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What is the Arc Client?
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  • When you publish work, it takes anywhere from 1-24 hours. I also published work and found myself confused as to why I couldn't find it. Just give it time, if it still doesn't show, go back into Foundry and withdraw it and re-publish it, that also works. Again you will need to wait 1-24 hours for that re-publish to be…
  • It sucks to here that banjinkun. As tilt42 said report them, it is a temp-perm ban, for talking like that to another player. As for deleting comments, it comes with the work you do. The comments give people an idea of what they're getting themselves into before hand. I have had a few comments I wished to delete on my own…
  • From what I have been working on with my campaign, no you can't do that, I don't even think they have that mechanic in the normal game (neverwinter) It's a set path. As gemstrike stated, you can't do "or", only "and". You can't set a mechanic where if you pick "this", "this" happens opposed to "this" happening if you…
  • I get a bug where the sound works fine in Foundry, but when published the sound is missing. Is this apart of the same bug?