^ This!!! This has happened before. So what we have is nerf, nerf, nerf, the dc, then wait every 5 mods to finally do something decent with DCs, then nerf, nerf, nerf, the DC. Rinse and repeat. As for devs hating DCs, i cant remember where but it was someone posted that the devs least favorite class to work on was the DC,…
What we need is all DC groups again. played in them until mod 5. Someone create a channel for this and id join. I would but work has me only getting weekends off.
I think it's OP is a good idea. Why not either increase stealth depletion or just don't allow TRs to not contest node while in stealth? Let's see, players cried for DC nerfing when it came to healing, this resulted in Righteousness becoming a class feature given to them (-40% nerf to self healing). Then came the HAMSTER…
Even with these "assurances" players will still be weary of any new mod. There has been others who have posted that fixes are/were underway yet here we are 6 mods in and there are still bugs/issues in game that pre-date mod 6. Dev track record is terrible, and will take a long time of regular fixing and preparedness for up…
Most other things that need fixing has been said by others, i'll post was hasn't that regads my gameplay. DCs need a looking at. It took 5 mods to finally have any real/useful change to the DC class and with mod 6 it was once again ignored. Please read through the Mod 6 DC Feedback Thread for bugs/suggestions on what to do…
For you DPS DCs out there, why not just make an all DC party. 3 DPS and 1 hear or 4 DPS, 1 healer. The most fun i have ever had in a party was being in an all DC group. Have completed all dungones/skirmishes (not tiamat), prior to mod 6. Wouls love try it out in mod 6.
Mod 6 has to be the worst mod to date. I thought mod 5 Rise of Recycled Content was bad, Mod 6 Temple of Perpetual Recycled Content is absolutely awful. I don't know why players wanted to recycle the same dungeons all over again, were you not tired of running through them a 100+ times that you needed more monotony? We…
Dont forget to do these two things as welll, 1. Dread Ring Dungeons for those guaranteed GMarks, in mod 6 they will become RNG drops. 2. Neverember Dailies as they will be gone in Mod 6. Do those dailies while you still can, it's free AD!
Clearly players are not controlliing those healing DCs properly, well most players aren't. I mainly play a DPS DCs but do have 1 healing DC. The smart players can easily kill my healing (faithful) DC if they control me. this is 1v1 - 1vmany. Control the DCs and they die very quick. A controlled DC cant use at-wills nor…
Disregard this thread, with this last patch nothing once again for DCs. We give them free testing, they have a thread for feedback, but it's ignored. Just don't test or give them any more feedback again,
FEEDBACK: 7 patches for the mod and nothing for us DCs. Why bother testing a class that isn't even given the time of day. Might as well lock this thread as feedback is just ignored. I'm done testing the class for them. I can only hope no one else bothers testing DCs again as we all can see it's pointless. Hell only way any…
SWs sure, they are near bottom, but dont agree with gwf being at bottom of pile. At the bottom of the pile is still the class that reigns supreme there, and that's the DC class. 7 patches for the mod and nothing but HAMSTER feats/powers. They don't even care for DCs.
I myself take care on how/when to use Sunburst. It is pain when other DCs just fire away and screw well placed/timed encounters for any class. I try to be aware of what other are doing so as not to disturb them or their intentions. But there are instances when using Sunburst that do interrupt others is warranted. I will…
FEEDBACK: Devoted Clerics DCs are being ignored yet again. There are suggestions in the feedback threads yet nothing is done or attempted. I can only hope that Devoted Clerics will have some changes in next weeks patch. It honestly feels that DCs are just an after thought to the devs. It took 5 mods to finally have DCs on…
FEEDBACK: Crit Stat Reduction With the rework on stats and especially on the Crit stat, Crit build clerics (Healing and DPS) are just destroyed. Crit build Healing DC: The new crit stat reduction effectively kills the build as they heavily relied on crits rather than power, in order to heal their party members. Crit Build…
Updated List FEEDBACK: POWER OF THE SUN FEAT (Righteous Tree) Currently the description says "Brand of the Sun reduces the targets damage out put and their chance to crit by 1/2/3/4/5%." This is a the DPS tree for DCs, it's current way of working has no place here. That should be more for Virtuous buff/debuff tree. Here…
I can't describe how much i hated, and still hate, Minsc and boo in Baldurs gate games. They were the worst characters in that series. even the stupid wingless elf was more tolerable than the previous two. Now more than ever do i want to see Mod 7 as a new evil alignment path that allows players as villains and try to…
I like the semi free aim system. Others i have tried, have some tab button pressing and tons of powers at the bottom of the screen, its too much. The action combat system here is much better. If i can find another mmorpg with same combat system as Neverwinter, I will definitely give it a try. Content here is just recycled.…
FEEDBACK: AoE Auto Target Not bad of as an extra for DCs. It can be great for distance targeting but absolutely awful for targeting a specific location to a specific in a heated battle in PvP. Glad you placed a way to turn Auto target on/off. Alss just to repeat what i had previously posted... FEEDBACK: Living Fire This…
Aw HAMSTER, just PMed Zeb on how to do this, as he posted it was possible to keep same appearance and still change ability rolls. Guess it isn't possible. I absolutely hate the new faces. too plastic/anime looking for my liking. original faces were way better.
For myself, I stay away from PvP, it's unbalanced and not worth the headache. Until classes can be properly balanced I'm just going to do PvP on neveremeber dailys + rhix, even then I'm not going to try hard, or not at all.
Prices can be steep for transmuting for many if not all level 60+ items. I rarely try it, unless i have a free item to use or if it is a leveling item such as dragon bone weapon, mulhorands, and artifact weapons. Reason for these items are because if you have a skin you like, then you can transmute the above mentioned ones…
I haven't played an SW since it first came out but i would suggest that the curse that SWs can place on enemies, could heal the SW when the SW attacks the cursed target.. So have it work like the DCs Astral Seal, but only heals the SW who placed it, attacks that target, and not heal any others. Maybe downgrade the amount…