Is there anyway to change it so I can move my character by pointing and clicking of the mouse or is this another game ruined by forcing WASD down my throat? I like being able to both but prefer 90% to use the mouse for point and click to move.
Great examples of this being done right IMO are Neverwinter Nights 1, Lineage, ArchLords and Guild Wars 1. At least Diablo 3 was point, click to move, it could use some WASD keys though.
Great examples of being done wrong IMO are Guild Wars 2, DDO, LOTR.
I really hope I am missing something here and I can change this, because I refuse to play games where i am forced to use WASD.
I'll be honest, I hope you're trolling. Those games are completely different genres. You don't look at CoD and say "This game should have click to move".
So I am guessing here the answer is no and that you have to use the WASD keys to move?
I do agree that most players probably prefer to use the WASD keys, but I flat out refuse to play them. 10 years ago all or at least 90% of RPG games where click to move. Some ones I remember are Diablo series, Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2, Guild Wars 1, Lineage 2, Archlords, Dungeon Siege series, tons of free MMos I cant think of the name right now and I am thinking WoW (never played it and never will). Only Elder Scrolls stands out as not being one back in the day, IIRC. I refuse to play DDO, LOTR and Guild Wars 2 because of having to use the WASD keys only.
I wouldn't have asked but I thought for sure I read somewhere that this game would be point and click to move and I was really hoping I was missing something.
I really don't know why games can't do it the Guild Wars 1 way though, hold right mouse button to move camera with mouse, click left button on ground to move, click left button mouse on something else to target and still have all the WASD keys you want. That to me, seems like it would make everyone happy as now you have a choice in the matter on which to use or at least just an option of turning the click to move on (would it really take that long to program).
So can anybody tell of a good online RPG that is click to move, I am thinking of trying RIFT out, but would prefer one without the monthly fee.
Forget wasd, forget point and click. Use an xbox controller. Game play is soooo much easier. Will need a 3rd party program like xpadder to configure the button layout. Movement is already sluggish using wasd in this game so i have found that the controller has only improved play for me.
Combat would be impossible without mouselook or wsad.
but I flat out refuse to play them
Seriously, unless you have a physical inability to do it, you have no excuse not even be willing to try new things. Part of growing as a person is trying new things and learning. Being a curmudgeon isn't something to be proud of.
Use an xbox controller.
That sounds like a good compromise, i haven't done it here, but some other games worked so much better with one. Final Fantasy 14 is one that was terrible with keyboard, but worked so much more smoothly with a controller.
I think Aion is the last MMO offhand that had point/click, unless you want to count the D3 style games as MMOs (I don't, though Marvel Heroes has some MMO like features to it). So no, it's not really popular on this side of the world.
Don't really see how point and click to move would work on this game, you're required to aim to attack something, and some mobs here aren't really all that forgiving, requiring you to kite (If you're ranged that is) and dodge, how would you dodge if click to move was enabled?
So I am guessing here the answer is no and that you have to use the WASD keys to move?
I do agree that most players probably prefer to use the WASD keys, but I flat out refuse to play them. 10 years ago all or at least 90% of RPG games where click to move. Some ones I remember are Diablo series, Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2, Guild Wars 1, Lineage 2, Archlords, Dungeon Siege series, tons of free MMos I cant think of the name right now and I am thinking WoW (never played it and never will). Only Elder Scrolls stands out as not being one back in the day, IIRC. I refuse to play DDO, LOTR and Guild Wars 2 because of having to use the WASD keys only.
I wouldn't have asked but I thought for sure I read somewhere that this game would be point and click to move and I was really hoping I was missing something.
I really don't know why games can't do it the Guild Wars 1 way though, hold right mouse button to move camera with mouse, click left button on ground to move, click left button mouse on something else to target and still have all the WASD keys you want. That to me, seems like it would make everyone happy as now you have a choice in the matter on which to use or at least just an option of turning the click to move on (would it really take that long to program).
