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  • humor? darn I'd be rich doing my stand-up comedy sketches for you
  • Maybe do something else then throwing zergs of adds at us over and over and over, causeing the cleric to get all aggro all the ****ing time+ Not that hard
  • **** you're annoying bro. If I were a mod I'd ban you a long time ago for coming to thread after and being a total pooper, posting this ****
  • I think it will last. It has a great base platform and the foundry concept is genious. (have done very little Cryptic content since I level through the foundry, awesome storylines there). What's not so good though is the slaughter of the D&D ruleset and character progression. I did ofc know this when I went into the game,…
  • And again as I said before; the game is in beta and will prob continue to stay in beta indefinately because that is the new thing now for F2P based online games. All mobas are doing it, all FPSes are doing it and all MMORPGs are doing it. You get away with a lot more if you jsut keep the game in beta and blame it on…
  • even if "idiots" were a little rude I agree with everything you said. Open Beta works as a scape goat for companies nowadays and somehow no matter how many companies have done this lately ppl still buy it up. Neverwinter is a great game but its not a open beta, its released now, the cash shop is in place, all system are at…
  • Never said it was a Easy fix, but as it is now its unplayable for me. I don't need "tank n spank, tank have all aggro forever and healer spam heal tank" gameplay. I like it that we have to be picky as tanks to what we aggro and try to control the most dangerous mob. But because they got lazy and just turned every dungeon…
  • So when will it release then? Never? It's not that I mistrust your expertise but I've been around playing enough MMORPGs, Mobas and MMO to have learned that companies of today are too scared of getting negative critique so that they just slap their "Open Beta" logo on their product and in fear of getting bad reviews never…
  • There is a huge issue though, as a Control Wizard in a dungeon I spend 85% of my time chasing the pug cleric around, aoeing the adds that attack her/him constantly. I only have occasionally small windows to shift my attention to the boss. If the cleric goes down, I immediately get all of the aggro even from mobs I never…
  • With that logic we can go on and say that Diablo 3 is still in beta. Have you played League of Legends? That game is still "beta" how long have League been out for now? Oh ye, since 2009. Clearly still a Beta!! The real definition of a Open Beta is when the game goes from internal testing (closed) to test on a bigger scale…
  • I tend to agree. I have one GF and one Rogue character. With the GF I almost always just keep my focus on perma taunting the boss and let the group deal with adds mostly since I just can't keep them all aggroed on my level (30s). With my rogue I constantly switch between attacking the boss and as soon as adds spawn I try…
  • It's just PWE being <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> as always and there's a reason that League of legends makes tons of money in comparison to PWE while only maintaining one single game
  • Please OP for the love of god break up your post in paragraphs.
  • Ehm ur kinda playing the cleric wrong Just sayin... This is not WoW (new WoW) where you spam heal everyone and never run out of mana. If you don't believe that Clerics does difference in dungeons (even low level) then I dunno... Play rogue maybe?
  • OP You do understand that to be able to cast spells you have to study A LOT right? Though you are gifted with the talent to become a magician it's not like you magically (huh huh) can spellcraft when you are a child, you have to learn first. And we are not talking about learning just to be able to cast the spells, to cast…
    in The Library Comment by spazzen May 2013
  • I main a GF myself. It took a couple of hours for me to really understand what I was supposed to do since I can't run into a room and force everyone to attack me for... forever, I finally understood that my job is to 1) hold aggro on specific mobs that are dangerous and 2) tank the bosses. Adds is something I just have to…
  • Ehm no... TR can't kill me as a GF however I can lock them down by breaking their knees. In every single match I've played it ended with their team focusing everything on me because I was so annoying (I love bully classes) that they had no choice but to try to get me out of the way first before engaging my support. They…
  • Have to disagree with what you said. I main a tank and I've done a couple of PVP runs on it. PvP is about positioning and as a cleric you're supposed to stay behind with the CW's. You will never be perma dazed/CC'd that never happen (I'd love as a tank if I could do that). As a tank I'm always try to be in the face of the…