I am thinking of coming back to this game. What has changed since mod 16? I left right before mod 17 was going to be released on PS4. I had a BiS Wizard when I left. Is it worth coming back?
As a player that has taken some time away from NWO and have been playing other MMOs and coming back for about a week I can state this with certainty. NWO mod 15 was a better game than NWO is today. NWO today is doesn't compare with other MMOs at all. Lack of creating builds, lacks of having options, lack of buffs, lack of…
And yet hear you stand on your high horse in this thread shaming others who simply voice their concern about the game. We all have the right to share our own opinions on a game we like to play. Regardless if someone plays less than an hour a day or if they have played hours and hours on end. I don't need any validation in…
What I find funny is that you are all comparing how pathetic you are with time played on video games. You do realize that their is a life outside. I would love to meet you all in person so when you see my physical frame of 6' 250lbs of pure muscle chiseled body you can all stand in awe of the god in front of you because in…
Game isn't as populated as it once was on PS4. Mod 16 we saw many players left the game do to the changes around how buffs work and how all classes that use to buff had those removed. Many players felt cheated after that and left. Game also had a population exodus at the beginning of 2018 when the devs increased…
Mobs red attacks are strong attack meaning they do more damage. The mobs can still hit you without having a red area on you; those would be considered standard attacks. As for leveling and questing... Get bonding runestones ASAP. Get an augment companion ASAP. You do that and get 3 pieces of any companion gear and content…
First off you need to look at your stats in level 80 content. Than setup a private Q and go into each level 70 content. I did this and what I found is that if you put your Armor Pen, Crit, and Accuracy between 80-85K you will have enough of each stat to ensure you are by passing the enemies counter stat, that is if you run…
Other than a few big heals that is needed in LoMM and some other dungeons, healers are not really needed in this game. Maybe once the devs fix the damage formula healers will be needed more often as enemies will get a boost in their damage as well, but in the game current state healers are not. I told myself I need to get…
This is the first MMO I played where devs release just a campaign zone and one dungeon, trial or skirmish. Most MMOs I played the devs release three pieces of content and a new zone. The new content is used to get the character ready for the highest end raid. Using DCUO as an example; that game had Solo and DUO content to…
As for class balancing, it will be done by the devs simply by adjusting the damage formula. Than once that is fixed they will monitor how each class performs. Hopefully the devs not only monitor that but fix any class feature bugs.
This was the only MMO I have played that allowed players 100% crit chance. Most games allowed up to 50% if that and that change was needed. As it stands right now, they lowered all enemies health and the damage they did also got adjusted. IMO content is to easy and should be adjusted further. The devs have stated that they…
If the daily does zero the ring won't work. If you are a dps with a daily that does damage such as Ice Knife for Wizard than Ice Knife would get a 3% buff. I did list the better rings to use than the rings that buff the damage of daily powers. Shadow Stalker and the Ebonized Raid, Assault, Ward and Restoration rings are…
If the daily power does zero damage and the item buffs daily power when you multiple a value by zero it is still zero. Since your daily does zero any buff item that buffs your daily won't make your daily or you do more damage unless the item states after daily use you do X more damage.
Mod 15, all classes were good damage dealing wise. Overall though with a full buff group a wizard running with 30K recovery could hit an ice knife every 6-8 seconds. I know because I had that on my wizard. My GF was also killer on bosses, melting enemies pretty darn fast. I saw rogues also melt bosses and even warlocks.…
I can see them continuing to run events like Tales of Old but honestly that gear is for those who truly want to grind out some older content that the gear is somewhat BiS do to its stats but isn't totally BiS given that the difference between that set, Orcus, Lostmauth, etc... are all closer now than before and once we get…
Best rings for a paladin IMO are ebonize assault/ward rings or the shadow stalker. If you don't run heels of fury or the furred kunio than I would run two of the ebonized rings; if you do run with heels and furred than I would run the shadow stalker rings.
How big did you make your dragon born? I used the smallest size along with shrinking everything to make my dragonborn character closer to a half-orc than the stupidity of the average dragonborn size in the game. It works with most mounts expect cats. You could change your character size and that may help you out.
You do realize the devs said ToMM is going to be the hardest content for a while. If that is true I guess once you get the lion heart set you can retire for almost a year if not longer. My guess is that within a year time we will get 1 dungeon with a mod (16), 1 trial with a mod (17) and one skirmish (18). This would mean…
You do know the actual odds of the legendary or the epic are around 1% or less. Every box opened has 1% or less odd of providing one of the top awards. The only LB where I have seen it have greater odds is the magnificent lockbox, all others LB have really bad odds. I did 1200 one day and 800 another day during summer sale…
What gets me is mod 16 update was to reduce complexity to make it easier on the developers to reduce possible bugs and yet here we are mod 17 with similar bugs that made older mods annoying for specific classes in that the classes were over performing or under performing. Maybe mod 18 we may finally get some of the class…
Other games have this same issue where older content is easier as you gained in strength. Scaling and stat clamping are two methods that developers use to ensure that some content is still worth running. In NWO the original mod 16 launch had everything scaled and it was a nightmare for PC players; that got fixed and now…
I think the issue isn't really the change to the Q, but the fact that mod 16 and 17 has seen players that main clerics, paladins, warlocks, and fighters leave the game. Many of these players played as a support role. Losing these players has hurt the overall ability to get into the update RLQ and RIQ faster. There are also…
You both forgot something..... Zzzzz! Zzzz! Zzzz! HAMSTER need to pay attention, I should not fall asleep, oh wait if the players use a potion or health stone I'm not all that important. Mod 15: If I missed a buff I heard about it. In mod 16 the few times I healed I didn't hear anyone complain about the my lack of heals…