So can anybody tell of a good online RPG that is click to move, I am thinking of trying RIFT out, but would prefer one without the monthly fee.
opomopo, what is CoD?
First off....WoW, Rift, and any other MMORPG created in the US is WASD to more with one exception. Age of Wushu has the option to use the mouse. EQ1 the first 3D MMORPG was even WASD to move. GW2 was not click to move. I didn't play GW1 long enough to remember it's controls. But the thing you have to look at is combat in all those other games is completely different than this one. This is more on par with DCUO, Vindictus, Dragon's Nest and other Action MMORPG games. Why on earth you'd want to click to move in this style of game is beyond me. Basically you want a game where there is no skill involved in playing and u just smash buttons to win. Sorry I have played almost every MMORPG out to date at least 20 mins or so, and I can honestly say Click to Move is something that needs to stay in games like Diablo, it has no place in the 3D MMORPG world.
Thanks elyrielle, I totally forgot about Aion and it is now free to play and so is Lineage 2 (which I have already played). I will try those. Thanks for being helpful.
Let me repeat though, I do use the WASD keys to move, but only about 10% of the time. Some games have both options, like Guild Wars 1, Lineage 2, ArchLords, etc. that is what kind of game I am looking for. I am not looking for something that is totally mouse driven.
I am not looking for a non-skilled button smash game either (I don't think having a jump button now makes the game skilled). And as far as Dodging goes, just click whatever button that does that on the keyboard or I have a 5 button mouse (they make more), which can be programmed for any keys. From reading RIFT forums, you can move by using the mouse, unless I read them wrong.
I would think it would be easy from the 5 minutes I played to convert this game to be click to move, you basically have a small circle and moving the mouse moves the camera, just have it so you have to hold right click to do this. Not doing this and you move the circle around and left clicking on the ground, would cause you to move to that area. Still keep the WASD keys, I would use those occasionally, especially in battle.
I have no problems with WASD, but how the heck do you make it so mouselook is only on when you right click? Mouselook always on is driving me batty after 15 years of playing games where you activate mouselook on demand. Mouselook always on is a deal breaker for not just me, but my old guildmates as well.
chreelister is right - WASD is horrible. But this game suffers from a worse problem, namely, the bouncing camera angles. No matter what settings I try ('Invert camera X/Y' to Off, Camera Shake to Off), I find myself constantly looking up at the sky or straight down onto my character's head. No good for combat - I get wedged up against walls, looking straight up, can't see where the bad guys are. Stumbling around to make lvl 12 has been the most frustrating several hours I've ever spent doing *anything* and I see no point continuing.
The "customer support" of course sends a generic, no-help-at-all note, so they're useless. What I want is to be able to LOCK my camera angle to isometric view, and to STOP the constant zooming-in and zooming-out that happens all the time. I like the quests and the storyline, but I just can't stand the gameplay, so I guess I'll have to quit. It's totally beyond me how anyone can get any enjoyment from this game, considering how the camera angle bounces up & down and zooms in & out all the time. It's a shame, too, because it's obvious that a ton of work went into the art, the story, the quests, the characters, and so on.
If there is a movement guide or tutorial somewhere, I'd be happy to read it. If there is a tutorial mode buried in the game somewhere, please tell me how to find it.
gaianqueenMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
First off....WoW, Rift, and any other MMORPG created in the US is WASD to more with one exception. Age of Wushu has the option to use the mouse. EQ1 the first 3D MMORPG was even WASD to move. GW2 was not click to move. I didn't play GW1 long enough to remember it's controls. But the thing you have to look at is combat in all those other games is completely different than this one. This is more on par with DCUO, Vindictus, Dragon's Nest and other Action MMORPG games. Why on earth you'd want to click to move in this style of game is beyond me. Basically you want a game where there is no skill involved in playing and u just smash buttons to win. Sorry I have played almost every MMORPG out to date at least 20 mins or so, and I can honestly say Click to Move is something that needs to stay in games like Diablo, it has no place in the 3D MMORPG world.
