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What is the Arc Client?
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  • After reading this I thought it would be interesting if you and the HR were both streaming, bc I'd like to see this example from both perspectives. I can't break the CC the way you're saying its happening to you, but I could surmise, like you said, that there could be a small piece of time where you're both hitting your…
  • Thanks, I did install it, it told me I had no history, but I found some browser gateway and saw my characters are still there, I'll try it again exactly as you said. Thanks very much.
  • Well I think this thread has been pretty well argued and respected for the most part. It's a nice thing to see, when I'm reading all your replies I see information I can use, examples that don't make me facepalm, and people giving away good tactics just to prove that you can level the playing field without ruining a…
  • I think you're right, and there's a population of players that adjust quickly to these type of obstacles in their pvp success, and there's those that have a harder time. I for instance, I gravitate towards setting up comfortable keybinds, and always the same "spell" (or at least similar) bound to the same key. I despise…
  • Thanks to the OP for a great post, sadly you are always going to have posts like this one above to look forward to. Even some of the polite responses by CW's illustrate how many people have complained without knowing much of anything about the rogues capabilities. I'm all for complaining, but know your enemy for crying out…
  • Everybody is an expert, but nobody can seem to recall class balancing in any other mmo they've played. Every class will have their moment on the top of the food chain.
  • I have zero wait time for pvp games right now, and yes there are bots in every single dom match I've played. I'd guess its somewhere between 40-50% bots per game, and yes, I've played a match or two where I suspect I'm one of two people actually sitting at the computer. What does that tell you about the population of…
  • Fair assessment. Most companies will dump a considerable portion of profits back into the game until they have something they can "ride" for a while, especially this early on. The game itself doesn't need to make money as long as the parent company is making money. So right now, whether your buying zen from Neverwinter, or…
  • I see bots, I don't see any afkers that aren't bots, and I don't see a shred of logic in your original post. Wanna simple fix to the problem? Enable requisite gear scores for pvp matches. They will still bot, but they will have to buy gear or farm for it and the bots will actually have some use in the matches. Right now…
  • I was pleasently suprised when I first got in a match and couldn't use health pots, I had no idea rejuvs could be used until I read this post. In any case, the matches come down to who afk's first, and the team with more rogues usually loses.
  • The Cleric has been destroyed, long live the Cleric. And people who overreact to everything.