... Scarecrow fallacy will not work. i will try explain REALLY slowly. hysterical attacks is not necessary here i dont sayed "cc, only, cause embalance to the game" but, itself, cause between classes: weird, no? letme explain AGAIN in the past, a destroyer dont pay nothing to be a "hibrid" between striker/defender. same…
Did you understand exactly the opposite: Let's suppose that the tank role no longer existed and yet fighter / barbs was just like the old conquer / destroyer, offensively and defensively... if the role "defender" dont exist, why you have two classes that still are able to defend satisfactorily a party against hordes of…
Iam not a main wizard or warlock player- aways hate play that second one - and don’t need be to respond this. Noworries shared to us 2 datas about dps, the first say about a certain elite of players,and the other about average ones. In both wizards are the best class - not ONE between the bests, but the best - and…
We have a lot of problems/questions. 1 - Lets supposed they balance all dps paragons (hahahaha): Why tanks PAY TAXES to be tanks but dps don’t? different to healers and tanks, a dps, by our own nature, become independent as they evolve. so... dont should be exactly the oposite? 2 - speaking about "wizards"... a) WHY THEY…
i think the main point about balance is: in all the game, less a certain trial, a dps have enough tools to do all the content really, really confortable. you cant say the same for the other roles. the main question is: why? lets be really honest: that new way to "separete roles", in the end, is just a way to segregating…
well... as a "non cw player", Iam feel a little "persona non grata" in this forum now. again, take away that -10% penalty in tank damage; doing that and you will have 3 happy groups of players.
in fact, all the classes dont look the same. for example, fighter vs DC. lets suposed both have the same damage. to compensate the fact that DCS have range attacks and dodge, and fighters, being melees, are more "exposed", they have block "like a tank". that sounds a good diference and +/- balanced. you dont see that…
... i just have one important point: w/o Demon Lord's, that dps classes will have more defensive status/hp using lvl80 sets, that means... well, tanks in general are not too important, so think about improve our damage too. i can change my gwf back to bladmasters. but, you know... we already dont have much tanks outside.
agree 100%... but in the second case, if you buff only path powers, you will create a internal embalance between that powers and the core ones. in this case, will be necessary buff or even rework some feats (asterdahl classes). for sws, you can just create that internal embalance between core/path powers OR buff damage as…
and that is the most ironic: scaling in the old combat/charater system would be great. separate roles by paragons like now would be great. the real problem is that total rework in some powers/feats/ class features, etc. the game looks like someone who goes to the barber and because of a series of scissors errors ends up…
For them, having these classes a dual role, increasing the magnitude of that base powers would increase the damage of tanks / healers. the question is: why not?
... so, until you guys realize that something is wrong in that balance data, if something is wrong in that balance data, we will need wait, for example, one year at least? but i have a simple question: what is the difference, in damage, between tanks/healers and that dps? is possible decrease that a little?
... in fact, less defensive slots for a melee class w/o dodge dont will be great for bladmasters in general. being supposedly able to deal similar damage even using 3 defensive slots should be a minimum compensation. about improve damages/determination in general... lets be honest, they have sooooooooo many forms to buff…
… of course that is about you. Vs Tellme, HOW DEADLY FAST, IN A PARTY, YOU CAN CLEAN EVERTHING AS A SUPPORTER? IF THAT IS JUST ABOUT GEAR, TELLME, YOUR OOOOOOVER GEARED TANK KILL HORDES FAST AS A DPS in the most old content at least to contradict the main point of the topic? so... wtf are you talking about? THAT is why…
mimimi, bla,bla, bla... long story short for everbody else: How manny times we listening that "who cares for the rest, we are doing a dungeon "x" now". Every new module is that. The new dungeon become a "example of balance" and the previous one a "who care place". That is why dps classes need be less "self sufficient".…
--- yes, the problem is the dps, no matter a module. aways has. THAT IS THE MAIN POINT OF THE THREAD, the progress of a 26k dps vs a progress of 26k supporter through the most of dungeons. we already have some excuse like "the problem is dungeons, the problem is status", rework after rework. sorry, is time to get some…
you sayed two great trues here. the first is about my wish (hahahaha) the second is about the selfish charater of a dps player. letme explain why that problem need be fixed. our devs plan fix that damage formula for everbody. what that means, fighters and barbarians, as a dps, will do the same damage as a classes that have…
first: this game or even dungeons is not only about kill two bosses that, soon or later, will be outdated too. for example, Trobriand. that is ONE MOMENT in the entire dungeon and we have 20 dungeons or more. the other point is, i already see dps surviving to that with bad healers. second: what i wish for dps is some…
... wait, the first and biggest problem is not tanks and healers have less status to improve but how much evolve a dps compared to supporters. that happens since beta. the FIRST thing to do is bring down, by a lot, how much a dps can survive w/o supporters, no matter the dungeon level. because, right now, the opposite…
when you choose a tank patch you receive a mechanic that say "you have 40%more HP, -10% of damage and extra threat". that means, when you upgrade your tank gear, you have a mechanic garanting that your hp will be bigger BUT your damage will be lower. so... why dont put the same for dps? that means more 10% damage bonus,…
back just to say; we have a certain solution that dont will change pvp. companion afinity. for example, if you are a tank, a striker and "x" companion will be more effective based in your item level. if you are a healer, a striker and "y" companion; if you are a dps, controllers and Z...
another way to explain your silogism... what is our mission joining a dungeon? survive for "x" minutes or kill everthing more fast as you can? the second one. by quantify or quality of enemies, maybe we need be enable to survive during that meantime decided by... the time that a party take to clean everthing. so, a dps…
...that can be a nightmare for tanks, but if count only to dps - as a negative mechanic or positive mechanic (countering negative status) for non dps - that is not a bad solution. note: dps classes aways dont have tradeoffs in your stats evolution. now, improving or not your defensive status, they will need tanks and…
in fact we have some obvious and fair "solution" (or justice) Today, tanks receiving extra threat, +40% hp and DEAL 10% LESS DAMAGE. that means, my damage progression aways receive some penalty. so, the first thing to do is... we should have penaltys to dps too. for example, -40% hp and threat reduction. so, your defensive…
is not too hard understand what he saying . tanks evolve to prolong fights, dps to shorten fights example (forget numbers, that is just a theorical/hyperbolic Approach) a dps class - 10k - need 5 attacks to kill a enemie but die if take the same 5 attacks. a 10k tank need 15 attacks and die if take 15 attacks. so, one need…
again.... if you never will balance dps, so is better dont have pure dps, but buffers instead . so everbody is a dps. lets call that "the red solution" OR if you have some balance between full dps classes, but for the other classes your "non dps role" work, well, improve a dps role to be able to do the same on the top of…