I'm working on my first map in the foundry and was wondering if there could be two outcomes in a map and still be able to complete the map successfully? and how?
example: bring the item to
npc #1 and get different items/rewards/encounters than if you brought it to
npc #2.
im trying to look for videos on it or how i can possibly just do it in the editor, but have not been able to find out how to yet. any help would be grateful
thank you
also.... side question. how do i make teleporters at the end of the map go back to the beginning of the map? (to quickly turn in quest item instead of running back)
i have just been able to teleport to the end, and the end teleporter teleports me to another map
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It's a set path. As gemstrike stated, you can't do "or", only "and".
You can't set a mechanic where if you pick "this", "this" happens opposed to "this" happening if you picked "this".
I get what you mean, and how you want to do it. It's just not that simple for the developers to give us that option, maybe it's something for them to note down the track.
It started with a burglary
Then it got friendly
But it ended badly
Story is much more flexible and allows for choice based encounters since the appear and vanish are more robust.
However once you tie the npc, object, etc to an objective in dialog you pretty much lose all flexibility.
And I figured out the teleporters... Just have to make them high enough so you fall down lol
So you make a guy who has a bit of dialogue "Hey, go do this thing over here, or this other thing." with two responses. "Do the thing over here" and "do the other thing". Then the NPC will have a response to each of those (important) even if it's just "blah blah blah" doesn't matter (you can leave the player responses default on the second NPC responses).
Make it so the guy is disabled after they complete the objective so they can't do both options (if you still need him to be there, just replace him with a copy that says whatever, but doesn't have the actual quest objective).
After this, you just key your stuff off of either the first or second NPC response in that dialogue. If you need to, completely disable everything that is for option A if option B is enabled and vice versa. You'll use the enable when dialogue option reached and select either the first or second NPC response (could do more branches, even).
Hope this makes sense.