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  • cause this is like totally the only thing in the game that needs to be fixed am I right
  • Vote to kick is the best route, have been kicked many times at beginning of dungeon simply for being gwf (without even being asked if I could truely contribute or not). And my friend was kicked at the beginning of a dungeon today, reason being "I don't want another TR rolling on my f****ng gear" as the leader so eloquently…
  • I assume that he is most likely a cleric having the issue where abilities disappear/unslot when using the Discipline (think that's what it's called) ability and while it was supposedly fixed in some previous patches, some clerics are still stuck with the issue unless they purchase a respec token, which quite frankly is…
  • While adding a trade and lfg channel is a great idea in theory...look at pretty much every other game that contains these. The Zone/General/Area chat is still flooded by all the same idiots spamming. Sadly we have yet to find a solution to the true issue causing this problem; d/.o/.u/.c/.h/.e/.baggeryitis
  • How do I defeat the loading screen boss? He seems pretty hardcore, been kicking my *** for the last 45 minutes lol
  • Curious about if I'll get the rank 5 enchant that disappeared. But also wondering if this will fix the bug of getting a two minute cooldown on all abilities in pvp? Sitting in there waiting for 2 minutes before you can even use an at-will or mount kinda sucks.
  • agreed I had the same thing happen to me this morning, hit 60 and got a rank 5 silver enchantment in the box but didn't actually receive it
  • I agree with you on the topic of people being able to camp spawn point. GWF and GF? Wait until you see a gwf that actually knows how to play the class...then you won't view it as worthless...more like getting fisted by The Thing with no lube. Or a gf that will come at you over and over until you've tried everything and he…
  • and why are people asking for a new server?as far as I understood they will all eventually be merged into one right?
  • At least the title HAS to be done, anyone who actually logged in that day understands we must have this title lmfao
  • You are my hero. plain and simple this is beautiful