A mount similar to the Legendary Flying Carpet but a bird, raven comes to mind most readily (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, iykwim), but maybe a giant eagle, that the player character can mount on it's back, but they can also carry either their companion in the bird's talon's/claws/grip or another player character. But the…
A mount that is more like a magic power that enables the player character to become another biological thing (eg. insect, arachnid, mammal, reptile, bird). Similar to the Celestial Wings mount but a either a full morph or a partial morph. Like a spirit possession or fusion. I wanted dark wings (ie. raven wings) for one of…
Perhaps a changeling mount power so that the player turns into the thing (a Druid-like power I guess). Again, eg. Raven :) and then ohoh, like the Legendary Carpet, I could as a Raven grab another player character in my claws and fly/carry them around. (Of course, actual flying would be a welcome function also if the mount…
1. I've also seen the beam ignore my character while it's standing in it to intercept. Lag perhaps? 2. I would wager the 2nd boss adjustment rotation is a design but really 50/50 on it. Makes it interesting. 3. The 3rd boss I've seen fixate on a dead player outside the arena like several other boss fights in the game…
As I expected, no comment yet, and no additional players requesting an appropriate reward. This belongs as a support ticket and not a community forum post.
Also, sometimes when I hear the stupid windy sound first activate (indicating fast movement) my warlock still gets interrupted in PvP most noticeably. Immunity frames like other classes please...
Please fix the Boots of Misty Steps. I strongly dislike the unpredictable jittery movement. It's like having to sit through a cutscene instead of driving. I strongly disbelieve that the movement is linked to and reflective/responsive to my mental/emotional/energetic state.
I can imagine that the mounted versions of T-Rex type mounts were bred as a reason they are smaller than those fought in Chult but I don't know how you can provide a mount with the same name as the big bad in Omu, BUT seeing as you already did, please update the King of Spines mount to be bigger (match the size of the…
Well, if my previous post isn't the best one (ie. suggesting no new class but expand on the existing ones), I'll vote for monk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x77bi4kfXzQ&list=PLcRIDkduXqjs0YgLNeCq6c6p2uA2MrbOF&index=7
The cauldron is the cryptic Cryptic message to players, erm, "Fools of Neverwinter", they are or will be boiled alive. It's their pleasure. Why would a player willingly put themself into a boiling cauldron? "Smart fighters quit while they're ahead."
I strongly doubt they will refund you or return the original items. In this case the trade-in does show "bound to account" so there is that, but another example I ticketed them for which they flat out refused to acknowledge pertained to the mount insignia and collar upgrades. The insignias and collars have a preview popup…
Yes, eladonwarps, I liked. Being able to craft useful chests for extra storage and not just decorative chests would be a useful goal for mastercraft. Leather or cloth bags, Runic bags or perhaps not "legendary" but "epic" tier bags. A Mastercraft boon system is also something I've wanted for a long time.
Rather than a new class, I'd rather the classes in the game get more options. I found a couple player's handbooks (PHB) online because I was curious if an Encounter Power my class has could be found in the PHB because it didn't seem like an Encounter Power name the class ought to have and I was going to suggest renaming…
Been a while since I checked on this post and since I was prevented from logging into the forums here for a couple months I can now add: 5. Avernus has what looks like a script on the canisters in the Stygian Docks area.
In general, common sense is not so common. I tried to apply my sense of what is common as pertains to advertising to this game, to this process, as I have little experience with other online games. The Neverwinter official wiki has no information on this binding mechanism being persistent through upgrades. In my…
Yes, when demons were added to Neverwinter many mods ago, they have never given me experience points for defeating. Now, Module 19, most demons give experience in Avernus but I hesitate to claim experience can now be gained from all demons in all zones now.
Description and Goal: Reward players for defeating demons with experience points to level the playing field for all critter types. Area of Impact: Demons Risks & Concerns: None I'm aware of, unless it exposes a cryptic meaning in not providing experience points up to this point.