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  • You are posting this to get acknowledged on a feat that is far from deserving of any acknowledgement or praise of any kind...you want to be seen when..if you put a lil effort on reading my previous post... there is absolutely nothing to see here...this is just an issue of "look at me!!" and forum space waste...If you want…
  • Im absoluted delighted and amused while reading this because the only person here that made mention of Rl money usage or Ad making or whatever is YOU... nobody else here noted that the feat was some sort of money related issue....only and issue high rank dark enchantments stacking and not really a shocking or "skilled"…
  • -IS can't be dodged and it will effectivellly Resinc a DCW or a DC mid blink or slash.. - Icy rays will deal 30k IF and only IF full high vizier,at least 3 or more HV staks Full ranl8s and perfect vorpal enchant....and either CoI or RoE debuff in effect... -An undergeared rogue can deal that kind of damage with the three…
    in rogues Comment by nakzer September 2013
  • I dont care about you to waste my time trash talking......its a simple fact and its a generalization .. but.. "if the shoe fits"
    in rogues Comment by nakzer September 2013
  • Im soryy but (no im not sorry) most of the High geared trs.. cant give 2 shizzs about capping points, defending or playing as a team... they just go for as many kills as they can and they dont care about anything else... see for example..
    in rogues Comment by nakzer September 2013
  • Yep.. this is not about skill and it is not about gear.... this is about how big can you can get your enchants to.. nothing to see here...
  • The best thing about this post is that any sort of Penalty on pvp is NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN... and that makes me very happy ^^
  • Moot point.. Impact shot will effectively ReSinc a CW or a DC mid blink/dash (just like a gwf dash pokes you forward and then molests you from behind and sideways ability does) Once a shot lands and the stun takes effect a second shot and maybe even a third is unavoidable NO matter what you do....and if you are not dead by…
    in rogues Comment by nakzer September 2013
  • Maybe damage shouldnt be nerfed...But charge time or total charges SHOULD as well as the stun... the stun absolutely needs to go
    in rogues Comment by nakzer September 2013
  • Content is Bugged,Cheesy, repetitive and unrewarding... whenever bugs are fixed,rewards are better and boss battles are uncheesed which will happen never , the exploting will end....which will also happen never....
  • 1st of all gurl: You seem to forget the fact that the other 1999999 players that are currently actively playing the game according to cryptic...ARE NOT YOU.. Second of all gurl: Grantz on all your skillz!!! and all your exp!! you sound like a master!!! now plz try to do a t2 dungeon without a decent output of damage...…
  • Its the fabled set with the winterwolf dye and black dye over everything except Accents....
  • Sry but.. 1st of all I dont believe anything you say.. Second of all you are a forum fanboi that will say anything and invent anything to make your bogus posts seem valid...Also you just seem to agree with other fanbois : ladysylvia, diogene0 etc the same 3 people defending this injustice over and over again ...so anything…
  • More like : Impossible to think you were the first to transmute to this....Especially the dye combination since there were lots of ppl using that combo months ago...
  • Most runs during DD: 17 runs Frozen Heart - 11 successful - all gotten carried by higher level groups - No boots 1 Ring of Hr won 14 runs SP - 5 successful - all gotten carried by high level groups - No helmet No rolls won AH for 2 weeks... No Helmet I need AH for 2 weeks....1 Pair of boots posted for 700k ... Can't afford…