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  • Today's patch makes this question even more relevant.
  • So, if what you say is true and you got the buff from your armor, then one or more of the following must be true: 1) The buff is being applied to some but not all of the actual people wearing the armor. 2) The buff is being applied to party members when it should not. 3) The description on the armor set is wrong. If what…
  • Nope. No stat change.
  • I tested it again. Here is proof. Edit: Had wrong url for pic.
  • I can't speak about GWF, never played one. I do however run T2s with a GF and I think the class needs work. Real short, our abilities need to be able to peel quicker and hold agro better then we currently do. I also think our block depletes too quickly or does not recharge quick enough. I would be fine with either a bigger…
  • Know what happens when botters and gold sellers can't get access to a game? They start hacking/stealing accounts to accomplish their goals. I prefer the current system in place over the alternative. Instead of complaints about griefing on the forums, it would be a million threads about 'I got hacked!'
  • Maybe a song to lighten the mood? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KANI2dpXLw
  • Yea I know. Just turned it around having some fun as well.
  • I don't understand. Please explain.
  • Now this is constructive. Thank you. When put this way, you are absolutely right. Perhaps my suggestion just above would be better?
  • So you down vote that review and write one of your own and let the people decide if your opinion was useful, in the same way you just did. I do understand your point and I am not saying it is invalid. Perhaps as an alternative just an up-vote system would be better? A good review that the community finds useful gets a…
  • This is where you are making a mistake. You do not get negative rating for giving out 1 star ratings. If you gave a 1 star rating and said " THIS SUX I GOT LEWT FOR THE WRONG CLASS" odds are people will down vote you. However, if you gave a 1 star and wrote, "This quest had a poorly written storyline, the encounters were…
  • I'm sorry. I did not say L2P brah! or 'So what's the formula for reviewing reviewers, turtles all the way down." I am hardly trolling. I did however ask you to clarify you nonsense question and asked you to contribute. If you cannot be mature enough to contribute constructively, then that is your personal problem. I will…
  • This idea is reviewing the reviewers. Did you perhaps mean 'formula for reviewing the reviewer's reviewers?' Because if so, that's silly. I encourage constructive criticism, so if you would like to provide some and add to the conversation, please do.
  • I think that the best solution would be to continue in the spirit of community monitoring seen in spam control for zone chat. We should have an up-vote/down-vote system for reviews so that us, as a community, can rate the quality of the reviews and reviewer with a scaling system that rewards good reviewer and discourages…
  • I'm using a $20 aftermarket controller from GameStop and xpadder works fine with this game. Analog sticks work great for movement and looking around, d-pad for potions, and select for mount. Honestly, I would never go back to keyboarding this game.
  • Forget wasd, forget point and click. Use an xbox controller. Game play is soooo much easier. Will need a 3rd party program like xpadder to configure the button layout. Movement is already sluggish using wasd in this game so i have found that the controller has only improved play for me.