To give you an idea how easy it is to lv in this game, I went from 34 to 60 in less then 3 days. Says a lot about the type of game this is so keep that in mind.
So basically they give you rare stuff to craft, usually one lv above your current lv so you cannot craft it and requiring one of these crystals you will never get so you still couldnt craft it.
I don't think the Dev's are paying much attention in game. These exploits are alive and well, cant get away from the constant shouting in chat for groups farming and offering powerlevelling in them.
OP, butthurt is butthurt, you got owned by a dps class, plain and simple. Just tells me your gear didnt stop much of his / her dmg and you paid for it.
From what I am seeing you need to spend real $$ for crafting to be worth it beyond shirts and pants. I would rather spend 20 min to make my own shirt or pants then to pay the retardedly outrageous prices these goons are posting them for in the auction.
I have a mix of everything. IT is hard to keep track of what stat you want to specialize in. The way they display the stats like dps, lifesteal, power, etc etc is not done well. IT is hard to keep track of and not easy to see.