Rift has the option of Point to click. since I have limited use of my hands, especially my left hand due to rhuematoid arthritis I cannot use wasd.
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
So I am guessing here the answer is no and that you have to use the WASD keys to move?
I do agree that most players probably prefer to use the WASD keys, but I flat out refuse to play them. 10 years ago all or at least 90% of RPG games where click to move. Some ones I remember are Diablo series, Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2, Guild Wars 1, Lineage 2, Archlords, Dungeon Siege series, tons of free MMos I cant think of the name right now and I am thinking WoW (never played it and never will). Only Elder Scrolls stands out as not being one back in the day, IIRC. I refuse to play DDO, LOTR and Guild Wars 2 because of having to use the WASD keys only.
You can't even zoom out far enough for click to move to be useful. BG, NWN, Diablo had click to move because they also had overhead cameras.
If using WASD is a problem then try a controller, otherwise I can't think of any other way around it. Sorry.
I will have to try the other keys, but I have a programmable mouse and have gone into the interface/keybinds and programmed some of those keys to my mouse. So try rebinding your keys to whatever mouse button you want to use.
Accually mouse movement may be easier to solve than the reverse just bind your mouse keys to forward backwards and autorun then use standard mousiness to turn.
its not click to move but it might prove pretty close.
if you have a gamer mouse that has programmable joysticks you could also bind in camera movement keys
/bind <key> adjustcamyaw 90 or -90 to make turning the camera faster
adjustcampitch will move camera up ad down
there is a command its like setdefaultfov or similar that lets you adjust your field of view in combat kinda a poor mans zoom.
my hopes is that they add a fluid turn camera and adjustfov zoom functions to the actual bind list as these can be kinda choppy. these can also be used to play the game mouseless.
Forget wasd, forget point and click. Use an xbox controller. Game play is soooo much easier. Will need a 3rd party program like xpadder to configure the button layout. Movement is already sluggish using wasd in this game so i have found that the controller has only improved play for me.
I agree and even made a version that allows turning with one thumb
I started out using the curser method. Took some getting used to the WASD keys but I found it more comfortable once I did. Haven't tried a controler yet.
RIFT, EQ2, etc have mouselook.... which is certainly not click to move, but you can turn the camera with left mouse, turn your character with right mouse, and move forward with both at the same time. Either way, I hate click to move Just too unresponsive compared to WASD
I agree with the OP, I hate WASD too. I won't play any games that exclusively use it.
But Neverwinter offers a lot of options (this is something they really did get right).
Anyway, the only way I've been able to play Neverwinter is to change movement to 'left press' of the mouse. I've put attack-1 on 'middle press' and attack-2 on 'right press'.
It's working well and I only have to use the keyboard for skills. To be honest, I don't know how anybody could possibly use the keyboard for movement AND skills. You people must have mad finger dexterity.
I do agree that most players probably prefer to use the WASD keys, but I flat out refuse to play them. 10 years ago all or at least 90% of RPG games where click to move. Some ones I remember are Diablo series, Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2, Guild Wars 1, Lineage 2, Archlords, Dungeon Siege series, tons of free MMos I cant think of the name right now and I am thinking WoW (never played it and never will). Only Elder Scrolls stands out as not being one back in the day, IIRC. I refuse to play DDO, LOTR and Guild Wars 2 because of having to use the WASD keys only.
I wouldn't have asked but I thought for sure I read somewhere that this game would be point and click to move and I was really hoping I was missing something.
I really don't know why games can't do it the Guild Wars 1 way though, hold right mouse button to move camera with mouse, click left button on ground to move, click left button mouse on something else to target and still have all the WASD keys you want. That to me, seems like it would make everyone happy as now you have a choice in the matter on which to use or at least just an option of turning the click to move on (would it really take that long to program).
So can anybody tell of a good online RPG that is click to move, I am thinking of trying RIFT out, but would prefer one without the monthly fee.
opomopo, what is CoD?
