Well, first of all you are assuming other people play and/or have fun the way that you do. We are all different. Secondly, if you don't want to do a greed run, then don't. Greed runs are normally for players who already have high-level gear and wouldn't actually need anything anyway. They do those dungeons to make money.…
The other problem is that it took forever to do the poison crate quest because there were 20 people running around grabbing them. I LIKE the 10 minute synchronized dragon timer idea.
I am a moderately geared HR (my best gear is the 4 pieces you can buy and improve in Icewind) and I've been intimidated into avoiding high end content. On a whim last night I queued up for Kessel's Retreat which is way higher than any content I have previously attempted. I died about halfway through and no one on my team…
Indeed I needed to unequip them before they showed in the crafting window. And yes, I realized those were both level 3 crafting and not level 2 as well. So "fail" pretty much all the way around. Now I've bought the boots and I'm saving up on ice to refine. Thanks for the help!
As I am sitting there thinking about it, would it matter that I have enchants in those pieces? I know it's probably sad that I am wearing them but I am a new player and went to IWD as soon as I got my 3rd boon in Shandara. ;)
Well if I can throw my 2 coppers in as a non-PVP player. I am a newb, I 'just' made it into Dwarven Valley in IWD and I only have one piece of starter Black Ice Gear (just over 11k GS). I haven't done any PvP except some lower level domination when I was leveling. Every day I see that blue exclamation point over the PVP…
Thanks for the advice, all. I still had a respec token from my "first time buyer's kit" so I respecced and paid very close attention to the feats, etc. For my loadout I ended up going Split the Sky, Rain of Arrows and Thorn Ward. Seismic and Forest Ghost for daily. Split Shot of course, and I have been experimenting with…
I have tried ALL the suggestions above, and still I must run with my graphic sliders at LOW and LOW to avoid graphics lag. I can actually run the lowest MEDIUM/MEDIUM setting on all but my CW, who lags much worse than the rest. It always happens to me in solo instances, if that matters. Am I the only NVIDIA user still…