gwf dont have no dodge we have sit there and take it we cant roll or teleport or slide away from damage were sitting ducks mean while rogues can be immune to our stuns and roll away with unlimted stamina smh
K/D ratio is what i care about in a pvp team based match K........ i play a gwf its not like cant dodge roll or teleport or slide away i dont stand in one place still get hit lash blade or shocking execution dude u play gwf ? if u so should now we have no way to defend against those attacks were sitting ducks for u to…
ok so excuse for rogues one shooting people is i dont have enough defense u must main a rouge there complaining because rogues are op all those people arent complaining for nothing only people who main rogues try come up with excuses oh u dont have enough defense oh u dont have enough deflect rogues will one shot u…
im tired of people who rage quit or dc and never come back why cant u kick them it lowers your team odds of winning kick them let some one else join sigh
TR are OP and i dont consider it a skill class a baby could play that class and look like a pro lol other classes actually take skill and u have know what u doing people who play TR and brag that there good is funny to me
yeah its suxs pvping against people who have played longer and have have better gear its easy to fix this system just match people with people around there GS thats all i ask and im sure others who pvp will agree
i would give this game a 6 pvp is bad as a new 60 ur forced to pvp with people way above ur own GS they gave TRs perma stealth now every tr is perma stealth now i would like if they would add a system in que when ur matched with people with ur GS or around it and theres so many things i could say but i will end it here…
been getting disconnected alot this month in pvp i get disconnected even when im out of pvp i get disconnected i have no idea whats wrong its not on my end checked
i really hate people who pay for stuff then complain about it when something else is released and feel they should have it because they have payed for things
same problem as u game plays smooth for a while then bam lag out of no where can barely move and i dont even think about entering instances i lag all over the place proteter enclave is terribble wonder when they will fix these problems for people who run the game with low settings and still get lag HAMSTER