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"HAMSTER of Destruction"
Seriously, unless you have a physical inability to do it, you have no excuse not even be willing to try new things. Part of growing as a person is trying new things and learning. Being a curmudgeon isn't something to be proud of.
That sounds like a good compromise, i haven't done it here, but some other games worked so much better with one. Final Fantasy 14 is one that was terrible with keyboard, but worked so much more smoothly with a controller.
First off....WoW, Rift, and any other MMORPG created in the US is WASD to more with one exception. Age of Wushu has the option to use the mouse. EQ1 the first 3D MMORPG was even WASD to move. GW2 was not click to move. I didn't play GW1 long enough to remember it's controls. But the thing you have to look at is combat in all those other games is completely different than this one. This is more on par with DCUO, Vindictus, Dragon's Nest and other Action MMORPG games. Why on earth you'd want to click to move in this style of game is beyond me. Basically you want a game where there is no skill involved in playing and u just smash buttons to win. Sorry I have played almost every MMORPG out to date at least 20 mins or so, and I can honestly say Click to Move is something that needs to stay in games like Diablo, it has no place in the 3D MMORPG world.
Let me repeat though, I do use the WASD keys to move, but only about 10% of the time. Some games have both options, like Guild Wars 1, Lineage 2, ArchLords, etc. that is what kind of game I am looking for. I am not looking for something that is totally mouse driven.
I am not looking for a non-skilled button smash game either (I don't think having a jump button now makes the game skilled). And as far as Dodging goes, just click whatever button that does that on the keyboard or I have a 5 button mouse (they make more), which can be programmed for any keys. From reading RIFT forums, you can move by using the mouse, unless I read them wrong.
I would think it would be easy from the 5 minutes I played to convert this game to be click to move, you basically have a small circle and moving the mouse moves the camera, just have it so you have to hold right click to do this. Not doing this and you move the circle around and left clicking on the ground, would cause you to move to that area. Still keep the WASD keys, I would use those occasionally, especially in battle.
The "customer support" of course sends a generic, no-help-at-all note, so they're useless. What I want is to be able to LOCK my camera angle to isometric view, and to STOP the constant zooming-in and zooming-out that happens all the time. I like the quests and the storyline, but I just can't stand the gameplay, so I guess I'll have to quit. It's totally beyond me how anyone can get any enjoyment from this game, considering how the camera angle bounces up & down and zooms in & out all the time. It's a shame, too, because it's obvious that a ton of work went into the art, the story, the quests, the characters, and so on.
If there is a movement guide or tutorial somewhere, I'd be happy to read it. If there is a tutorial mode buried in the game somewhere, please tell me how to find it.
You can't even zoom out far enough for click to move to be useful. BG, NWN, Diablo had click to move because they also had overhead cameras.
If using WASD is a problem then try a controller, otherwise I can't think of any other way around it. Sorry.
its not click to move but it might prove pretty close.
if you have a gamer mouse that has programmable joysticks you could also bind in camera movement keys
/bind <key> adjustcamyaw 90 or -90 to make turning the camera faster
adjustcampitch will move camera up ad down
there is a command its like setdefaultfov or similar that lets you adjust your field of view in combat kinda a poor mans zoom.
my hopes is that they add a fluid turn camera and adjustfov zoom functions to the actual bind list as these can be kinda choppy. these can also be used to play the game mouseless.
I agree and even made a version that allows turning with one thumb
gw2 allowed for moving with the mouse... kb turning is dreadful in that game
But Neverwinter offers a lot of options (this is something they really did get right).
Anyway, the only way I've been able to play Neverwinter is to change movement to 'left press' of the mouse. I've put attack-1 on 'middle press' and attack-2 on 'right press'.
It's working well and I only have to use the keyboard for skills. To be honest, I don't know how anybody could possibly use the keyboard for movement AND skills. You people must have mad finger dexterity.
I want this class in NW.