it was a sequel to anything; I did however point that this Neverwinter comes off of NeverWinter Nights. As for concrete evidence? For pun sake, check out deekin street in the enclave. "Nashers" should give you a major hint as well. The city is trying to repair itself in this time frame, I would assume this…
  • I keep seeing these kinds of ignorant comments pop up all over the forum. For example, Aion Online went open beta and the game wasn't F2P at the beginning.
  • Looks like people are going around trolling, making it so players can't chat in game. Yay! Lets try it. :confused:
  • No reason to spend anymore money now.
  • It was directed towards my beta testing experience, there's no need to be coy and go off on a tangent. Equally, there are some RP elements out there in FPS games. I'm a strict DnD nutcase, so pardon my biased outlook on how something based on DnD should operate. An instance that people have to search for... lol. Oh god.…
  • Or those random "buddies" you get that do quests with you, form a party and start talking to you in something other than English. That's pretty sad that there are people who argue with their loved ones to get off a video game.
  • Vast experience beta testing/playing numerous games, from FPS, RTS and MMORPGs. Wasn't going to mention WoW but I need to point something out: It is the most successful. Its still going strong with the subscription platform. Lord of the Rings, Star Trek online, Star Wars TOR... look where they ended up. A simple number…
  • .... Someone hasn't read the storyline/lore ingame.
  • And that's the screwed up part; its based on DnD, you SHOULD expect things. You SHOULD expect there to be DnD rulesets in place and not a game that claims to be "based on" that is just another game with DnD title slapped on it. The game, IMO based on vast experience, wont go far like this. Its trying too hard to be a WoW…
  • The game creators (Cryptic) talk about it being an epic role playing adventure. They basically took NeverWinter storyline and put it into an MMO. Hence the based upon. However they haven't even come close to adding in the RP functionality that was present in NWN.
  • This is the kind of environment NWN encouraged and geared towards. We don't have this kind of atmosphere in this game and its sad to see such a state from a DnD game.
  • The good times of actual role playing. Examples from NWN:
  • I shouldn't be limited on choices. I equally shouldn't be forced to have one armor class. Why can't my cleric wear padded armor as part of the RP process? Why am I forced to worship only a select few gods and not my chosen; Lurue?
  • I want a staff.
  • NeverWinter Nights was close to DnD, with all the combat rolls, RP, etc. This game isn't anywhere near DnD material - An 8 dex player isn't going to be able to just "dodge" attacks willie nillie like you can in this game. And the most important question of all: Why is my cleric only able to wield a giant hand mirror as a…
  • Oh but it is. Its a legal form that you are consenting towards, affirming and waving rights for the use of the product and services. Its why I laugh at all these people who claim they will file a lawsuit.
  • Ineffective zodd, your typing skills are ineffective -.- All that needs to be said is that someone agreed to the ToS and therein have no legal right towards characters, virtual currencies or services rendered from cash transactions.
  • I've BETA tested countless MMOs, FPS and two RTS. I've contributed to helping direct the game and watched in several aspects how the company disregards their beta testers. A full wipe, at this juncture, would be required for game economy recovery. However, given Cryptics already botched past with Star Trek Online, its safe…
  • And I should've known better, considering Star Trek Online. Sigh.
  • I didn't say anything about keeping characters/gear.
  • Finding bugs yes. Exploiting said bugs no. This isn't a difficult concept, OP.
  • No one's wanting a full wipe; we want a wipe but our ZEN purchases (real ZEN purchases, not AD/ZEN swap) refunded then the world started anew.
  • RPers are still in games even during BETA. Aion comes to mind. SW:TOR comes to mind.
  • See? There you go, good job! Now then, what happens when you have mass inflation. And translate that to the in game practice. And now you understand how it affects EVERYONE.
  • Do you have any concept, any at all, about economy principles and online gaming? Apparently you don't. Lets start with this: go read about Zimbabwe's inflation.
  • Well now I wish I had rolled on Mindslayer. I had calculated that most of the bad apples would have clicked on the first server and went from there. Needless to say I rolled on Dragon.
  • Problem with OP: The complaints are legitimate, specially since it affects EVERYONES game play. The ones playing in game are clueless as to what happened with the AH. Moment I found out about it, my first thought was "Well <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, economy is forever screwed." This is BETA: Which means we need…