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  • Additionally, there is the view propogated by many "ninja looters" claiming that these are fake/unreal/virtual items and that people should not get mad about it. however most people's viewpoints (as well as some laws like the one you mention, and more popping up slowly over time) show a much different story. quite simply,…
  • forgive the momentary off topic reply, but I just want to say that for a third language, you type english better than most people for whom english is their first/only language.
  • I think you darn near hit the nail on the head here. There are virtually no game systems (either in code or in GMs) set up to keep such behavior in check. these kinds of people are so incredibly prolific that there are no effective social checks by the players themselves except to devolve into that system or make their own…
  • well, that is the de facto system that a lot of people follow, as everyone in this thread already knew. The real debate here is about what is wrong (or not wrong) with that system, and what can/should be done better, either socially by players or in game mechanics by devs. imo, the best option is still for the devs to make…
  • that is, sadly, how it works in this game, and personally, I have never liked it. it was a huge culture shock for me when I started playing neverwinter and found people rolling need on everything, as I had gotten used to how it worked in another game where even when it did previously work like it does here (it works a…
  • oh, and just to clarify, I mean that they should have announced the details of who/what/WHEN/where/why/how/huh, not just the supposed "we'll get to this eventually." deadlines have a way of inspiring people to do things far more than just a "we'll do it when we get around to it."
  • There may or may not have been statements in history about the AD on the packs being temporary, but the simple fact is that the packs themselves did not say that, nor was there warning about when the AD would get removed. I agree completely that this reduces the value of those packs to something far below the prices asked.…
  • add my name to the list of all the people getting this very same crash. I'm kinda miffed, too, because I have several characters that are 6/7 on their invocations and about an hour or so before those go to 0. when I got up this morning to do them at my usual time, we were in maintenance, and now... CRASH! I don't suppose…
  • I'm kind of surprised here. I understand completely the availability of the test shard and both its purpose (to test cryptic's content) and extra perks (like previewing things), but let's all at least please acknowledge that it's really bad design to not have a preview window available on live. it's a standard quality of…
  • it's hard to say, since their track record with this is mixed. On one hand, in Champs, as I know you know, it is like you say, bundled in with player housing, though subscribers do get one unlocked for "free." Meanwhile, in STO, it's not bundled with anything, but getting it requires either buying it, or subscribing for…
  • 1. Have you purchased a Companion? Why? (Gold Currency and Content Pack Companions Excluded) I have bought one of the acolytes of kelemvor as a gift for my roommate, who wanted to try one, but was going through a bit of a rough patch, so I wanted to be nice. I've never bought one for myself. 2. What factor prevents you…
  • I hope the devs know! It's really hard working on a module when you don't. Boss: "You! Get to work on Module 2, now!" Dev: "I would, but what is it?" Boss: "It's a secret! I can't tell you." Dev: "You don't know either, do you?" Boss: "maybe..." Dev: "..."
  • for what it's worth, they used to have three different groups they went through, not just peanut labs, and back then, peanut labs were the only ones that had ANY that worked and gave credit for me. the others were entirely wastes of my time. Peanut Labs stuff on here may not be good, but it's still the best that PWE has…
  • for most players, you're right and that works great. I admit, that point was probably better suited to people who play like do. I'm an altoholic who tends to roll a bunch of new characters and level all of them close to evenly. As a result, on my main server, most of my characters are between 20 and 25 still, though I have…
  • I'm not really bothered by the mount prices, and here's why. 1) they are account wide, and can be used on every character you make, once those characters reach level 20 and are eligible for mount usage. 2) for simple basic utility, there are mounts as low as $5 US (500 zen), even though those are the slowest mounts. that…
  • when the bid disappears, are you getting your astral diamonds back?
  • in normal D&D, I'd be with you on this, but the way this game handles it implies that the orb thingy is necessary for wizard magic now. They make big points about how with the destruction of Mystra and the Weave, magic has to work a different way now. While I haven't seen anything that outright says the orb is a required…
  • back when I was into that, a couple dealers that were particularly nice were Atlanta Cutlery and Museum Replicas Ltd. Check 'em out.
  • I'm not sure how it is in 4e, but in 3.x, wizards and rogues could (especially with the right feat) wear higher classes of armor, but there were penalties to consider, especially for arcane casters like wizards. wizards had a spell failure chance to contend with in any armor heavier than basic leather, and rogues had many…
  • Just a side note about the Second Life suits. Second Life in particular is a special case among online "worlds." Second Life maintains an actual exchange rate between their virtual currency and real world currencies, and that is part of what has opened them up to this type of scrutiny. They have already given real world…
  • iirc, LOTRO does something along similar lines for their equivalent of fashion slots. They have as many cosmetic only slots as they have visible real armor slots, so that people can mix and match real gear into their fashion set. Personally, I'd love some more cosmetic options, and while I know a costume designer on the…
  • See, that's where it's conflicted for me, because I am a rabid supporter of the games that these people make. To me, though, that does not mean I'm going to like or agree with every decision they make. I want this game to be good at least as much as the devs do, and that's why I say what I say and give the opinions I do.…
  • I just tried logging in and it seems to be working fine for me, although it was a little slower than usual.
  • It's not exactly just taking things away that I advocate. a reversal of the situation to place these boxes/keys/horses/etc back to how they were prepatch is what I think is most right. thursday morning, that would have been via rollback, and many of us online at the time expected/hoped that there would be one. I suspect…
  • Okay, clearly the question about whether or not these things were/are an exploit is not resolved, primarily because everybody has their own pet definitions on what is and is not an exploit, so let's look at another side of this, and pardon me while I recount some things that we already know and/or saw. Regarding Nightmare…
  • omg, I'd rather a reduced XP weekend. we already get TOO MUCH XP as it is. I have to skip stuff in order to not out level content, and I HATE skipping stuff.
  • I'm fine with them being like this. it's supposed to be annual, so the event will come around again next year, so there should be other opportunities.
  • Then allow me... greed. pure and simple. if someone is running content that they neither "need" nor properly enjoy, because they can make money that is tied to a game, then they aren't here to play a game. The motivation for such might be different for different individuals. maybe it's just to see a really big number of…
  • now that you mention it, that's a darn good point. things like this usually strike me as screwy, but I hadn't yet caught this one. kudos to you. the other thing that I don't get is why this is called a midsummer festival, when it's really marking the end of summer. even the actual events (especially the farming/feasting…
  • see, what makes that unfair to me is that not everybody runs for profit, some people are running to actually get that gear for that character. Those people, imo, are genuinely entitled to roll need for it. everyone else's profit concerns are, at best, secondary. hence the very reason the greed roll option exists in the…