its the usual mobbing of (solo) tank and healer in campain stuff. You need to be in group with an solid DPS to get activity from giants low dps also dont get activity (i once had a 30k dps in my group) or use your dps loadout (if you dont be a paladin like me :x).
Hmm i got it over steam and uses the link to NeverWinter.exe ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cryptic Studios\Neverwinter.exe") till you broke it. So i tried arc client and installed NW over there and now it patches the hell on earth in the already patched steam folder (why ever) but at least the launcher…
Got the same issue but could play the game just 2 hours ago. But want to start again and then it patches some and now permant dead. Start with cryptic error dont even let me put in my password :o 5643ac
RADQ resets yesterday, i run it and today its still only 4k raw AD. So full raw ad are only claimable 1 time per week. Is that intendended ? Beside that what logic is in this 4k without bonus when easier random queues always give 6k ??? ( RTQ resets as expected every day to 34k )
"The Glass Enchantment used in the mission How Enchanting is no longer discardable." So what happens to chars that discaded that Enchanting and now cant fulfill the Quest "How Enchanting" nor restart it via discarding the quest itselfs. Dont you thing this would be worth mentioning in patch notes, when you already detectet…
Hmm seems there was an update the items in Questdescription are now in german \o/ Nethertheless i still cant manufacture them, because i dont have the recept VI for make items to get recept VI But as masterwork Professions is not mentioned in Jewel of North, im afraid i have to wait much longer to see some progress here :(
In MSP there was a mysterios Wall surounding Kabal for all group members. But not always visible. if u stood inside - no wall if too outside so: And ofc again two healers in REDQ when dps was missing. but i guess you never fix that :x
the following is still not fixed. Maybe nobody reported it before ... In german client you cannot see the time when next Insurgencies will start. Theres only the Text "Wartet auf weitere Insurrektionen" without the minutes to wait behind it (like in english client). Would be nice to fix it and dont let us blind :)
i dont read anything on difficulty fixing. If its easier for you it might be that random thing in simple not getting tons of Zythar who shoulds you down
Maybe they FIRST should fix that annoying landing with TWO Healers in REDQ Instances (esp LOMM or CR ) there. And this Please *before* increasing Penalties.
two months have gone any updates its ANNOING to have 2 healers in Lomm or 3 Tanks and 3 Healers in Svardborg. And then have to wait 5 till 15 minutes to get out of this ***
Glyphworks: When teleporting to the Glyphworks, there is no longer a "Gather Your Party" circle; as a result, players who have not unlocked the Glyphworks can no longer be teleported there in this way. Which leads to the following: If you have a party for restoring the glyphworks only *one* person can use the just restored…
Acquisitions Incorporated: Players can now create tokens (Bind to Account) to give alternate characters discounted progress in this campaign. That just does not work. I mean you can create the token that works fine but i can not use it on twink because campain already finished (???) i did it anyway now its gone without any…
The weekly (blue) restore the Glyphwork Quest will appear exactly 7 days after you restored the Glyphwork the first time (yellow quest). Please make it appear after week changes and maybe on the same week also (like in other campains). After you get a weekly glyphwork quest you can repeat those quest many times in the same…
I also have complete bonus round without dieing or even loose helth (for having shields and hearts all the time) got 9 Tokens of brimstone now and 0 tokens of flame. But the NPC says clear i got one if i complete bonus round. So hmm where is it ? Cant have 9 tokens by now without a bonus round, or ?
cannot confirm. I was in this morning with 23k SW (beside the fact that player left RIQ queue so it was undoable after time) Fighting alone for the blue gem does huge damage from mobs but no one shots i was alone on blue dragon with gem and get no one shots (it was like 20% hp) There were no one shots at clerics and not on…
Sure still beatable for my 25k dc even with single damage Skills (and Daily to heal myself) but never for the average Player. Don't get me wrong here - sure the damage they do is a bit over the top and the damage they can take before dieing slowing it down, but still seems solo beatable (half an hour each). If its intended…
so how about repairing routing on that (or the accountserver itself ;) ):x Is clearly no client issue thanks therealprotex for pointing it out i stuck also on that server
Normally i do not need any divinity for the cocoon I just use Intercession for healing the person up and then i stand beside and doing the at-will healing on the cocoon. Usually that works as long as no other player is stealing intercession :)
Beside that German translation is also buggy: You get the initial quest text at the end of first quest (after you crafted smth) and original english at the beginning first window (Before hitting the Bug above)
Masterwork is bugged again ? You guys kidding me ? I cannot fulfill the Quest for Weapon Smith 4 anymore (with my Titansteel Items like a day before) . Really Great Work Concrats :s