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  • What keeps me playing? :) I play because I enjoy the game. Period. I suck at PvP...but I still PvP because it's a different skill than PvE. I've leveled a TR, a DC and a CW in that order and each time I leveled a new class it became my favorite one. Currently my CW is my favorite. I've got a GWF standing on the beach ready…
  • Personally I would like the salvager available to sell purples I may have used early on after hitting level 60 that I have since replaced with better gear. They are bound to me now and I'd rather sell them to salvage for AD then the paltry amount of gold I could get for them. :/
  • My lvl 60 CW is pretty squishy but I regularly go back to Whispering Caverns just to keep in practice and in general I have no issues there...though there was that one time I got mobbed by two drow assassins, three warriors, two blade spiders and a Drider...that was...kind of unmanageable... :D But yeah I tended to stalk a…
  • Ancient Magister? I think that's the orb from CN.....
  • I have a mixed set...Gladiator Mage armor and cap and High Vizier boots and gloves, enchants are level 5 or above spreading around crit, arpen, recovery and power (and movement in Utility slots). Currently using the Gladiator orb and Talisman of the arcane overseer with ancient rings and, like you, blue pants and shirt…
  • There are two separate factions of dungeon runners out there like it or not. There are "speed runners" and there are those who would rather do the dungeon to it's fullest extent. I tend to fall into the latter category and it's frustrating to wind up in a pug group where three people want to speed run it and the other two…
  • XP means very little when you're maxed at 60 and if I had to pay to repair my armor every time I wiped in a dungeon I wouldn't bother running them at all. There are people out there who feel injury kits are too expensive to waste 10 per dungeon. I don't think this would solve the problem I think it would make it worse.
  • OMG I have to try that LOL I didn't realize it did that :D I was only a chicken for 12 seconds, I haven't gotten anything good from the more advanced potions yet. :D
  • I play a CW and I've had my *** handed to me by a couple clerics....
  • I love Azure Bonds :) It was the first FR book I ever read :D
  • It's probably the potion that makes you "huge" LOL I've made myself huge, tiny, a chicken, a wolf and poisoned myself countless numbers of times. One of the fun things about alchemy (except I know better to only use them in PE where I self heal LOL)
  • Thanks! I was wondering what the female version of HV armor looked like :D
  • Was looking into Lightning for weapon and Thunderhead for armor....thoughts?
  • High Vizier arms and feet, Gladiator armor and cap (visuals disabled). GWF colors. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  • Thank you. :)
  • Aside from the large balancing patch a bit ago I've never had a patch much larger than 250mb.
  • I'm going to go out on a limb here and say graphic and animation (*true* graphic and animation, some of the things you guys are tying to graphics and animation are NOT graphics and animation) are a faster fix than code. It's a lot simpler for the graphics team to fix the skinning issues with a set of armor than it is for…
  • OMG I LOLed.... Seriously though I've come across very few GWFs in PvP that seem underpowered, and by that I mean that I can actually compete against as a CW. IF I can stay out of their way and IF I have enough dodges left to get out of their range I MIGHT have a fighting chance of staying alive but forget stopping long…
  • I like my AD reward...I'm not a hardcore PvPer...I *almost* never quit even if half my team is bots (the exception being if I'm the last one left, I'm not a complete <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>). I've found the *worst* time for me to try PvPing as a "casual" player is during the 1 hour Arena PvP event. I encounter…
  • ...if you dream in PvP....
  • After trying it out I have to agree. The overall effect of tabbed EF (especialy for AP generation) only works well on mobs and even on mobs lately I'm more likely to slot Chill Strike in Tab over it. I switched back to RoE in tab (with EF, Chill Strike and CoI slotted encounters with MM and RoF at wills) and seem to be…
  • (Caveat: I just woke up...I *think* all my grammar makes sense but you never know) I can't speak from personal experience since I haven't actually played a GWF myself however I do know that they are a force to be reckoned with in PvP. If the other team has a single GWF though and we don't we have a chance of beating them,…
  • Well for what I gather they are supposed to be red white and blue for the Independence Day celebration and while I admit they are very bright and paint me a lovely target for PvP (I'll stick with my GWF dyed CW robes for the moment I think) I don't know that they're ugly :D
  • Just a side note...I was in a pug group the other day down 300 to 900 and still managed to pull out a win so it's never impossible as long as no one gives up. Nobody on *either* team gave up BTW, and as far as I could tell neither team had bots.
  • Personally I could care less about the mask. I just want the dyepacks. :)
  • The biggest download patch I saw was the big balancing one, the rest have been quite small and quick for me.
  • Wow...they're giving you free stuff in honor of the US Independence Day tomorrow plus double rough AD (which means leadership and Dailies) and you're complaining? I don't get people, man, I really *really* don't. *sigh*
  • Yeah, when I respeced I didn't include IR in my Powers :/ I've been reading a lot about it lately though so I might give it a try. I still have my founders pack respec.
  • Servers aren't down for maintenance yet.