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  • So instead of trying to help or create ideas for something you invest time in, you would rather just sit around and watch it crumble? As this game stands, it will be less successful than anything else they have done. The grind to end game content doesn't exist. It's a quick jog to max level and a quick job to get pretty…
  • The base stats of the items are good. The set bonus for 2 and for 4 both suck. One is almost useless and the other is useless. I wouldn't say that only the GWF got bad items though. Clerics got lifesteal.
  • Sadly enough after being disconnected a few times I clicked over to zone chat to ask if anyone had been experiencing it too, and was disconnected mid sentence.
  • Yeah it has been a pretty big let down if you were looking forward to it. I honestly think the event before this was better than this. There is nothing worth getting for end game players, and it just seems to be another long drawn out daily for people to make a LITTLE bit of money with grym coins. The only thing…
  • I think you're assuming I don't have like a combined total of 16+ days of play time and haven't done everything there is to do :O. I have not a life. Whatever you do, don't do that! =/.
  • Well if they don't then there is something wrong, because if you call yourself experienced in this game, just running the questlines can get you to level 60 in a days worth of play time =/. Maybe a day and a half. That's like a week of play for an average person who has a job. And getting epic gear is as easy as selling…
  • How dare you. How dare you want developers to make a game that works. For shame.