Yes Kennie you are the only one that has made it to endgame. No one else has even seen it! Never mind that a few of the exploits allowed one to level to 60 in a few hours. Get over yourself kid. It doesn't take much time at all to level to 60 in this game even legitimately.
Googled NWI. I'm curious which company you are complaining about? The National Wellness Institute, National Wraparound Initiative, National Wetlands Inventory, or The Times of Nortwest India?
I wasn't expecting one either, however, the contents of this pack will be quite telling. If it's nothing more than some skill kits and altars then that will scream volumes about how much PWE and Cryptic care about their player base. We'll see what they stick in those things.
The OP is claiming founders got another founder's pack (and another HAMSTER AD's depending on the pack). IF that had happened the AD's wouldn't be in the game because the exchange is down, but it didn't happen so the entire thread is unsubstantiated anyway.
I don't know. People like drama? I refuse to whine and complain about this. I'm happy with the game, but I don't play the markets or AH anyway. I play with RL friends and we use the game to play D&D like we did back in the day before we moved all over the country. If I had one complaint about it I suppose it would be that…
Even if this was true, and it certainly is not. What would it matter? You can't claim the items again if you have them in your inventory already. I received 2 copies of the founder's pack anyway. One in my mail and one on the vendor. I trashed the copies because I couldn't claim them from the box because I already had them.
I have no clue what exactly transpired with this "bug". I'm confused while reading about the effects it had because I don't even know what the bug was, however, I am glad that earlier this week something popped up that averted my attention from NWO for a few days. I most likely lost nothing in this (we'll see when the AD…
This poll was already done. Nothing new to see here. It's not going to matter anyway. Will not wipe the shards no matter how many polls pop up. It's just not going to happen. I'd save your energy for other topics.
Here I thought this was going to be about buying 1,000 keys trying to get a nightmare. I feel sorry for ya, but if you were going to spend RL money anyway you probably should have just bought what you wanted instead of relying on a RNG. We all know how those RNG's love us. Before you make another purchase (if you ever make…
This happens in all mmo's these days. There is no fix for it, but one thing that makes it so rampant here is that the coin dropped in dungeons (coppers, silver, gold) is almost useless. However, you need billions of astral diamonds to do anything (yes I am exaggerating). How do you get billions of AD? Ninja loot and sell…
Did I watch the wrong video? The video I watched was a still shot of the guy with a D&D background around it. There were no eye movements or facial cues. It was just a picture of the guy
I blame WoW for this. AoE taunting was a thing of norm. No one knows how to deal with mobs that haven't been taunted anymore. These people would fail at games like DAoC where there were classes that were nothing but support. No DPS for you, no aggro holding, no healing. Nope your job is to play those 3 songs you know for…
I somewhat agree. If the game was better at aggro holding mechanics for GF to make cleric healing viable in groups then this system would be gimpy. A good system would look for a balanced group tank/healer/dps/dps/dps. However, at least at this point in the games current state if the system did that everyone would be…
It's working fine. The reason you're seeing 5 CW's in the group is because few people are playing anything other than CW and TR. No one wants to play a cleric that has trouble soloing quests and dies in dungeons because of the gimpy aggro holding mechanics GF's were handed. No one wants to play a GF because their damage is…
Do you know who says things like "Aww bless. Might be nap time?" Trolls. I'm not going to continue this any longer though. Like all the other topics you've commented in you will just keep it going with the insults. I'm better than that. Grown man indeed. Maybe physically.
Yeah the Eye of Grummsh has to die first. The hardest packs are the ones with him and the berserkers. Heck the berserkers are just hard period. I had a harder time with the packs of zerkers than I did either of the bosses. I say either of them because when I ran it I didn't know there was another boss under that bridge…
"He'll go home to his mom's basement and tell his imaginary kids how he's been saving souls on the internet and St Peter will be waiting at them all at the pearly gates with a huge bag of epeen to share out." "kids? A woman let you near her? Is she a bit simple? get it all out at church. Extra jesus praising will no doubt…
I don't normally feed trolls and you are the second biggest troll on these forums, but I'll bite. I did indeed solo it. Believe me or not as I could really care less. I didn't expect to be able to and I was surprised when I finished it. The last boss is actually easy to beat with a GF if you know how to block. When he…
Nope I am talking about Cloak Tower. It took me a long time to clear it and I did die once to the boss, but in the end I beat him. I did have a cleric companion with me though (npc companion)
It's broken. A good portion of the game is still broken. Yay for closed beta testers that use it as a sneak peek instead of getting involved in the community and reporting issues!